* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
* Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
* or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
* file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
* If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
* fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
* information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
* Copyright (c) 1999, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
#ifndef _SLP_H
#define _SLP_H
* This file contains definitions for the Service Location Protocol
* C API bindings. More detailed descriptions can be found in the
* slp_api(3n) man page.
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* The SLPURLLifetime enum contains URL lifetime values, in seconds,
* that are frequently used. If a service is registered with a lifetime
* of SLP_LIFETIME_MAXIMUM, the registration will be effectively
* permanent, never aging out as long as the SA process is alive.
typedef enum {
} SLPURLLifetime;
* The SLPBoolean enum is used as a boolean flag.
typedef enum {
} SLPBoolean;
* The SLPSrvURL structure is filled in by the SLPParseSrvURL() function
* with information parsed from a character buffer containing URL.
* The fields correspond to different parts of the URL. Note that
* the structure is conformant with the standard Berkeley sockets
* struct servent, with the exception that the pointer to an array of
* characters for aliases (s_aliases field) is replaced by the pointer
* to host name (s_pcHost field).
typedef struct srvurl {
char *s_pcSrvType; /* service type name */
char *s_pcHost; /* host identification information */
int s_iPort; /* port number, or zero if none */
char *s_pcNetFamily; /* network address family identifier */
char *s_pcSrvPart; /* remainder of the URL */
* The SLPHandle type is returned by SLPOpen() and is a parameter to all
* SLP functions. It serves as a handle for all resources allocated on
* behalf of the process by the SLP library. The type is opaque, since
* the exact nature differs depending on the implementation.
typedef void* SLPHandle;
* The SLPError enum contains error codes that are returned from API
* functions.
typedef enum {
SLP_OK = 0,
} SLPError;
* The SLPRegReport callback type is the type of the callback function
* to the SLPReg(), SLPDereg(), and SLPDelAttrs() functions.
typedef void
SLPHandle hSLP, /* operation SLPHandle */
SLPError errCode, /* error code */
void *pvCookie /* client code cookie */
* The SLPSrvTypeCallback type is the type of the callback function
* parameter to SLPFindSrvTypes() function.
typedef SLPBoolean
SLPHandle hSLP, /* operation SLPHandle */
const char *pcSrvTypes, /* list of service types */
SLPError errCode, /* error code */
void *pvCookie /* client code cookie */
* The SLPSrvURLCallback type is the type of the callback function
* parameter to SLPFindSrvs() function. The client should return a
typedef SLPBoolean
SLPHandle hSLP, /* operation SLPHandle */
const char *pcSrvURL, /* the returned service URL */
unsigned short usLifetime, /* life time of the service advert */
SLPError errCode, /* error code */
void *pvCookie /* client code cookie */
* The SLPAttrCallback type is the type of the callback function
* parameter to SLPFindAttrs() function.
typedef SLPBoolean
SLPHandle hSLP, /* operation SLPHandle */
const char *pcAttrList, /* attribute id/value assignments */
SLPError errCode, /* error code */
void *pvCookie /* client code cookie */
extern SLPError
const char *pcLang, /* natural language locale */
SLPBoolean isAsync, /* asynchronous if true */
SLPHandle *phSLP /* pointer to resulting handle */
* Frees all resources associated with the handle
extern void SLPClose(
SLPHandle hSLP /* handle to be closed */
* Registers the URL in pcSrvURL having the lifetime usLifetime with the
* attribute list in pcAttrs.
extern SLPError
SLPHandle hSLP, /* operation SLPHandle */
const char *pcSrvURL, /* the URL to register */
const unsigned short usLifetime, /* life time of the service advert */
const char *pcSrvType, /* the service type */
const char *pcAttrs, /* attributes of the advertisement */
SLPBoolean fresh, /* fresh registration if true */
SLPRegReport callback, /* receives completion status */
void *pvCookie /* client code cookie */
* Deregisters the advertisment for URL pURL in all scopes where the
* service is registered and all language locales, not just the locale
* of the SLPHandle.
extern SLPError
SLPHandle hSLP, /* operation SLPHandle */
const char *pcURL, /* the URL to deregister */
SLPRegReport callback, /* receives completion status */
void *pvCookie /* client code cookie */
* Delete the selected attributes in the locale of the SLPHandle.
extern SLPError
SLPHandle hSLP, /* operation SLPHandle */
const char *pcURL, /* URL for attrs to deregister */
const char *pcAttrs, /* attributes to deregister */
SLPRegReport callback, /* receives completion status */
void *pvCookie /* client code cookie */
* The SLPFindSrvType() function issues an SLP service type request
* for service types in the scopes indicated by the pcScopeList. The
* results are returned through the callback parameter.
extern SLPError
SLPHandle hSLP, /* operation SLPHandle */
const char *pcNamingAuthority, /* naming authority to search */
const char *pcScopeList, /* scopes to search */
SLPSrvTypeCallback callback, /* receives results */
void *pvCookie /* client code cookie */
* Issue the query for services on the language specific SLPHandle and
* return the results through the callback.
extern SLPError
SLPHandle hSLP, /* operation SLPHandle */
const char *pcServiceType, /* service type string */
const char *pcScopeList, /* scopes to search */
const char *pcSearchFilter, /* LDAPv3 Search Filter */
SLPSrvURLCallback callback, /* receives results */
void *pvCookie /* client code cookie */
* This function returns service attributes matching the attribute ids
* for the indicated full or partial URL.
extern SLPError
SLPHandle hSLP, /* operation SLPHandle */
const char *pcURL, /* the full or partial URL */
const char *pcScopeList, /* scopes to search */
const char *pcAttrIds, /* which attribute values to return */
SLPAttrCallback callback, /* receives results */
void *pvCookie /* client code cookie */
* Returns the minimum refresh interval, in seconds, that any SA
* should use when refreshing registrations. If 0, there is no
* minimum interval, and the SA can use what it pleases.
extern unsigned short
* Sets ppcScopeList parameter to a pointer to a comma separated list
* including all available scope values.
extern SLPError
SLPHandle hSLP, /* operation SLPHandle */
char **ppcScopeList /* pointer to result */
* Parses the URL passed in as the argument into a service URL structure
* and return it in the ppSrvURL pointer.
extern SLPError
char *pcSrvURL, /* URL string to parse */
SLPSrvURL **ppSrvURL /* pointer to result */
* Frees memory returned from SLPParseSrvURL(), SLPEscape(),
* SLPUnescape(), and SLPFindScopes().
extern void
void *pvMem /* pointer to memory to free */
* Process the input string in pcInbuf and escape any SLP reserved
* characters.
extern SLPError
const char *pcInbuf, /* buffer to process */
char **ppcOutBuf, /* pointer to result */
SLPBoolean isTag /* if true, check for bad tag chars */
* Process the input string in pcInbuf and unescape any SLP reserved
* characters.
extern SLPError
const char *pcInbuf, /* buffer to process */
char **ppcOutbuf, /* pointer to result */
SLPBoolean isTag /* if true, check for bad tag chars */
* Returns the value of the corresponding SLP property name. The
* returned string is owned by the library and MUST NOT be freed.
extern const char *
const char *pcName /* property name */
* Sets the value of the SLP property to the new value. The pcValue
* parameter should be the property value as a string.
extern void
const char *pcName, /* property name */
const char *pcValue /* property value */
* Maps err_code to an SLP error string. The returned string should not
* be overwritten.
extern const char *
SLPError err_code /* SLP error code */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _SLP_H */