10daenzerorama /**
10daenzerorama * Returns the control construct of which the composite process is composed of.
10daenzerorama * The <code>process:composedOf</code> property is read to retrieve the correct
10daenzerorama * construct.
10daenzerorama * @return the control construct this composite process is composed of
10daenzerorama /**
10daenzerorama * Sets the control construct of which the composite process is composed of.
10daenzerorama * The <code>process:composedOf</code> property is written to set the correct
10daenzerorama * construct.
10daenzerorama * @param cc the control construct this composite process is composed of
10daenzerorama /**
14daenzerorama * Removes the Control Construct from the composite process by breaking the
14daenzerorama * link process.ComposedOf. The control construct itself remains untouched.
14daenzerorama /**
14daenzerorama * Deletes the control construct from this composite process.
14daenzerorama /**
10daenzerorama * Returns all data flow bindings within this composite process. It does not distinguish
10daenzerorama * wether the flow is coming from outside into the process or the flow is completely
10daenzerorama * embedded into the process or the flow goes from the process out to some outside
10daenzerorama * perform.
10daenzerorama * @return a list of bindings that have at least their source or sink in this process