18daenzerorama * An IfThenElse is a digital branching construct. Based on the evaluation of
18daenzerorama * a condition, the execution branches to one of the branches. For deeper branching,
18daenzerorama * nest this construct.
18daenzerorama * For more information refer to the OWL-S white paper at
18daenzerorama * the official <a href="http://www.daml.org/services/owl-s/">web site.</a>
38daenzerorama * @author Michael D�nzer (University of Zurich)
18daenzerorama /**
18daenzerorama * Returns the control construct on which the if then part consists
18daenzerorama * @return the control construct on which the if then part consists
18daenzerorama /**
18daenzerorama * Sets the control construct on which the if then part consists
18daenzerorama * @param cc the control construct on which the if then part consists
18daenzerorama /**
18daenzerorama * Removes the <code>process:then</code> property from this construct.
18daenzerorama * Note, that the then part is not deleted. Use {@link #deleteThen()} instead.
18daenzerorama /**
18daenzerorama * Deletes the then part from this construct and removes it from the ontology (if possible)
18daenzerorama /**
18daenzerorama * Returns the control construct on which the else part consists
18daenzerorama * @return the control construct on which the else part consists
18daenzerorama /**
18daenzerorama * Sets the control construct on which the else part consists
18daenzerorama * @param cc the control construct on which the else part consists
18daenzerorama /**
18daenzerorama * Removes the <code>process:else</code> property from this construct.
18daenzerorama * Note, that the else part is not deleted. Use {@link #deleteElse()} instead.
18daenzerorama /**
18daenzerorama * Deletes the else part from this construct and removes it from the ontology (if possible)