4139N/AThis is the documentation for Jansson_ |release|, last updated |today|.
4139N/AJansson_ is a C library for encoding, decoding and manipulating JSON
4139N/Adata. Its main features and design principles are:
4139N/A- Simple and intuitive API and data model
4139N/A- Comprehensive documentation
4139N/A- No dependencies on other libraries
4139N/A- Full Unicode support (UTF-8)
4139N/AJansson is licensed under the `MIT license`_; see LICENSE in the
4139N/Asource distribution for details.
4139N/AJansson is used in production and its API is stable. It works on
4139N/Anumerous platforms, including numerous Unix like systems and Windows.
4139N/AIt's suitable for use on any system, including desktop, server, and