2060N/AThe various curl NTLM tests try to LD_PRELOAD a test library
2060N/Acalled .../tests/libtest/.libs/libhostname.so that's been
2060N/Acreated as a pre-requisite to running the numerous Perl tests.
2060N/AThis patch adjusts LD_PRELOAD to be LD_PRELOAD_32 or LD_PRELOAD_64
2060N/Adepending upong whether we are running the 32 or 64 bit tests.
2060N/AAs this is Solaris specific, this patch will not be pushed upstream.
3315N/A--- tests/runtests.pl.orig 2014-09-10 12:26:52.624143266 -0700
3315N/A+++ tests/runtests.pl 2014-09-10 16:51:13.663390869 -0700
3315N/A@@ -3060,6 +3060,12 @@
2060N/A # print "Skipping LD_PRELOAD due to no release shared build\n";
2060N/A next;
2060N/A }
2060N/A+ # make this LD_PRELOAD_{bits}
2060N/A+ open(FP, "/bin/file $content |");
2060N/A+ my $bits = <FP>;
2060N/A+ if ($bits =~ /^.+ELF\s(\d\d)-bit.+$/) {
2060N/A+ $var .= '_'.$1;
2060N/A+ }
2060N/A }
2060N/A $ENV{$var} = "$content";
2060N/A }