revision 27
2ronwalf * This class offers a few helpful methods for handling primitive datatypes in the Java Reflection API
2ronwalfpublic class ReflectionHelpers {
2ronwalf return lexicalValue;
2ronwalf catch( MalformedURLException e ) {
2ronwalf e.printStackTrace();
2ronwalf * Takes a String and returns a Class Object represented by the value of the String. This is
27daenzerorama /**
27daenzerorama * Takes a primitive data type (as a string) and returns the corresponding
27daenzerorama * wrapper class (as a string), i.e. returns java.lang.Integer for int.
27daenzerorama * @return String the name of the wrapper class for the given primitive data type
27daenzerorama // treat primitive datatypes
27daenzerorama // treat real classes
27daenzerorama return primitive;