revision 422
20N/A# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the 20N/A# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License"). 20N/A# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 20N/A# See the License for the specific language governing permissions 20N/A# and limitations under the License. 20N/A# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each 20N/A# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the 20N/A# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying 20N/A# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] 260N/A# Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. 20N/A# Use is subject to license terms. 382N/A# Runs lint on the extension module source code 382N/A # Make string shell-friendly 382N/A # assumes lint is on the $PATH 382N/A # Insert tests directory onto sys.path so any custom checkers 382N/A # assumes pylint is accessible on the sys.path 382N/A # specify the filenames of the scripts, in addition 382N/A # to the package names themselves 382N/A # For some reason, the load-plugins option, when used in the 382N/A # rcfile, does not work, so we put it here instead, to load 217N/A # It's OK to have /'s here, python figures it out when writing files At the end of the install function, we need to rename some files because distutils provides no way to rename files as they are placed in their install locations. Also, make sure that cherrypy is installed. # make scripts executable print "downloading CherryPy" print "Unable to retrieve %s.\nPlease retrieve the file " \
# remove a partial download or error message from proxy print "unpacking CherryPy" # extractall doesn't exist until python 2.5 print "installing CherryPy" print >>
"ERROR: unable to obtain mercurial version" # override the build_module method to do VERSION substitution on pkg/ # Grab the previously-built version out of the build vstr =
'VERSION = "%s"' % v
# If the versions haven't changed, there's no need to print "doing version substitution: ", v
description =
"Deletes any and all files created by setup" print(
"deleting cherrypy")
# These are set to real values based on the platform, down below # all builds of IPS should have manpages # Solaris-specific extensions are added here # Unix platforms which the elf extension has been ported to # are specified here, so they are built automatically # Solaris has built-in md library and Solaris-specific arch extension # All others use OpenSSL and cross-platform arch module