libsdp.conf 4 "20 Jun 2010"
libsdp.conf - configuration file for libsdp(3LIB)


The /etc/libsdp.conf file is the configuration file for libsdp(3LIB), and is used to select which sockets will be using SDP and which will not. There are 2 main types of statements supported by this configuration file:

"use") which defines the address family to be used for the sockets that match the line

"log") for setting logging related configuration. As the log settings takes immidiate effect we define these at the beggining of the file.

Get errors printed into the files /tmp/libsdp.log.<uid> or /var/log/<filename> for root:

log min-level 9 destination file libsdp.log
By default we let all servers and client try SDP first. to exclude SDP add "use tcp" rules before these defaults.
use both server * *:*
use both client * *:*
The log directive allows the user to specify which and where debug and error messages get sent. The log statement format is:
log [destination stderr|syslog|file <filename>] [min-level <1-9>]

The fields are defined as follows:


defines the destination of the log messages:

5 "stderr") messages will be forwarded to the stderr

5 "syslog") messages sent to the syslog service

5 "file <filename>") messages will be written to the file /var/log/<filename> for root. for regular user, if full path is requsted <filename with path>.<uid> or /tmp/<filename>.<uid> if no path is requested


defines the verbosity of the log:

5 \9) only errors are printed

5 \8) warnings

5 \7) connect and listen summary (useful for tracking SDP usage)

5 \4) positive match summary (useful for config file debug)

5 \3) negative match summary (useful for config file debug)

5 \2) function calls and return values

5 \1) debug messages

The socket control statements allows the user to specify when libsdp will replace AF_INET_SDP/SOCK_STREAM sockets with AF_SDP/SOCK_STREAM sockets. Each control statement specifies a matching rule that all its subexpressions must evaluate as true (logical and) to apply.

The statements that control which type of sockets to open are made of the following:

use <address-family> <role> <program name> <address|*>:<port range|*>



can be one of:

5 "sdp") for specifying when an SDP should be used

5 "tcp") for specifying when SDP socket should not be matched

5 "both") for specifying when both SDP and AF_INET sockets should be used.

Note: that "both" semantics is different between "server" and "client" roles: For a "server" is means that the server will be listening on both sdp and tcp For a "client" the connect will prefer using sdp but will silently fall back to tcp if the sdp connection failed.


can be one of:

5 "server" or "listen") for defining the listening port address family

5 "client" or "connect") for defining the connected port address family


Defines the program name (not including the path) the rule applies to. Wildcards with same semantics as "ls" are supported (* and ?). So db2* would match on any program with a name starting with db2. t?cp would match on ttcp, etc. If not provided (default) the statement matches all programs.


Either the local address the server is bound to or the remote server address the client connects to. Syntax for address matching is:

<IPv4 address>[/<prefix_length>]|*

IPv4 address = [0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+ each sub number < 255

prefix_length = [0-9]+ and with value <= 32. A prefix_length of 24 matches the subnet mask . A prefix_length of 32 requires matching of the exact IP.

<port range>

start-port[-end-port] where port numbers are >0 and < 65536

Rules are evaluated in order of definition. So the first match wins. If no match is made libsdp will default to "both".



1 Example 1: Get SDP usage per connect and listen into stderr log min-level 7 destination stderr

1 Example 2: Send errors only into syslog log min-level 9 destination syslog


1 Example 1: Use SDP by clients connecting to machines that belongs to subnet 192.168.1.*

# family role program address:port[-range]
use sdp connect **

1 Example 2: Use SDP by ttcp when it connects to port 5001 of any machine

# family role program address:port[-range]
use sdp listen ttcp *:5001

1 Example 3: Use TCP for any program with name starting with ttcp* serving ports 22 to 25

# family role program address:port[-range]
use tcp server ttcp* *:22-25

1 Example 4: Listen on both TCP and SDP by any server that listen on port 8080

# family role program address:port[-range]
use both server * *:8080

1 Example 5: Connect ssh through SDP and fallback to TCP to hosts on 11.4.8.* port 22

# family role program address:port[-range]
use both connect *

NOTE: If all "use" rules are commented SDP will take "simple SDP" mode and use SDP for all connections


libsdp(3LIB), attributes(5)