* Copyright (c) 2003, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* U.S. Government Rights - Commercial software. Government users are subject
* to the Sun Microsystems, Inc. standard license agreement and applicable
* provisions of the FAR and its supplements.
* This distribution may include materials developed by third parties. Sun,
* Sun Microsystems, the Sun logo and Solaris are trademarks or registered
* trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries.
#if !defined(lint) && !defined(NOID)
#pragma ident "@(#)asn1.h 2.17 00/07/17 SMI"
** Sun considers its source code as an unpublished, proprietary trade
** secret, and it is available only under strict license provisions.
** This copyright notice is placed here only to protect Sun in the event
** the source is deemed a published work. Disassembly, decompilation,
** or other means of reducing the object code to human readable form is
** prohibited by the license agreement under which this code is provided
** to the user or company in possession of this copy.
** RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the
** Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph
** (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software
** clause at DFARS 52.227-7013 and in similar clauses in the FAR and
** NASA FAR Supplement.
* Copyright (c) 1986, 1988 Epilogue Technology Corporation
* All rights reserved.
* This is unpublished proprietary source code of Epilogue Technology
* Corporation.
* The copyright notice above does not evidence any actual or intended
* publication of such source code.
/* $Header: /net/bigblock.east/files5/SMA_CVS/sun/agent/modules/seaExtensions/asn1.h,v 1.3 2003/08/12 21:14:53 rr144420 Exp $ */
* $Log: asn1.h,v $
* Revision 1.3 2003/08/12 21:14:53 rr144420
* 4895376 - correct Sun copyright statements. Cannot use (c), and must use Copyright Copyright in makefiles
* Revision 1.2 2003/08/08 15:39:52 pcarroll
* 4895376 - The copyright statement in the demo* codes do not look right
* Revision 1.1 2003/07/28 17:59:15 dporter
* 4892877 - Need SMA Agent to implement sun extensions found in SEA sun.mib
* Rev 2.0 31 Mar 1990 15:11:26
* Release 2.00
* Rev 1.1 14 Dec 1989 16:01:16
* Added support for Borland Turbo C compiler
* Rev 1.0 12 Sep 1988 10:46:12
* Initial revision.
#if (!defined(asn1_inc))
#define asn1_inc
If necessary adjust the following to match the compiler being used.
typedef long INT_32_T;
typedef unsigned long UINT_32_T;
typedef short int INT_16_T;
typedef unsigned short UINT_16_T;
typedef unsigned char UINT_8_T;
typedef unsigned char OCTET_T ;
/* SNMP ASN.1 tags and lengths can always fit into 16 bits... */
typedef unsigned short ATVALUE_T; /* ASN.1 type values */
typedef unsigned short ALENGTH_T; /* ASN.1 contents field lengths */
#define OCTETS_PER_INT32 (sizeof(INT_32_T)/sizeof(OCTET_T))
#define OCTETS_PER_INT16 (sizeof(INT_16_T)/sizeof(OCTET_T))
/* Allow the components of an object identifer to be either 16 or 32-bits */
/* 16-bit is default, define OIDC_32 to switch to 32-bits. */
#if defined(OIDC_32)
typedef unsigned long OIDC_T;
typedef unsigned short OIDC_T;
#endif /* OIDC_32 */
/* ASN.1 FLAGS (form and class), adjusted for position within an octet */
#define A_IDCF_MASK 0xE0 /* Mask for ID CLASS and FORM bits */
#define A_IDC_MASK 0xC0 /* Mask for ID CLASS bits */
#define A_IDF_MASK 0x20 /* Mask for ID FORM bit */
#define A_FLAG_MASK 0xE0
#define A_UNIVERSAL 0x00
#define A_APPLICATION 0x40
#define A_CONTEXT 0x80
#define A_PRIVATE 0xC0
#define A_PRIMITIVE 0x00
#define A_CONSTRUCTOR 0x20
/* ASN.1 basic types, all in UNIVERSAL scope */
#define A_NO_ID 0x00
#define A_BOOLEAN 0x01
#define A_INTEGER 0x02
#define A_BITSTRING 0x03
#define A_OCTETSTRING 0x04
#define A_NULL 0x05
#define A_OBJECTID 0x06
#define A_SEQUENCE 0x10
#define A_SET 0x11
/* ASN.1 defined types, all based on OCTETSTRING */
#define A_NUMERICSTRING 0x12
#define A_T61STRING 0x14
#define A_IA5STRING 0x16
#define A_GRAPHICSTRING 0x19
/* Other ASN.1 defined universal types */
#define A_UTCTIME 0x17
NAME: A_SizeOfLength
PURPOSE: Compute the number of octets needed to hold an ASN.1 length field.
ALENGTH_T The proposed length
RETURNS: ALENGTH_T The number of octets needed
#define A_SizeOfLength(S) ((ALENGTH_T)((S) <= 127 ? 1 : ((S) <= 255 ? 2 : 3)))
NAME: A_SizeOfType
PURPOSE: Compute the number of octets needed to hold an ASN.1 type field
ATVALUE_T The proposed type (without CLASS & FORM bits)
RETURNS: unsigned int The number of octets needed
#define A_SizeOfType(V) ((unsigned int) ((V) <= 30 ? 1 : \
((V) <= 127 ? 2 : ((V) <= 16383 ? 3 : 4))))
A_SizeOfOctetString -- Return total size that an octet string would
occupy when ASN.1 encoded (tag and length fields
are NOT included)
ALENGTH_T The size of the string
Returns: ALENGTH_T Number of octets the octet string would occupy if
in ASN.1 encoding, NOT including the type/length fields
of the outermost wrapper. Since these routines only
generate non-constructor encodings, the length is
exactly that given.
#define A_SizeOfOctetString(L) ((ALENGTH_T)(L))
/* The following structure is used to internally hold an object identifier */
/* Each component is limited in range from 0 to 64K-1. */
typedef struct OBJ_ID_S
int num_components; /* # of object id components */
/* Note: this is the number of */
/* components in the object id, */
/* which is one more than the # */
/* of subidentifiers in an */
/* encoded object id. */
OIDC_T *component_list;
#endif /* asn1_inc */