revision 1376
# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
# or
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
# and limitations under the License.
# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
# file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
# Copyright 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
# Use is subject to license terms.
import os
import errno
from itertools import groupby, chain, repeat
from pkg.misc import EmptyI, expanddirs
import pkg.actions as actions
import pkg.client.api_errors as api_errors
import pkg.portable as portable
import pkg.variant as variant
import sha
from pkg.actions.attribute import AttributeAction
class Manifest(object):
"""A Manifest is the representation of the actions composing a specific
package version on both the client and the repository. Both purposes
utilize the same storage format.
The serialized structure of a manifest is an unordered list of actions.
The special action, "set", represents a package attribute.
The reserved attribute, "fmri", represents the package and version
described by this manifest. It is available as a string via the
attributes dictionary, and as an FMRI object from the fmri member.
The list of manifest-wide reserved attributes is
base_directory Default base directory, for non-user images.
fmri Package FMRI.
isa Package is intended for a list of ISAs.
platform Package is intended for a list of platforms.
relocatable Suitable for User Image.
All non-prefixed attributes are reserved to the framework. Third
parties may prefix their attributes with a reversed domain name, domain
name, or stock symbol. An example might be
as an indicator that a specific package version is supported by the
manifest.null is provided as the null manifest. Differences against the
null manifest result in the complete set of attributes and actions of
the non-null manifest, meaning that all operations can be viewed as
tranitions between the manifest being installed and the manifest already
present in the image (which may be the null manifest).
def __init__(self):
self.img = None
self.fmri = None
self.actions = []
self.actions_bytype = {}
self.variants = {} # variants seen in package
self.facets = {} # facets seen in package
self.attributes = {} # package-wide attributes
def __str__(self):
r = ""
if "fmri" not in self.attributes and self.fmri != None:
r += "set name=fmri value=%s\n" % self.fmri
for act in sorted(self.actions):
r += "%s\n" % act
return r
def as_lines(self):
"""A generator function that returns the unsorted manifest
contents as lines of text."""
if "fmri" not in self.attributes and self.fmri != None:
yield "set name=fmri value=%s\n" % self.fmri
for act in self.actions:
yield "%s\n" % act
def tostr_unsorted(self):
return "".join((l for l in self.as_lines()))
def difference(self, origin, origin_exclude=EmptyI,
"""Return three lists of action pairs representing origin and
destination actions. The first list contains the pairs
representing additions, the second list contains the pairs
representing updates, and the third list contains the pairs
representing removals. All three lists are in the order in
which they should be executed."""
# XXX Do we need to find some way to assert that the keys are
# all unique?
if isinstance(origin, EmptyCachedManifest):
# No origin was provided, so nothing has been changed or
# removed; only added. In addition, this doesn't need
# to be sorted since the caller likely already does
# (such as pkgplan/imageplan).
return (
[(None, a) for a in self.gen_actions(self_exclude)],
[], [])
sdict = dict(
((, a.attrs.get(a.key_attr, id(a))), a)
for a in self.gen_actions(self_exclude)
odict = dict(
((, a.attrs.get(a.key_attr, id(a))), a)
for a in origin.gen_actions(origin_exclude)
sset = set(sdict.keys())
oset = set(odict.keys())
added = [(None, sdict[i]) for i in sset - oset]
removed = [(odict[i], None) for i in oset - sset]
# XXX for now, we force license actions to always be
# different to insure that existing license files for
# new versions are always installed
changed = [
(odict[i], sdict[i])
for i in oset & sset
if odict[i].different(sdict[i]) or i[0] == "license"
# XXX Do changed actions need to be sorted at all? This is
# likely to be the largest list, so we might save significant
# time by not sorting. Should we sort above? Insert into a
# sorted list?
# singlesort = lambda x: x[0] or x[1]
addsort = lambda x: x[1]
remsort = lambda x: x[0]
removed.sort(key = remsort, reverse = True)
added.sort(key = addsort)
changed.sort(key = addsort)
return (added, changed, removed)
def comm(*compare_m):
"""Like the unix utility comm, except that this function
takes an arbitrary number of manifests and compares them,
returning a tuple consisting of each manifest's actions
that are not the same for all manifests, followed by a
list of actions that are the same in each manifest."""
# construct list of dictionaries of actions in each
# manifest, indexed by unique keys
m_dicts = [
((, a.attrs.get(a.key_attr, id(a))), a)
for a in m.actions)
for m in compare_m
# construct list of key sets in each dict
m_sets = [
for m in m_dicts
common_keys = reduce(lambda a, b: a & b, m_sets)
# determine which common_keys have common actions
for k in common_keys.copy():
for i in range(len(m_dicts) - 1):
if m_dicts[i][k].different(
m_dicts[i + 1][k]):
return tuple(
[m_dicts[i][k] for k in m_sets[i] - common_keys]
for i in range(len(m_dicts))
[ m_dicts[0][k] for k in common_keys ]
def combined_difference(self, origin, ov=EmptyI, sv=EmptyI):
"""Where difference() returns three lists, combined_difference()
returns a single list of the concatenation of the three."""
return list(chain(*self.difference(origin, ov, sv)))
def humanized_differences(self, other, ov=EmptyI, sv=EmptyI):
"""Output expects that self is newer than other. Use of sets
requires that we convert the action objects into some marshalled
form, otherwise set member identities are derived from the
object pointers, rather than the contents."""
l = self.difference(other, ov, sv)
out = ""
for src, dest in chain(*l):
if not src:
out += "+ %s\n" % str(dest)
elif not dest:
out += "- %s\n" + str(src)
out += "%s -> %s\n" % (src, dest)
return out
def gen_actions(self, excludes=EmptyI):
"""Generate actions in manifest through ordered callable list"""
for a in self.actions:
for c in excludes:
if not c(a):
yield a
def gen_actions_by_type(self, atype, excludes=EmptyI):
"""Generate actions in the manifest of type "type"
through ordered callable list"""
for a in self.actions_bytype.get(atype, []):
for c in excludes:
if not c(a):
yield a
def gen_key_attribute_value_by_type(self, atype, excludes=EmptyI):
"""Generate the value of the key atrribute for each action
of type "type" in the manifest."""
return (
for a in self.gen_actions_by_type(atype, excludes)
def duplicates(self, excludes=EmptyI):
"""Find actions in the manifest which are duplicates (i.e.,
represent the same object) but which are not identical (i.e.,
have all the same attributes)."""
def fun(a):
"""Return a key on which actions can be sorted."""
return, a.attrs.get(a.key_attr, id(a))
alldups = []
acts = [a for a in self.gen_actions(excludes)]
for k, g in groupby(sorted(acts, key=fun), fun):
glist = list(g)
dups = set()
for i in range(len(glist) - 1):
if glist[i].different(glist[i + 1]):
dups.add(glist[i + 1])
if dups:
alldups.append((k, dups))
return alldups
def set_fmri(self, img, fmri):
self.img = img
self.fmri = fmri
def set_content(self, content, excludes=EmptyI):
"""content is the text representation of the manifest"""
self.actions = []
self.actions_bytype = {}
self.variants = {}
self.facets = {}
self.attributes = {}
# So we could build up here the type/key_attr dictionaries like
# sdict and odict in difference() above, and have that be our
# main datastore, rather than the simple list we have now. If
# we do that here, we can even assert that the "same" action
# can't be in a manifest twice. (The problem of having the same
# action more than once in packages that can be installed
# together has to be solved somewhere else, though.)
for l in content.splitlines():
l = l.lstrip()
if not l or l[0] == "#":
action = actions.fromstr(l)
except actions.ActionError, e:
# Add the FMRI to the exception and re-raise
e.fmri = self.fmri
# XXX handle legacy transition issues; not needed after
# 2009.06 release & republication are complete.
if "" in action.attrs and \
"" not in action.attrs:
action.attrs[""] = \
if == "set" and \
action.attrs["name"] == "authority":
# Translate old action to new.
action.attrs["name"] = "publisher"
if action.attrs.has_key("path"):
np = action.attrs["path"].lstrip(os.path.sep)
action.attrs["path"] = np
if not action.include_this(excludes):
if not in self.actions_bytype:
self.actions_bytype[] = [ action ]
# add any set actions to attributes
if == "set":
# append any variants and facets to manifest dict
v_list, f_list = action.get_varcet_keys()
if v_list or f_list:
for v, d in zip(v_list, repeat(self.variants)) \
+ zip(f_list, repeat(self.facets)):
if v not in d:
d[v] = set([action.attrs[v]])
def fill_attributes(self, action):
"""Fill attribute array w/ set action contents."""
keyvalue = action.attrs["name"]
if keyvalue not in self.attributes:
self.attributes[keyvalue] = \
except KeyError: # ignore broken set actions
def search_dict(file_path, excludes, return_line=False,
"""Produces the search dictionary for a specific manifest.
A dictionary is constructed which maps a tuple of token,
action type, key, and the value that matched the token to
the byte offset into the manifest file. file_path is the
path to the manifest file. excludes is the variants which
should be allowed in this image. return_line is a debugging
flag which makes the function map the information to the
string of the line, rather than the byte offset to allow
easier debugging."""
if log is None:
log = lambda x: None
file_handle = file(file_path)
cur_pos = 0
line = file_handle.readline()
action_dict = {}
def __handle_list(lst, cp):
"""Translates what actions.generate_indices produces
into a dictionary mapping token, action_name, key, and
the value that should be displayed for matching that
token to byte offsets into the manifest file.
The "lst" parameter is the data to be converted.
The "cp" parameter is the byte offset into the file
for the action which produced lst."""
for action_name, subtype, tok, full_value in lst:
if action_name == "set":
if full_value is None:
full_value = tok
if full_value is None:
full_value = subtype
if full_value is None:
full_value = action_name
if isinstance(tok, list):
(action_name, subtype, t,
for t in tok
], cp)
if (tok, action_name, subtype,
full_value) in action_dict:
action_dict[(tok, action_name,
subtype, full_value)
action_dict[(tok, action_name,
subtype, full_value)] = [cp]
while line:
l = line.strip()
if l and l[0] != "#":
action = actions.fromstr(l)
except actions.ActionError, e:
log((_("%(fp)s:\n%(e)s") %
{ "fp": file_path, "e": e }))
if action.include_this(excludes):
if action.attrs.has_key("path"):
np = action.attrs["path"].lstrip(os.path.sep)
action.attrs["path"] = \
inds = action.generate_indices()
except KeyError, k:
log(_("%(fp)s contains "
"an action which is"
" missing the "
"expected attribute"
": %(at)s.\nThe "
"action is:"
"%(act)s") %
"fp": file_path,
"at": k.args[0],
arg = cur_pos
if return_line:
arg = l
__handle_list(inds, arg)
cur_pos = file_handle.tell()
line = file_handle.readline()
return action_dict
def signatures(self):
"""A dict structure of signature key and value pairs for the
the contents of the Manifest. The keys are the names of each
signature and the values are the signature."""
# NOTE: The logic here must be identical to that of store() so
# that the signature properly reflects the on-disk data.
sha_1 =
for l in self.as_lines():
return { "sha-1": sha_1.hexdigest() }
def validate(self, signatures):
"""Verifies whether the signatures for the contents of
the manifest match the specified signature data. Raises
the 'BadManifestSignatures' exception on failure."""
if signatures != self.signatures:
raise api_errors.BadManifestSignatures(self.fmri)
def store(self, mfst_path):
"""Store the manifest contents to disk."""
tmp_path = mfst_path + ".tmp"
mfile = file(tmp_path, "w")
except IOError:
except OSError, e:
if e.errno != errno.EEXIST:
mfile = file(tmp_path, "w")
# We specifically avoid sorting manifests before writing
# them to disk-- there's really no point in doing so, since
# we'll sort actions globally during packaging operations.
portable.rename(tmp_path, mfst_path)
def get_variants(self, name):
if name not in self.attributes:
return None
variants = self.attributes[name]
if not isinstance(variants, str):
return variants
return [variants]
def get_all_variants(self):
"""Return a dictionary mapping variant tags to their values."""
return variant.VariantSets(dict((
(name, self.attributes[name])
for name in self.attributes
if name.startswith("variant.")
def get(self, key, default):
return self[key]
except KeyError:
return default
def get_size(self, excludes=EmptyI):
"""Returns an integer representing the total size, in bytes, of
the Manifest's data payload.
'excludes' is a list of variants which should be allowed when
calculating the total.
size = 0
for a in self.gen_actions(excludes):
size += int(a.attrs.get("pkg.size", "0"))
return size
def __getitem__(self, key):
"""Return the value for the package attribute 'key'."""
return self.attributes[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
"""Set the value for the package attribute 'key' to 'value'."""
self.attributes[key] = value
for a in self.actions:
if == "set" and a.attrs["name"] == key:
a.attrs["value"] = value
new_attr = AttributeAction(None, name=key, value=value)
def __contains__(self, key):
return key in self.attributes
null = Manifest()
class CachedManifest(Manifest):
"""This class handles a cache of manifests for the client;
it partitions the manifest into multiple files (one per
action type) and also builds an on-disk cache of the
directories explictly and implicitly referenced by the
manifest, tagging each one w/ the appropriate variants/facets."""
def __file_path(self, name):
return os.path.join(self.__pkgdir,
self.fmri.get_dir_path(), name)
def __init__(self, fmri, pkgdir, preferred_pub, excludes=EmptyI,
"""Raises KeyError exception if cached manifest
is not present and contents are None; delays
reading of manifest until required if cache file
is present"""
self.__pkgdir = pkgdir
self.__pub = preferred_pub
self.loaded = False
self.set_fmri(None, fmri)
self.excludes = excludes
mpath = self.__file_path("manifest")
# Do we have a cached copy?
if not os.path.exists(mpath):
if not contents:
raise KeyError, fmri
# we have no cached copy; save one
# don't specify excludes so on-disk copy has
# all variants
if self.__storeback():
elif excludes:
self.set_content(contents, excludes)
# we have a cached copy of the manifest
mdpath = self.__file_path("manifest.dircache")
# have we computed the dircache?
if not os.path.exists(mdpath): # we're adding cache
self.excludes = EmptyI # to existing manifest
if self.__storeback():
elif excludes:
self.excludes = excludes
def __load(self):
"""Load all manifest contents from on-disk copy of manifest"""
f = file(self.__file_path("manifest"))
data =
self.set_content(data, self.excludes)
def __unload(self):
"""Unload manifest; used to reduce peak memory comsumption
when downloading new manifests"""
self.actions = []
self.actions_bytype = {}
self.variants = {}
self.facets = {}
self.attributes = {}
self.loaded = False
def __finiload(self):
"""Finish loading.... this part of initialization is common
to multiple code paths"""
self.loaded = True
# this needs to change; we should not modify on-disk manifest
if self.fmri and "publisher" not in self.attributes:
if not self.fmri.has_publisher():
pub = self.__pub
pub = self.fmri.get_publisher()
# This shouldn't be set unless available.
if pub:
Manifest.__setitem__(self, "publisher", pub)
def __storeback(self):
""" store the current action set; also create per-type
caches. Return True if data was saved, False if not"""
assert self.loaded
return True
except EnvironmentError, e:
# this allows us to try to cache new manifests
# when non-root w/o failures
if e.errno not in (errno.EROFS, errno.EACCES):
return False
def __storebytype(self):
""" create manifest.<typename> files to accelerate partial
parsing of manifests. Separate from __storeback code to
allow upgrade to reuse existing on disk manifests"""
assert self.loaded
# create per-action type cache; use rename to avoid
# corrupt files if ^C'd in the middle
# XXX consider use of per-process tmp file names
for n in self.actions_bytype.keys():
f = file(self.__file_path("manifest.%s.tmp" % n),
for a in self.actions_bytype[n]:
f.write("%s\n" % a)
portable.rename(self.__file_path("manifest.%s.tmp" % n),
self.__file_path("manifest.%s" % n))
# create dircache
f = file(self.__file_path("manifest.dircache.tmp"), "w")
dirs = self.__actions_to_dirs()
for s in self.__gen_dirs_to_str(dirs):
def __gen_dirs_to_str(dirs):
""" from a dictionary of paths, generate contents of dircache
for d in dirs:
for v in dirs[d]:
yield "dir path=%s %s\n" % \
(d, " ".join("%s=%s" % t \
for t in v.iteritems()))
def __actions_to_dirs(self):
""" create dictionary of all directories referenced
by actions explicitly or implicitly from self.actions...
include variants as values; collapse variants where possible"""
assert self.loaded
dirs = {}
# build a dictionary containing all directories tagged w/
# variants
for a in self.actions:
v, f = a.get_varcet_keys()
variants = dict((name, a.attrs[name]) for name in v + f)
for d in expanddirs(a.directory_references()):
if d not in dirs:
dirs[d] = [variants]
elif variants not in dirs[d]:
# remove any tags if any entries are always installed (NULL)
for d in dirs:
if {} in dirs[d]:
dirs[d] = [{}]
# could collapse dirs where all variants are present
return dirs
def get_directories(self, excludes):
""" return a list of directories implicitly or
explicitly referenced by this object"""
mpath = self.__file_path("manifest.dircache")
if not os.path.exists(mpath):
# no cached copy
if not self.loaded:
# need to load from disk
# generate actions that contain directories
alist = [
for s in self.__gen_dirs_to_str(
# we have cached copy on disk; use it
f = file(mpath)
alist = [actions.fromstr(s.strip()) for s in f]
s = set([
for a in alist
if a.include_this(excludes)
return list(s)
def gen_actions_by_type(self, atype, excludes=EmptyI):
""" generate actions of the specified type;
use already in-memory stuff if already loaded,
otherwise use per-action types files"""
if self.loaded: #if already loaded, use in-memory cached version
# invoke subclass method to generate action by action
for a in Manifest.gen_actions_by_type(self, atype,
yield a
mpath = self.__file_path("manifest.dircache")
if not os.path.exists(mpath):
# no cached copy :-(
if not self.loaded:
# get manifest from disk
# invoke subclass method to generate action by action
for a in Manifest.gen_actions_by_type(self, atype,
yield a
# we have a cached copy - use it
mpath = self.__file_path("manifest.%s" % atype)
if not os.path.exists(mpath):
return # no such action in this manifest
f = file(mpath)
for l in f:
a = actions.fromstr(l.strip())
if a.include_this(excludes):
yield a
def __load_attributes(self):
"""Load attributes dictionary from cached set actions;
this speeds up pkg info a lot"""
mpath = self.__file_path("manifest.set")
if not os.path.exists(mpath):
return False
f = file(mpath)
for l in f:
a = actions.fromstr(l.strip())
if a.include_this(self.excludes):
return True
def __getitem__(self, key):
if not self.loaded and not self.__load_attributes():
return Manifest.__getitem__(self, key)
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
"""No assignments to cached manifests allowed."""
assert "CachedManifests are not dicts"
def __contains__(self, key):
if not self.loaded and not self.__load_attributes():
return Manifest.__contains__(self, key)
def get(self, key, default):
return self[key]
except KeyError:
return default
def get_variants(self, name):
if not self.loaded and not self.__load_attributes():
return Manifest.get_variants(self, name)
def get_all_variants(self):
if not self.loaded and not self.__load_attributes():
return Manifest.get_all_variants(self)
def search_dict(file_path, excludes, return_line=False):
return Manifest.search_dict(file_path, excludes,
def gen_actions(self, excludes=EmptyI):
if not self.loaded:
return Manifest.gen_actions(self, excludes=excludes)
def duplicates(self, excludes=EmptyI):
if not self.loaded:
return Manifest.duplicates(self, excludes=excludes)
def difference(self, origin, origin_exclude=EmptyI,
if not self.loaded:
return Manifest.difference(self, origin,
class EmptyCachedManifest(Manifest):
"""Special class for pkgplan's need for a empty manifest;
the regular null manifest doesn't support get_directories
and making the cached manifest code handle this case is
too ugly..."""
def __init__(self):
def difference(self, origin, origin_exclude=EmptyI,
"""Return three lists of action pairs representing origin and
destination actions. The first list contains the pairs
representing additions, the second list contains the pairs
representing updates, and the third list contains the pairs
representing removals. All three lists are in the order in
which they should be executed."""
# The difference for this case is simply everything in the
# origin has been removed. This is an optimization for
# uninstall.
return ([], [],
[(a, None) for a in origin.gen_actions(self_exclude)])
def get_directories(excludes):
return []
NullCachedManifest = EmptyCachedManifest()