OWLOntologyImpl.java revision 13
2ronwalfpublic class OWLOntologyImpl extends OWLModelImpl implements OWLOntology, org.mindswap.owls.OWLSOntology {
2ronwalf super.setBaseOntology(this);
2ronwalf sourceOntology = this;
2ronwalf return importsClosure;
2ronwalf return getImports();
2ronwalf c = new OWLClassImpl(this, r);
2ronwalf c = new OWLObjectPropertyImpl(this, r);
2ronwalf c = new OWLDataPropertyImpl(this, r);
2ronwalf return ontResource;
2ronwalf return new OWLDataValueImpl(l);
2ronwalf return new OWLIndividualImpl(this, r);
2ronwalf return new OWLClassImpl(this, r);
2ronwalf return new OWLObjectPropertyImpl(this, p);
2ronwalf return new OWLDataPropertyImpl(this, p);
2ronwalf throw new IllegalArgumentException();
2ronwalf return sourceOntology;
2ronwalf return super.getServices();
13daenzerorama // removes all statements with the given individual in the subject
13daenzerorama StmtIterator stmtiter = ontModel.listStatements(resource, (Property) null, (RDFNode) null);
13daenzerorama // removes all statements with the given individual in the object