l10n_getname.pl revision 5214
17208N/Ause strict;
17208N/Ause warnings;
17208N/Ause Getopt::Long qw(:config gnu_getopt no_auto_abbrev);
17208N/Ause rpm_spec;
17208N/Ause config;
17208N/Amy $rpm_target = "i586";
our $opt_specdir;
my $spec_id = 0;
my @specs_to_build = ();
my $build_command;
sub usage (;$) {
my $retval = shift;
print << "EOF";
build-gnome2 [options] [command] specs...
Print the current configuration in a format suitable
for an rc file.
Print the self package or rpm name. Use with 'parse'
Print the child package or rpm names. Use with 'parse'
Print all source filenames in the spec file. Use with
the 'parse' command.
Print the source filenames beloging to the specified
rpm name. Use with the 'parse' command.
Print all patch filenames in the spec file. Use with
the 'parse' command.
Print the patch filenames beloging to the specified
rpm name. Use with the 'parse' command.
Print the build dirname under %{_buildir}. Use with the
'parse' command.
Print all child build dirnames under %{_buildir}/parent.
Use with the 'parse' command.
Print the all child build dirnames under %{_buildir}/parent.
belonging to the specified rpm name, Use with the 'parse'
uninstall-pkgs Remove all rpms defined in the spec files listed
on the command line. (runs rpm --erase --nodeps)
parse Parse the spec file. Currently effect spec file names
and source filenames only.
exit 0;
# --------- utility functions ----------------------------------------------
my $os;
my $os_rel;
sub init () {
$os = `uname -s`;
chomp ($os);
$os = lc($os);
$os_rel = `uname -r`;
chomp ($os_rel);
if ($os eq 'sunos') {
if ($os_rel >= 5) {
$os = 'solaris';
if ($os eq "linux") {
$opt_specdir = "/jds/packages/spec-files/Solaris";
} else {
$opt_specdir = "/jds/packages/spec-files";
my $defaults;
sub process_defaults () {
$defaults = config->new();
$defaults->add ('get_name', 'n',
'get the self package or rpm name',
$defaults->add ('get_child_names', 'n',
'get the child package or rpm names',
$defaults->add ('get_source_names', 'n',
'get all source filenames',
$defaults->add ('get_source_names_from_child', 's',
'get all source filenames beloging to the specified rpm name',
$defaults->add ('get_patch_names', 'n',
'get all patch filenames',
$defaults->add ('get_patch_names_from_child', 's',
'get all patch filenames beloging to the specified rpm name',
$defaults->add ('get_builddir_name', 'n',
'get the build dirname under %{_buildir}',
$defaults->add ('get_child_builddir_names', 'n',
'get all child build dirnames under %{_buildir}/parent',
$defaults->add ('get_builddir_name_from_child', 's',
'get the build dirname under %{_buildir}/parent belonging to the specified rpm name,',
sub add_spec ($) {
my $spec_name = shift;
my $spec;
if (-f $spec_name) {
$spec = rpm_spec->new ($spec_name, $rpm_target);
} else {
if (not $spec_name =~ /\.spec$/) {
$spec_name = "${opt_specdir}/${spec_name}.spec";
$spec = rpm_spec->new ("$spec_name", $rpm_target);
if (not defined ($spec)) {
printf ("error");
} else {
my $this_spec_id = $spec_id ++;
$specs_to_build[$this_spec_id] = $spec;
sub process_args {
my $arg = shift;
if (not defined ($build_command)) {
if (($arg ne "parse")) {
printf ("unknown command: $arg\n");
usage (1);
$build_command = $arg;
} else {
add_spec ($arg);
sub process_options {
GetOptions (
'get-name' => sub { $defaults->set ('get_name', 1); },
'get-child-names' => sub { $defaults->set ('get_child_names', 1); },
'get-sources' => sub { $defaults->set ('get_source_names', 1); },
'get-sources-from-child=s' => sub { shift; $defaults->set ('get_source_names_from_child', shift); },
'get-patches' => sub { $defaults->set ('get_patch_names', 1); },
'get-patches-from-child=s' => sub { shift; $defaults->set ('get_patch_names_from_child', shift); },
'get-builddir' => sub { $defaults->set ('get_builddir_name', 1); },
'get-child-builddirs' => sub { $defaults->set ('get_child_builddir_names', 1); },
'get-builddir-from-child=s' => sub { shift; $defaults->set ('get_builddir_name_from_child', shift); },
'help' => \&usage,
'<>' => \&process_args);
# --------- parse command --------------------------------------------------
sub print_self_name ($) {
my $spec = shift;
my @sources;
if ($os eq "linux") {
@sources = $spec->get_param_array ('sources');
printf ("%s\n", $spec->{name});
} elsif ($os eq "solaris") {
# printf ("%s\n", $spec);
printf ("%s\n", $spec->get_name($spec));
sub print_child_names ($) {
my $spec = shift;
my @sources;
if ($os eq "linux") {
} elsif ($os eq "solaris") {
@sources = $spec->get_sources('sources');
my @spec_names_used = keys %{$spec->{_specs_used}};
foreach my $spec_name_used (@spec_names_used) {
my $spec_used = $spec->{_specs_used}->{$spec_name_used};
printf ("%s\n", $$spec_used->get_name($$spec_used));
# printf ("%s\n", $$spec_used->get_base_file_name());
sub print_sources ($) {
my $spec = shift;
my @sources;
if ($os eq "linux") {
@sources = $spec->get_param_array ('sources');
foreach my $src (@sources) {
if (not defined ($src)) {
printf ("%s\n", $src);
} elsif ($os eq "solaris") {
@sources = $spec->get_sources('sources');
foreach my $src (@sources) {
if (not defined ($src)) {
printf ("%s\n", $src);
sub print_sources_from_child ($$) {
my $spec = shift;
my $user_rpm = shift;
my @sources;
if ($os eq "linux") {
} elsif ($os eq "solaris") {
@sources = $spec->get_sources('sources');
my @spec_names_used = keys %{$spec->{_specs_used}};
foreach my $spec_name_used (@spec_names_used) {
my $spec_used = $spec->{_specs_used}->{$spec_name_used};
if($user_rpm eq $$spec_used->get_name ($$spec_used)) {
my @sources_used = $$spec_used->get_sources ();
foreach my $src (@sources_used) {
printf ("%s\n", $src);
exit 0;
printf ("#### Not Found the rpm: %s\n", $user_rpm);
exit 1;
sub print_patches ($) {
my $spec = shift;
my @patches;
if ($os eq "linux") {
@patches = $spec->get_param_array ('patches');
foreach my $patch (@patches) {
if (not defined ($patch)) {
printf ("%s\n", $patch);
} elsif ($os eq "solaris") {
@patches = $spec->get_patches('patches');
foreach my $patch (@patches) {
if (not defined ($patch )) {
printf ("%s\n", $patch);
sub print_patches_from_child ($$) {
my $spec = shift;
my $user_rpm = shift;
my @sources;
if ($os eq "linux") {
} elsif ($os eq "solaris") {
@sources = $spec->get_sources('sources');
my @spec_names_used = keys %{$spec->{_specs_used}};
foreach my $spec_name_used (@spec_names_used) {
my $spec_used = $spec->{_specs_used}->{$spec_name_used};
if($user_rpm eq $$spec_used->get_name ($$spec_used)) {
my @patches_used = $$spec_used->get_patches ();
foreach my $patch (@patches_used) {
printf ("%s\n", $patch);
exit 0;
printf ("#### Not Found the rpm: %s\n", $user_rpm);
exit 1;
sub print_builddir ($) {
my $spec = shift;
my @sources;
if ($os eq "linux") {
@sources = $spec->get_param_array ('sources');
my $bsdirname = $spec->get_def('_build_src_dir_name');
if (not defined $bsdirname) {
$bsdirname = $spec->_deref ('%name-%version');
printf ("%s\n", $bsdirname);
} elsif ($os eq "solaris") {
@sources = $spec->get_sources('sources');
my $bsdirname = $spec->eval ('%{_build_src_dir_name}');
if ($bsdirname eq '%{_build_src_dir_name}') {
$bsdirname = $spec->eval ('%name-%version');
printf ("%s\n", $bsdirname);
sub print_child_builddirs ($) {
my $spec = shift;
my @sources;
if ($os eq "linux") {
} elsif ($os eq "solaris") {
@sources = $spec->get_sources('sources');
my @spec_names_used = keys %{$spec->{_specs_used}};
foreach my $spec_name_used (@spec_names_used) {
my $spec_used = $spec->{_specs_used}->{$spec_name_used};
my $bsdirname = $$spec_used->eval ('%{_build_src_dir_name}');
if ($bsdirname ne '%{_build_src_dir_name}') {
printf ("%s\n", $bsdirname);
sub print_builddir_from_child ($$) {
my $spec = shift;
my $user_rpm = shift;
my @sources;
if ($os eq "linux") {
} elsif ($os eq "solaris") {
@sources = $spec->get_sources('sources');
my @spec_names_used = keys %{$spec->{_specs_used}};
foreach my $spec_name_used (@spec_names_used) {
my $spec_used = $spec->{_specs_used}->{$spec_name_used};
if($user_rpm eq $$spec_used->get_name ($$spec_used)) {
my $bsdirname = $$spec_used->eval ('%{_build_src_dir_name}');
if ($bsdirname ne '%{_build_src_dir_name}') {
printf ("%s\n", $bsdirname);
exit 0;
printf ("#### Not Found the rpm: %s\n", $user_rpm);
exit 1;
sub get_misc () {
my $spec = shift;
my @sources;
if ($os eq "linux") {
@sources = $spec->get_param_array ('sources');
foreach my $src (@sources) {
if (not defined ($src)) {
# $1 Name:,
# $2 build dir name
# $3 source filename
printf ("Srcs: %s %s %s\n", $spec->{name}, $spec, $src);
} else {
@sources = $spec->get_sources('sources');
foreach my $src (@sources) {
if (not defined ($src)) {
# $1 Solaris Name:,
# $2 Solaris spec filename,
# $3 source filename
printf ("Srcs: %s %s %s\n", $spec, $spec->{_base_file_name}, $src);
my @spec_names_used = keys %{$spec->{_specs_used}};
foreach my $spec_name_used (@spec_names_used) {
my $spec_used = $spec->{_specs_used}->{$spec_name_used};
my @sources_used = $$spec_used->get_sources ();
foreach my $src (@sources_used) {
# $1 Solaris Name:,
# $2 Solaris spec filename,
# $3 Linux Name:,
# $4 Linux source filename
# I don't know but when used 'printf (' instead of 'printf(', got exec errors.
printf("Spec sources: %s %s %s %s\n", $spec,
my @patches_used = $$spec_used->get_patches ();
foreach my $patch (@patches_used) {
# $1 Solaris Name:,
# $2 Solaris spec filename,
# $3 Linux Name:,
# $4 Linux patch filename
printf("Spec pths: %s %s %s %s\n", $spec,
sub get_parse_options ($) {
my $spec_id = shift;
my $spec = $specs_to_build[$spec_id];
my @sources;
my $user_rpm_name;
if ($defaults->get ('get_name')) {
print_self_name ($spec);
exit (0);
if ($defaults->get ('get_child_names')) {
print_child_names ($spec);
exit (0);
if ($defaults->get ('get_source_names')) {
print_sources ($spec);
exit (0);
$user_rpm_name = $defaults->get ('get_source_names_from_child');
if ($user_rpm_name ne "") {
print_sources_from_child ($spec, $user_rpm_name);
exit (0);
if ($defaults->get ('get_patch_names')) {
print_patches ($spec);
exit (0);
$user_rpm_name = $defaults->get ('get_patch_names_from_child');
if ($user_rpm_name ne "") {
print_patches_from_child ($spec, $user_rpm_name);
exit (0);
if ($defaults->get ('get_builddir_name')) {
print_builddir ($spec);
exit (0);
if ($defaults->get ('get_child_builddir_names')) {
print_child_builddirs ($spec);
exit (0);
$user_rpm_name = $defaults->get ('get_builddir_name_from_child');
if ($user_rpm_name ne "") {
print_builddir_from_child ($spec, $user_rpm_name);
exit (0);
else {
sub get_misc ();
exit (0);
sub do_build {
while(0){}; #dummy
sub do_parse {
for (my $i = 0; $i <=$#specs_to_build; $i++) {
get_parse_options ($i);
sub main {
process_defaults ();
process_options ();
if ($build_command eq "build") {
} elsif ($build_command eq "parse") {