b94d7d4b3d3472197238271e200468b55c5e6102henning mueller#!/usr/bin/python2.6
3b378eef3a571df8cc27122e08f5106170cd3643henning mueller#
3b378eef3a571df8cc27122e08f5106170cd3643henning mueller# CDDL HEADER START
3b378eef3a571df8cc27122e08f5106170cd3643henning mueller#
3b378eef3a571df8cc27122e08f5106170cd3643henning mueller# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
3b378eef3a571df8cc27122e08f5106170cd3643henning mueller# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
3b378eef3a571df8cc27122e08f5106170cd3643henning mueller# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
3b378eef3a571df8cc27122e08f5106170cd3643henning mueller#
3b378eef3a571df8cc27122e08f5106170cd3643henning mueller# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
3b378eef3a571df8cc27122e08f5106170cd3643henning mueller# or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
3b378eef3a571df8cc27122e08f5106170cd3643henning mueller# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
3b378eef3a571df8cc27122e08f5106170cd3643henning mueller# and limitations under the License.
3b378eef3a571df8cc27122e08f5106170cd3643henning mueller#
3b378eef3a571df8cc27122e08f5106170cd3643henning mueller# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
3b378eef3a571df8cc27122e08f5106170cd3643henning mueller# file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
60c9fc413e77110e71b7e8c41ffbc645b4ed90b4Julian Kornberger# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
3b378eef3a571df8cc27122e08f5106170cd3643henning mueller# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
3b378eef3a571df8cc27122e08f5106170cd3643henning mueller# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
3b378eef3a571df8cc27122e08f5106170cd3643henning mueller#
3b378eef3a571df8cc27122e08f5106170cd3643henning mueller# CDDL HEADER END
b94d7d4b3d3472197238271e200468b55c5e6102henning mueller#
4b120eefd657991065fa6a686d610e60330b197aJulian Kornberger# Copyright (c) 2011, 2014, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
b94d7d4b3d3472197238271e200468b55c5e6102henning mueller#
87107747f8a51d0f07c2e2a415fcf9c494783f0fhenning mueller#
4b120eefd657991065fa6a686d610e60330b197aJulian Kornberger# userland-mangler - a file mangling utility
b94d7d4b3d3472197238271e200468b55c5e6102henning mueller#
b94d7d4b3d3472197238271e200468b55c5e6102henning mueller# A simple program to mangle files to conform to Solaris WOS or Consoldation
a0b413fc4b1537baad88bc87d0ead26045ec1b87henning mueller# requirements.
a0b413fc4b1537baad88bc87d0ead26045ec1b87henning mueller#
a0b413fc4b1537baad88bc87d0ead26045ec1b87henning mueller
a0b413fc4b1537baad88bc87d0ead26045ec1b87henning muellerimport os
a0b413fc4b1537baad88bc87d0ead26045ec1b87henning muellerimport sys
20552c0ad6be656e7eac609d4e5883a21dad2ee2Julian Kornbergerimport re
59afd84127648ee8dfdaa4a442b0fb6415a49d7chenning mueller
a0b413fc4b1537baad88bc87d0ead26045ec1b87henning muellerimport pkg.fmri
a0b413fc4b1537baad88bc87d0ead26045ec1b87henning muellerimport pkg.manifest
a0b413fc4b1537baad88bc87d0ead26045ec1b87henning muellerimport pkg.actions
a0b413fc4b1537baad88bc87d0ead26045ec1b87henning muellerimport pkg.elf as elf
a0b413fc4b1537baad88bc87d0ead26045ec1b87henning mueller
a0b413fc4b1537baad88bc87d0ead26045ec1b87henning muellerattribute_oracle_table_header = """
a0b413fc4b1537baad88bc87d0ead26045ec1b87henning mueller.\\\" Oracle has added the ARC stability level to this manual page"""
b94d7d4b3d3472197238271e200468b55c5e6102henning mueller
b94d7d4b3d3472197238271e200468b55c5e6102henning muellerattribute_table_header = """
5c3122bc6bde5ff70cc8147c32814b616e587af2henning mueller.SH ATTRIBUTES
b94d7d4b3d3472197238271e200468b55c5e6102henning muellerSee
.BR attributes (5)
for descriptions of the following attributes:
cbp-1 | cbp-1
l | l .
attribute_table_availability = """
Availability %s"""
attribute_table_stability = """
Stability %s"""
attribute_table_footer = """
def attributes_section_text(availability, stability, modified_date):
result = ''
# is there anything to do?
if availability is not None or stability is not None:
result = attribute_oracle_table_header
if modified_date is not None:
result += ("\n.\\\" on %s" % modified_date)
result += attribute_table_header
if availability is not None:
result += (attribute_table_availability % availability)
if stability is not None:
result += (attribute_table_stability % stability.capitalize())
result += attribute_table_footer
return result
notes_oracle_comment = """
.\\\" Oracle has added source availability information to this manual page"""
notes_header = """
notes_community = """
Further information about this software can be found on the open source community website at %s.
notes_source = """
This software was built from source available at https://java.net/projects/solaris-userland. The original community source was downloaded from %s
def notes_section_text(header_seen, community, source, modified_date):
result = ''
# is there anything to do?
if community is not None or source is not None:
if header_seen == False:
result += notes_header
result += notes_oracle_comment
if modified_date is not None:
result += ("\n.\\\" on %s" % modified_date)
if source is not None:
result += (notes_source % source)
if community is not None:
result += (notes_community % community)
return result
so_re = re.compile('^\.so.+$', re.MULTILINE)
section_re = re.compile('\.SH "?([^"]+).*$', re.IGNORECASE)
# mangler.man.stability = (mangler.man.stability)
# mangler.man.modified_date = (mangler.man.modified-date)
# mangler.man.availability = (pkg.fmri)
# mangler.man.source-url = (pkg.source-url)
# mangler.man.upstream-url = (pkg.upstream-url)
def mangle_manpage(manifest, action, text):
# manpages must have a taxonomy defined
stability = action.attrs.pop('mangler.man.stability', None)
if stability is None:
sys.stderr.write("ERROR: manpage action missing mangler.man.stability: %s" % action)
# manpages may have a 'modified date'
modified_date = action.attrs.pop('mangler.man.modified-date', None)
attributes_written = False
notes_seen = False
if 'pkg.fmri' in manifest.attributes:
fmri = pkg.fmri.PkgFmri(manifest.attributes['pkg.fmri'])
availability = fmri.pkg_name
community = None
if 'info.upstream-url' in manifest.attributes:
community = manifest.attributes['info.upstream-url']
source = None
if 'info.source-url' in manifest.attributes:
source = manifest.attributes['info.source-url']
elif 'info.repository-url' in manifest.attributes:
source = manifest.attributes['info.repository-url']
# skip reference only pages
if so_re.match(text) is not None:
return text
# tell man that we want tables (and eqn)
result = "'\\\" te\n"
# write the orginal data
for line in text.split('\n'):
match = section_re.match(line)
if match is not None:
section = match.group(1)
if section in ['SEE ALSO', 'NOTES']:
if attributes_written == False:
result += attributes_section_text(
attributes_written = True
if section == 'NOTES':
notes_seen = True
result += ("%s\n" % line)
if attributes_written == False:
result += attributes_section_text(availability, stability,
result += notes_section_text(notes_seen, community, source,
return result
# mangler.elf.strip = (true|false)
def mangle_elf(manifest, action, src, dest):
# mangler.script.file-magic =
def mangle_script(manifest, action, text):
return text
# mangler.strip_cddl = false
def mangle_cddl(manifest, action, text):
strip_cddl = action.attrs.pop('mangler.strip_cddl', 'true')
if strip_cddl is 'false':
return text
cddl_re = re.compile('^[^\n]*CDDL HEADER START.+CDDL HEADER END[^\n]*$',
return cddl_re.sub('', text)
def mangle_path(manifest, action, src, dest):
if elf.is_elf_object(src):
mangle_elf(manifest, action, src, dest)
# a 'text' document (script, man page, config file, ...
ifp = open(src, 'r')
text = ifp.read()
# remove the CDDL from files
result = mangle_cddl(manifest, action, text)
if 'facet.doc.man' in action.attrs:
result = mangle_manpage(manifest, action, result)
elif 'mode' in action.attrs and int(action.attrs['mode'], 8) & 0111 != 0:
result = mangle_script(manifest, action, result)
if text != result:
destdir = os.path.dirname(dest)
if not os.path.exists(destdir):
with open(dest, 'w') as ofp:
# mangler.bypass = (true|false)
def mangle_paths(manifest, search_paths, destination):
for action in manifest.gen_actions_by_type("file"):
bypass = action.attrs.pop('mangler.bypass', 'false').lower()
if bypass == 'true':
path = None
if 'path' in action.attrs:
path = action.attrs['path']
if action.hash and action.hash != 'NOHASH':
path = action.hash
if not path:
if not os.path.exists(destination):
dest = os.path.join(destination, path)
for directory in search_paths:
if directory != destination:
src = os.path.join(directory, path)
if os.path.isfile(src):
mangle_path(manifest, action, src, dest)
def mangle_manifest(manifest):
# Check for file content and remove tpno data and license actions if
# there is no content in the package that can be licensed.
manifest_has_file_content = False
for action in manifest.gen_actions_by_type("file"):
manifest_has_file_content = True
if not manifest_has_file_content:
# search for and remove 'set name=com.oracle.info.tpno ...'
for action in manifest.gen_actions_by_type("set"):
if (action.attrs["name"] == "com.oracle.info.tpno"):
for action in manifest.gen_actions_by_type("license"):
def load_manifest(manifest_file):
manifest = pkg.manifest.Manifest()
return manifest
def usage():
print "Usage: %s [-m|--manifest (file)] [-d|--search-directory (dir)] [-D|--destination (dir)] " % (sys.argv[0].split('/')[-1])
def main():
import getopt
sys.stdout = os.fdopen(sys.stdout.fileno(), 'w', 0)
search_paths = []
destination = None
manifests = []
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "D:d:m:",
["destination=", "search-directory=", "manifest="])
except getopt.GetoptError, err:
print str(err)
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt in [ "-D", "--destination" ]:
destination = arg
elif opt in [ "-d", "--search-directory" ]:
elif opt in [ "-m", "--manifest" ]:
manifest = load_manifest(arg)
except IOError, err:
print "oops, %s: %s" % (arg, str(err))
if destination == None:
for manifest in manifests:
mangle_paths(manifest, search_paths, destination)
print manifest
if __name__ == "__main__":