facet.py revision 3253
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# basic facet support
import fnmatch
import re
import six
import types
from functools import cmp_to_key
import pkg.misc as misc
from pkg._varcet import _allow_facet
from pkg.misc import EmptyI, ImmutableDict
class Facets(dict):
# store information on facets; subclass dict
# and maintain ordered list of keys sorted
# by length.
# subclass __getitem__ so that queries w/
# actual facets find match
# For image planning purposes and to be able to compare facet objects
# deterministically, facets must be sorted. They are first sorted by
# source (more details below), then by length, then lexically.
# Facets can come from three different sources.
# SYSTEM facets are facets whose values are assigned by the system.
# These are usually facets defined in packages which are not set in an
# image, and the value assigned by the system is always true. These
# facets will usually never be found in a Facets dictionary. (Facets
# dictionaries only contain facets which are explicitly set.)
# LOCAL facets are facets which have been set locally in an image
# using pkg(1) or the pkg api. Explicitly set LOCAL facets are stored
# in Facets.__local. Facets which are not explicitly set but match an
# explicitly set LOCAL facet glob pattern are also considered to be
# PARENT facets are facets which are inherited from a parent image.
# they are managed internally by the packaging subsystem. Explicitly
# inherited facets are stored in Facets.__inherited. Facets which are
# not explicitly set but match an explicitly set PARENT facet glob
# pattern are also considered to be PARENT.
# When evaluating facets, all PARENT facets are evaluated before LOCAL
# facets. This is done by ensuring that all PARENT facets come before
# any LOCAL facets in __keylist. This is done because PARENT facets
# exist to propagate faceted dependencies between linked images, which
# is needed to ensure the solver can run successfully. ie, if a
# parent image relaxes dependencies via facet version-locks, then the
# child needs to inherit those facets since otherwise it is more
# constrained in possible solutions than it's parent and likely won't
# be able to plan an update that keeps it in sync with it's parent.
# Sine PARENT facets take priority over LOCAL facets, it's possible to
# have conflicts between the two. In the case where a facet is both
# inherited and set locally, both values are preserved, but the
# inherited value masks the local value. Users can list and update
# local values while they are masked using pkg(1), but as long as the
# values are masked they will not affect image planning operations.
# Once an inherited facet that masks a local facet is removed, the
# local facet will be restored.
def __init__(self, init=EmptyI):
self.__keylist = []
self.__res = {}
self.__local = {}
self.__local_ro = None
self.__inherited = {}
self.__inherited_ro = None
# initialize ourselves
def getstate(obj, je_state=None):
"""Returns the serialized state of this object in a format
that that can be easily stored using JSON, pickle, etc."""
return [
[k, v, True]
for k, v in six.iteritems(obj.__inherited)
] + [
[k, v, False]
for k, v in six.iteritems(obj.__local)
def fromstate(state, jd_state=None):
"""Update the state of this object using previously serialized
state obtained via getstate()."""
rv = Facets()
for k, v, inhertited in state:
if not inhertited:
rv[k] = v
rv._set_inherited(k, v)
return rv
def _cmp_priority(self, other):
"""Compare the facet match priority of two Facets objects.
Since the match priority of a Facets object is dependent upon
facet sources (local vs parent) and names, we're essentially
ensuring that both objects have the same set of facet sources
and names."""
assert type(other) is Facets
return misc.cmp(self.__keylist, other.__keylist)
def _cmp_values(self, other):
"""Compare the facet values of two Facets objects. This
comparison ignores any masked values."""
assert type(other) is Facets
return misc.cmp(self, other)
def _cmp_all_values(self, other):
"""Compare all the facet values of two Facets objects. This
comparison takes masked values into account."""
assert type(other) is Facets
rv = misc.cmp(self.__inherited, other.__inherited)
if rv == 0:
rv = misc.cmp(self.__local, other.__local)
return rv
# this __cmp__ is used as a helper function for the rich comparison
# methods.
# __cmp__ defined; pylint: disable=W1630
def __cmp__(self, other):
"""Compare two Facets objects. This comparison takes masked
values into account."""
# check if we're getting compared against something other than
# another Factes object.
if type(other) is not Facets:
return 1
# Check for effective facet value changes that could affect
# solver computations.
rv = self._cmp_values(other)
if rv != 0:
return rv
# Check for facet priority changes that could affect solver
# computations. (Priority changes can occur when local or
# inherited facets are added or removed.)
rv = self._cmp_priority(other)
if rv != 0:
return rv
# There are no outwardly visible facet priority or value
# changes that could affect solver computations, but it's
# still possible that we're changing the set of local or
# inherited facets in a way that doesn't affect solver
# computations. For example: we could be adding a local
# facet with a value that is masked by an inherited facet, or
# having a facet transition from being inherited to being
# local without a priority or value change. Check if this is
# the case.
rv = self._cmp_all_values(other)
return rv
def __hash__(self):
return hash(str(self))
def __eq__(self, other):
"""redefine in terms of __cmp__()"""
return (Facets.__cmp__(self, other) == 0)
def __ne__(self, other):
"""redefine in terms of __cmp__()"""
return (Facets.__cmp__(self, other) != 0)
def __ge__(self, other):
"""redefine in terms of __cmp__()"""
return (Facets.__cmp__(self, other) >= 0)
def __gt__(self, other):
"""redefine in terms of __cmp__()"""
return (Facets.__cmp__(self, other) > 0)
def __le__(self, other):
"""redefine in terms of __cmp__()"""
return (Facets.__cmp__(self, other) <= 0)
def __lt__(self, other):
"""redefine in terms of __cmp__()"""
return (Facets.__cmp__(self, other) < 0)
def __repr__(self):
s = "<"
s += ", ".join([
"{0}:{1}".format(k, dict.__getitem__(self, k))
for k in self.__keylist
s += ">"
return s
def __keylist_sort(self):
"""Update __keysort, which is used to determine facet matching
order. Inherited facets always take priority over local
facets so make sure all inherited facets come before local
facets in __keylist. All facets from a given source are
sorted by length, and facets of equal length are sorted
def facet_sort(x, y):
i = len(y) - len(x)
if i != 0:
return i
return misc.cmp(x, y)
self.__keylist = []
self.__keylist += sorted([
for i in self
if i in self.__inherited
], key=cmp_to_key(facet_sort))
self.__keylist += sorted([
for i in self
if i not in self.__inherited
], key=cmp_to_key(facet_sort))
def __setitem_internal(self, item, value, inherited=False):
if not item.startswith("facet."):
raise KeyError('key must start with "facet".')
if not (value == True or value == False):
raise ValueError("value must be boolean")
keylist_sort = False
if (inherited and item not in self.__inherited) or \
(not inherited and item not in self):
keylist_sort = True
# save the facet in the local or inherited dictionary
# clear the corresponding read-only dictionary
if inherited:
self.__inherited[item] = value
self.__inherited_ro = None
self.__local[item] = value
self.__local_ro = None
# Inherited facets always take priority over local facets.
if inherited or item not in self.__inherited:
dict.__setitem__(self, item, value)
self.__res[item] = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(item))
if keylist_sort:
def __setitem__(self, item, value):
"""__setitem__ only operates on local facets."""
self.__setitem_internal(item, value)
def __getitem_internal(self, item):
"""Implement facet lookup algorithm here
Note that _allow_facet bypasses __getitem__ for performance
reasons; if __getitem__ changes, _allow_facet in _varcet.c
must also be updated.
We return a tuple of the form (<key>, <value>) where key is
the explicitly set facet name (which may be a glob pattern)
that matched the caller specific facet name."""
if not item.startswith("facet."):
raise KeyError("key must start w/ facet.")
if item in self:
return item, dict.__getitem__(self, item)
for k in self.__keylist:
if self.__res[k].match(item):
return k, dict.__getitem__(self, k)
# The trailing '.' is to encourage namespace usage.
if item.startswith("facet.debug.") or \
return None, False # exclude by default
return None, True # be inclusive
def __getitem__(self, item):
return self.__getitem_internal(item)[1]
def __delitem_internal(self, item, inherited=False):
# check for an attempt to delete an invalid facet
if not dict.__contains__(self, item):
raise KeyError(item)
# check for an attempt to delete an invalid local facet
if not inherited and item not in self.__local:
raise KeyError(item)
# we should never try to delete an invalid inherited facet
assert not inherited or item in self.inherited
keylist_sort = False
if inherited and item in self.__local:
# the inherited value was overriding a local value
# that should now be exposed
dict.__setitem__(self, item, self.__local[item])
self.__res[item] = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(item))
keylist_sort = True
# delete the item
dict.__delitem__(self, item)
del self.__res[item]
# delete item from the local or inherited dictionary
# clear the corresponding read-only dictionary
if inherited:
rv = self.__inherited[item]
del self.__inherited[item]
self.__inherited_ro = None
rv = self.__local[item]
del self.__local[item]
self.__local_ro = None
if keylist_sort:
return rv
def __delitem__(self, item):
"""__delitem__ only operates on local facets."""
# allow_action is provided as a native function (see end of class
# declaration).
def _set_inherited(self, item, value):
"""Set an inherited facet."""
self.__setitem_internal(item, value, inherited=True)
def _clear_inherited(self):
"""Clear all inherited facet."""
for k in self.__inherited.keys():
self.__delitem_internal(k, inherited=True)
def _action_match(self, act):
"""Find the subset of facet key/values pairs which match any
facets present on an action."""
# find all the facets present in the current action
action_facets = frozenset([
for a in act.attrs
if a.startswith("facet.")
rv = set()
for facet in self.__keylist:
if facet in action_facets:
# we found a matching facet.
rv.add((facet, self[facet]))
for action_facet in action_facets:
if self.__res[facet].match(action_facet):
# we found a matching facet.
rv.add((facet, self[facet]))
return (frozenset(rv))
def pop(self, item, *args, **kwargs):
"""pop() only operates on local facets."""
assert len(args) == 0 or (len(args) == 1 and
"default" not in kwargs)
if item not in self.__local:
# check if the user specified a default value
if args:
return args[0]
elif "default" in kwargs:
return kwargs["default"]
if len(self) == 0:
raise KeyError('pop(): dictionary is empty')
raise KeyError(item)
return self.__delitem_internal(item, inherited=False)
def popitem(self):
"""popitem() only operates on local facets."""
item = None
for item, value in self.__local:
if item is None:
raise KeyError('popitem(): dictionary is empty')
return (item, value)
def setdefault(self, item, default=None):
if item not in self:
self[item] = default
return self[item]
def update(self, d):
if type(d) == Facets:
# preserve inherited facets.
for k, v in six.iteritems(d.__inherited):
self._set_inherited(k, v)
for k, v in six.iteritems(d.__local):
self[k] = v
for k in d:
self[k] = d[k]
def keys(self):
return self.__keylist[:]
def values(self):
return [self[k] for k in self.__keylist]
def _src_values(self, name):
"""A facet may be set via multiple sources and hence have
multiple values. If there are multiple values for a facet,
all but one of those values will be masked. So for a given
facet, return a list of tuples of the form (<value>, <src>,
<masked>) which represent all currently set values for this
rv = []
if name in self.__inherited:
value = self.__inherited[name]
masked = False
rv.append((value, src, masked))
if name in self.__local:
src = self.FACET_SRC_LOCAL
value = self.__local[name]
masked = False
if name in self.__inherited:
masked = True
rv.append((value, src, masked))
return rv
def items(self):
return [a for a in six.iteritems(self)]
def iteritems(self): # return in sorted order for display
for k in self.__keylist:
yield k, self[k]
def copy(self):
return Facets(self)
def clear(self):
self.__keylist = []
self.__res = {}
self.__local = {}
self.__local_ro = None
self.__inherited = {}
self.__inherited_ro = None
def _match_src(self, name):
"""Report the source of a facet value if we were to attempt to
look it up in the current Facets object dictionary."""
k = self.__getitem_internal(name)[0]
if k in self.__inherited:
return self.FACET_SRC_PARENT
if k in self.__local:
return self.FACET_SRC_LOCAL
assert k is None and k not in self
return self.FACET_SRC_SYSTEM
# For convenience, provide callers with direct access to local and
# parent facets via cached read-only dictionaries.
def local(self):
if self.__local_ro is None:
self.__local_ro = ImmutableDict(self.__local)
return self.__local_ro
def inherited(self):
if self.__inherited_ro is None:
self.__inherited_ro = ImmutableDict(self.__inherited)
return self.__inherited_ro
Facets.allow_action = types.MethodType(_allow_facet, None, Facets)