10139N/A# spec file for package SUNWevolution-libs
12531N/A# includes module(s): gtkhtml
10139N/A# Copyright (c) 2004 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
10139N/A# This file and all modifications and additions to the pristine
10139N/A# package are under the same license as the package itself.
17185N/A%define owner jefftsai
10139N/A%include Solaris.inc
10139N/A%use gtkhtml = gtkhtml.spec
10139N/AName: SUNWevolution-libs
19093N/ALicense: GPL v2, LGPL v2
18688N/AIPS_package_name: library/desktop/gtkhtml
18688N/AMeta(info.classification): %{classification_prefix}:Applications/Internet
10139N/ASummary: Evolution Email and Calendar - support libraries
19013N/AVersion: %{gtkhtml.version}
10139N/ASUNW_Category: EVO25,%{default_category}
10139N/ASUNW_BaseDir: %{_basedir}
10139N/ABuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
10139N/A%include default-depend.inc
20857N/A%include gnome-incorporation.inc
13678N/ASource1: %{name}-manpages-0.1.tar.gz
16401N/ARequires: SUNWlibgnomecanvas
10139N/ARequires: SUNWgnome-config
10139N/ARequires: SUNWlxml
10139N/ARequires: SUNWzlib
10139N/ARequires: SUNWgnutls
10139N/ARequires: SUNWgnome-component
10139N/ARequires: SUNWgnome-libs
10139N/ARequires: SUNWlibgcrypt
10139N/ARequires: SUNWlibms
17840N/A#Requires: SUNWgnome-icon-theme
12531N/ARequires: SUNWlibsoup
13292N/ARequires: SUNWgnome-spell
13292N/ARequires: SUNWiso-codes
16401N/ABuildRequires: SUNWlibgnomecanvas-devel
10139N/ABuildRequires: SUNWgnome-component-devel
10139N/ABuildRequires: SUNWgnome-libs-devel
10139N/ABuildRequires: SUNWlibgcrypt-devel
10139N/ABuildRequires: SUNWgnome-config-devel
10139N/ABuildRequires: SUNWgnome-component-devel
17840N/A#BuildRequires: SUNWgnome-icon-theme
12531N/ABuildRequires: SUNWlibsoup-devel
13292N/ABuildRequires: SUNWgnome-spell-devel
13292N/ABuildRequires: SUNWiso-codes-devel
18122N/ABuildRequires: SUNWgnome-icon-theme
19142N/ABuildRequires: SUNWhea
19821N/ABuildRequires: SUNWicud
19142N/ABuildRequires: SUNWpcre
10139N/A%package l10n
10139N/ASummary: %{summary} - l10n files
10139N/ARequires: %{name}
10139N/A%package devel
10139N/ASummary: %{summary} - development files
10139N/ASUNW_BaseDir: %{_basedir}
10139N/A%include default-depend.inc
20857N/A%include gnome-incorporation.inc
10139N/ARequires: SUNWevolution-libs
10139N/Arm -rf %name-%version
10139N/Amkdir -p %name-%version
10139N/A%gtkhtml.prep -d %name-%version
13678N/Acd %{_builddir}/%name-%version
13678N/Agzcat %SOURCE1 | tar xf -
10139N/A%if %debug_build
10139N/A# Omit '-xO4 -xspace' from sparc flags as it crashes libgnome-gtkhtml-editor.
10139N/A# See #6461613.
10139N/A%ifarch sparc
10139N/A%define optflags -i -xstrconst -xarch=v8a -mr
10139N/A%define cxx_optflags -i -xarch=v8a -mr -norunpath
10139N/A%define optflags64 -i -xstrconst -xarch=v9 -xcode=pic32 -mr
10139N/Aexport LDFLAGS="%_ldflags -L%{_libdir} -R%{_libdir}"
10139N/Aexport CFLAGS="%optflags"
10139N/Aexport RPM_OPT_FLAGS="$CFLAGS"
10139N/Aexport ACLOCAL_FLAGS="-I %{_datadir}/aclocal"
10139N/Aexport PKG_CONFIG_PATH=%{_pkg_config_path}
10139N/A%gtkhtml.build -d %name-%version
10139N/A%gtkhtml.install -d %name-%version
13678N/Acd %{_builddir}/%name-%version/sun-manpages
13678N/Amake install DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT
10139N/A%{?pkgbuild_postprocess: %pkgbuild_postprocess -v -c "%{version}:%{jds_version}:%{name}:$RPM_ARCH:%(date +%%Y-%%m-%%d):%{support_level}" $RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
10139N/Arm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
14341N/A%doc -d gtkhtml-%{gtkhtml.version} AUTHORS README
14341N/A%doc(bzip2) -d gtkhtml-%{gtkhtml.version} ChangeLog
14341N/A%doc(bzip2) -d gtkhtml-%{gtkhtml.version} COPYING COPYING.LIB
14341N/A%doc(bzip2) -d gtkhtml-%{gtkhtml.version} NEWS
14341N/A%dir %attr (0755, root, other) %{_datadir}/doc
10139N/A%defattr (-, root, bin)
13270N/A%dir %attr (0755, root, bin) %{_bindir}
10139N/A%dir %attr (0755, root, bin) %{_libdir}
10139N/A%dir %attr (0755, root, sys) %{_datadir}
13678N/A%dir %attr(0755, root, bin) %{_mandir}
13678N/A%dir %attr(0755, root, bin) %{_mandir}/*
10139N/A%files l10n
10139N/A%defattr (-, root, bin)
10139N/A%dir %attr (0755, root, sys) %{_datadir}
10139N/A%attr (-, root, other) %{_datadir}/locale
10139N/A%files devel
10139N/A%defattr (-, root, bin)
10139N/A%dir %attr (0755, root, bin) %{_libdir}
10139N/A%dir %attr (0755, root, other) %{_libdir}/pkgconfig
10139N/A%dir %attr (0755, root, bin) %{_includedir}
18122N/A* Sun Jan 17 2010 - christian.kelly@sun.com
18122N/A- Add dep on SUNWgnome-icon-theme.
17967N/A* Mon Dec 21 2009 - ghee.teo@sun.com
17967N/A- Remove SUNWgnome-print dependency.
14341N/A* Tue Sep 16 2008 - jeff.cai@sun.com
14341N/A- Add copyright
13678N/A* Mon Jul 28 2008 - jeff.cai@sun.com
14341N/A- Add manpages.
13388N/A* Thu Jun 12 2008 - jeff.cai@sun.com
13388N/A libsoup has been moved from this file, thus SUNWgnutls-devel is not needed.
13292N/A* Fri May 30 2008 - damien.carbery@sun.com
13292N/A- Add Build/Requires SUNWgnome-spell/-devel and SUNWiso-codes/-devel because
13292N/A gtkhtml requires enchant and iso-codes.
13270N/A* Thu May 29 2008 - damien.carbery@sun.com
13270N/A- Add %{_bindir}/gtkhtml-editor-test
12745N/A* Wed Apr 02 2008 - jeff.cai@sun.com
12745N/A- Add copyright file.
12531N/A* Tue Mar 04 2008- damien.carbery@sun.com
12531N/A- Move libsoup to SUNWlibsoup.spec.
12367N/A* Wed Feb 13 2008 - damien.carbery@sun.com
12367N/A- Update %install to delete libsoup html docs.
11923N/A* Tue Nov 13 2007 - damien.carbery@sun.com
11923N/A- Add Build/Requires SUNWgnome-themes/-devel because gtkhtml requires
11923N/A gnome-icon-theme.
11194N/A* Wed Sep 05 2007 - damien.carbery@sun.com
11194N/A- Remove references to SUNWgnome-a11y-base-libs as its contents have been
11194N/A moved to SUNWgnome-base-libs.
10139N/A* Tue Aug 22 2006 - damien.carbery@sun.com
10139N/A- Only change compiler options for non-debug builds.
10139N/A* Tue Aug 22 2006 - jeff.cai@sun.com
10139N/A- remove optimization compiler options to fix 6461613.
10139N/A* Sat Aug 12 2006 - laca@sun.com
10139N/A- delete some unnecessary env variables
10139N/A* Sun Jun 11 2006 - laca@sun.com
10139N/A- change group from other to bin/sys
10139N/A* Thu May 11 2006 - halton.huo@sun.com
10139N/A- Merge -share pkg(s) into the base pkg(s).
10139N/A- Change %defattr to (-, root, other).
10139N/A* Tue Apr 04 2006 - halton.huo@sun.com
10139N/A- Alter remove .a/.la files part into linux spec.
10139N/A* Thu Mar 30 2006 - halton.huo@sun.com
10139N/A- Remove all *.a/*.la files.
10139N/A* Thu Feb 23 2006 - damien.carbery@sun.com
10139N/A- Use default pkg version to match other pkgs; add EVO25 to default category.
10139N/A* Mon Feb 20 2006 - damien.carbery@sun.com
10139N/A- Update Build/Requires after running check-deps.pl script.
10139N/A* Fri Sep 09 2005 - <laca@sun.com>
10139N/A- remove unpackaged files
10139N/A* Wed Aug 31 2005 - halton.huo@sun.com
10139N/A- Bump to 2.4.0 for evolution version changed.
10139N/A* Wed Aug 31 2005 - halton.huo@sun.com
10139N/A- Change SUNW_Category and Version for open solaris
10139N/A* Wed Aug 31 2005 - damien.carbery@sun.com
10139N/A- Remove the obsoleted libgal.
10139N/A* Tue Jul 12 2005 - damien.carbery@sun.com
10139N/A- Correct version numbers in dir names in share package.
10139N/A* Sat Oct 02 2004 - laca@sun.com
10139N/A- added %pkgbuild_postprocess
10139N/A* Tue Sep 27 2004 - halton.huo@sun.com
10139N/A- changed the version from "2.6.0" to "1.4.6" for consistent with SUNWevolution
10139N/A* Tue Aug 31 2004 - shirley.woo@sun.com
10139N/A- Bug 5091588 : Added BuildRequires SUNWgnutls-devel since SUNWgnutils was
10139N/A split
10139N/A* Thu Aug 26 2004 - dave.lin@sun.com
10139N/A- changed the spec file name from 'gal.spec' to 'libgal.spec' to keep
10139N/A consistent with file name and package name it defines
10139N/A* Tue Jul 27 2004 - damien.carbery@sun.com
10139N/A- Add SUNWgnome-component-devel as BuildRequires, for ORBit-2.0.
10139N/A* Fri Jul 23 2004 - laca@sun.com
10139N/A- use evolution-libs-copyright.txt as copyright notice
10139N/A* Sat Jun 26 2004 shirley.woo@sun.com
10139N/A- Changed install location to /usr/...
10139N/A* Wed Jun 2 2004 - takao.fujiwara@sun.com
10139N/A- Added %{_datadir}/locale to install l10n messages
10139N/A* Tue Apr 20 2004 - <laca@sun.com>
10139N/A- Add libgnomeprint dependencies
10139N/A* Thu Mar 11 2004 - <laca@sun.com>
10139N/A- initial version created