* @author Zhexuan Song
* Version independent vacabulary
public class FLAServiceOnt {
** added by guang huang @2005-4-8 **
** end by guang huang **
public final static String URI = "http://www.flacp.fujitsulabs.com/tce/ontologies/2005/01/service.owl#";
// Profile hierarchical structure
// multimedia description
static {
// Location related
// <tce-service:locatedAt>
// <tce-service:Location>
// <profile:sParameter>
// <geoF:Point rdf:ID="ViewServicePosition">
// <rdfs:label>On the table in the FLA, CP Conference Room</rdfs:label>
// <geoF:xyzCoordinates>2,3,0.8</geoF:xyzCoordinates>
// <geoC:hasCoordinateSystem rdf:resource="http://www.flacp.fujitsulabs.com/tce/ontologies/2004/03/geo.owl#MyCoordinateSystem"/>
// </geoF:Point>
// </profile:sParameter>
// </tce-service:Location>
// </tce-service:locatedAt>
static {
// Service Control UI
// <tce-service:hasServiceControlUI>
// <tce-service:ServiceControlUI>
// <profile:sParameter rdf:resource="" />
// </tce-service:ServiceControlUI>
// </tce-service:hasServiceControlUI>
static {
// Owner
// <fla:ownedBy xmlns:fla="http://www.flacp.fujitsulabs.com/tce/ontologies/2005/01/service.owl">
// <fla:Owner>
// <profile:sParameter>
// <fla:OwnerEntity rdf:ID="Owner">
// <rdfs:label>Jon Doe</rdfs:label>
// <fla:ownerEntityID>jdoe</fla:ownerEntityID>
// </fla:OwnerEntity>
// </profile:sParameter>
// </fla:Owner>
// </fla:ownedBy>
static {
// Security Setting
// <fla:hasSecuritySetting xmlns:fla="http://www.flacp.fujitsulabs.com/tce/ontologies/2005/01/service.owl">
// <fla:SecurityParameter>
// <profile:sParameter>
// <fla:SecuritySetting rdf:ID="securitySetting">
// <rdfs:label>Fujitsu Lab of America</rdfs:label>
// <fla:certificateAuthorityName>FLA</fla:certificateAuthorityName>
// </fla:SecuritySetting>
// </profile:sParameter>
// </fla:SecurityParameter>
// </fla:hasSecuritySetting>
static {
// self destruction function
// <tce-service:hasSelfDestructionService>
// <tce-service:SelfDestructionService>
// <profile:sParameter rdf:resource="#DestroyObject"/>
// </tce-service:SelfDestructionService>
// </tce-service:hasSelfDestructionService>
static {
// Process parameter strict type
// <process:Input rdf:ID="URLInput">
// <fla:strictType>http://www.flacp.fujitsulabs.com/tce/ontologies/2004/03/object.owl#ViewableFile</fla:strictType>
// </process:Input>
static {
static {
// UPnP grounding
//<fla:UPnPGrounding rdf:ID="SemanticStreamProviderGrounding">
// <service:supportedBy rdf:resource="#SemanticStreamProviderService" />
// <fla:hasUPnPAtomicProcessGrounding rdf:resource="#SemanticStreamProviderProcessGrounding" />
//<fla:UPnPAtomicProcessGrounding rdf:ID="SemanticStreamProviderProcessGrounding">
// <grounding:damlsProcess rdf:resource="#SemanticStreamProvider"/>
// <fla:upnpCommand>getStreamURL</fla:upnpCommand>
// <fla:UPnPOutputMapping rdf:parseType="Collection">
// <fla:UPnPMap>
// <grounding:damlsParameter rdf:resource="#SemanticStreamOutput" />
// <fla:upnpParameter>_ReturnValue</fla:upnpParameter>
// </fla:UPnPMap>
// </fla:UPnPOutputMapping>
// <fla:upnpServiceID>upnp:id:stream-service-1.0:</fla:upnpServiceID>
// <fla:upnpDeviceURL>http://streaming.flacp.fujitsulabs.com:35002/</fla:upnpDeviceURL>
// REST invocation indication
static {
// whether or not transform the input to its own accept type
// whether or not create a random input for the field during execution
static {
// Meta-data properties
// Service -> Profile
// Service -> Process
// Service -> service names
// service -> service description
// service -> service description URL
// service -> service description text
// service -> input
// service -> service input count
// service -> output
// service -> service output count
// service -> location name
// service -> coordinates
// service -> control UI
// service -> service owner
// service -> service discovery time
// service -> service type
// two-letter type. First letter is selected from {L, P, R} (local, pervasive, remote},
// second letter is selected from {G, T, I} {general, translator, internal}
// service -> grounding type
// service -> grounding URL (device URL for UPnP Service, WSDL URL for Web Service
// service -> deletable
// service -> Certificate Authority name
// service -> sphere id (where the service is located) root for the default sphere
// service -> service description version