revision 38
0cb2e8eb55e70f8ebe1e8349bdf49e4cbe5d8834Timo Sirainen// The MIT License
0cb2e8eb55e70f8ebe1e8349bdf49e4cbe5d8834Timo Sirainen// Copyright (c) 2004 Evren Sirin
0cb2e8eb55e70f8ebe1e8349bdf49e4cbe5d8834Timo Sirainen// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
0cb2e8eb55e70f8ebe1e8349bdf49e4cbe5d8834Timo Sirainen// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to
0cb2e8eb55e70f8ebe1e8349bdf49e4cbe5d8834Timo Sirainen// deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the
0cb2e8eb55e70f8ebe1e8349bdf49e4cbe5d8834Timo Sirainen// rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
0cb2e8eb55e70f8ebe1e8349bdf49e4cbe5d8834Timo Sirainen// sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
0cb2e8eb55e70f8ebe1e8349bdf49e4cbe5d8834Timo Sirainen// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
0cb2e8eb55e70f8ebe1e8349bdf49e4cbe5d8834Timo Sirainen// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
0cb2e8eb55e70f8ebe1e8349bdf49e4cbe5d8834Timo Sirainen// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
0cb2e8eb55e70f8ebe1e8349bdf49e4cbe5d8834Timo Sirainen// THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR
0cb2e8eb55e70f8ebe1e8349bdf49e4cbe5d8834Timo Sirainen// IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,
0cb2e8eb55e70f8ebe1e8349bdf49e4cbe5d8834Timo Sirainen// FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE
0cb2e8eb55e70f8ebe1e8349bdf49e4cbe5d8834Timo Sirainen// AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER
0cb2e8eb55e70f8ebe1e8349bdf49e4cbe5d8834Timo Sirainen// LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING
0cb2e8eb55e70f8ebe1e8349bdf49e4cbe5d8834Timo Sirainen// FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS
633e6afa5de9ad8108ff8dbdee889ecf6170026eTimo Sirainen// IN THE SOFTWARE.
0cb2e8eb55e70f8ebe1e8349bdf49e4cbe5d8834Timo Sirainen * Created on Oct 26, 2004
633e6afa5de9ad8108ff8dbdee889ecf6170026eTimo Sirainen * Encapsulation for SWRL Atom.
633e6afa5de9ad8108ff8dbdee889ecf6170026eTimo Sirainen * @author Evren Sirin
633e6afa5de9ad8108ff8dbdee889ecf6170026eTimo Sirainen * @author Michael D�nzer (University of Zurich)
633e6afa5de9ad8108ff8dbdee889ecf6170026eTimo Sirainen * @see <a href="">SWRL on W3C</a>
633e6afa5de9ad8108ff8dbdee889ecf6170026eTimo Sirainen * Returns the number of arguments
633e6afa5de9ad8108ff8dbdee889ecf6170026eTimo Sirainen * @return the number of arguments
633e6afa5de9ad8108ff8dbdee889ecf6170026eTimo Sirainen * Returns the argument at position <code>index</code>
633e6afa5de9ad8108ff8dbdee889ecf6170026eTimo Sirainen * @param index the integer index of the argument in the argument list
633e6afa5de9ad8108ff8dbdee889ecf6170026eTimo Sirainen * @return the argument athe given index. <code>null</code> if there is no argument at th egiven index
633e6afa5de9ad8108ff8dbdee889ecf6170026eTimo Sirainen * Sets the argument at the given position
633e6afa5de9ad8108ff8dbdee889ecf6170026eTimo Sirainen * @param index the position to which the argument is added
0cb2e8eb55e70f8ebe1e8349bdf49e4cbe5d8834Timo Sirainen * @param arg the argument to add at the given position
8e7da21696c9f8a6d5e601243fb6172ec85d47b2Timo Sirainen public void setArgument( int index, SWRLObject arg );
0cb2e8eb55e70f8ebe1e8349bdf49e4cbe5d8834Timo Sirainen * Evaluates the atom. See description for each specific interface.
0cb2e8eb55e70f8ebe1e8349bdf49e4cbe5d8834Timo Sirainen * @param values the set of values bound to the process (and its super-processes)
0cb2e8eb55e70f8ebe1e8349bdf49e4cbe5d8834Timo Sirainen * for which this atom (i.e. this corresponfing atom) is encapsulated.