revision 526
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# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
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# Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Use is subject to license terms.
import datetime
import exceptions
import time
import calendar
class IllegalDotSequence(exceptions.Exception):
def __init__(self, *args):
exceptions.Exception.__init__(self, *args)
class DotSequence(list):
"""A DotSequence is the typical "x.y.z" string used in software
versioning. We define the "major release" value and the "minor release"
value as the first two numbers in the sequence."""
def dotsequence_int(elem):
# Do this first; if the string is zero chars or non-numeric
# chars, this will throw.
x = int(elem)
if elem[0] == "-":
raise ValueError, "Negative number"
if x > 0 and elem[0] == "0":
raise ValueError, "Zero padded number"
return x
def __init__(self, dotstring):
except ValueError:
raise IllegalDotSequence(dotstring)
if len(self) == 0:
raise IllegalDotSequence("Empty DotSequence")
def __str__(self):
return ".".join(map(str, self))
def __hash__(self):
return hash(tuple(self))
def is_subsequence(self, other):
"""Return true if self is a "subsequence" of other, meaning that
other and self have identical components, up to the length of
self's sequence."""
if len(self) > len(other):
return False
for a, b in zip(self, other):
if a != b:
return False
return True
def is_same_major(self, other):
""" Test if DotSequences have the same major number """
return self[0] == other[0]
def is_same_minor(self, other):
""" Test if DotSequences have the same major and minor num """
return self[0] == other[0] and self[1] == other[1]
class IllegalVersion(exceptions.Exception):
def __init__(self, *args):
exceptions.Exception.__init__(self, *args)
class Version(object):
"""Version format is release[,build_release]-branch:datetime, which we
decompose into three DotSequences and a date string. Time
representation is in the ISO8601-compliant form "YYYYMMDDTHHMMSSZ",
referring to the UTC time associated with the version. The release and
branch DotSequences are interpreted normally, where v1 < v2 implies that
v2 is a later release or branch. The build_release DotSequence records
the system on which the package binaries were constructed.
Interpretation of the build_release by the client is that, in the case
b1 < b2, a b1 package can be run on either b1 or b2 systems,while a b2
package can only be run on a b2 system."""
def __init__(self, version_string, build_string):
# XXX If illegally formatted, raise exception.
if not version_string:
raise IllegalVersion, "Version cannot be empty"
# Locate and extract the time, branch, and build strings,
# if specified. Error checking happens in the second half of
# the routine. In the event that a given part of the input is
# signalled but empty (for example: '0.3-' or '0.3-3.0:',
# we'll produce an empty (but not None) string for that portion.
# Locate and extract the time string, if specified.
timeidx = version_string.find(":")
if timeidx != -1:
timestr = version_string[timeidx + 1:]
timeidx = None
timestr = None
# Locate and extract the branch string, if specified.
branchidx = version_string.find("-")
if branchidx != -1:
branch = version_string[branchidx + 1:timeidx]
branchidx = timeidx
branch = None
# Locate and extract the build string, if specified.
buildidx = version_string.find(",")
if buildidx != -1:
build = version_string[buildidx + 1:branchidx]
buildidx = branchidx
build = None
if buildidx == 0:
raise IllegalVersion, \
"Versions must have a release value"
# Error checking and conversion from strings to objects
# begins here.
self.release = DotSequence(version_string[:buildidx])
if branch is not None:
self.branch = DotSequence(branch)
self.branch = None
if build is not None:
self.build_release = DotSequence(build)
assert build_string is not None
self.build_release = DotSequence(build_string)
except IllegalDotSequence, id:
raise IllegalVersion("Bad Version: %s" % id)
# In 99% of the cases in which we use date and time, it's solely
# for comparison. Since the ISO date string lexicographically
# collates in date order, we just hold onto the string-
# converting it to anything else is expensive.
if timestr is not None:
if len(timestr) != 16 or timestr[8] != "T" \
or timestr[15] != "Z":
raise IllegalVersion, \
"Time must be ISO8601 format."
dateint = int(timestr[0:8])
timeint = int(timestr[9:15])
datetime.datetime(dateint / 10000,
(dateint / 100) % 100,
dateint % 100,
timeint / 10000,
(timeint / 100) % 100,
timeint % 100)
raise IllegalVersion, \
"Time must be ISO8601 format."
self.timestr = timestr
self.timestr = None
def compatible_with_build(self, target):
"""target is a DotSequence for the target system."""
if self.build_release < target:
return True
return False
def __str__(self):
outstr = str(self.release) + "," + str(self.build_release)
if self.branch:
outstr += "-" + str(self.branch)
if self.timestr:
outstr += ":" + self.timestr
return outstr
def __repr__(self):
return "<pkg.fmri.Version '%s' at %#x>" % (self, id(self))
def get_short_version(self):
branch_str = ""
if self.branch:
branch_str = "-%s" % self.branch
return "%s%s" % (self.release, branch_str)
def set_timestamp(self, timestamp=datetime.datetime.utcnow()):
assert type(timestamp) == datetime.datetime
assert timestamp.tzname() == None or timestamp.tzname() == "UTC"
self.timestr = timestamp.strftime("%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ")
def get_timestamp(self):
if not self.timestr:
return None
t = time.strptime(self.timestr, "%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ")
return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(calendar.timegm(t))
def __ne__(self, other):
if other == None:
return True
if self.release == other.release and \
self.branch == other.branch and \
self.timestr == other.timestr:
return False
return True
def __eq__(self, other):
if other == None:
return False
if self.release == other.release and \
self.branch == other.branch and \
self.timestr == other.timestr:
return True
return False
def __lt__(self, other):
"""Returns True if 'self' comes before 'other', and vice versa.
If exactly one of the release values of the versions is None,
then that version is less than the other. The same applies to
the branch and timestamp components.
if other == None:
return False
if self.release < other.release:
return True
if self.release != other.release:
return False
if self.branch < other.branch:
return True
if self.branch != other.branch:
return False
return self.timestr < other.timestr
def __gt__(self, other):
"""Returns True if 'self' comes after 'other', and vice versa.
If exactly one of the release values of the versions is None,
then that version is less than the other. The same applies to
the branch and timestamp components.
if other == None:
return True
if self.release > other.release:
return True
if self.release != other.release:
return False
if self.branch > other.branch:
return True
if self.branch != other.branch:
return False
return self.timestr > other.timestr
def __cmp__(self, other):
if self < other:
return -1
if self > other:
return 1
if self.build_release < other.build_release:
return -1
if self.build_release > other.build_release:
return 1
return 0
def __hash__(self):
# If a timestamp is present, it's enough to hash on, and is
# nicely unique. If not, use release and branch, which are
# not very unique.
if self.timestr:
return hash(self.timestr)
return hash((self.release, self.branch))
def is_successor(self, other, constraint):
"""Evaluate true if self is a successor version to other.
The loosest constraint is CONSTRAINT_NONE (None is treated
equivalently, which is a simple test for self > other. As we
proceed through the policies we get stricter, depending on the
selected constraint.
Slightly less loose is CONSTRAINT_AUTO. In this case, if any of
the release, branch, or timestamp components is None, it acts as
a "don't care" value -- a versioned component always succeeds
For CONSTRAINT_RELEASE, self is a successor to other if all of
the components of other's release match, and there are later
components of self's version. The branch and datetime
components are ignored.
is effectively truncated to [other[0]] and [other[0], other[1]]
prior to being treated as for CONSTRAINT_RELEASE.
Similarly for CONSTRAINT_BRANCH, the release fields of other and
self are expected to be identical, and then the branches are
compared as releases were for the CONSTRAINT_RELEASE* policies.
if constraint == None or constraint == CONSTRAINT_NONE:
return self > other
if constraint == CONSTRAINT_AUTO:
release_match = branch_match = date_match = False
if other.release and self.release:
if other.release.is_subsequence(self.release):
release_match = True
elif not other.release:
release_match = True
if other.branch and self.branch:
if other.branch.is_subsequence(self.branch):
branch_match = True
elif not other.branch:
branch_match = True
if self.timestr and other.timestr:
if other.timestr == self.timestr:
date_match = True
elif not other.timestr:
date_match = True
return release_match and branch_match and date_match
if constraint == CONSTRAINT_RELEASE:
return other.release.is_subsequence(self.release)
return other.release.is_same_major(self.release)
return other.release.is_same_minor(self.release)
if constraint == CONSTRAINT_BRANCH:
return other.branch.is_subsequence(self.branch)
return other.branch.is_same_major(self.branch)
return other.branch.is_same_minor(self.branch)
raise ValueError, "constraint has unknown value"