SUNWxscreensaver.spec revision 18796
# spec file for xscreensaver packages
# SVR4 names: pkg(5)/IPS names:
# SUNWxscreensaver desktop/xscreensaver
# SUNWxscreensaver-hacks desktop/xscreensaver/hacks
# SUNWxscreensaver-hacks-gl desktop/xscreensaver/hacks/hacks-gl
# SUNWrss-glx desktop/xscreensaver/hacks/rss-glx
# includes module(s): xscreensaver, rss-glx
# Copyright (c) 2009, 2010, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# This file and all modifications and additions to the pristine
# packages are under the same license as the packages themselves.
%define owner alanc
%define OSR 12732:5.0.1
%define src_name xscreensaver
%define src_version 5.11
%define src_url
%define src_dir %{src_name}-%{src_version}
%define pkg5_name_base desktop/xscreensaver
%define pkg5_name_hacks desktop/xscreensaver/hacks
%define pkg5_name_hacks_gl desktop/xscreensaver/hacks/hacks-gl
%define pkg5_name_hacks_rss desktop/xscreensaver/hacks/rss-glx
%{?sf_download:#}%define sf_download
%define rss_name rss-glx
%define rss_version 0.9.0
%define rss_url %{sf_download}/rss-glx
%define rss_dir %{rss_name}_%{rss_version}
%define rss_OSR 4342:0.8.1
%define app_defaults_dir %{_datadir}/X11/app-defaults
%define xss_libdir %{_libdir}/xscreensaver
Name: SUNWxscreensaver
IPS_package_name: %{pkg5_name_base}
Meta(info.classification): %{classification_prefix}:System/X11
Summary: XScreenSaver - Screen Saver/Locker for the X Window System
SUNW_Desc: XScreenSaver is two things: it is both a large collection of screen savers (distributed in the "hacks" packages) and it is also the framework for blanking and locking the screen (this package).
Version: %{src_version}
Vendor: XScreenSaver Community
SUNW_BaseDir: %{_basedir}
SUNW_Copyright: %{name}.copyright
License: MIT
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{src_version}-build
Source: %{src_url}/%{src_dir}.tar.gz
Source1: %{rss_url}/%{rss_dir}.tar.bz2
Source2: xscreensaver-opensolaris-logo.png
%if %option_with_sun_branding
Source3: solaris-lockscreen-logos-1.0.tar.bz2
Source5: %{src_name}-po-sun-%{po_sun_version}.tar.bz2
# date:2008-12-15 owner:alanc type:bug bugster:6785377
Patch1: xscreensaver-01-intltool.diff
# date:2006-05-10 owner:alanc type:branding bugster:6526791
# date:2006-05-10 owner:alanc type:branding,l10n
Patch3: xscreensaver-03-GNOME-desktop.diff
# date:2006-05-10 owner:alanc type:branding bugster:6770336
Patch4: xscreensaver-04-solaris-paths.diff
# date:2006-05-10 owner:alanc type:branding
Patch5: xscreensaver-05-dont-bug-jwz.diff
# date:2006-05-10 owner:alanc type:feature
# bugster:6735203,6673036,6484604,6673036,6670025,6611183,6478362,6417168
# bugster:6346056,6308859,6269444,6182506,6237901,5039878,6178584,5039876
# bugster:5077993,5077989,5079870,4931584,5039876,5059445,4782515,4783832
# bugster:6845751,5083155,6176524,6541240,6839026,6825374,6769901,6857559
# bugster:6475285,6670659
Patch6: xscreensaver-06-gtk-lock.diff
# date:2006-05-10 owner:ma54148 type:feature bugster:4849641
Patch7: xscreensaver-07-allow-root.diff
# date:2006-05-10 owner:alanc type:feature bugster:5077981,6176524
Patch8: xscreensaver-08-passwdTimeout-pref.diff
# date:2006-05-10 owner:alanc type:feature bugster:5077966,6836372
Patch9: xscreensaver-09-xinput.diff
# date:2006-05-10 owner:alanc type:l10n bugster:6203951
Patch10: xscreensaver-10-i18n.diff
# date:2006-05-10 owner:alanc type:feature
Patch11: xscreensaver-11-dpms.diff
# date:2006-05-10 owner:alanc type:bug bugster:4832530
Patch12: xscreensaver-12-gl-error-capture.diff
# date:2006-05-10 owner:johnfisc type:feature
# bugster:6673036,6451477,6698996,6845488,6845488
Patch13: xscreensaver-13-trusted.diff
# date:2006-06-07 owner:ma54148 type:feature
# bugster:5015296,6417168,6654320
Patch14: xscreensaver-14-pam_audit.diff
# date:2006-08-09 owner:alanc type:branding
%if %option_with_sun_branding
Patch15: xscreensaver-15-Sun-colors.diff
Patch15: xscreensaver-15-OpenSolaris-colors.diff
# date:2006-08-09 owner:alanc type:branding
Patch16: xscreensaver-16-barcode-hack.diff
# date:2006-08-09 owner:alanc type:branding
Patch17: xscreensaver-17-glsnake.diff
# date:2006-11-20 owner:samlau type:feature bugster:6461887,6395649,6520014,6736157,6573182
Patch18: xscreensaver-18-bug-6461887.diff
# date:2008-01-03 owner:samlau type:bug bugster:6610282
Patch20: xscreensaver-20-bug-6610282.diff
# date:2008-02-11 owner:uejio type:bug bugster:6583181
Patch21: xscreensaver-21-bug-6583181.diff
# date:2008-02-27 owner:ma54148 type:bug bugster:6585644
Patch22: xscreensaver-22-notice_events.diff
# date:2008-06-03 owner:uejio type:bug bugster:6583247
Patch23: xscreensaver-23-bug-6583247.diff
# date:2009-02-05 owner:alanc type:bug bugster:4802301
Patch24: xscreensaver-24-bug-4802301.diff
# date:2009-07-31 owner:bp230705 type:bug bugster:6859039
Patch25: xscreensaver-25-bug-6859039.diff
# date:2010-05-26 owner:john.fischer & arvind.umrao type:bug bugster:6757448,6924996
Patch26: xscreensaver-26-bug-xrandr.diff
# date:2008-03-07 owner:alanc type:branding
Patch101: rss-glx-101-matrixview.diff
# date:2008-03-07 owner:alanc type:branding
Patch102: rss-glx-102-install-util.diff
Requires: SUNWcslr
Requires: SUNWglib2
Requires: SUNWgnome-a11y-libs
Requires: SUNWgnome-component
Requires: SUNWgnome-config
Requires: SUNWgtk2
Requires: SUNWlibatk
Requires: SUNWlibglade
Requires: SUNWlibmsr
Requires: SUNWlxmlr
Requires: SUNWpango
Requires: SUNWperl584core
Requires: SUNWxwplt
Requires: SUNWxorg-clientlibs
BuildRequires: SUNWarc
BuildRequires: SUNWbtool
BuildRequires: SUNWhea
BuildRequires: SUNWggrp
BuildRequires: SUNWglib2-devel
BuildRequires: SUNWgnome-a11y-libs-devel
BuildRequires: SUNWgnome-component-devel
BuildRequires: SUNWgnome-common-devel
BuildRequires: SUNWgnome-config-devel
BuildRequires: SUNWgtk2-devel
BuildRequires: SUNWlibatk-devel
BuildRequires: SUNWlibglade-devel
BuildRequires: SUNWlxml-devel
BuildRequires: SUNWpango-devel
BuildRequires: SUNWtoo
BuildRequires: SUNWxwinc
%package hacks
IPS_package_name: %{pkg5_name_hacks}
Meta(info.classification): %{classification_prefix}:System/X11
Summary: XScreenSaver - display mode modules
SUNW_Desc: Modules that provide different display modes (hacks) for XScreenSaver
SUNW_BaseDir: %{_basedir}
SUNW_Copyright: %{name}-hacks.copyright
# Need to have the 10.0 first so our version number is higher than
# the 6.9.0 version number used when delivered from X gate
Version: 10.0%{src_version}
Requires: %{name}
Requires: SUNWcslr
Requires: SUNWglib2
Requires: SUNWgtk2
Requires: SUNWlibmsr
Requires: SUNWxwplt
%package hacks-gl
IPS_package_name: %{pkg5_name_hacks_gl}
Meta(info.classification): %{classification_prefix}:System/X11
Summary: XScreenSaver - OpenGL display mode modules
SUNW_Desc: Modules that provide different OpenGL-based display modes (hacks) for the screen saver
SUNW_BaseDir: %{_basedir}
SUNW_Copyright: %{name}-hacks-gl.copyright
License: MIT, GPL v2
# Need to have the 10.0 first so our version number is higher than
# the 6.9.0 version number used when delivered from X gate
Version: 10.0%{src_version}
Requires: %{name}
Requires: SUNWcslr
Requires: SUNWglib2
Requires: SUNWgtk2
Requires: SUNWlibmsr
Requires: SUNWxwplr
Requires: SUNWxwplt
Requires: SUNWxorg-mesa
%define opengl_dir /usr
%package -n SUNWrss-glx
IPS_package_name: %{pkg5_name_hacks_rss}
Meta(info.classification): %{classification_prefix}:System/X11
Summary: XScreenSaver - Really Slick ScreenSaver OpenGL display modules
SUNW_Desc: Modules that provide additional OpenGL-based display modes (hacks) for XScreenSaver
SUNW_BaseDir: %{_basedir}
SUNW_Copyright: SUNWrss-glx.copyright
License: GPL v2
Version: %{rss_version}
Requires: %{name}
Requires: SUNWbzip
Requires: SUNWcslr
Requires: SUNWimagick
Requires: SUNWlibC
Requires: SUNWlibmsr
Requires: SUNWxwplr
Requires: SUNWxwplt
Requires: SUNWxorg-mesa
%if %build_l10n
%package l10n
Summary: XScreenSaver - l10n content
SUNW_BaseDir: %{_basedir}
Requires: %{name}
%setup -q -n %{src_dir}
%if %build_l10n
bzcat %SOURCE5 | tar xf -
cd po-sun; make; cd ..
%patch1 -p1
%patch2 -p1
%patch3 -p1
%patch4 -p1
%patch5 -p1
%patch6 -p1
%patch7 -p1
%patch8 -p1
%patch9 -p1
%patch10 -p1
%patch11 -p1
%patch12 -p1
%patch13 -p1
%patch14 -p1
%patch15 -p1
%patch16 -p1
%patch17 -p1
%patch18 -p1
%patch20 -p1
%patch21 -p1
%patch22 -p1
%patch23 -p1
%patch24 -p1
%patch25 -p1
%patch26 -p1
chmod a+x install-sh configure
cp %SOURCE2 driver/opensolaris-logo.png
%if %option_with_sun_branding
bzcat %SOURCE3 | tar xf -
mv solaris-lockscreen-logos/unlock-logo.png driver/unlock-logo.png
mv solaris-lockscreen-logos/trusted-logo.png driver/trusted-logo.png
ln -s opensolaris-logo.png driver/unlock-logo.png
ln -s opensolaris-logo.png driver/trusted-logo.png
# Adjust man pages to Solaris standards:
# - add paths to synopsis
# - add attributes section to end with package info & stability
%define suntouch_manpages_cmd /usr/perl5/bin/perl %SOURCE4
%{suntouch_manpages_cmd} \
-a '{Availability, %{pkg5_name_base}}' \
-a '{Interface Stability, Volatile}' \
-p %{_prefix}/bin/ \
driver/ \
driver/ \
%{suntouch_manpages_cmd} \
-a '{Availability, %{pkg5_name_base}}' \
-a '{Interface Stability, Private}' \
-p %{xss_libdir}/bin/ \
driver/xscreensaver-get*.man \
%{suntouch_manpages_cmd} \
-a '{Availability, %{pkg5_name_hacks}}' \
-a '{Interface Stability, Private}' \
-p %{xss_libdir}/hacks/ \
%{suntouch_manpages_cmd} \
-a '{Availability, %{pkg5_name_hacks_gl}}' \
-a '{Interface Stability, Private}' \
-p %{xss_libdir}/hacks/ \
%setup1 -q -n %{rss_name}_%{rss_version}
%patch101 -p1
%patch102 -p1
%{suntouch_manpages_cmd} \
-a '{Availability, %{pkg5_name_hacks_rss}}' \
-a '{Interface Stability, Private}' \
-p %{xss_libdir}/hacks/ \
# Clear pictures we don't want in build
rm -f src/matrixview_textures/cpics
touch src/matrixview_textures/cpics
CPUS=$(/usr/sbin/psrinfo | grep -c on-line)
if test "x${CPUS}" = "x" -o ${CPUS} = 0; then
# Mapfile flags copied from X - these are generically good for all libraries
# and applications and should probably move to in the future.
# See the comments in each mapfile for a description of what it does.
# Mark the stack and as much of heap/data as possible non-executable,
# so that it's harder for attackers to exploit buffer overflows
# SPARC architecture requires PLT section in .data be executable, so
# we can only make .bss, not all of .data no-exec on SPARC
%define mapfile_noexbss -Wl,-M,/usr/lib/ld/map.noexbss
%ifarch sparc
%define mapfile_noexdata %{mapfile_noexbss}
%define mapfile_noexdata -Wl,-M,/usr/lib/ld/map.noexdata
%define mapfile_noexstack -Wl,-M,/usr/lib/ld/map.noexstk
# Alignment directives for more efficient memory/page mappings
%define mapfile_pagealign -Wl,-M,/usr/lib/ld/map.pagealign
%define mapfile_heapalign -Wl,-M,/usr/lib/ld/map.bssalign
# Flags useful for libraries, shared objects, and programs
%define mapfiles_for_all %{mapfile_pagealign} %{mapfile_noexdata}
# Flags only useful for programs, not libraries/shared objects
%define mapfiles_for_progs %{mapfile_heapalign} %{mapfile_noexstack} %{mapfile_noexbss}
# XScreenSaver
export PATH=/usr/perl5/bin:${PATH}
export PERL=/usr/perl5/bin/perl
export XGETTEXT=/usr/gnu/bin/xgettext
export GNOME_DATADIR='%{xss_libdir}/config'
export GLADE_DATADIR='%{xss_libdir}/config'
cd %{_builddir}/%{src_dir}
# Force building with mesa headers & libraries to make sure we build the
# same on all systems, whether or not proprietary GL from Sun or nVidia is
# also installed and don't end up accidentally depending on those.
# Unfortunately, xscreensaver is hardcoded to use <GL/gl.h> style paths,
# so we create local install path to work around that.
mkdir -p mesa/GL
ln -s /usr/include/mesa/*.h mesa/GL
%define mesa_includes -I%{_builddir}/%{src_dir}/mesa
%define mesa_libpath -L/usr/lib/mesa
# Additional optimization flags, to make the hacks show off the hardware
# better and because for just a screensaver display we can get away with
# using optimizations that may change strict correctness of floating point ops.
%if %cc_is_gcc
%define extra_opt_flags -funsafe-math-optimizations
%define extra_opt_flags -fsimple=2 -nofstore -xlibmil -xprefetch
export CFLAGS="-v %optflags %extra_opt_flags %mesa_includes"
export CXXFLAGS="+w2 %cxx_optflags %extra_opt_flags %mesa_includes"
export LDFLAGS="%mesa_libpath %_ldflags %mapfiles_for_all %mapfiles_for_progs"
# Several patches change & files, so autoreconf
autoreconf -v --install --force
./configure --enable-maintainer-mode \
--with-gnome --enable-gtk-doc --with-gtk2=/usr --with-pixbuf=/usr \
--enable-locking --with-pam=/usr --without-shadow --without-kerberos \
--with-dpms --enable-dpms --disable-screengrab --enable-root-passwd \
--with-gl=%{opengl_dir} --without-motif --with-jpeg=/usr \
--prefix=%{_prefix} \
--datadir=%{_datadir} \
--mandir=%{_mandir} \
--localstatedir=%{_localstatedir} \
--libexecdir=%{xss_libdir}/bin \
--with-hackdir=%{xss_libdir}/hacks \
--with-configdir=%{xss_libdir}/config/control-center-2.0 \
--with-image-directory=%{_datadir}/pixmaps/backgrounds \
--with-text-file=/etc/motd \
# Update to pick up our added sources like lock-Gtk.c
cd po
make generate_potfiles_in -o Makefile
make POTFILES -o Makefile
# FIXME: hack, add "-o Makefile" to avoid looping.
make generate_potfiles_in POTFILES xscreensaver.pot -o Makefile
cd %{_builddir}/%{src_dir}
# FIXME: hack: stop the build from looping
touch po/stamp-it
# RSS-GLX hacks
cd %{_builddir}/%{rss_dir}
./configure \
--disable-sound \
--prefix=%{xss_libdir} \
--bindir='$(prefix)/hacks' \
--localstatedir=%{_localstatedir} \
--mandir=%{_mandir} \
--with-configdir=%{xss_libdir}/config/control-center-2.0 \
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
cd %{_builddir}/%{src_dir}
chmod a+x install-sh intltool-*
make -e install_prefix=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} SHELL=/bin/bash install
cp -pf driver/*-logo.png ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{xss_libdir}/config/
cp -pf utils/images/logo-180.gif ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{xss_libdir}/config/
mv ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_bindir}/xscreensaver-get* \
${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_bindir}/xscreensaver-text \
# Remove hacks we've chosen not to ship at all for various reasons
REMOVED_HACKS="extrusion flyingtoasters ljlatest sonar webcollage"
for h in ${REMOVED_HACKS} ; do
rm -f ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{xss_libdir}/hacks/${h} \
${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_mandir}/man6/${h}.6 \
rm -f ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{xss_libdir}/hacks/webcollage-helper
cd %{_builddir}/%{rss_dir}
make install DESTDIR=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
# Move rss-glx man pages to section 6 (games/amusements) to match xscreensaver
for m in */*.1 ; do
mv ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_mandir}/man1/$(basename $m) \
${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_mandir}/man6/$(basename $m .1).6 ; \
# Don't need to ship static libraries in the package
rm ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{xss_libdir}/lib/lib*.a \
rmdir ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{xss_libdir}/lib
# Run script to add rss-glx hacks to XScreenSaver app-defaults, then delete it
${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{xss_libdir}/hacks/ \
chmod 0444 ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{app_defaults_dir}/XScreenSaver
rm ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{xss_libdir}/hacks/
# Make compatibility links for SUNWxscreensaver
install -m 755 -d usr/X11
install -m 755 -d usr/X11/bin
ln -s ../../bin/xscreensaver \
../../bin/xscreensaver-command \
../../bin/xscreensaver-demo \
install -m 755 -d usr/X11/lib
ln -s ../../lib/xscreensaver usr/X11/lib
install -m 755 -d usr/X11/lib/X11/app-defaults
ln -s ../../../../share/X11/app-defaults/XScreenSaver \
# This function prints a list of things that get installed.
# It does this by parsing the output of a dummy run of "make install".
# Borrowed/modified from Fedora Project RPM for xscreensaver at
list_files() {
echo '%%defattr(-,root,bin)'
echo '%%dir %%attr(0755, root, bin) %%{xss_libdir}'
echo '%%dir %%attr(0755, root, bin) %%{xss_libdir}/hacks'
echo '%%dir %%attr(0755, root, bin) %%{xss_libdir}/config/control-center-2.0'
echo '%%dir %%attr(0755, root, sys) %%{_datadir}'
echo '%%dir %%attr(0755, root, bin) %%{_mandir}'
echo '%%dir %%attr(0755, root, bin) %%{_mandir}/man6'
REMOVED_LIST=$(echo ${REMOVED_HACKS} | tr ' ' '\n')
make -s INSTALL=true SHELL=/bin/bash DESTDIR=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} "$@" \
| tr -d "'" \
| grep -v -w -e "${REMOVED_LIST}" \
| sed -n -e 's@.* \(/[^ ]*\)$@\1@p' \
| sed -e "s@^${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}@@" \
-e "s@/[a-z][a-z]*/\.\./@/@" \
-e 's@/man1/\(.*\)\.1$@/man6/\1.6@' \
-e 's@\(.*/man/.*\)@%%doc \1@' \
| sort -u
# Make sure that there were at least some files found
check_list() {
grep -v -q '%%' "$@" || {
echo ERROR: no hacks found in $@
exit 1
# Make lists of which hacks go into which addon package
cd %{_builddir}/%{src_dir}
(cd hacks ; list_files install ) > hacks.files
check_list hacks.files
(cd hacks/glx ; list_files install ) > hacks-gl.files
check_list hacks-gl.files
cd %{_builddir}/%{rss_dir}
(cd src ; list_files install-data-am install-exec-am ) > rss-glx.files
check_list rss-glx.files
%if %build_l10n
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}%{_datadir}/locale
%{?pkgbuild_postprocess: %pkgbuild_postprocess -v -s -c "%{version}:%{jds_version}:%{name}:$RPM_ARCH:%(date +%%Y-%%m-%%d):%{support_level}" $RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
rm -rf ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
%defattr (-, root, bin)
%dir %attr(0755, root, bin) %{_bindir}
# xscreensaver must be setuid root in order to do PAM authentication
%attr (4555, root, bin) %{_bindir}/xscreensaver
%dir %attr(0755, root, bin) %{_libdir}
%dir %attr(0755, root, bin) %{xss_libdir}
%dir %attr(0755, root, bin) %{xss_libdir}/bin
%dir %attr(0755, root, bin) %{xss_libdir}/config
%dir %attr(0755, root, bin) %{xss_libdir}/config/control-center-2.0
%doc %{xss_libdir}/config/control-center-2.0/README
%dir %attr(0755, root, bin) %{_mandir}
%dir %attr(0755, root, bin) %{_mandir}/man1
%dir %attr(0755, root, sys) %{_datadir}
%dir %attr(0755, root, bin) %{_datadir}/X11
%dir %attr(0755, root, bin) %{app_defaults_dir}
%dir %attr(0755, root, other) %{_datadir}/applications
%dir %attr(0755, root, other) %{_datadir}/pixmaps
# compatibility links for old /usr/X11 paths
%define x11_dir /usr/X11
%dir %attr(0755, root, bin) %{x11_dir}
%dir %attr(0755, root, bin) %{x11_dir}/bin
%dir %attr(0755, root, bin) %{x11_dir}/lib
%dir %attr(0755, root, bin) %{x11_dir}/lib/X11
%dir %attr(0755, root, bin) %{x11_dir}/lib/X11/app-defaults
%files -f hacks.files hacks
%files -f hacks-gl.files hacks-gl
%files -f ../%{rss_dir}/rss-glx.files -n SUNWrss-glx
%if %build_l10n
%files l10n
%defattr (-, root, bin)
%dir %attr (0755, root, sys) /usr/share
%attr (-, root, other) /usr/share/locale
* Thu May 27 2010 -
- Fixed prompting for new password when a users password is expired.
- Improve appearance of unlock dialog
* Wed May 26 2010 -
- Merge patches 18 & 19
- Move %descriptions to SUNW_Desc in spec file
- Make code more readable/maintainable by cleaning up comments,
making formatting & indentation consistent.
- Fix some copyright dates based on history from X gate
- Change a few more #ifdef sun to #ifdef __sun for consistency.
* Wed May 26 2010 - arvind.umrao
- Added patch xscreensaver-26-bug-xrandr.diff for bug bugster:6757448,6924996
* Tue May 25 2010 -
- Bump to 5.11. Remove upstream patches. Merge several patches so that
patches do not apply on top of other patches so much. Cleanup.
* Fri Mar 12 2010 -
- Remove obsolete SUNWxwsvr (only had /usr/openwin->X11 symlinks that
are not needed on IPS-installed machines)
* Mon Mar 1 2010 -
- Use new IPS package names in man page attributes setting in .spec file
and in hacks packages message in xscreensaver-05-solaris-paths.diff
- Fix in
* Mon Feb 15 2010 -
- Add xscreensaver-53-bug-6924996.diff to fix CR#6924996
* Thu Feb 04 2010 -
- Add po-sun translations.
* Tue Jan 26 2010 -
- Mark SUNWxwsvr as Nevada only package.
* Thu Dec 31 2009 -
- 6865652: Add xscreensaver-50-bug-6865652.diff to disable restart, kill options in xscreensaver-demo in trusted solaris
- 6832923: Add xscreensaver-52-bug-6832923.diff to prevent xscreensaver from crashing in sunray.
* Wed Dec 23 2009 -
- Move app-defaults file to /usr/share/X11/app-defaults
- Build against mesa headers/libraries on both SPARC & x86 now that
SUNWxorg-mesa is delivered on SPARC in snv_130
- Report error if none of the GL hacks were built instead of quietly
building empty packages for them
* Tue Dec 22 2009 -
- Add xscreensaver-51-dpms-headers.diff to build with snv_130 X headers
- Use /usr/lib/ld/map.noexbss now that it's shipped in snv_125 & later
builds (CR 6843010)
* Mon Oct 19 2009 -
- Change default DPMS settings to match Xorg 1.7 defaults (10 minutes)
- Merge
- Fix patch 9 & 22 to apply cleanly to the new patch 3 results
* Wed Sep 23 2009 -
- Move files from /usr/X11 to /usr (PSARC 2009/482)
* Thu Sep 10 2009 -
- Add xscreensaver-47-bug-6859039.diff to fix 6839026
* Mon Aug 24 2009 -
- 6875124 Broken link in package SUNWxwsvr
* Mon Aug 17 2009 -
- Add more BuildRequires
* Thu Aug 13 2009 -
- Add Vendor & License tags
* Fri Jul 31 2009 -
- forward port xscreensaver-47-bug-6859039.diff from new X gate putback
* Thu Jul 30 2009 -
- move Solaris branding logos to solaris-lockscreen-logos-1.0.tar.bz2
* Fri Jul 24 2009 -
- rename patches from *.patch to *.diff
* Fri Jul 17 2009 -
- initial version (moved from X gate)