565N/A# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the 565N/A# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License"). 565N/A# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 565N/A# See the License for the specific language governing permissions 565N/A# and limitations under the License. 565N/A# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each 565N/A# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the 565N/A# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying 565N/A# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] 3321N/A# Copyright (c) 2008, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 926N/A# EmptyI for argument defaults; can't import from misc due to circular 2339N/AThe pkg client api module can not be invoked from an setuid executable.""")
2524N/A """Private base exception class for all History exceptions.""" 2524N/A """Used to indicate that an unexpected error occurred while loading 2524N/A History operation information. 2524N/A The first argument should be an exception object related to the 2524N/A """Used to indicate that invalid time / range values were provided to 2524N/A """Used to indicate that an unexpected error occurred while storing 2524N/A History operation information. 2524N/A The first argument should be an exception object related to the 2524N/A """Used to indicate that an unexpected error occurred while purging 2524N/A History operation information. 2524N/A The first argument should be an exception object related to the 1710N/A """Used to indicate that the image is currently locked by another thread 1710N/A or process and cannot be modified.""" 1710N/A return _(
"The image cannot be modified as it is " 1710N/A "currently in use by another package client: " 1710N/A return _(
"The image cannot be modified as it is " 1710N/A "currently in use by another package client: " 1710N/A return _(
"The image cannot be modified as it is " 1710N/A "currently in use by another package client: " 1710N/A return _(
"The image cannot be modified as it is currently " 1710N/A "in use by another package client.")
565N/A """Used when an image was not found""" 2144N/A """Used to indicate that an image cannot be used until its format is 3158N/A return _(
"The image rooted at {0} is written in an older format " 2144N/A "and must be updated before the requested operation can be " 2407N/A """Used when insuffcient space exists for proposed operation""" 3158N/A return _(
"Insufficient disk space available ({avail}) " 1618N/A """Base exception class for plan preparation errors.""" 1755N/A """Used to indicate that the requested operation could not be completed 1755N/A as one or more packages contained invalid metadata.""" 1755N/A """'errors' should be a list of exceptions or strings 1755N/A indicating what packages had errors and why.""" 1755N/A return _(
"The requested operation cannot be completed due " 1755N/A "to invalid package metadata. Details follow:\n\n" 1618N/A """Used to indicate that license-related errors occurred during 1618N/A plan evaluation or execution.""" 1618N/A """Used to indicate that plan evaluation or execution failed due 1618N/A to license-related errors for a package.""" 1618N/A """'errors' should be a list of LicenseAcceptanceError 1618N/A """A list of LicenseAcceptanceError exceptions.""" 1618N/A """Used to indicate that image plan evaluation or execution failed due 1618N/A to license-related errors.""" 1618N/A """'errors' should be a list of PkgLicenseErrors exceptions.""" 1618N/A """Returns a dictionary indexed by package FMRI string of 1618N/A lists of LicenseAcceptanceError exceptions.""" 1618N/A """Returns a string representation of the license errors.""" 3459N/A """Used to indicate that image plan evaluation or execution failed due 1710N/A """Used to indicate that the image plan is no longer valid, likely as a 1710N/A result of an image state change since the plan was created.""" 1710N/A return _(
"The plan for the current operation is no longer " 1710N/A "valid. The image has likely been modified by another " 1710N/A "process or client. Please try the operation again.")
3158N/A return _(
"Invalid package state change attempted '{states}' " 3356N/A return _(
"pkg(7) out of date")
2976N/A return _(
"Requested operation cannot be performed " 2976N/A return _(
"Requested operation cannot be performed " 3158N/A return _(
"Could not operate on {0}\nbecause of " 2126N/A "insufficient permissions. Please try the " 2126N/ACould not complete the operation because of insufficient permissions. 2126N/APlease try the command again as a privileged user. 3158N/A return _(
"Could not operate on {0}\nbecause the file is " 879N/A "in use. Please stop using the file and try the\n" 2612N/A return _(
"Insufficient access to complete the requested " 2612N/A "operation.\nPlease try the operation again as a " 1945N/A """Used to indicate that the operation was attempted on a 3158N/A return _(
"Could not complete the operation on {0}: " 1335N/A return _(
"Could not complete the operation: read-only " 3158N/A return _(
"Unable to obtain or operate on lock at {0}.\n" 3158N/A "Please try the operation again as a privileged " 2510N/A """Used to indicate which patterns were not matched or illegal during 2510N/A a package name matching operation.""" 2301N/A s = _(
"The following pattern(s) did not match any " 3158N/A s = _(
"'{0}' matches multiple packages")
3158N/A s = _(
"'{0}' is an illegal FMRI")
2301N/A s = _(
"The following different patterns specify the " 3384N/A """Used to indicate that the requested operation could not be executed 3384N/A due to unexpected changes in image state after planning was completed. 3384N/A return _(
"The files listed below were modified after operation " 3384N/A "planning was complete or were missing during plan " 3384N/A "execution; this may indicate an administrative issue or " 2339N/AThe following pattern(s) did not match any allowable packages. Try 2445N/Ausing a different matching pattern, or refreshing publisher information: 2445N/AThe following pattern(s) only matched packages rejected by user request. Try 2445N/Ausing a different matching pattern, or refreshing publisher information: 2212N/AThe following pattern(s) only matched packages that are not available 2212N/Afor the current image's architecture, zone type, and/or other variant:""")
1505N/A s = _(
"The following patterns only matched packages " 1505N/A "that are from publishers other than that which " 1505N/A "supplied the already installed version of this package")
3158N/A s = _(
"'{0}' matches multiple packages")
3158N/A s = _(
"'{0}' matches no installed packages")
3158N/A s = _(
"'{0}' is an illegal fmri")
3158N/A s = _(
"'{p}' supports the following architectures: " 3158N/A a = _(
"Image architecture is defined as: {0}")
3158N/A s = _(
"'{p}' depends on obsolete package '{op}'")
1352N/A s = _(
"The proposed operation can not be performed for " 1352N/A "the following package(s) as they are already " 2453N/A s = _(
"The following mediations are not syntactically " 2681N/A s = _(
"The following patterns specify different " 2681N/A "versions of the same package(s):")
1505N/A res += [_(
"No solution was found to satisfy constraints")]
2339N/ASyncing this linked image would require the following package updates: 2339N/AThe proposed operation on this parent image can not be performed because 2339N/Atemporary origins were specified and this image has children. Please either 2339N/Aretry the operation again without specifying any temporary origins, or if 2339N/Apackages from additional origins are required, please configure those origins 3158N/A res += [_(
"Package {pkg} is missing a dependency: " 2200N/A res += [_(
"The following files are not packaged in this image:")]
2339N/A res += [_(
"The following packages are already " 2339N/A "installed in this image; use uninstall to " 2339N/A res += [_(
"The following packages are a target " 2339N/A "of group dependencies; use install to unavoid " 2505N/A res += [_(
"The following packages are not on the " 2505N/A "avoid list, so they\ncannot be removed from it.")]
2339N/AInvalid child image publisher configuration. Child image publisher 2364N/Aconfiguration must be a superset of the parent image publisher configuration. 2339N/APlease update the child publisher configuration to match the parent. If the 2339N/Achild image is a zone this can be done automatically by detaching and 2339N/AThe parent image has the following enabled publishers:"""))
2339N/AThe child image has the following enabled publishers:"""))
3110N/A res += [_(
"The following publishers do not have any " 3110N/A "configured package repositories and cannot be " 3110N/A "used in package dehydration or rehydration " 2205N/A """Used to indicate that the imageplan would result in one or more sets 2205N/A of conflicting actions, meaning that more than one action would exist on 2205N/A the system with the same key attribute value in the same namespace. 2205N/A There are three categories, each with its own subclass: 2205N/A - multiple files delivered to the same path or drivers, users, groups, 2205N/A etc, delivered with the same key attribute; 2205N/A - multiple objects delivered to the same path which aren't the same 2205N/A - multiple directories, links, or hardlinks delivered to the same path 2205N/A but with conflicting attributes. 2205N/A """A container for multiple ConflictingActionError exception objects 2205N/A that can be raised as a single exception.""" 2205N/A """Multiple actions of the same type have been delivered with the same 2205N/A key attribute (when not allowed).""" 3158N/A s = _(
"The following packages all deliver {action} " 3347N/A s += _(
"\n\nThese packages cannot be installed " 3347N/A "together. Any non-conflicting subset\nof " 3347N/A "the above packages can be installed.")
3158N/A s = _(
"The package {pfmri} delivers multiple copies " 2205N/A s += _(
"\nThis package must be corrected before it " 2205N/A """Multiple actions of different types have been delivered with the same 2205N/A 'path' attribute. While this exception could represent other action 2205N/A groups which share a single namespace, none such exist.""" 2205N/A s = _(
"The following packages deliver conflicting " 3347N/A s += _(
"\n\nThese packages cannot be installed " 3347N/A "together. Any non-conflicting subset\nof " 3347N/A "the above packages can be installed.")
3158N/A s = _(
"The package {pfmri} delivers conflicting " 2205N/A s += _(
"\nThis package must be corrected before it " 2205N/A """Multiple actions of the same type representing the same object have 2205N/A have been delivered, but with conflicting attributes, such as two 2205N/A directories at /usr with groups 'root' and 'sys', or two 'root' users 2205N/A # Trim the action's attributes to only those required to be 2205N/A s = _(
"The requested change to the system attempts to install " 3158N/A "multiple actions\nfor {a} '{k}' with conflicting " 3158N/A t = _(
" {n:d} package delivers '{a}':\n")
3158N/A t = _(
" {n:d} packages deliver '{a}':\n")
3158N/A t = _(
" {n:d} packages deliver '{a}', including:\n")
2239N/A s += _(
"\nThis package must be corrected before it " 3347N/A s += _(
"\n\nThese packages cannot be installed " 3347N/A "together. Any non-conflicting subset\nof " 3347N/A "the above packages can be installed.")
3206N/A """Used to indicate that a file is delivered to image dir""" 3206N/A """fmri is the package fmri 3206N/A actions should be a dictionary of which key is the 3206N/A error type and value is a list of actions""" 3206N/A "of the target image:\n\n")
3206N/A "the target boot environment:\n\n")
3206N/A "reserved directories:\n\n")
3206N/A """This function is used to append errors in the error 3206N/A """Return whether error dictionary is empty""" 3458N/A s += (
"The package {0} delivers items" 3458N/A " outside the boundaries of" 3458N/A " the target image and can not be" 3458N/A s += (
"The package {0} delivers items" 3458N/A " environment and can not be" 3458N/A s += (
"The package {0} delivers items" 3458N/A " to reserved directories and can" 3206N/A """A container for multiple ImageBoundaryError exception objects 3206N/A that can be raised as a single exception.""" 3206N/A "the boundaries of the target image and can not be " 3206N/A "the target boot environment and can not be " 3206N/A "directories and can not be installed:\n\n")
3206N/A # If err does not contain this error type 2205N/A """Takes a list of items and puts them into a string, with commas in 2205N/A between items, and an "and" between the last two items. Special cases 2205N/A for lists of two or fewer items, and uses the Oxford comma.""" 2205N/A # Used for a two-element list 2205N/A # In order to properly i18n this construct, we create two templates: 2205N/A # one for each element save the last, and one that tacks on the last 2205N/A # 'elementtemplate' is for each element through the penultimate 2205N/A # 'listtemplate' concatenates the concatenation of non-ultimate elements 2205N/A # and the ultimate element. 1859N/A """Used to indicate that action execution (such as install, remove, 1859N/A etc.) failed even though the action is valid. 1050N/A In particular, this exception indicates that something went wrong in the 1859N/A application (or unapplication) of the action to the system, and is most 3356N/A likely not an error in the pkg(7) code.""" 1859N/A """'action' is the object for the action that failed during the 1859N/A 'details' is an optional message explaining what operation 1859N/A failed, why it failed, and why it cannot continue. It should 1859N/A also include a suggestion as to how to resolve the situation 1859N/A 'error' is an optional exception object that may have been 1859N/A raised when the operation failed. 1859N/A 'fmri' is an optional package FMRI indicating what package 1859N/A was being operated on at the time the error occurred. 1859N/A 'use_errno' is an optional boolean value indicating whether 1859N/A the strerror() text of the exception should be used. If 1859N/A 'details' is provided, the default value is False, otherwise 1859N/A # If details were provided, don't use errno unless 1050N/A # Fall back on the wrapped exception if we don't have anything 1050N/A # If we only have one of the two, no need for the colon. 1352N/A """Base exception class for all catalog exceptions.""" 1352N/A """Used to indicate that the specified FMRI is not valid for catalog 1352N/A operations because it is missing publisher information.""" 3158N/A return _(
"The FMRI '{0}' does not contain publisher information " 1352N/A """Used to indicate an operation on the catalog's meta_root failed 1352N/A because the meta_root is invalid.""" 3158N/A return _(
"Catalog meta_root '{root}' is invalid; unable " 1352N/A """Used to indicate the server catalog files do not have the expected 1352N/A """files should contain a list object with each entry consisting 1352N/A of a tuple of filename, expected_mode, received_mode.""" 1352N/A msg = _(
"The following catalog files have incorrect " 3158N/A msg += _(
"\t{fname}: expected mode: {emode}, found " 1352N/A """Used to indicate that the Catalog signatures are not valid.""" 3158N/A return _(
"The signature data for the '{0}' catalog file is not " 1352N/A """Used to indicate that the requested catalog updates could not be 1352N/A applied as the new catalog data is significantly different such that 1352N/A the old catalog cannot be updated to match it.""" 1352N/A return _(
"Unable to determine the updates needed for " 1352N/A "the current catalog using the provided catalog " 1352N/A """Used to indicate that the specified catalog operation could not be 1352N/A performed since it would result in a duplicate catalog entry.""" 3158N/A return _(
"Unable to perform '{op}' operation for catalog " 3158N/A "{name}; completion would result in a duplicate entry " 1352N/A """Used to indicate that an update request for the catalog could not 1352N/A be performed because update requirements were not satisfied.""" 1352N/A return _(
"Catalog updates can only be applied to an on-disk " 1352N/A """Used to indicate a Catalog file could not be loaded.""" 3158N/A return _(
"Catalog file '{0}' is invalid.\nUse 'pkgrepo rebuild' " 2022N/A """Used to indicate that a Catalog's attributes and parts do not 2022N/A match. This is likely the result of an attributes file being 2022N/A retrieved which doesn't match the parts that were retrieved such 2022N/A as in a misconfigured or stale cache case.""" 3158N/A return _(
"The content of the catalog for publisher '{0}' " 2022N/A "doesn't match the catalog's attributes. This is " 2022N/A "likely the result of a mix of older and newer " 3158N/A "catalog files being provided for the publisher.").
1352N/A """Used to indicate that the specified catalog updates are for an older 1352N/A version of the catalog and cannot be applied.""" 1352N/A return _(
"Unable to determine the updates needed for the " 3158N/A "catalog using the provided catalog update data in '{0}'. " 1352N/A "The specified catalog updates are for an older version " 1352N/A """Used to indicate that an entry for the specified package FMRI or 1352N/A pattern could not be found in the catalog.""" 3158N/A return _(
"'{0}' could not be found in the catalog.").
1352N/A """Used to indicate that the specified CatalogUpdate operation is 1431N/A """Raised when the catalog finds a CatalogPart that is unrecognized 3158N/A return _(
"Unrecognized, unknown, or invalid CatalogPart '{0}'").
1352N/A """Used to indicate that some of the specified patterns to a catalog 1970N/A matching function did not match any catalog entries, or were invalid 596N/A # Illegal FMRIs have their own __str__ method 614N/A outstr += _(
"No matching package could be found for " 614N/A "the following FMRIs in any of the catalogs for " 926N/A "the current publishers:\n")
1027N/A """Based class used for all search-related api exceptions.""" 1191N/A """Raised when the server cannot understand the format of the 1191N/A """Returned when the search cannot find any matches.""" 3158N/A return _(
"The search at url {0} returned no results.").
1191N/A """This class wraps exceptions which could appear while trying to 1895N/A s = _(
"Some repositories failed to respond appropriately:\n")
3158N/A s += _(
"{0} did not return a valid " 1895N/A s += _(
"Some repositories don't support requested " 1191N/A """This exception is thrown when a local search is performed without 1191N/A an index. It's raised after all results have been yielded.""" 1191N/A return _(
"Search performance is degraded.\n" 1191N/A "Run 'pkg rebuild-index' to improve search speed.")
1191N/A """Returned when a search protocol is not supported by the 1895N/A s = _(
"Search repository does not support the requested " 565N/A """ The base class for all exceptions that can occur while indexing. """ 565N/A """This is used when the index is not in a correct state.""" 2976N/A return _(
"The search index appears corrupted.")
1191N/A """This is used when the existing index is found to have inconsistent 2028N/A """This is used when an attempt to modify an index locked by another 2028N/A process or thread is made.""" 565N/A """ This is used when the indexer is unable to create, move, or remove 565N/A files or directories it should be able to. """ 565N/A return "Could not remove or create " \
3158N/A "{0} because of incorrect " \
565N/A "permissions. Please correct this issue then " \
1286N/A """This exception is used to wrap an indexing exception during install, 2089N/A uninstall, or update so that a more appropriate error message can be 1286N/A """This exception is used to wrap an indexing exception during install, 2089N/A uninstall, or update which was recovered from by performing a full 1191N/A """This exception is used when the children of a boolean operation 1191N/A have different return types. The command 'pkg search foo AND <bar>' 1191N/A is the simplest example of this.""" 565N/A """Removal of a package which satisfies dependencies has been attempted. 565N/A The first argument to the constructor is the FMRI which we tried to 565N/A remove, and is available as the "fmri" member of the exception. The 565N/A second argument is the list of dependent packages that prevent the 565N/A removal of the package, and is available as the "dependents" member. 3094N/A s = _(
"Unable to remove '{0}' due to the following packages " 2205N/A s = _(
"\nThis is happening because the following " 2205N/A "packages needed to be repaired as\npart of this " 2205N/A s += _(
"\n\nYou will need to reestablish your access to the " 2205N/A "repository or remove the\npackages in the list above.")
835N/A """Raised when the depot doesn't have versions of operations 835N/A that the client needs to operate successfully.""" 2205N/A s = _(
"Unable to contact valid package repository")
3158N/A s += (
"\nEncountered the following error(s):\n{0}").
926N/A """Base exception class used for all data related errors.""" 926N/A """Used to indicate that the specified location does not contain a 926N/A valid p5i-formatted file.""" 1736N/A return _(
"The provided p5i data is in an unrecognized " 926N/A "format or does not contain valid publisher " 1736N/A return _(
"The provided p5i data is in an unrecognized format " 1736N/A "or does not contain valid publisher information.")
2310N/A """Used to indicate that the specified location does not contain a 2310N/A valid p5i-formatted file.""" 2310N/A return _(
"The provided p5s data is in an unrecognized " 2310N/A "format or does not contain valid publisher " 2310N/A return _(
"The provided p5s data is in an unrecognized format " 2310N/A "or does not contain valid publisher information.")
926N/A """Used to indicate that an attempt to read an unsupported version 3356N/A of pkg(7) info file was attempted.""" 3356N/A return _(
"Unsupported pkg(7) publisher information data " 2310N/A """Used to indicate that an attempt to read an unsupported version 3356N/A of pkg(7) info file was attempted.""" 3356N/A return _(
"Unsupported pkg(7) publisher and image information " 2310N/A """Used to indicate that an attempt to read an unsupported version 3356N/A of pkg(7) info file was attempted.""" 3158N/A return _(
"{0} is not a supported version for creating a " 1191N/A """Abstract exception class for all transport exceptions. 1191N/A Specific transport exceptions should be implemented in the 1191N/A transport code. Callers wishing to catch transport exceptions 1191N/A should use this class. Subclasses must implement all methods 1191N/A defined here that raise NotImplementedError.""" 926N/A """Used to indicate that a a requested resource could not be 926N/A return _(
"Error encountered while retrieving data from " 3158N/A return _(
"Error encountered while retrieving data from: {0}").
926N/A """Used to indicate that an invalid transport location was provided.""" 3158N/A return _(
"'{0}' is not a valid boot environment name.").
1945N/A """Used to indicate that there is an existing boot environment 3401N/A return _(
"The boot environment '{0}' already " 3401N/A return _(
"The boot environment '{be_name}' already " 884N/ABoot environment naming during package install is not supported on this 3401N/Aversion of Solaris. Please update without the --be-name option.""")
884N/A return _(
"Unable to clone the current boot environment.")
884N/AA problem occurred while attempting to rename the boot environment 884N/ANaming a boot environment when operating on a non-live image is 917N/A s = _(
"Info does not recognize the following options:")
941N/A """This is used when the index hash value doesn't match the hash of the 941N/A packages installed in the image.""" 926N/A """Base exception class for all publisher exceptions.""" 1087N/A """Used to indicate an operation on the publisher's meta_root failed 1087N/A because the meta_root is invalid.""" 3158N/A return _(
"Publisher meta_root '{root}' is invalid; unable " 2028N/A """Used to indicate that a publisher alias is not valid.""" 3158N/A return _(
"'{0}' is not a valid publisher alias.").
926N/A """Used to indicate that a publisher name is not valid.""" 2339N/A """Used to indicate that a publisher name is not valid.""" 3158N/A return _(
"'{pkg_pub}' is a reserved publisher and does not " 3158N/A "contain the requested package: pkg:/{pkg_name}").
926N/A """Used to indicate that the specified repository attribute value is 3158N/A return _(
"'{value}' is not a valid value for repository " 926N/A """Used to indicate that the specified repository collection type is 3158N/A return _(
"'{0}' is not a valid repository collection type.").
926N/A """Used to indicate that a repository URI is not syntactically valid.""" 926N/A """Used to indicate that the priority specified for a repository URI is 3158N/A return _(
"'{0}' is not a valid URI priority; integer value " 926N/A """Used to indicate that the specified repository URI sort policy is 3158N/A return _(
"'{0}' is not a valid repository URI sort policy.").
926N/A """Used to indicate that an attempt to use a disabled publisher occurred 926N/A during an operation.""" 3158N/A return _(
"Publisher '{0}' is disabled and cannot be used for " 926N/A """Used to indicate that a publisher with the same name or alias already 926N/A exists for an image.""" 3158N/A return _(
"A publisher with the same name or alias as '{0}' " 926N/A """Used to indicate that a repository with the same origin uris 926N/A already exists for a publisher.""" 926N/A return _(
"A repository with the same name or origin URIs " 926N/A """Used to indicate that a repository URI is already in use by another 3158N/A return _(
"Mirror '{0}' already exists for the specified " 2701N/A """Used to indicate that a repository URI is already in use by the 3158N/A return _(
"Mirror '{0}' is already accessible through the " 926N/A """Used to indicate that a repository URI is already in use by another 3158N/A return _(
"Origin '{0}' already exists for the specified " 2701N/A """Used to indicate that a repository URI is already in use by the 3158N/A return _(
"Origin '{0}' is already accessible through the " 2701N/A """Used to indicate that a system publisher origin may not be 3158N/A return _(
"Unable to remove origin '{0}' since it is provided " 2701N/A """Used to indicate that a system publisher mirror may not be 3158N/A return _(
"Unable to remove mirror '{0}' since it is provided " 2219N/A """Used to indicate that a Publisher has no repository information 2219N/A configured and so transport operations cannot be performed.""" 3167N/AThe requested operation requires that one or more package repositories are 3167N/Aconfigured for publisher '{0}'. 3167N/AUse 'pkg set-publisher' to add new package repositories or restore previously 1505N/A """Used to indicate an attempt to search a repo before or after itself""" 1505N/A return _(
"Cannot search a repository before or after itself")
2409N/A """Used to indicate an attempt to order a publisher relative to an 3158N/A return _(
"{0} is an unknown publisher; no other publishers can " 926N/A """Used to indicate that an attempt to remove the selected repository 926N/A for a publisher was made.""" 926N/A return _(
"Cannot remove the selected repository for a " 926N/A """Used to indicate that no matching legal URI could be found using the 926N/A """Used to indicate that no matching publisher could be found using the 1736N/A """Used to indicate that one or more publisher prefixes are unknown by 1736N/A the specified repository.""" 3158N/A return _(
"The repository at {location} does not " 3158N/A "contain package data for {unknown}; only " 3158N/A "{known}.\n\nThis is either because the " 1736N/A "repository location is not valid, or because the " 1736N/A "provided publisher does not match those known by " 1736N/A return _(
"One or more of the repository origin(s) " 1736N/A "listed below contains package data for " 3158N/A "{known}; not {unknown}:\n\n{origins}\n\n" 1736N/A "This is either because one of the repository " 1736N/A "origins is not valid for this publisher, or " 1736N/A "because the list of known publishers retrieved " 1736N/A "from the repository origin does not match the " 1736N/A return _(
"The specified publisher repository does not " 3158N/A "contain any package data for {unknown}; only " 926N/A """Used to indicate that no matching related URI could be found using 926N/A the provided criteria.""" 926N/A """Used to indicate that no matching repository could be found using the 926N/A """Used to indicate that a repository URI could not be found in the 926N/A list of repository mirrors.""" 1431N/A """The publisher has no active repositories that support the 3158N/A return _(
"Publisher '{pub}' has no repositories that support " 1736N/A """Used to indicate that the specified repository does not provide 1736N/A publisher configuration information.""" 1736N/A return _(
"The specified package repository does not " 1736N/A "provide publisher configuration information.")
3158N/A return _(
"The package repository at {0} does not " 1736N/A "provide publisher configuration information or " 3158N/A return _(
"One of the package repository origins for {0} does " 1736N/A "not provide publisher configuration information or the " 926N/A """Used to indicate that a repository URI could not be found in the 926N/A list of repository origins.""" 926N/A """Used to indicate that the specified repository URI uses an 2839N/A msg = _(
"The follwing URIs use unsupported " 2839N/A "schemes. Supported schemes are " 2839N/A "file://, http://, and https://.")
3158N/A return _(
"The URI '{uri}' uses the unsupported " 3158N/A "scheme '{scheme}'. Supported schemes are " 2144N/A return _(
"The specified URI uses an unsupported scheme." 2839N/A " Supported schemes are: file://, http://, and " 926N/A """Used to indicate that the specified repository URI attribute is not 926N/A supported for the URI's scheme.""" 3158N/A return _(
"'{attr}' is not supported for '{scheme}'.").
2701N/A """Used to indicate that the specified proxy URI is unsupported.""" 3158N/A return _(
"The proxy URI '{uri}' uses the unsupported " 3244N/A "scheme '{scheme}'. Currently the only supported " 2701N/A return _(
"The specified proxy URI uses an unsupported scheme." 3244N/A " Currently the only supported scheme is: http://.")
2701N/A """Used to indicate that a proxy URI is not syntactically valid.""" 2310N/A """Used when a pkg client needs to communicate with the system 2310N/A repository but can't find the configuration for it.""" 2310N/Apkg is configured to use the system repository (via the use-system-repo 2310N/Aproperty) but it could not get the host and port from 2335N/Athe PKG_SYSREPO_URL environment variable was not set. Please try enabling one 2335N/Aof those services or setting the PKG_SYSREPO_URL environment variable. 2310N/A """This exception is raised when a user attempts to modify a system 2026N/A """The base class for exceptions related to manifest signing.""" 2026N/A # This string method is used by subclasses to fill in the details 2026N/A # about the package and signature involved. 2026N/A return _(
"The relevant signature action is " 3158N/A "found in {pfmri} and has a hash of " 2026N/A return _(
"The relevant signature action's value " 2026N/A """Exception used when a key, certificate or CRL file is not in a 2026N/A """Exception used when a signature reports a version which this version 3356N/A of pkg(7) doesn't support.""" 3158N/A return _(
"The signature action {act} was made using a " 3356N/A "version ({ver}) this version of pkg(7) doesn't " 2026N/A """Base class for exceptions encountered while establishing the chain 2026N/A """Exception used when a certificate does not match its expected hash 3158N/A return _(
"Certificate {0} has been modified on disk. Its hash " 2026N/A """Exception used when a chain of trust is rooted in an untrusted 2026N/A self-signed certificate.""" 2026N/A return _(
"Chain was rooted in an untrusted self-signed " 2026N/A """Exception used when a chain of trust can not be established between 2026N/A the leaf certificate and a trust anchor.""" 2026N/A s = _(
"The following problems were encountered:\n") + \
2026N/A return _(
"The certificate which issued this " 3158N/A "certificate: {subj} could not be found. The issuer " 2026N/A """Exception used when a chain of trust contains a revoked certificate. 3158N/A return _(
"This certificate was revoked:{cert} for this " 2026N/A """Exception used when a signature could not be verified by the 3158N/A return _(
"A signature in {pfmri} could not be " 3158N/A "this reason:\n{reason}\nThe signature's hash is " 2026N/A return _(
"The signature with this signature value:\n" 3158N/A "{sigval}\n could not be verified for this reason:\n" 2026N/A """Exception used when signatures were required but none were found.""" 3158N/A return _(
"The policy for {pub_str} requires " 2026N/A "signatures to be present but no signature was " 3158N/A return _(
"The policy for {pub_str} requires signatures to be " 2026N/A """Exception used when a signature policy required names to be seen 3158N/A return _(
"The policy for {pub_str} requires certain " 2026N/A "CNs to be seen in a chain of trust. The following " 2026N/A "required names couldn't be found for this " 3158N/A return _(
"The policy for {pub_str} requires certain CNs to " 2026N/A "be seen in a chain of trust. The following required names " 2026N/A """Exception used when a certificate in the chain of trust uses a 3321N/A critical extension pkg doesn't understand.""" 3158N/A return _(
"The certificate whose subject is {cert} could not " 3321N/A "be verified because it uses an unsupported critical " 3321N/A "extension.\nExtension name: {name}\nExtension " 3321N/A """Exception used when a certificate in the chain of trust has 3321N/A s = _(
"The certificate whose subject is {cert} could not be " 3321N/A "verified because it has invalid extensions:\n{error}" 2215N/A """Exception used when a certificate in the chain of trust has been used 2215N/A inappropriately. An example would be a certificate which was only 2215N/A supposed to be used to sign code being used to sign other certificates. 3158N/A return _(
"The certificate whose subject is {cert} could not " 2215N/A "be verified because it has been used inappropriately. " 2215N/A "The way it is used means that the value for extension " 3158N/A "{name} must include '{use}' but the value was " 2286N/A """Exception used when a certificate in the chain of trust has been used 2286N/A inappropriately. An example would be a certificate which was only 2286N/A supposed to be used to sign code being used to sign other certificates. 3158N/A return _(
"The certificate whose subject is {cert} could not " 2286N/A "be verified because it has been used inappropriately. " 3158N/A "There can only be {cl} certificates between this " 3158N/A "certificate and the leaf certificate. There are {al} " 2286N/A "certificates between this certificate and the leaf in " 2286N/A """Exception used when a package already has a signature action which is 2286N/A nearly identical to the one being added but differs on some 2286N/A s = _(
"The signature to be added to the package has the same " 3158N/A "hash ({hash}), algorithm ({algorithm}), and " 3158N/A "version ({version}) as an existing signature, but " 2286N/A "doesn't match the signature exactly. For this signature " 3158N/A "to be added, the existing signature must be removed.").
2286N/A """Exception used when a package already has a signature action which is 2286N/A nearly identical to the one being added but differs on some 3158N/A return _(
"{0} could not be signed because it already has two " 2286N/A "copies of this signature in it. One of those signature " 2286N/A "actions must be removed before the package is given to " 2026N/A """Exception used when a property was set to an invalid value.""" 926N/A """Base exception class for all certificate exceptions.""" 926N/A """Used to indicate that a certificate has expired.""" 3158N/A return _(
"Certificate '{cert}' for publisher " 3158N/A "'{pub}' needed to access '{uri}', " 926N/A "has expired. Please install a valid " 3158N/A return _(
"Certificate '{cert}' for publisher " 3158N/A "'{pub}', has expired. Please install a valid " 3158N/A return _(
"Certificate '{cert}', needed to access " 3158N/A "'{uri}', has expired. Please install a valid " 3158N/A return _(
"Certificate '{0}' has expired. Please install a " 2980N/A """Used to collect ExpiredCertficate exceptions.""" 2980N/A return _(
"One or more client key and certificate files have " 2980N/A "expired. Please\nupdate the configuration for the " 926N/A """Used to indicate that a certificate has expired.""" 3158N/A return _(
"Certificate '{cert}' for publisher " 3158N/A "'{pub}', needed to access '{uri}', " 3158N/A return _(
"Certificate '{cert}' for publisher " 3158N/A return _(
"Certificate '{cert}', needed to access " 3158N/A return _(
"Certificate '{cert}' will expire in " 926N/A """Used to indicate that a certificate is invalid.""" 3158N/A return _(
"Certificate '{cert}' for publisher " 3158N/A "'{pub}', needed to access '{uri}', is " 3158N/A return _(
"Certificate '{cert}' for publisher " 3158N/A return _(
"Certificate '{cert}' needed to access " 1254N/A """Used to indicate that a key could not be found.""" 3158N/A return _(
"Unable to locate key '{key}' for " 3158N/A "publisher '{pub}' needed to access " 3158N/A return _(
"Unable to locate key '{key}' for publisher " 3158N/A return _(
"Unable to locate key '{key}' needed to " 926N/A """Used to indicate that a certificate could not be found.""" 926N/A return _(
"Unable to locate certificate " 3158N/A "'{cert}' for publisher '{pub}' needed " 3158N/A return _(
"Unable to locate certificate '{cert}' for " 3158N/A return _(
"Unable to locate certificate '{cert}' " 926N/A """Used to indicate that a certificate is not yet valid (future 3158N/A return _(
"Certificate '{cert}' for publisher " 3158N/A "'{pub}', needed to access '{uri}', " 3158N/A return _(
"Certificate '{cert}' for publisher " 3158N/A return _(
"Certificate '{cert}' needed to access " 3158N/A return _(
"Certificate '{0}' has a future effective date.").
2028N/A """This exception is used when the server returns a line which the 1100N/A client cannot parse correctly.""" 1337N/A """This exception is used when a file was given as an argument but 1337N/A no such file could be found.""" 1352N/A """Base exception class for all manifest exceptions.""" 1352N/A """Used to indicate that the Manifest signatures are not valid.""" 1352N/A return _(
"The signature data for the manifest of the " 1352N/A return _(
"The signature data for the manifest is not valid.")
1736N/A """Used to indicate that one or more exceptions were encountered. 1736N/A This is intended for use with where multiple exceptions for multiple 1736N/A files are encountered and the errors have been condensed into a 1736N/A single exception and re-raised. One example case would be rmtree() 3158N/A return _(
"there is already an image at: {0}.\nTo override, use " 2097N/A """Used to indicate that the image configuration is invalid.""" 2144N/A return _(
"The configuration data for the image rooted at " 2144N/A """Used to indicate that the image at a specific location is in a format 3356N/A not supported by this version of the pkg(7) API.""" 3158N/A return _(
"The image rooted at {0} is invalid or is not " 3158N/A "supported by this version of the packaging system.").
3158N/A return _(
"the specified image path is not empty: {0}.\nTo " 2073N/A """Converts the provided exception into an ApiException equivalent if 2073N/A possible. Returns a new exception object if converted or the original 2073N/A 'ignored_errors' is an optional list of errno values for which None 2339N/A # first deal with an error bundle 2339N/A # set default error return value 2339N/A err = _(
"Invalid linked image attach property " 2339N/A err = _(
"Linked image type does not support child " 2339N/A err = _(
"Linked image type does not support parent " 3020N/A err = _(
"Cannot link images when an image is not at " 3020N/A "its default location. The image currently " 3158N/A "located at:\n {curpath}\n" 2339N/A err = _(
"A linked child image with this name " 3158N/A err = _(
"Child image '{path}' is not located " 3158N/A err = _(
"Child image '{cpath}' is not nested " 3158N/A "({lin}) at path: {path}: " 2444N/A err = _(
"The following subprocess returned an " 3375N/A err += _(
"\nAnd generated the following error " 3043N/A "The following subprocess:\n" 3043N/A "Generated the following unexpected output:\n" 2339N/A err = _(
"Linked image type does not support " 2339N/A err = _(
"Parent linked to child, can not detach " 2339N/A err = _(
"Linked image type does not support " 3158N/A "Intermediate image '{ipath}' found between " 3158N/A err = _(
"Invalid linked image name '{0}'. " 2823N/A "Linked image names have the following format " 3158N/A err = _(
"Can't link image to itself: {0}")
3158N/A err = _(
"A parent image '{ppath}' can not be nested " 3158N/A err = _(
"Parent image '{path}' is not located " 3158N/AA '{op}' operation failed for child '{lin}' with an unexpected 3158N/Areturn value of {exitrv:d} and generated the following output: 3158N/AA '{op}' operation failed for child '{lin}' with an unexpected 2690N/AThe child generated the following output: 3158N/AA '{op}' operation for child '{lin}' generated non-json output. 2690N/AThe json parser failed with the following error: 2690N/AThe child generated the following output: 2339N/A # set default error return value 2339N/A # concatenate multiple errors 2452N/A """Used if an argument to pkg freeze isn't valid.""" 2452N/AThe following packages were frozen at two different versions by 2452N/Athe patterns provided. The package stem and the versions it was frozen at are 2452N/AThe following patterns contained wildcards but matched no 2452N/AThe following patterns attempted to freeze the listed packages 2452N/Aat a version different from the version at which the packages are installed.""")
2452N/AThe following patterns don't match installed packages and 2452N/Acontain no version information. Uninstalled packages can only be frozen by 2452N/Aproviding a version at which to freeze them.""")
2452N/A """Used to indicate the freeze state file could not be loaded.""" 3158N/A return _(
"The freeze state file '{0}' is invalid.").
2452N/A """Used when the version on the freeze state file isn't the version 3158N/A return _(
"The freeze state file '{loc}' was expected to have " 3158N/A "a version of {exp}, but its version was {found}").
2839N/A """Used to indicate an issue with verifying options passed to a certain 3185N/A INCOMPAT =
"incompat" # option 'a' can not be specified with option 'b' 3185N/A XOR =
"xor" # either option 'a' or option 'b' must be specified 2839N/A # In case the user provided a custom message we just take it and 2839N/A # append the according options. 3158N/A return _(
"Option '{option}' may not be repeated.").
3158N/A return _(
"Argument '{op1}' for option '{op2}' may " 3185N/A s = _(
"Argument '{op1}' for option '{op2}' is " 3158N/A return _(
"The '{op1}' and '{op2}' option may " 3158N/A return _(
"'{op1}' may only be used with " 3185N/A return _(
"'{op1}' may only be used with " 3158N/A return _(
"Either '{op1}' or '{op2}' must be " 3065N/A """Used to indicate that an image state file has been replaced 3195N/A return _(
"Cannot update file: '{file}' at path " 3195N/A "'{path}', contains a symlink. " 3195N/A """Used to indicate that a configuration file is invalid 3195N/A return _(
"Cannot parse configuration file " 3418N/A """Used to indicate that globbing for variant is not supported.""" 3418N/A return _(
"Globbing is not supported for variants.")