Name Date Size

.. 2016-12-01 22:46:24 15

gss.conf 2015-09-14 23:24:09 273

mod_auth_gss.c 2016-11-07 20:19:16 14.8 KiB

mod_auth_gss.html 2015-09-14 23:24:09 6.9 KiB

README 2015-09-14 23:24:09 4.4 KiB


Instructions on testing the negotiateauth
mozilla extension with Apache.
mod_auth_gss (originally from is an
Apache module designed to provide GSSAPI authentication to the Apache
web server. Using the "Negotiate" Auth mechanism, which performs full
Kerberos authentication based on ticket exchanges and does not require
users to insert their passwords to the browser. In order to use the
Negotiate method you need a browser supporting it (currently standard IE6.0 or
Mozilla with the negotiateauth extension).
The Negotiate mechanism can be only used with Kerberos v5. The module supports
both 1.x and 2.x versions of Apache.
The use of SSL encryption is also recommended (but not required) if you are
using the Negotiate method.
Installing mod_auth_gss
* Apache server installed.
Both 1.x and 2.x series of Apache are supported (make sure the apache
installation contains the apxs command)
In Solaris - the necessary Apache 2.X libraries and headers are
usually found in /usr/apache2.
* Working C compiler.
* GSSAPI library (Solaris - /usr/lib/
1. Building the Apache module is simple.
Find the directory with the source code and Makefile for
$ make
2. Installing the Apache module requires 'root' privilege.
# cp /usr/apache2/libexec
3. Configure apache to use the new module.
Add following line to /etc/apache2/httpd.conf:
LoadModule auth_gss_module libexec/
4. Set permissions on the newly created keytab file so that only the
apache owner can read the file. For example, if the apache server
is configured to run as user "nobody":
$ chown nobody /var/apache2/http.keytab
$ chmod 400 /var/apache2/http.keytab
5. Create a directory in the apache 'htdocs' tree that will be used
to test the GSSAPI/KerberosV5 authentication.
$ mkdir /var/apache2/htdocs/krb5
6. Create a ".htaccess" file for the Kerberos directory (step 4),
it should contain the following entries:
AuthGSSServiceName HTTP
AuthGSSKeytabFile /var/apache2/http.keytab
AuthGssDebug 1
* AuthGssDebug is only needed for testing purposes, it causes extra
DEBUG level messages to be displayed in the Apache error_log file
7. Put some content in the Kerberos web directory so the tester can
verify that they accessed the page correctly.
8. Set the "AllowOverride" parameter in /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
to "All" for the Kerberos directory created in step 5.
<Location "/var/apache2/htdocs/krb5">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride All
Require valid-user
Configurating Kerberos
1. Set up Kerberos Server (if you don't already have one).
Follow basic instructions given at Search for
"Configuring Kerberos" in the
"Solaris Administration Guide: Security Services" book.
- The KDC should be a protected, standalone system. But for
internal testing purposes it may be hosted on the same system
as the Apache web server.
2. Create a Kerberos service key for the Apache server to use for
authenticating the clients. Also create a user principal testing
the browser later.
The "Negotiate" method used by IIS and IE is "HTTP/<hostname>@REALM".
To create this principal for use with the Apache module do the following:
[ As 'root', on the Apache server ]
a. /usr/sbin/kadmin
- this assumes the KDC setup procedure was followed (step 1).
b. kadmin: addprinc -randkey HTTP/<fully_qualified_host_name>
c. kadmin: ktadd -k /var/apache2/http.keytab HTTP/<fully_qualified_host_name>
d. kadmin: addprinc tester
e. kadmin: quit
Testing the 'Negotiate' plugin with mozilla:
1. The client system must be configured to use Kerberos.
Setup /etc/krb5/krb5.conf to use the KDC created earlier
2. 'kinit' to get a TGT as the "tester" principal created
above in step 2d.
$ kinit tester
( enter password )
3. Use mozilla (with 'negotiateauth' extension installed)
to access the Kerberos protected page (created above
in steps 4-6).
If the pages do not show up, its probably due to
a misconfigured Kerberos configuration on the client
or the server (or both). There is very little that
needs to be done for Mozilla or apache.