# check version
/usr/lib/rsyslog/rsyslogd -v
# test that rsyslog does not contain our workspace path but rather relative paths
/usr/lib/rsyslog/rsyslogd -d -n 2>&1 | grep ': source file'
# Disable native syslog, enable rsyslog
svcadm disable system/system-log:default
sleep 5
svcadm enable system/system-log:rsyslog
sleep 5
svcs -x
======================= to the end of /etc/rsyslog.conf ========================
$FileGroup openldap
*.* /var/tmp/openldap
rm -f /var/tmp/openldap
svcadm restart system/system-log:rsyslog
logger -p error "openldap"
ls -l /var/tmp/openldap
-rw-r--r-- 1 root openldap 2873 Jun 22 10:36 /var/tmp/openldap
# Make sure that the new file has 'openldap' group