10139N/A# spec file for package control-center.
20904N/A# Copyright (c) 2003, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
10139N/A# This file and all modifications and additions to the pristine
10139N/A# package are under the same license as the package itself.
17835N/A#temporarily taken from dkenny
17835N/A%define owner stephen
18603N/A%define OSR LFI#105446 (gnome Exec. summary):n/a
10139N/A%include l10n.inc
11195N/AName: gnome-control-center
10139N/ALicense: GPL
10139N/AGroup: System/GUI/GNOME
20916N/AVersion: 3.4.2
10139N/ARelease: 1
10139N/ADistribution: Java Desktop System
18615N/AVendor: Gnome Community
10139N/ASummary: The GNOME control center for GNOME
20904N/ASource: http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME/sources/gnome-control-center/3.4/gnome-control-center-%{version}.tar.xz
10142N/ASource1: %{name}-po-sun-%{po_sun_version}.tar.bz2
17332N/A%ifnarch sparc
12570N/ASource2: visual-effects-images.tar.bz2
12773N/A%if %build_l10n
12773N/ASource3: l10n-configure.sh
19082N/A# date:2010-08-02 owner:ja208388 type:bug bugster:6868433
19082N/APatch1: control-center-01-remote-x-no-kbd-layout.diff
10139N/A# date:2004-11-09 owner:dkenny type:bug bugster:6180767
15601N/APatch2: control-center-02-keybinding-caps-lock.diff
17332N/A%ifnarch sparc
12570N/A# date:2008-02-14 owner:erwannc type:feature
17476N/APatch3: control-center-03-compiz-integration.diff
13551N/A#owner:jedy date:2008-07-14 type:branding
17476N/APatch4: control-center-04-menu-entry.diff
15355N/A# date:2008-11-14 owner:dkenny type:bug bugster:6771506
17476N/APatch5: control-center-05-use-default-dpi.diff
16972N/A# date:2009-08-07 owner:dkenny type:branding bugzilla:
17476N/APatch6: control-center-06-toggle-display-keybinding.diff
17005N/A# date:2009-08-11 owner:chrisk type:bug
17476N/APatch7: control-center-07-Wall.diff
17026N/A# date:2009-08-14 owner:stephen type:branding bugster:6865681
17476N/APatch8: control-center-08-trusted-extensions.diff
20152N/A# date:2011-03-29 owner:liyuan type:bug bugster:7013886
20152N/APatch9: control-center-09-remove-gok.diff
20261N/A# date:2011-05-06 owner:gheet type:bug bugster:7022446
20261N/APatch10: control-center-10-gconf-schema.diff
20371N/A# date:2011-06-15 owner:stephen type:bug bugster:6992823
20371N/APatch11: control-center-11-keyboard-help-action.diff
20784N/A# date:2011-07-07 owner:yippi type:branding
20904N/APatch12: control-center-12-optional-dependencies.diff
20904N/A# date:2012-05-09 owner:yippi type:feature
20904N/APatch13: control-center-13-mapfile.diff
20904N/A# date:2012-05-09 owner:yippi type:bug
20904N/APatch14: control-center-14-static.diff
10139N/AURL: http://www.gnome.org
10139N/ABuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-build
10139N/ADocdir: %{_defaultdocdir}/control-center2
10139N/AAutoreqprov: on
10139N/APrereq: /sbin/ldconfig
10139N/APrereq: GConf
10139N/A%define libgnomeui_version 2.6.0
10139N/A%define esound_version 0.2.33
10139N/A%define gnome_desktop_version 2.6.1
10139N/A%define metacity_version 2.8.0
10139N/A%define nautilus_version 2.6.1
10139N/A%define fontilus_version 2.4.0
10139N/A%define acme_version 2.4.2
10139N/A%define desktop_file_utils_version 0.10
10139N/A%define xft_version 2.1.7
10139N/ABuildRequires: libgnomeui-devel >= %{libgnomeui_version}
10139N/ABuildRequires: esound-devel >= %{esound_version}
10139N/ABuildRequires: gnome-desktop-devel >= %{gnome_desktop_version}
10139N/ABuildRequires: metacity >= %{metacity_version}
10139N/ABuildRequires: nautilus-devel >= %{nautilus_version}
10139N/ABuildRequires: desktop-file-utils >= %{desktop_file_utils_version}
10139N/ABuildRequires: automake >= 1.9
10139N/ABuildRequires: evolution-data-server-devel
10139N/ABuildRequires: gstreamer-plugins-devel
10139N/ARequires: gst-plugins-base
10139N/ARequires: libgnomeui >= %{libgnomeui_version}
10139N/ARequires: esound >= %{esound_version}
10139N/ARequires: gnome-desktop >= %{gnome_desktop_version}
10139N/ARequires: nautilus >= %{nautilus_version}
10139N/ARequires: evolution-data-server
10139N/AObsoletes: fontilus < %{fontilus_version}
10139N/AProvides: fontilus = %{fontilus_version}
10139N/AObsoletes: acme < %{acme_version}
10139N/AProvides: acme = %{acme_version}
10139N/AThis package contains the new control-center for the GNOME desktop.
10139N/A%package devel
10139N/ASummary: Development files for the GNOME control center for GNOME 2.6
10139N/AGroup: Development/Libraries/GNOME
10139N/ARequires: %name = %version-%release
10139N/A%description devel
10139N/AThis package contains the files need for development of GNOME control center capplets
10139N/A%setup -q
20784N/A#%ifnarch sparc
20784N/A#cd capplets/appearance/data
20784N/A#bzcat %SOURCE2 | tar xf -
20784N/A#cd ../../..
10139N/A%if %build_l10n
10142N/Abzcat %SOURCE1 | tar xf -
10139N/Acd po-sun; make; cd ..
20784N/A#%patch1 -p1
20784N/A#%patch2 -p1
20784N/A#%ifnarch sparc
20784N/A#%patch3 -p1
20784N/A#%patch4 -p1
20784N/A#%patch5 -p1
20784N/A#%patch6 -p1
20784N/A#%patch7 -p1
20784N/A#%patch8 -p1
20784N/A#%patch9 -p1
20784N/A#%patch10 -p1
20784N/A#%patch11 -p1
20784N/A%patch12 -p1
20784N/A%patch13 -p1
20904N/A%patch14 -p1
10139N/A%ifos linux
10139N/Aif [ -x /usr/bin/getconf ]; then
10139N/A CPUS=`/usr/sbin/psrinfo | grep on-line | wc -l | tr -d ' '`
10139N/Aif test "x$CPUS" = "x" -o $CPUS = 0; then
10139N/A CPUS=1
10139N/Aexport LC_ALL LANG
20845N/A# Need to add -Wl,-z,now and -Wl,-z-nodelete and remove -Wl,-zignore for
20845N/A# PulseAudio to work.
20845N/Aexport LDFLAGS="-Wl,-zcombreloc -Wl,-Bdirect -Wl,-z,now -Wl,-z,nodelete"
10139N/Agnome-doc-prepare --force
10139N/Alibtoolize --force
10139N/Aglib-gettextize -f
10139N/Aintltoolize --force --copy
12773N/A%if %build_l10n
12773N/Abash -x %SOURCE3 --enable-copyright
20904N/Aaclocal-1.11 $ACLOCAL_FLAGS -I .
20904N/Aautomake-1.11 -a -c -f
10139N/A ./configure \
10139N/A --prefix=%{_prefix} \
10139N/A --datadir=%{_datadir} \
10139N/A --libexecdir=%{_libexecdir} \
10139N/A --sysconfdir=%{_sysconfdir} \
20784N/A --disable-scrollkeeper
10139N/Amake -j $CPUS
10139N/Amake DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT install
10139N/A#Copy zh_HK from zh_TW
10139N/A#Fixes bug 4930405
10139N/Ainstall -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/locale/zh_HK/LC_MESSAGES
10139N/Ainstall --mode=0644 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/*.mo $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/locale/zh_HK/LC_MESSAGES/
10139N/Arm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
10139N/Aexport GCONF_CONFIG_SOURCE=`gconftool-2 --get-default-source`
10139N/ASCHEMAS="apps_gnome_settings_daemon_default_editor.schemas apps_gnome_settings_daemon_screensaver.schemas desktop_gnome_font_rendering.schemas desktop_gnome_peripherals_keyboard_xkb.schemas apps_gnome_settings_daemon_keybindings.schemas"
10139N/Afor S in $SCHEMAS; do
10139N/A gconftool-2 --makefile-install-rule %{_sysconfdir}/gconf/schemas/$S >/dev/null
10139N/A%defattr (-, root, root)
10139N/A%files devel
20916N/A* Thu May 17 2012 - brian.cameron@oracle.com
20916N/A- Bump to 3.4.2.
20904N/A* Wed May 09 2012 - brian.cameron@oracle.com
20904N/A- Bump to 3.4.1.
20862N/A* Wed Oct 19 2011 - brian.cameron@oracle.com
20862N/A- Bump to 3.2.1.
20841N/A* Fri Sep 30 2011 - brian.cameron@oracle.com
20841N/A- Bump to 3.2.0.
20832N/A* Tue Sep 13 2011 - brian.cameron@oracle.com
20832N/A- Bump to 3.1.91.
20831N/A* Thu Sep 08 2011 - brian.cameron@oracle.com
20831N/A- Bump to 3.1.90.
20824N/A* Wed Aug 24 2011 - brian.cameron@oracle.com
20824N/A- Bump to 3.1.5.
20824N/A* Sat Aug 06 2011 - brian.cameron@oracle.com
20824N/A- Bump to 3.1.4.
20784N/A* Tue Jul 12 2011 - brian.cameron@oracle.com
20784N/A- Bump to 3.1.3.
20152N/A* Tue Mar 29 2011 - lee.yuan@oracle.com
20152N/A- Add patch control-center-09-remove-gok.diff to remove gok entry.
19082N/A* Mon Aug 02 2010 - javier.acosta@oracle.com
19082N/A- Replace Patch1: control-center-01-no-libgnomekbd.diff with Patch1:
19082N/A control-center-01-remote-x-no-kbd-layout.diff and remove gswitchit flag.
18685N/A* Mon Apr 26 2010 - christian.kelly@oracle.com
18685N/A- Bump to 2.30.1.
18580N/A* Mon Apr 12 2010 - christian.kelly@oracle.com
18580N/A- Bump to 2.30.0.
18438N/A* Thu Mar 11 2010 - christian.kelly@sun.com
18438N/A- Bump to 2.29.92.
18320N/A* Tue Feb 23 2010 - christian.kelly@sun.com
18320N/A- Remove control-center-10-keybinding.diff, upstream.
18303N/A* Mon Feb 14 2010 - christian.kelly@sun.com
18303N/A- Bump to 2.29.90.
18236N/A* Mon Feb 1 2010 - christian.kelly@sun.com
18236N/A- Bump to 2.29.6.
17654N/A* Tue Nov 03 2009 - jedy.wang@sun.com
17654N/A- Add patch -10-keybinding.diff.
17635N/A* Thu Oct 29 2009 - jeff.cai@sun.com
17635N/A- Add patch -09-about-me to fix doo 11979, bugzill 599990.
17635N/A The data should be freed when receiving 'destroy' signal.
17570N/A* Tue Oct 20 2009 - dave.lin@sun.com
17570N/A- Bump to 2.28.1
17394N/A* Wed Sep 23 2009 - dave.lin@sun.com
17394N/A- Bump to 2.28.0
17332N/A* Thu Sep 17 2009 - darren.kenny@sun.com
17332N/A- Only build compiz integration on x86 since it's not functional on SPARC
17332N/A systems - see defect#6790 for more info on this.
17123N/A* Wed Aug 26 2009 - christian.kelly@sun.com
17123N/A- Bump to 2.27.91.
17005N/A* Wed Aug 12 2009 - christian.kelly@sun.com
17005N/A- Bump to 2.27.5.
17005N/A- Add control-center-08-Wall.diff to fix build issue.
16972N/A* Fri Aug 07 2009 - darren.kenny@sun.com
16972N/A Add patch control-center-07-toggle-display-keybinding.diff as part of the
16972N/A fix for bug#6846157 adding the feature to support Toggling of external
16972N/A display using XF86Display, where that key is supported, while allowing the
16972N/A user to configure an alternative should it be desired.
16860N/A* Thu Jul 24 2009 - darren.kenny@sun.com
16860N/A- Bump to
16853N/A* Thu Jul 23 2009 - christian.kelly@sun.com
16853N/A- Unbump to 2.26.0, build issues.
16159N/A* Tue Mar 17 2009 - dave.lin@sun.com
16159N/A- Bump to 2.26.0
16137N/A* Fri Mar 13 2009 - dave.lin@sun.com
16137N/A- Bump to 2.25.92
15805N/A* Tue Jan 10 2009 - matt.keenan@sun.com
15805N/A- Bump to 2.25.90.
15601N/A* Tue Jan 09 2009 - darren.kenny@sun.com
15601N/A- Remove upstreamed feature in patch control-center-02-custom-keybinding.diff
15601N/A Renumber remaining patches.
15579N/A* Sat Dec 27 2008 - dave.lin@sun.com
15579N/A- Bump to 2.25.3.
15448N/A* Wed Dec 03 2008 - dave.lin@sun.com
15559N/A- Remove upstreamed patch 07-xrandr-warning.diff.
15355N/A* Fri Nov 14 2008 - darren.kenny@sun.com
15355N/A- Add patch control-center-08-use-default-dpi.diff to fix bug#6771506 where
15355N/A the default DPI set in the schema wasn't being used.
15224N/A* Mon Oct 20 2008 - takao.fujiwara@sun.com
15224N/A- Updated 05-compiz-integration.diff for SUN_BRANDING. Fixes #6761162.
14525N/A* Fri Sep 26 2008 - brian.cameron@sun.com
14525N/A- Bump to Remove upstream patch control-center-07-audiotheme.diff.
14502N/A* Thu Sep 25 2008 - matt.keenan@sun.com
14502N/A- Add patch 08-xrandr-warning.diff, fixes #6752483 XRANDR core
13992N/A* Fri Aug 22 2008 - jedy.wang@sun.com
13992N/A- rename desktop.diff to menu-entry.diff.
13935N/A* Tue Aug 20 2008 - brian.cameron@sun.com
13935N/A- Add patch control-center-07-audiotheme.diff to fix crashing problem when
13935N/A building with libcanberra.
13919N/A* Tue Aug 19 2008 - dave.lin@sun.com
13919N/A- Bump to 2.23.90
13795N/A* Wed Aug 06 2008 - matt.keenan@sun.com
13795N/A- Bump to 2.23.6.
13662N/A* Fri Jul 25 2008 - damien.carbery@sun.com
13667N/A- Remove references to %nautilusdir and to
13667N/A %{_libdir}/gnome-vfs-2.0/modules/*.so and %{_nautilusdir}.
13667N/A* Fri Jul 25 2008 - damien.carbery@sun.com
13662N/A- Bump to 2.23.5.
13551N/A* Mon Jul 14 2008 - jedy.wang@sun.com
13551N/A- Add 06-desktop.diff.
13424N/A* Tue Jun 17 2008 - damien.carbery@sun.com
13424N/A- Bump to 2.23.4.
13326N/A* Wed Jun 03 2008 - darren.kenny@sun.com
13326N/A- Bump to 2.23.3.
13272N/A* Thu May 29 2008 - damien.carbery@sun.com
13276N/A- Bump to 2.23.2. Remove upstream patch, 05-getpwnam_r, rename
13276N/A 06-compiz-integration to 05.
13276N/A* Thu May 29 2008 - damien.carbery@sun.com
13272N/A- Bump to
13258N/A* Wed May 28 2008 - damien.carbery@sun.com
13258N/A- Bump to 2.22.2.
13019N/A* Fri May 09 2008 - brian.cameron@sun.com
13019N/A- Found that the control-center-07-mediaLib.diff patch did not actually fix
13019N/A the problem. I found the bug was actually caused by an error in the
13019N/A metacity-08-trusted-extensions.diff patch, which I fixed.
13000N/A* Tue May 06 2008 - brian.cameron@sun.com
13000N/A- Add patch control-center-07-mediaLib.diff to workaround a crashing problem
13000N/A when using mediaLib interpolation type BILINEAR. Use NEAREST until the
13000N/A problem is fixed in the mediaLib libraries. Fixes bugster bug #6685666.
12822N/A* Thu Apr 10 2008 - damien.carbery@sun.com
12822N/A- Bump to 2.22.1.
12586N/A* Tue Mar 11 2008 - damien.carbery@sun.com
12586N/A- Bump to 2.22.0.
12467N/A* Tue Feb 26 2008 - damien.carbery@sun.com
12467N/A- Bump to 2.21.92.
12393N/A* Fri Feb 15 2008 - damien.carbery@sun.com
12393N/A- Remove upstream patch, 06-gsd-header-dir.
12330N/A* Mon Feb 04 2008 - damien.carbery@sun.com
12330N/A- Add patch 06-gsd-header-dir to work with change in gnome-settings-daemon.
12330N/A Bugzilla 511820.
12291N/A* Tue Jan 29 2008 - brian.cameron@sun.com
12291N/A- Bump to 2.21.90. Remove upstream patch control-center-06-nautilus-dir.diff.
12263N/A* Thu Jan 24 2008 - damien.carbery@sun.com
12263N/A- Remove obsolete patch 07-gsd-headers. It is obsoleted by
12263N/A gnome-settings-daemon-10-mv-src-dir.diff.
12251N/A* Wed Jan 23 2008 - damien.carbery@sun.com
12251N/A- Add patch 07-gsd-header to change the path to a gnome-settings-daemon header
12251N/A as the header file is not installed when called.
12248N/A* Wed Jan 23 2008 - darren.kenny@sun.com
12248N/A- Re-order and rework patches due to move of gnome-settings-daemon to a new
12248N/A project.
12190N/A* Mon Jan 12 2008 - brian.cameron@sun.com
12190N/A- Remove upstream patch control-center-12-fixcrash.diff.
12184N/A* Fri Jan 11 2008 - damien.carbery@sun.com
12184N/A- Add patch 13-nautilus-dir to determine nautilus extension dir via pkgconfig.
12091N/A* Sun Dec 23 2007 - damien.carbery@sun.com
12091N/A- Bump to 2.21.4.
12014N/A* Thu Nov 29 2007 - brian.cameron@sun.com
12190N/A- Add patch control-center-12-fixcrash.diff to fix a crashing
12014N/A problem when a NULL string is printed.
11922N/A* Tue Nov 13 2007 - damien.carbery@sun.com
11922N/A- Bump to 2.21.2.
11922N/A* Tue Oct 31 2007 - damien.carbery@sun.com
11922N/A- Bump to 2.21.1.
11416N/A* Fri Oct 19 2007 - damien.carbery@sun.com
11416N/A- Bump to 2.20.1.
11352N/A* Thu Oct 4 2007 - laca@sun.com
11352N/A- add patch control-center-11-getpwnam_r.diff
11299N/A* Wed Sep 26 2007 - damien.carbery@sun.com
11299N/A- Bump to
11271N/A* Wed Sep 19 2007 - damien.carbery@sun.com
11271N/A- Undo Jan's commit - the _POSIX_PTHREAD_SEMANTICS define came from a custom
11271N/A x11.pc which is no longer required. Also remove the 11-compilation-errors
11271N/A patch as it too is no longer needed.
11271N/A* Wed Sep 19 2007 - jan.schmidt@sun.com
11271N/A- Add _POSIX_PTHREAD_SEMANTICS to get the correct form of getpwuid_r.
11245N/A* Tue Sep 18 2007 - darren.kenny@sun.com
11245N/A- Bump to 2.20
11245N/A- Removed upstream compilation fixes for 473967. Remaining patch contents are
11271N/A a Solaris specific issue w.r.t. getpwuid_r - appears to only needed for RE
11271N/A builds.
11195N/A* Wed Sep 05 2007 - darren.kenny@sun.com
11195N/A- Bump to 2.19.92
11195N/A- Reworked all patches to match new release, and obsoleted some.
11271N/A- Add new patch for compilation issues - 11-compilation-errors.
11017N/A* Sun Aug 05 2007 - damien.carbery@sun.com
11017N/A- Add sparc patch because build failing in gnome-about-me.c because it needs
11017N/A the 5 param version.
10529N/A* Wed Apr 10 2007 - darren.kenny@sun.com
10529N/A- Change patch 6 to be a feature patch.
10454N/A* Tue Apr 10 2007 - damien.carbery@sun.com
10454N/A- Bump to 2.18.1.
10281N/A* Tue Mar 13 2007 - damien.carbery@sun.com
10281N/A- Bump to 2.18.0.
10139N/A* Tue Feb 27 2007 - damien.carbery@sun.com
10139N/A- Bump to 2.17.92.
10139N/A* Tue Feb 13 2007 - takao.fujiwara@sun.com
10139N/A- Add l10n tarballs for control-center-01-solaris-printmgr.diff.
10139N/A* Tue Feb 13 2007 - damien.carbery@sun.com
10139N/A- Bump to 2.17.91. Remove upstream patches, 01-keybindings-close and
10139N/A 16-function-macro. Renumber 15 to 01.
10139N/A* Sun Jan 28 2007 - laca@sun.com
10139N/A- add %if %build_tjds guard around tjds patch so we can build without trusted
10139N/A jds support
10139N/A* Tue Jan 23 2007 - damien.carbery@sun.com
10139N/A- Remove upstream patch, 11-menu-entry. Renumber rest.
10139N/A* Mon Jan 22 2007 - damien.carbery@sun.com
10139N/A- Bump to 2.17.90.
10139N/A* Tue Jan 09 2007 - damien.carbery@sun.com
10139N/A- Bump to 2.17.5.
10139N/A* Mon Dec 18 2006 - matt.keenan@sun.com
10139N/A- Remove onsolete patch 13-evolution-about-me.diff, renumber patches
10139N/A* Thu Dec 07 2006 - damien.carbery@sun.com
10139N/A- Remove obsolete patch, 04-remove-xkb-layout. Rename libgnomekbd patch to 04.
10139N/A* Wed Dec 06 2006 - damien.carbery@sun.com
10139N/A- Add 19-function-macro to change __FUNCTION__ to G_GNUC_FUNCTION.
10139N/A- Add 20-empty-struct to add a member to the empty struct.
10139N/A- Add 21-no-libgnomekbd so that libgnomekbd is not required.
10139N/A* Tue Dec 05 2006 - damien.carbery@sun.com
10139N/A- Bump to 2.17.3.
10139N/A* Mon Nov 20 2006 - damien.carbery@sun.com
10139N/A- Bump to 2.17.1.
10139N/A* Tue Nov 14 2006 - padraig.obriain@sun.com
10139N/A- Remove patch -keybinding-fix-edit as changes are now made in
10139N/A -custom-keybinding patch.
10139N/A* Mon Nov 13 2006 - patrick.wade@sun.com
10139N/A- Add patch -sound-preview to fix bugster 6458353
10139N/A* Mon Oct 23 2006 - padraig.obriain@sun.com
10139N/A- Add patch -keybinding-fix-edit to fix bugster 6471348, bugzilla 363623.
10139N/A* Tue Oct 03 2006 - damien.carbery@sun.com
10139N/A- Bump to 2.16.1.
10139N/A* Tue Sep 19 2006 - brian.cameron@sun.com
10139N/A- Remove unneeded patch control-center-10-wall.diff
10139N/A* Fri Sep 15 2006 - darren.kenny@sun.com
10139N/A- Remove the control-center-09-volume-control.diff patch since we're now using
10139N/A GStreamer correctly.
10139N/A* Tue Sep 05 2006 - brian.cameron@sun.com
10139N/A- Now call with --disable-libxklavier to build without
10139N/A libxklavier, and --enable-hal/disable-hal as appropriate.
10139N/A* Mon Sep 04 2006 - damien.carbery@sun.com
10139N/A- Bump to 2.16.0.
10139N/A* Mon Aug 28 2006 - patrick.wade@sun.com
10139N/A- patch : control-center-23-sticky-timeout.diff
10139N/A Bug #6327546
10139N/A* Mon Aug 28 2006 - patrick.wade@sun.com
10139N/A- patch : control-center-22-unique-a11y-kbd.diff
10139N/A Bug #6463966
10139N/A* Wed Aug 23 2006 - damien.carbery@sun.com
10139N/A- Bump to 2.15.92.
10139N/A* Tue Aug 08 2006 - damien.carbery@sun.com
10139N/A- Bump to 2.15.91.
10139N/A* Fri Jul 28 2006 - matt.keenan@sun.com
10139N/A- patch : control-center-21-evolution-about-me.diff : e-contact.h has changed
10139N/A from 1.6->1.8, so about-me image processing needs patching.
10139N/A* Fri Jul 28 2006 - matt.keenan@sun.com
10139N/A- patch : control-center-20-reserved-names.diff : bugzilla : #349079
10139N/A and 2nd Hunk of control-center-12-wall.diff : bugzilla : #347610
10139N/A* Tue Jul 25 2006 - damien.carbery@sun.com
10139N/A- Bump to 2.15.90.
10139N/A* Web Jul 19 2006 - dermot.mccluskey@sun.com
10139N/A- Bump to 2.15.4.
10139N/A Remove patch #16 (upstream) and decrement later patches.
10139N/A* Sat Jul 15 2006 - glynn.foster@sun.com
10139N/A- Remove all the xkb layout related patches to be
10139N/A replaced by a single patch that removes the layout
10139N/A options completely.
10139N/A* Mon Jun 12 2006 - niall.power@sun.com
10139N/A- Added patch22 to fix issue with negative refresh rates:
10139N/A Bug #6437221
10139N/A* Fri May 05 2006 - glynn.foster@sun.com
10139N/A- Move a few menu entries around.
10139N/A* Mon Apr 10 2006 - damien.carbery@sun.com
10139N/A- Bump to 2.14.1.
10139N/A* Tue Mar 14 2006 - glynn.foster@sun.com
10139N/A- Remove registration of settings daemon per display patch,
10139N/A as it's now upstream, #94049.
10139N/A* Mon Mar 13 2006 - damien.carbery@sun.com
10139N/A- Bump to 2.14.0.
10139N/A* Tue Feb 28 2006 - damien.carbery@sun.com
10139N/A- Bump to 2.13.93.
10139N/A* Tue Feb 15 2006 - glynn.foster@sun.com
10139N/A- Remove no apply button patch, since it was reverted upstream.
10139N/A* Tue Feb 14 2006 - damien.carbery@sun.com
10139N/A- Bump to 2.13.92.
10139N/A* Fri Feb 3 2006 - damien.carbery@sun.com
10139N/A- Bump to 2.13.91.
10139N/A- Remove patch 23-no-es-help as #329331 fixed.
10139N/A* Tue Jan 31 2006 - damien.carbery@sun.com
10139N/A- Add patch, 23-no-es-help, to fix #329331.
10139N/A* Tue Jan 31 2006 - glynn.foster@sun.com
10139N/A- Add no apply button patch because of braindead maintainer and bump to
10139N/A 2.13.90
10139N/A* Fri Jan 20 2006 - damien.carbery@sun.com
10139N/A- Bump to
10139N/A- Remove 'mkdir m4' call - fixed in
10139N/A* Wed Jan 18 2006 - brian.cameron@sun.com
10139N/A- Call glib-gettextize instead of commenting out the po directory from the
10139N/A Makefile.am subdirs. Now build with GStreamer 0.10.
10139N/A* Wed Jan 18 2006 - damien.carbery@sun.com
10139N/A- Add patch to fix 327563 (void function returning value), 22-void-return.diff
10139N/A- Delete 'po' dir ref to stop configure infinite loop: 23-stop-infinite-po-loop.
10139N/A- Create 'm4' as require by gnome-doc-prepare.
10139N/A* Mon Jan 16 2006 - glynn.foster@sun.com
10139N/A- Bump to 2.13.5
10139N/A* Sun Jan 15 2006 - damien.carbery@sun.com
10139N/A- Bump to 2.13.4
10139N/A* Tue Dec 20 2005 - dermot.mccluskey@sun.com
10139N/A- Bump to 2.13.3
10139N/A- Remove upstream patch, -22-about-me.diff.
10139N/A* Tue Nov 15 2005 - brian.cameron@sun.com
10139N/A- Patch code so about-me applet can build, and turn on --enable-aboutme
10139N/A at configure time.
10139N/A* Wed Nov 09 2005 - glynn.foster@sun.com
10139N/A- Disable gnome-screensaver temporarily. Fixes #6346174.
10139N/A* Thu Oct 13 2005 - damien.carbery@sun.com
10139N/A- Remove upstream patch, control-center-19-xcursor.diff.
10139N/A* Tue Oct 11 2005 - damien.carbery@sun.com
10139N/A- Bump to 2.12.1
10139N/A* Wed Sep 21 2005 - brian.cameron@sun.com
10139N/A- Add patch 19 so that if xcursor is not present, the configure doesn't
10139N/A bomb out. The HAVE_XCURSOR stuff is #ifdef'ed in the code so this
10139N/A should just build okay without xcursor support. Better than not
10139N/A building at all.
10139N/A* Sat Sep 17 2005 - glynn.foster@sun.com
10139N/A- Bump to 2.12.0
10139N/A* Thu Aug 25 2005 - laca@sun.com
10139N/A- Bump to 2.11.92
10139N/A- add help to %files
10139N/A* Thu Aug 25 2005 - damien.carbery@sun.com
10139N/A- Add automake build dependency, as it will fail for earlier automake.
10139N/A* Mon Aug 15 2005 - laca@sun.com
10139N/A- remove patches read-alert-dialog.diff (reported in bugzilla #172090) and
10139N/A menu-reorder.diff. Renumber patches.
10139N/A* Mon Aug 15 2005 - damien.carbery@sun.com
10139N/A- Bump to 2.11.91.
10139N/A* Thu Aug 04 2005 - laca@sun.com
10139N/A- patches 37, 38, 40 merged by Wipro; renamed 37, 38, 39, 40 to
10139N/A 17, 18, 19, 20.
10139N/A* Fri Jul 22 2005 - srirama.sharma@wipro.com
10139N/A- Updated control-center-13-anykey-grab.diff to fix the gnome-setting-daemon
10139N/A crash on gnome-2.10 Linux.
10139N/A* Tue Jun 14 2005 - damien.carbery@sun.com
10139N/A- Remove backgrounds.xml and backgrounds-linux.xml as they are now in a patch.
10139N/A* Mon Jun 06 2005 - leena.gunda@wipro.com
10139N/A- Added patches/control-center-40-xkb-check-remote-login.diff to
10139N/A make gnome-settings-daemon and the keyboard capplet check for
10139N/A remote login before activating the XKB extension.
10139N/A Fixes bug #6271501.
10139N/A* Thu Jun 02 2005 - brian.cameron@sun.com
10139N/A- Added patch 16 to remove Wall from Makefile.am files.
10139N/A* Thu May 26 2005 - arvind.samptur@wipro.com
10139N/A- Add patch control-center-39-background-crash.diff to fix
10139N/A crash when background properties capplet is closed with
10139N/A with the WM's X button option. Fixes #6275902
10139N/A* Sat May 21 2005 - arvind.samptur@wipro.com
10139N/A- Add patch control-center-38-layout-deletion.diff from Leena.
10139N/A Fixes the issue of deleting all the keyboard layouts #6272904
10139N/A* Fri May 13 2005 - arvind.samptur@wipro.com
10139N/A- Redoing patches for gnome-2.10
10139N/A* Fri Apr 29 2005 - dinoop.thomas@wipro.com
10139N/A- Added control-center-36-https-default-browser.diff to make the default browser
10139N/A settings apply for https also.
10139N/A Fixes #6262124.
10139N/A* Thu Mar 31 2005 - takao.fujiwara@sun.com
10139N/A- Added control-center-35-g11n-filename.diff to avoid segv with filename.
10139N/A Fixes 6247833
10139N/A* Thu Mar 31 2005 - vinay.mandyakoppal@wipro.com
10139N/A- Added control-center-34-read-alert-dialog.diff patch to make screen reader read the
10139N/A sticky key alert dialog. Fixes bug #6240627.
10139N/A* Mon Mar 07 2005 - dinoop.thomas@wipro.com
10139N/A- Added patch control-center-32-homefolder-keybindings.diff. Makes the shortcut for
10139N/A home folder go to home directory of user instead of computer:///
10139N/A Fixes bug #6231348.
10139N/A* Fri Feb 25 2005 - vinay.mandyakoppal@wipro.com
10139N/A- Added patch control-center-31-dnd-non-image.diff. Prevents from adding non image
10139N/A files to the desktop background capplet when dnd from nautilus. Fixes bug #6227064
10139N/A* Fri Feb 21 2005 - archana.shah@wipro.com
10139N/A- Added patch control-center-30-remove-warning-dialog.diff.
10139N/A Remove the warning dialog. Fixes bug #6215642
10139N/A* Fri Feb 11 2005 - vinay.mandyakoppal@wipro.com
10139N/A- Added patch control-center-29-default-browser.diff. Fixes the issue of changing the default browser. Fixes bug#6217648.
10139N/A* Tue Jan 25 2005 - archana.shah@wipro.com
10139N/A- Add patch control-center-28-a11y-issues.diff. Fixed a11y issues in keyboard
10139N/A accessibility capplet.
10139N/A Fixes #5028065
10139N/A* Mon Dec 20 2004 - ghee.teo@sun.com
10139N/A- Added Obsoletes/Provides for acme which has been merged into
10139N/A control-center in 2.6. Fixes 6211773.
10139N/A* Thu Dec 09 2004 - arvind.samptur@wipro.com
10139N/A- Add patch control-center-27-settings-daemon-per-display.diff
10139N/A Starts g-s-d per display. fixes 4886754, 6195818. bugzilla id 94049
10139N/A* Wed Dec 08 2004 - federic.zhang@sun.com
10139N/A- Modified patch control-center-09-fontview-performance.diff
10139N/A The gettexted string shouldn't be freed.
10139N/A* Tue Dec 07 2004 - padraig.obriain@sun.com
10139N/A- Add patch control-center-26-window-props.diff to fix bug #6191372.
10139N/A* Wed Nov 10 2004 - srirama.sharma@wipro.com
10139N/A- Added patch control-center-25-volume-control.diff to control sound
10139N/A using keyboard shortcut keys. Fixes Bug #6173921.
10139N/A* Tue Nov 09 2004 - arvind.samptur@wipro.com
10139N/A- Add patch to fix keybinding capplet behave right when caps lock
10139N/A is on. Fixes #6180767
10139N/A* Thu Nov 04 2004 - ciaran.mcdermott@sun.com
10139N/A- Added control-center-23-g11n-potfiles.diff to update POTFILES.in
10139N/A* Thu Oct 28 2004 - matt.keenan@sun.com
10139N/A- Add gnome-at-properties.1, gnome-font-viewer.1 man pages
10139N/A* Tue Oct 19 2004 - arvind.samptur@wipro.com
10139N/A- Forward port a patch from GNOME 2.0 to add custom keyboard
10139N/A shortcuts. Fixes #4878555
10139N/A* Tue Oct 19 2004 - srirama.sharma@wipro.com
10139N/A- Removing control-center-21-sun-volume-keys.diff as it should get added only for
10139N/A sparc.
10139N/A* Tue Oct 19 2004 - srirama.sharma@wipro.com
10139N/A- Added control-center-21-sun-volume-keys.diff to associate the proper
10139N/A entries for the sunkeys (volume up, down and mute) to control volume.
10139N/A Fixes the Bug #6173921.
10139N/A* Mon Oct 18 2004 - leena.gunda@wipro.com
10139N/A- Added control-center-20-build-typing-break.diff to check for correct
10139N/A screensaver library on solaris which is required to build typing-break.
10139N/A Fixes bug #5083708.
10139N/A* Wed Oct 06 2004 - vinay.mandyakoppal@wipro.com
10139N/A- Added control-center-19-logout-shortcut.diff Patch to remove the
10139N/A "/apps/gnome_settings_daemon/keybindings/power" and use
10139N/A "/apps/metacity/global_keybindings/logout" in the capplet.
10139N/A Fixes bug #5101706.
10139N/A* Fri Sep 24 2004 - yuriy.kuznetsov@sun.com
10139N/A- Added control-center-17-g11n-potfiles.diff
10139N/A* Sat Sep 11 2004 - laca@sun.com
10139N/A- Move Solaris specific LDFLAGS to the Solaris spec file
10139N/A* Fri Sep 10 2004 - damien.carbery@sun.com
10139N/A- Set LDFLAGS so Xrandr and Xrender can be found.
10139N/A* Thu Aug 26 2004 - vinay.mandyakoppal@wipro.com
10139N/A- Modified Patch control-center-03-help-links.diff to provide help
10139N/A link to Assistive Technology.
10139N/A* Thu Aug 19 2004 - kaushal.kumar@wipro.com
10139N/A- Added patch control-center-16-solaris-tar-command.diff to
10139N/A fix problem of directory option for Solaris tar.
10139N/A* Fri Aug 06 2004 - takao.fujiwara@sun.com
10139N/A- Updated control-center-07-g11n-potfiles.diff
10139N/A* Thu Jul 08 2004 - damien.donlon@sun.com
10139N/A- Updated l10n content to control-center-l10n-po-1.2.tar.bz2
10139N/A* Wed Jul 07 2004 - stephen.browne@sun.com
10139N/A- ported to rpm4/suse9.1, packaged missing files, added new devel pkg
10139N/A* Wed Jul 07 2004 - dermot.mccluskey@sun.com
10139N/A- added "-j $CPUS" to make to speed up builds
10139N/A* Fri Jun 25 2004 - arvind.samptur@wipro.com
10139N/A- Get the backgrounds.xml file in DATADIR/gnome-background-properities
10139N/A The Add Wallpaper file selector dialog will open $HOME/Document/Pictures
10139N/A or $HOME/Documents if pictures dir does not exist
10139N/A* Mon Jun 14 2004 - leena.gunda@wipro.com
10139N/A Added control-center-14-customize-system-bell.diff and
10139N/A control-center-15-keyboard-layout.diff to fix bugs 5046592 and 5046596
10139N/A respectively.
10139N/A* Tue Jun 8 2004 - federic.zhang@sun.com
10139N/A- Added the missing %{_sysconfdir}/gnome-vfs-2.0/modules/*
10139N/A* Mon May 31 2004 - padraig.obriain@sun.com
10139N/A- Add control-center-12-accessible-names.diff. Backport of fix for
10139N/A bugzilla - bug #142402.
10139N/A* Tue May 25 2004 - yuriy.kuznetsov@sun.com
10139N/A- Changed name of control-center-10-potfiles.diff to
10139N/A control-center-10-g11n-potfiles.diff to comply with g11n naming standard.
10139N/A Patch control-center-10-g11n-potfiles.diff replaced
10139N/A control-center-10-potfiles.diff
10139N/A* Mon May 24 2004 - muktha.narayan@wipro.com
10139N/A- Added control-center-11-file-types-hang.diff to fix the file types capplet
10139N/A hang when the requested icon file is not found. Bug #5028020.
10139N/A Uploaded the patch in bugzilla - bug #142894.
10139N/A* Fri May 21 2004 - hidetoshi.tajima@sun.com
10139N/A- restore 09-potfiles.diff as 10-potfiles.diff.
10139N/A* Fri May 21 2004 - federic.zhang@sun.com
10139N/A- Fixed bug 5050932: gnome-font-viewer takes too long time to view CJK fonts
10139N/A Added patch control-center-09-fontview-performance.diff and hope it can go
10139N/A upstream, see http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=142878,
10139N/A* Fri May 21 2004 - federic.zhang@sun.com
10139N/A- Fixed bug 5050926: Can't launch gnome-font-viewer in nautilus.
10139N/A Updated the spec file to include those files under /usr/lib/gnome-vfs-2.0/modules,
10139N/A /usr/share/application-registry and /usr/share/mime-info directory
10139N/A* Fri May 14 2004 - kaushal.kumar@wipro.com
10139N/A- Modified patch control-center-03-help-links.diff to
10139N/A remove obsolete stuff.
10139N/A Removed patch control-center-09-window-properties-help.diff.
10139N/A* Wed May 12 2004 - damien.donlon@sun.com
10139N/A- Updated l10n content to control-center-l10n-po-1.1.tar.bz2
10139N/A* Tue May 04 2004 - kaushal.kumar@wipro.com
10139N/A- Added patch control-center-09-window-properties-help.diff to
10139N/A s/wgos*.xml/user-guide.xml.
10139N/A* Mon Apr 26 2004 - glynn.foster@sun.com
10139N/A- Bump to 2.6.1
10139N/A* Wed Apr 21 2004 - vijaykumar.patwari@wipro.com
10139N/A- Appended "desktop_gnome_peripherals_keyboard_xkb.schemas" file for
10139N/A schemas list.
10139N/A* Fri Apr 16 2004 - vijaykumar.patwari@wipro.com
10139N/A- Set the correct browser in command entry box.
10139N/A* Tue Apr 6 2004 - glynn.foster@sun.com
10139N/A- Bump to, and merge a bunch of the menu/title patches
10139N/A into one easy maintainable one. Patch the forte build issue
10139N/A on linux as well - we shouldn't special case this.
10139N/A* Mon Mar 29 2004 - damien.donlon@sun.com
10139N/A- Updated l10n content to control-center-l10n-po-1.0.tar.bz2
10139N/A* Thu Mar 4 2004 - takao.fujiwara@sun.com
10139N/A- Added control-center-09-g11n-schemas.diff to localize schemas.in
10139N/A- Added control-center-10-g11n-potfiles.diff to fix 4957377
10139N/A* Thu Feb 26 2004 - niall.power@sun.com
10139N/A- add libexecdir to pick up missing files
10139N/A* Thu Feb 26 2004 - matt.keenan@sun.com
10139N/A- Update Distro, l10n to 0.8
10139N/A* Tue Feb 24 2004 - niall.power@sun.com
10139N/A- define correct auto*-jds and libtool-jds versions
10139N/A* Tue Feb 24 2004 - niall.power@sun.com
10139N/A- set and export ACLOCAL_FLAGS on linux to
10139N/A pick up necessary JDS_CBE aclocal macros.
10139N/A* Fri Feb 20 2004 - niall.power@sun.com
10139N/A- Added build dependencies on jds CBE auto* tools
10139N/A and set PATH to pick up their location on linux
10139N/A* Wed Feb 18 2004 - niall.power@sun.com
10139N/A- Bump to 2.5.3
10139N/A* Wed Dec 17 2003 - glynn.foster@sun.com
10139N/A- Bump to 2.5.0
10139N/A* Fri Oct 31 2003 - glynn.foster@sun.com
10139N/A- Remove the Sun Support keywords since
10139N/A we're moving away from the Extras menu.
10139N/A* Tue Oct 21 2003 - glynn.foster@sun.com
10139N/A- Add nautilus dependancy
10139N/A* Mon Oct 19 2003 - glynn.foster@sun.com
10139N/A- New tarball, bump version, reset release
10139N/A* Thu Aug 14 2003 - <laca@sun.com>
10139N/A- remove *.a, *.la
10139N/A* Tue Aug 05 2003 - glynn.foster@sun.com
10139N/A- Close keybindings capplet on escape
10139N/A* Tue Aug 05 2003 - glynn.foster@sun.com
10139N/A- Add some metacity docs.
10139N/A* Sat Aug 02 2003 - glynn.foster@sun.com
10139N/A- Now we can theme X cursors
10139N/A* Sat Aug 02 2003 - glynn.foster@sun.com
10139N/A- Don't install gnomecc.desktop
10139N/A* Fri Aug 01 2003 - glynn.foster@sun.com
10139N/A- Add menu categorization cluepackets. Or something.
10139N/A* Thu Jul 24 2003 - glynn.foster@sun.com
10139N/A- Hide the password entry
10139N/A* Tue Jul 22 2003 - glynn.foster@sun.com
10139N/A- Change the window titles
10139N/A* Mon Jul 21 2003 - glynn.foster@sun.com
10139N/A- Reorder desktop preferences menu
10139N/A* Thu Jul 17 2003 - ghee.teo@sun.com
10139N/A- gnome-keybindings-properties uses the panel keys which are essential
10139N/A obsolete in the current release of GNOME. So replace these keys
10139N/A with the appropriate one that are appropriate in metacity.
10139N/A* Thu Jul 17 2003 - glynn.foster@sun.com
10139N/A- s/Files types and programs/File Associations
10139N/A* Thu Jul 17 2003 - glynn.foster@sun.com
10139N/A- Make sure the window icon lookup uses icon themes
10139N/A* Tue Jul 15 2003 - michael.twomey@sun.com
10139N/A- Backported the option to open the fonts folder from the fonts control panel.
10139N/A* Wed Jul 09 2003 - michael.twomey@sun.com
10139N/A- Added gnome-keyboard-layout to control centre.
10139N/A* Fri Jul 03 2003 - markmc@sun.com
10139N/A- Add correct location for new sound icon and
10139N/A add a theme icon.
10139N/A* Fri Jul 03 2003 - markmc@sun.com
10139N/A- Install the .directory things
10139N/A* Mon Jun 30 2003 - markmc@sun.com
10139N/A- add display properties capplet
10139N/A* Fri Jun 27 2003 - glynn.foster@sun.com
10139N/A- bump the version on the control center tarball
10139N/A* Wed Jun 25 2003 - markmc@sun.com
10139N/A- add control-center-01-theme-failsafe.diff
10139N/A* Wed May 14 2003 - Stephen.Browne@sun.com
10139N/A- initial release