38daenzerorama * Encapsulation for SWRL Atom.
38daenzerorama * @author Michael D�nzer (University of Zurich)
38daenzerorama * @see <a href="http://www.w3.org/Submission/SWRL/">SWRL on W3C</a>
38daenzerorama /**
38daenzerorama * Returns the number of arguments
38daenzerorama * @return the number of arguments
38daenzerorama /**
38daenzerorama * Returns the argument at position <code>index</code>
38daenzerorama * @param index the integer index of the argument in the argument list
38daenzerorama * @return the argument athe given index. <code>null</code> if there is no argument at th egiven index
38daenzerorama /**
38daenzerorama * Sets the argument at the given position
38daenzerorama * @param index the position to which the argument is added
38daenzerorama * @param arg the argument to add at the given position
38daenzerorama /**
38daenzerorama * Evaluates the atom. See description for each specific interface.
38daenzerorama * @param values the set of values bound to the process (and its super-processes)
38daenzerorama * for which this atom (i.e. this corresponfing atom) is encapsulated.