revision 18
83942ac160cdfb922c3a2f29ddfae2a13ebf8b5dTimo Sirainen * Convenience interface for control constructs that are based on bags such as
83942ac160cdfb922c3a2f29ddfae2a13ebf8b5dTimo Sirainen * AnyOrder or Split.
83942ac160cdfb922c3a2f29ddfae2a13ebf8b5dTimo Sirainen * For more information refer to the OWL-S white paper at
83942ac160cdfb922c3a2f29ddfae2a13ebf8b5dTimo Sirainen * the official <a href="">web site.</a>
83942ac160cdfb922c3a2f29ddfae2a13ebf8b5dTimo Sirainen * @author Michael D�nzer, University of Zurich
83942ac160cdfb922c3a2f29ddfae2a13ebf8b5dTimo Sirainenpublic interface BagBasedControlConstruct extends ControlConstruct {
83942ac160cdfb922c3a2f29ddfae2a13ebf8b5dTimo Sirainen * Returns the control constructs on which this AnyOrder is composed of.
83942ac160cdfb922c3a2f29ddfae2a13ebf8b5dTimo Sirainen * @return a typed bag of control constructs on which this AnyOrder is composed of
83942ac160cdfb922c3a2f29ddfae2a13ebf8b5dTimo Sirainen * Adds a control construct to this AnyOrder composition. The new control construct
83942ac160cdfb922c3a2f29ddfae2a13ebf8b5dTimo Sirainen * is added at the end of the AnyOrder.
83942ac160cdfb922c3a2f29ddfae2a13ebf8b5dTimo Sirainen * @param component the new control construct to add to the AnyOrder
83942ac160cdfb922c3a2f29ddfae2a13ebf8b5dTimo Sirainen public void addComponent(ControlConstruct component);
83942ac160cdfb922c3a2f29ddfae2a13ebf8b5dTimo Sirainen * Removes the <code>Process:components</code> from the AnyOrder. The <code>ControlConstructBag</code>
83942ac160cdfb922c3a2f29ddfae2a13ebf8b5dTimo Sirainen * remains untouched. Use {@link #deleteComponents()} if you want to delete the bag as well.
83942ac160cdfb922c3a2f29ddfae2a13ebf8b5dTimo Sirainen * Removes the components from this AnyOrder and deleted them all if possible
83942ac160cdfb922c3a2f29ddfae2a13ebf8b5dTimo Sirainen * (if not used elsewhere in the KB).