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# basic variant support
import copy
import itertools
import six
import types
from collections import namedtuple
from pkg._varcet import _allow_variant
from pkg.misc import EmptyI
class _Variants(dict):
# store information on variants; subclass dict
# and maintain set of keys for performance reasons
def __init__(self, init=EmptyI):
for i in init:
self[i] = init[i]
def copy(self):
return Variants(self)
# allow_action is provided as a native function (see end of class
# declaration).
if six.PY3:
def allow_action(self, action, publisher=None):
return _allow_variant(self, action, publisher=publisher)
if six.PY2:
_Variants.allow_action = types.MethodType(_allow_variant, None, _Variants)
class Variants(_Variants):
"""This is a wrapper-class used by other consumers that handles implicit
variant values. This class cannot be used by the VariantCombination*
classes since they rely on explicit values only to be found."""
def __getitem_internal(self, item):
"""Implement variant lookup algorithm here
Note that _allow_variant bypasses __getitem__ for performance
reasons; if __getitem__ changes, _allow_variant in _varcet.c
must also be updated.
We return a tuple of the form (<key>, <value>) where key is the
explicitly set variant name that matched the caller specific
variant name."""
if not item.startswith("variant."):
raise KeyError("key must start w/ variant.")
if item in self:
return item, dict.__getitem__(self, item)
# Unknown variants have a default implicit value 'false'.
return None, "false"
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self.__getitem_internal(item)[1]
# The two classes which follow are used during dependency calculation when
# actions have variants, or the packages they're contained in do. The
# VariantCombinationTemplate corresponds to information that is encoded in
# the actions. Specifically, it records what types of variants exist
# (variant.arch or variant.debug) and what values are known to exist for them
# (x86/sparc or debug/non-debug). The variant types are the keys of the
# dictionary while the variant values are what the keys map to.
# The VariantCombinations class serves a different purpose. In order to
# determine whether a dependency is satisfied under all combinations of
# variants, it is necessary to track whether each combination has been
# satisfied. When a VariantCombinations is created, it is provided a
# VariantCombinationTemplate which it uses to seed the combinations of variants.
# To make a single combination instance, for each type of variant, it chooses
# one value and adds it to the instance. It creates all possible combination
# instances and these are what it uses to track whether all combinations have
# been satisfied. The class also provides methods for manipulating the
# instances while maintaining consistency between the satisfied set and the
# unsatisfied set.
class VariantCombinationTemplate(_Variants):
"""Class for holding a template of variant types and their potential
def __copy__(self):
return VariantCombinationTemplate(self)
def __setitem__(self, item, value):
"""Overrides _Variants.__setitem__ to ensure that all values are
if isinstance(value, list):
value = set(value)
elif not isinstance(value, set):
value = set([value])
_Variants.__setitem__(self, item, value)
def issubset(self, var):
"""Returns whether self is a subset of variant var."""
res = self.difference(var)
return not res.type_diffs and not res.value_diffs
def difference(self, var):
res = VCTDifference([], [])
for k in self:
if k not in var:
for v in self[k] - var[k]:
res.value_diffs.append((k, v))
return res
def merge_unknown(self, var):
"""Pull the values for unknown keys in var into self."""
for name in var:
if name not in self:
self[name] = var[name]
def merge_values(self, var):
"""Pull all unknown values of all keys in var into self."""
for name in var:
self.setdefault(name, set([])).update(var[name])
def __repr__(self):
return "VariantTemplate({0})".format(dict.__repr__(self))
def __str__(self):
s = ""
for k in sorted(self):
t = ",".join(['"{0}"'.format(v) for v in sorted(self[k])])
s += " {0}={1}".format(k, t)
if s:
return s
return " <none>"
VCTDifference = namedtuple("VCTDifference", ["type_diffs", "value_diffs"])
# Namedtuple used to store the results of VariantCombinationTemplate
# differences. The type_diffs field stores the variant types which are in the
# caller and not in the argument to difference. The value_diffs field stores
# the values for particular types which are in the caller and not in the
# argument to difference.
class VariantCombinations(object):
"""Class for keeping track of which combinations of variant values have
and have not been satisfied for a particular action."""
def __init__(self, vct, satisfied):
"""Create an instance of VariantCombinations based on the
template provided.
The 'vct' parameter is the template from which to build the
The 'satisfied' parameter is a boolean which determines whether
the combinations created from the template will be considered
satisfied or unsatisfied."""
assert(isinstance(vct, VariantCombinationTemplate))
self.__sat_set = set()
self.__not_sat_set = set()
tmp = []
# This builds all combinations of variant values presented in
# vct.
for k in sorted(vct):
if not tmp:
# Initialize tmp with the key-value pairs for
# the first key in vct.
tmp = [[(k, v)] for v in vct[k]]
# For each subsequent key in vct, append each of its
# key-value pairs to each of the existing combinations.
new_tmp = [
exist[:] + [(k, v)] for v in vct[k]
for exist in tmp
tmp = new_tmp
# Here is an example of how the loop above would handle a vct
# of { 1:["a", "b"], 2:["x", "y"], 3:["m", "n"] }
# First, tmp would be initialized as [[(1, "a")], [(1, "b")]]
# Next, a new list is created by adding (2, "x") to a copy
# of each item in tmp, and then (2, "y"). This produces
# [[(1, "a"), (2, "x")], [(1, "a"), (2, "y")],
# [(1, "b"), (2, "x")], [(1, "b"), (2, "y")]]
# That process is repeated one more time for the 3 key,
# resulting in:
# [[(1, "a"), (2, "x"), (3, "m")],
# [(1, "a"), (2, "x"), (3, "n")],
# [(1, "a"), (2, "y"), (3, "m")],
# [(1, "a"), (2, "y"), (3, "n")],
# [(1, "b"), (2, "x"), (3, "m")],
# [(1, "b"), (2, "x"), (3, "n")],
# [(1, "b"), (2, "y"), (3, "m")],
# [(1, "b"), (2, "y"), (3, "n")]]
self.__combinations = [frozenset(l) for l in tmp]
res = set(self.__combinations)
if satisfied:
self.__sat_set = res
self.__not_sat_set = res
self.__template = copy.copy(vct)
self.__simpl_template = None
def template(self):
return self.__template
def sat_set(self):
if not self.__simpl_template:
return self.__sat_set
return self.__calc_simple(True)
def not_sat_set(self):
if not self.__simpl_template:
return self.__not_sat_set
return self.__calc_simple(False)
def __copy__(self):
vc = VariantCombinations(self.__template, True)
vc.__sat_set = copy.copy(self.__sat_set)
vc.__not_sat_set = copy.copy(self.__not_sat_set)
vc.__simpl_template = self.__simpl_template
vc.__combinations = self.__combinations
return vc
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.__template == other.__template and \
self.__sat_set == other.__sat_set and \
self.__not_sat_set == other.__not_sat_set and \
self.__simpl_template == other.__simpl_template and \
self.__combinations == other.__combinations
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
__hash__ = object.__hash__
def is_empty(self):
"""Returns whether self was created with any potential variant
return not self.__sat_set and not self.__not_sat_set
def issubset(self, vc, satisfied):
"""Returns whether the instances in self are a subset of the
instances in vc. 'satisfied' determines whether the instances
compared are drawn from the set of satisfied instances or the
set of unsatisfied instances."""
if satisfied:
return self.__sat_set.issubset(vc.__sat_set)
return self.__not_sat_set.issubset(vc.__not_sat_set)
def intersects(self, vc, only_not_sat=False):
"""Returns whether an action whose variants are vc could satisfy
dependencies whose variants are self.
'only_not_sat' determines whether only the unsatisfied set of
variants for self is used for comparision. When only_not_sat
is True, then intersects returns wether vc would satisfy at
least one instance which is currently unsatisfied."""
if self.is_empty() or vc.is_empty():
return True
tmp = self.intersection(vc)
if only_not_sat:
return bool(tmp.__not_sat_set)
return not tmp.is_empty()
def intersection(self, vc):
"""Find those variant values in self that are also in var, and
return them."""
assert len(vc.not_sat_set) == 0
res = copy.copy(self)
res.__sat_set &= vc.__sat_set
res.__not_sat_set &= vc.__sat_set
return res
def separate_satisfied(self, vc):
"""Find those combinations of variants that are satisfied only
in self, in both self and vc, and only in vc."""
intersect = None
only_big = None
only_small = None
if self.is_empty() and vc.is_empty():
return None, self, None
if vc.__template.issubset(self.__template):
big = self
small = vc
elif self.__template.issubset(vc.__template):
big = vc
small = self
# If one template isn't a subset of, or identical to,
# the other, then no meaningful comparison can be
# performed.
return self, None, vc
if big.__sat_set & small.__sat_set:
intersect = VariantCombinations(big.__template, False)
intersect.__sat_set = big.__sat_set & small.__sat_set
intersect.__not_sat_set -= intersect.__sat_set
if big.__sat_set - small.__sat_set:
only_big = VariantCombinations(big.__template, False)
only_big.__sat_set = big.__sat_set - small.__sat_set
only_big.__not_sat_set -= only_big.__sat_set
if small.__sat_set - big.__sat_set:
only_small = VariantCombinations(big.__template, False)
only_small.__sat_set = small.__sat_set - big.__sat_set
only_small.__not_sat_set -= only_small.__sat_set
if big == self:
return only_big, intersect, only_small
return only_small, intersect, only_big
def mark_as_satisfied(self, vc):
"""For all instances in vc, mark those instances as being
satisfied. Returns a boolean indicating whether any changes
have been made."""
i = vc.__sat_set & self.__not_sat_set
if not i:
return False
self.__not_sat_set -= i
self.__sat_set |= i
return True
def mark_as_unsatisfied(self, vc):
"""For all satisfied instances in vc, mark those instances as
being unsatisfied."""
i = vc.__sat_set & self.__sat_set
if not i:
return False
self.__sat_set -= i
self.__not_sat_set |= i
return True
def mark_all_as_satisfied(self):
"""Mark all instances as being satisfied."""
self.__sat_set |= self.__not_sat_set
self.__not_sat_set = set()
def is_satisfied(self):
"""Returns whether all variant combinations for this package
have been satisfied."""
return not self.__not_sat_set
def simplify(self, vct, assert_on_different_domains=True):
"""Store the provided VariantCombinationTemplate as the template
to use when simplifying the combinations."""
if not self.__template.issubset(vct):
self.__simpl_template = {}
if assert_on_different_domains:
assert self.__template.issubset(vct), \
self.__template, vct)
self.__simpl_template = vct
def split_combinations(self):
"""Create one VariantCombination object for each possible
combination of variants. This is useful when each combination
needs to be associated with other information."""
tmp = []
for c in self.__combinations:
vc = VariantCombinations(self.__template, False)
vc.__not_sat_set = set()
# If there weren't any combinations, then this is an empty
# variant combination, so just return a copy of ourselves.
if not tmp:
return tmp
def unsatisfied_copy(self):
"""Create a copy of this variant combination, but make sure all
the variant combinations are marked as unsatisifed."""
return VariantCombinations(self.__template, False)
def __calc_simple(self, sat):
"""Given VariantCombinationTemplate to be simplified against,
reduce the instances to the empty set if the instances cover all
possible combinations of the template provided.
A general approach to simplification is currently deemed to
difficult in the face of arbitrary numbers of variant types and
arbitrary numbers of variant."""
if not self.__simpl_template:
possibilities = 0
possibilities = 1
for k in self.__simpl_template:
possibilities *= len(self.__simpl_template[k])
if sat:
rel_set = self.__sat_set
rel_set = self.__not_sat_set
# If the size of sat_set or not_sat_set matches the number of
# possibilities a template can produce, then it can be
# simplified.
if possibilities == len(rel_set):
return set()
# If any dependencies are merged, then another pass over the
# variant types is necessary. 'keep_going' tracks whether that
# has happened.
keep_going = True
while keep_going:
keep_going = False
# For each variant type ...
# Sort to ensure variant_name is being visited in a
# reversed aliphatic order so that the logic below can
# get a deterministic simplified variant combination
# between Python 2 and 3.
# For example, "variant.opensolaris.zone" should be
# visited before "variant.arch".
for variant_name in sorted(self.__simpl_template,
def exclude_name(item):
return [
(k, v) for k, v in item
if k != variant_name
# For sanity, instead of modifying rel_set on
# the fly, a new working set is created to which
# members or collapsed members of rel_set are
# added.
new_rel_set = set()
# Put the combinations of variant values into
# groups so that all members of the group are
# identical except for the values for
# variant_name.
for k, g in itertools.groupby(
sorted(rel_set, key=exclude_name),
g = set(g)
# If there are fewer members in the
# group than there are values, then
# there's no way this value can be
# collapsed.
if len(g) < len(self.__simpl_template[
new_rel_set |= g
# 'expected' is the set of variant
# values that will need to be seen to
# collapse the combinations in g by
# removing the values associated with
# variant_name.
expected = set(self.__simpl_template[
# Check to see whether all possible
# variant values are covered.
for tup in g:
for v_name, v_value in tup:
if v_name != \
# If not all the possible values have
# been seen, then the variant
# combinations can't be collapsed.
if expected:
new_rel_set |= g
# If they have, then the variant
# combinations can be collapsed by
# removing variant_name. The key used
# to group the variant combinations,
# 'k', is identical to each of the
# variant combinations with the value
# for variant_name removed, so 'k' is
# added to the new result set. Since
# some variant combinations have been
# collapsed, then it's necessary to make
# another pass over the variant types as
# 'k' may be able to collapse with other
# variant combinations.
keep_going = True
rel_set = new_rel_set
return rel_set
def __repr__(self):
return "VC Sat:{0} Unsat:{1}".format(sorted(self.__sat_set),