919N/A# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the 919N/A# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License"). 919N/A# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 919N/A# See the License for the specific language governing permissions 919N/A# and limitations under the License. 919N/A# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each 919N/A# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the 919N/A# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying 919N/A# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] 98N/A# Copyright (c) 2009, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 98N/A open foo@1.0,5.11-0 98N/A open foo@1.1,5.11-0 156N/A add dir mode=0755 owner=root group=bin path=/lib 1422N/A add depend type=require fmri=pkg:/foo@1.0 1333N/A add dir mode=0755 owner=root group=bin path=/bin 1630N/A add depend type=require fmri=pkg:/foo@1.2 1630N/A add dir mode=0755 owner=root group=bin path=/bin 1451N/A add depend type=require fmri=pkg:/foo@1.0 1451N/A add dir mode=0755 owner=root group=bin path=/bin 1418N/A add depend type=require fmri=pkg:/bar@1.0 98N/A add dir mode=0755 owner=root group=bin path=/bin 493N/A # This test suite needs an actual depot. 1089N/A """Scan logpath looking for request header log entries for 1124N/A X-IPkg-Intent. Returns a list of dicts each representing """Returns a boolean value indicating whether the expected intent entry was found.""" """Verify that informational operations do not send # Verify that no entries are present """Verify that the install and uninstall of a single package sends the expected intent information.""" # no data should be there # Verify that processing entries are present for uninstall. "operation":
"""Verify the the install of a single package, and then an upgrade (install of newer version) of that package sends the expected intent information.""" # Verify that evaluation and processing entries are present "operation":
"""Verify that an install or uninstall of a single package with a single dependency sends the expected intent information.""" # Only testing for process; no need to re-test for evaluate. """Verify that the correct intent information is sent during an fmri_list = [
# Verify that foo11 was installed when upgrading to foo12. "new_fmri" :
"old_fmri" :
# Verify that bar10 was installed when upgrading to bar11. "new_fmri" :
"old_fmri" :
# Verify that bar and foo were uninstalled "operation":
"old_fmri" :
"old_fmri" :