This internal patch addresses an apparent Juno regression related to
Launchpad bug 1252403. It's not suitable for the upstream but a bug
report will be filed to cover the regression and eventually this patch
should be replaced with something official.
--- horizon-2015.1.2/openstack_dashboard/api/ 2015-12-12 16:12:01.520290169 -0500
+++ horizon-2015.1.2/openstack_dashboard/api/ 2015-12-12 16:14:28.179524164 -0500
@@ -431,8 +431,7 @@
in ext_net_ids)]
reachable_subnets = set([p.fixed_ips[0]['subnet_id'] for p in ports
if ((p.device_owner in
- and (p.device_id in gw_routers))])
# we have to include any shared subnets as well because we may not
# have permission to see the router interface to infer connectivity
shared = set([ for n in network_list(self.request, shared=True)