* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
* Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
* or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
* file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
* If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
* fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
* information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
* Copyright (c) 2003, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
#ifndef _LIBFSMGT_H
#define _LIBFSMGT_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <nfs/nfs_sec.h>
#include <sys/utsname.h>
#define DFSTYPES "/etc/dfs/fstypes" /* dfs list */
#define DFSTAB "/etc/dfs/dfstab" /* dfs list */
#define BUFSIZE 65536
#define LINESZ 2048
typedef void *fs_dfstab_entry_t;
* Public data type declarations
* Represents a list of the /etc/vfstab entries
typedef struct mount_default_list {
struct mount_default_list *next;
char *resource;
char *fsckdevice;
char *mountp;
char *fstype;
char *fsckpass;
char *mountatboot;
char *mntopts;
} fs_mntdefaults_t;
* Represents a list of /etc/mnttab entries
typedef struct mount_list {
struct mount_list *next;
char *resource;
char *mountp;
char *fstype;
char *mntopts;
char *time;
uint_t major;
uint_t minor;
boolean_t overlayed;
} fs_mntlist_t;
* Represents a /etc/dfs/sharetab entry
typedef struct share_list {
struct share_list *next;
char *path;
char *resource;
char *fstype;
char *options;
char *description;
} fs_sharelist_t;
* Represents a list of /etc/mnttab entries with associated
* information from kstat.
typedef struct nfs_mntlist {
struct nfs_mntlist *next;
char nml_curpath[MAXPATHLEN]; /* current path on */
/* server */
char nml_curserver[SYS_NMLN]; /* current server */
char **nml_failoverlist; /* The list of servers */
/* and corresponding */
/* paths for failover. */
char *nml_fstype; /* filesystem type */
char *nml_mntopts; /* mount options */
char *nml_mountp; /* mount point */
char *nml_resource; /* mnttab.mnt_special */
char nml_proto[KNC_STRSIZE]; /* transfer protocol */
char *nml_securitymode; /* security mode name */
char *nml_time; /* time mounted */
int nml_failovercount; /* number of failover servers */
int nml_retrans; /* times to retry request */
int nml_timeo; /* inital timeout in 10th sec */
ulong_t nml_fsid; /* filesystem ID */
uint_t nml_acdirmax; /* max time to hold cached dir attr */
uint_t nml_acdirmin; /* min time to hold cached dir attr */
uint_t nml_acregmax; /* max time to hold cached file attr */
uint_t nml_acregmin; /* min time to hold cached file attr */
uint32_t nml_curread; /* current read size */
uint32_t nml_curwrite; /* current write size */
uint32_t nml_vers; /* nfs version */
boolean_t nml_directio; /* force direct IO */
boolean_t nml_grpid; /* group id inherited from parent */
boolean_t nml_hard; /* hard or soft mount */
boolean_t nml_intr; /* Key board intrupts */
boolean_t nml_noac; /* no ata and attribute caching */
boolean_t nml_nocto; /* no close-to-open consistency */
boolean_t nml_overlayed; /* Is filesystem overlayed */
boolean_t nml_xattr; /* allow extended attributes */
} nfs_mntlist_t;
* Command execution interface method declarations
* Method: cmd_execute_command
* Description: Executes the command passed into the function as if it was
* the input to a shell and returns the separated stdout and stderr messages
* which can be accessed by the client via the returned file descriptors using
* the cmd_retrieve_string method or one of their own methods.
* Parameters:
* char * - The command to execute. Expected in the format of a shell command.
* int * - Upon return from the function, this is the file descriptor that can
* be used to access the output from the command to stdout.
* int * - Upon return from the function, this is the file descriptor that can
* be used to access the output from the command to stderr.
* Return:
* Returns 0 (zero).
* Supposed to be the integer representing the exit value of the command
* executed, but due to the way blocking on file descriptors works, it will
* only return a 0 (zero) value. The reason: The producer, in this case the
* command being executed, will block when a certain amount of data is written
* to the file descriptor and will not be able to write any more data until the
* consumer reads from the file descriptor so since we are not reading in the
* data from the file descriptors in this method and we are allowing the client
* do what they want with the data we can't wait until the command is finished
* executing to get the return value.
int cmd_execute_command(char *cmd, int *output_filedes, int *error_filedes);
* Method: cmd_execute_command_and_retrieve_string
* Description: Executes the command passed into the function as if it was the
* input to a shell and returns the output to stderr and stdout as a string as
* it would appear in the shell (stdout and stderr are mixed).
* Parameters:
* char * - The command to execute. Expected in the format of a shell command.
* int * - Upon return from the function, this should be used to determine if an
* error occurred in the execution of the command and the retrieval of
* output data from the command.
* data from the command.
* Return:
* The output to stdout and stderr created by the execution of the passed in
* command.
char *cmd_execute_command_and_retrieve_string(char *cmd, int *errp);
* Method: cmd_retrieve_string
* Description: Retrieves the data from the passed in file descriptor and
* returns it to the caller in the form of a string.
* Parameters:
* int - The file descriptor to be read from.
* int * - Upon return from the function, this should be the used to determine
* if an error occurred in the retrieval of the data from the file
* descriptor.
* A non-zero value represents the occurrence of an error.
* Return:
* The data from the file descriptor in the form of a string.
* NOTE: The caller must free the space allocated (with calloc) for the return
* value using free().
char *cmd_retrieve_string(int filedes, int *errp);
* File interface method declarations
* NOTE: the caller of this function is responsible for freeing any
* memory allocated by calling fileutil_free_string_array()
* Method: fileutil_add_string_to_array
* Description: Adds one line to the file image string array
* Parameters:
* char ***string_array - pointer array of strings holding the lines
* for the new file
* char *line - the line to be added to the new file
* int *count - the number of elements in the string array
* int *err - error pointer for returning any errors encountered
* Return:
* B_TRUE on success, B_FALSE on failure.
* Note:
* On success string_array is set to the new array of strings. On failure
* string_array is unchanged.
boolean_t fileutil_add_string_to_array(char ***, char *, int *, int *);
* Method: fileutil_free_string_array
* Description: Frees the space allocated to a string array.
* Parameters:
* char ** - is the array to be freed
* int - the number of elements in the array
void fileutil_free_string_array(char **, int);
* Method: fileutil_get_cmd_from_string
* Description: Returns a string containing a line with all comments and
* trailing white space removed.
* Parameters:
* char *input_stringp - the line to remove all coments and trailing white
* space.
* Note: The memory allocated for the returned string must be freed by the
* caller of fileutil_get_cmd_from_string().
char *fileutil_get_cmd_from_string(char *input_stringp);
* Method: fileutil_get_first_column_data
* Description: Returns a string array which is filled with the data in the
* first column of the lines in a table formatted file.
* Examples of table formatted files include: /etc/netcofig, /etc/nfssec.conf
* Parameters:
* FILE* - The file pointer of the table formatted file to get data from.
* int* - will be filled with the number of elements in the array that is passed
* back.
* int* - error pointer. If an error occurs this will be non-zero upon return
* the function.
* Returns:
* Two-dimensional array of characters (string array). Each element in the
* array is the first column data of each row in the table.
char **fileutil_get_first_column_data(FILE *, int *, int *);
* Method: fileutil_getfs
* Description: Convenience function for retrieving the default remote file
* system type from /etc/dfs/fstypes.
* Parameters:
* FILE * - The /etc/dfs/fstypes file pointer.
* Return:
* The default remote filesystem type.
char *fileutil_getfs(FILE *);
* Method: fileutil_getline
* Description: Convenience function for retrieving the next line from a file.
* Commented lines are not returned and comments at the end of
* a line are removed.
* Parameters:
* FILE * - The file pointer to a file that has been opened for reading.
* char * - The line retrived from the file will be placed in this string.
* int * - error pointer - If an error occurs this will be non-zero upon
* return from the function.
* Return:
* If successfull the line retrieved from the file will be returned.
* Otherwise NULL be be returned.
char *fileutil_getline(FILE *, char *, int);
* Mount defaults (/etc/vfstab) interface method declarations
* Method: fs_add_mount_default
* Description: Adds an entry to vfstab based on the fs_mntdefaults_t
* structure that is passed in.
* Parameters:
* fs_mntdefaults_t *newp - The structure containing the mount information
* to be placed in vfstab.
* int *errp - error pointer - If an error occurs this will be non-zero upon
* return from the function.
* Return:
* If successful a pointer to a list containing all the present vfstab
* entries is returned. On failure NULL is returned.
fs_mntdefaults_t *fs_add_mount_default(fs_mntdefaults_t *, int *);
* Method: fs_check_for_duplicate_DFStab_paths
* Description: Checks dfstab for duplicate paths and returns the number of
* times the path passed in was encountered. The functon is used to help make
* sure a path is only listed in dfstab once.
* Parameters:
* char *path - the path to check for
* int *err - error pointer - If an error occurs this will be non-zero upon
* return from the function.
* Return:
* The number of times the specified path is encountered in dfstab.
int fs_check_for_duplicate_DFStab_paths(char *path, int *err);
* Method: fs_del_mount_default_ent
* Description: Deletes the specified vfstab entry from the vfstab file.
* Parameters:
* fs_mntdefaults_t *old_vfstab_ent - The mount information that corresponds
* to the vfstab entry to be deleted.
* int *errp - error pointer - If an error occurs this will be non-zero upon
* return from the function.
* Return:
* If successful a pointer to a list containing all the changed vfstab
* entries is returned. On failure NULL is returned.
fs_mntdefaults_t *fs_del_mount_default_ent(fs_mntdefaults_t *, int *);
* Method: fs_edit_mount_defaults
* Description: Edits the specified vfstab entry with the new mount
* information passed in.
* Parameters:
* fs_mntdefaults_t *old_vfstab_ent - The old vfstab entry that is to be edited.
* fs_mntdefaults_t *new_vfstab_ent - The new vfstab entry information.
* int *errp - error pointer - If an error occurs this will be non-zero upon
* return from the function
* Return:
fs_mntdefaults_t *fs_edit_mount_defaults(fs_mntdefaults_t *,
fs_mntdefaults_t *, int *);
* Method: fs_free_mntdefaults_list
* Description: Frees the memory used when a fs_mntdefaults_t structure
* is populated.
* Parameters:
* fs_mntdefaults_t *headp - The pointer to the first element in the list
* of mntdefault structures.
void fs_free_mntdefaults_list(fs_mntdefaults_t *headp);
* Method: fs_get_filtered_mount_defaults
* Description: Retrieves vfstab entries based in the fields in the
* fs_mntdefaults_t structure passed in. The fields that are not to
* be used in the filter will be set to NULL.
* Parameters:
* fs_mntdefaults_t *filter - The structure containing the fields to be
* used for the filter.
* int *errp - error pointer - If an error occurs this will be non-zero upon
* return from the function
* Return:
* The list of all vfstab entries meeting the filter criteria are returned.
* On failure NULL is returned.
fs_mntdefaults_t *fs_get_filtered_mount_defaults(
fs_mntdefaults_t *filter, int *errp);
* Method: fs_get_mount_defaults
* Description: Retrieves vfstab entries and returns a list of
* fs_mntdefaults_t structures.
* Parameters:
* int *errp - error pointer - If an error occurs this will be non-zero upon
* return from the function
* Return:
* fs_mntdefaults_t * - Returns a list of all vfstab entries.
fs_mntdefaults_t *fs_get_mount_defaults(int *errp);
* Mount (/etc/mnttab) interface method declarations
* Method: fs_free_mount_list
* Description: Frees the mount list created when retrieving mnttab entries.
* Parameters:
* fs_mntlist_t *headp - The mount list to be freed.
void fs_free_mount_list(fs_mntlist_t *mnt_list);
* Method: fs_get_availablesize
* Description: Calculates the total size available on the filesystem.
* Parameters:
* char *mntpnt - The mount point to use for gathering the stat information
* int *errp - error pointer - If an error occurs this will be non-zero upon
* return from the function
* Return:
* The total size available on the filesystem.
unsigned long long fs_get_availablesize(char *mntpnt, int *errp);
* Method: fs_get_avail_for_nonsuperuser_size
* Description: Calculates the available space on the filesystem for
* nonsuperusers.
* Parameters:
* char *mntpnt - The mount point for the filesystem.
* int *errp - error pointer - If an error occurs this will be non-zero upon
* return from the function
* Return:
* The available space for nonsuperusers.
* On failure NULL is returned.
unsigned long long fs_get_avail_for_nonsuperuser_size(char *mntpnt,
int *errp);
* Method: fs_get_blocksize
* Description: Retrieves the preferred filesystem block size.
* Parameters:
* char *mntpnt - The mount point for the filesystem.
* int *errp - error pointer - If an error occurs this will be non-zero upon
* return from the function
* Return:
* Returns the preferred filesystem block size.
* On failure NULL is returned.
unsigned long long fs_get_blocksize(char *mntpnt, int *errp);
* Method: fs_get_filtered_mount_list
* Description: Can be used to filter mounts only by the following mount
* attributes or a mixture of them:
* 1.) resource
* 2.) mount point
* 3.) mount option string
* 4.) time mounted
* Parameters:
* char *resource - The name of the resource to be mounted
* char *mountp - The pathname of the directory on which the filesystem
* is mounted
* char *mntopts - The mount options
* char *time - The time at which the filesystem was mounted
* boolean_t find_overlays - Flag used to turn on overlay checking
* int *errp - error pointer - If an error occurs this will be non-zero upon
* return from the function
* Return:
* The list of all mnttab entries meeting the filter criteria are returned.
* On failure NULL is returned.
fs_mntlist_t *fs_get_filtered_mount_list(char *resource,
char *mountp, char *fstype, char *mntopts,
char *time, boolean_t find_overlays,
int *errp);
* Method: fs_get_fragsize
* Description: Determines the fundamental filesystem block size.
* Parameters:
* char *mntpnt - The mount point for the filesystem.
* int *errp - error pointer - If an error occurs this will be non-zero upon
* return from the function
* Return:
* Returns the fundamental filesystem block size.
* On failure NULL is returned.
unsigned long fs_get_fragsize(char *mntpnt, int *errp);
* Method: fs_get_maxfilenamelen
* Description: Determines the maximum file name length for the filesystem.
* Parameters:
* char *mntpnt - The mount point for the filesystem.
* int *errp - error pointer - If an error occurs this will be non-zero upon
* return from the function
* Return:
* Returns the maximum file name length for the specified filesystem.
* On failure NULL is returned.
unsigned long fs_get_maxfilenamelen(char *mntpnt, int *errp);
* Method: fs_get_mounts_by_mntopt
* Description: Returns only mounts with the specified mount option set.
* Parameters:
* char *mntopt - The mount option used for filtering mounts
* boolean_t find_overlays - Flag used to turn on overlay checking
* int *errp - error pointer - If an error occurs this will be non-zero upon
* return from the function
* Return:
* Returns the list of all mnttab entries with the matching mount option.
* On failure NULL is returned.
fs_mntlist_t *fs_get_mounts_by_mntopt(char *mntopt,
boolean_t find_overlays, int *errp);
* Method: fs_get_mount_list
* Description: Returns a list of all mounts in mnttab
* Parameters:
* char *mntpnt - The mount point for the filesystem
* boolean_t find_overlays - Flag used to turn on overlay checking
* int *errp - error pointer - If an error occurs this will be non-zero upon
* return from the function
* Return:
* Returns the list of all mounts and associated mount information for mounts
* listed in mnttab. On failure NULL is returned.
fs_mntlist_t *fs_get_mount_list(boolean_t find_overlays, int *errp);
* Method: fs_get_totalsize
* Description: Determines the total size of the filesystem using the
* total number of blocks and the block size.
* Parameters:
* char *mntpnt - The mount point for the filesystem
* int *errp - error pointer - If an error occurs this will be non-zero upon
* return from the function
* Return:
* Returns the total size of the filesystem.
* On failure NULL is returned.
unsigned long long fs_get_totalsize(char *mntpnt, int *errp);
* Method: fs_get_usedsize
* Description: Calculates the size of the used portion of the filesystem.
* Parameters:
* char *mntpnt - The mount point for the filesystem
* int *errp - error pointer - If an error occurs this will be non-zero upon
* return from the function
* Return:
* Returns the size of the the used portion of the filesystem.
* On failure NULL is returned.
unsigned long long fs_get_usedsize(char *mntpnt, int *errp);
* Method: fs_is_readonly
* Description: Checks the filesystem flags to see if the filesystem is
* readonly.
* Parameters:
* char *mntpnt - The mount point for the filesystem
* int *errp - error pointer - If an error occurs this will be non-zero upon
* return from the function
* Return:
* Returns B_TRUE if the readonly flag is set and B_FALSE if not.
* On error the error pointer is set to errno.
boolean_t fs_is_readonly(char *mntpnt, int *errp);
* Method: fs_parse_optlist_for_option
* Description:
* This method will parse the given comma delimited option list (optlist) for
* the option passed into the function. If the option (opt) to search for
* is one that sets a value such as onerror=, the value to the right of the "="
* character will be returned from the function. This function expects the
* opt parameter to have the "=" character appended when searching for options
* which set a value.
* Parameters:
* char *optlist - The option string to be parsed
* char *opt - The option to search for
* int *errp - error pointer - If an error occurs this will be non-zero upon
* return from the function
* Return:
* Returns the option as found in the option list.
* If the option is not found NULL is returned.
* On error NULL is returned and the error pointer is set to errno.
char *fs_parse_optlist_for_option(char *optlist, char *opt,
int *errp);
* Share (/etc/dfs/sharetab) interface method declarations
* Method: fs_free_share_list
* Description: Used to free populated fs_sharelist_t structures
* Parameters:
* fs_sharelist_t *headp - the pointer to the first element in the list.
void fs_free_share_list(fs_sharelist_t *share_list);
* Method: fs_get_share_list
* Description: Gets a list of the shares on the system from /etc/dfs/sharetab
* Parameters:
* int *errp - error pointer - If an error occurs this will be non-zero upon
* return from the function
* Return:
* Returns a list of fs_sharelist_t structures containing all of the shares
* from sharetab.
* On error NULL is returned and errp is set to errno.
fs_sharelist_t *fs_get_share_list(int *errp);
* Method: fs_parse_opts_for_sec_modes
* Description: Parses the option string for security modes and returns
* an array of strings containing all modes.
* Parameters:
* char * - options string to be parsed.
* int * - count of the number of modes found.
* int * - error code.
* Return:
* Returns an array of string containing all security opts listed in the
* passed in option string. On error NULL is returned.
char **fs_parse_opts_for_sec_modes(char *, int *, int *);
* Method: fs_create_array_from_accesslist
* Description: Takes the colon separated access list parses the list
* into an array containing all the elements of the list.
* The array created is returned and count is set to the
* number of elements in the array.
* Parameters:
* char *access_list - The string containing the colon sperated access list.
* int *count - Will contain the number of elements in the array.
* int *err - any errors encountered.
char **fs_create_array_from_accesslist(char *access_list, int *count, int *err);
* FS dfstab (/etc/dfs/dfstab) interface method declarations
* Method: fs_add_DFStab_ent
* Description: Adds an entry to dfstab and to the list of dfstab
* entries. Returns a pointer to the head of the dfstab entry list.
* Parameters:
* char *cmd - the share command to be added to dfstab
* int *errp - error pointer - If an error occurs this will be non-zero upon
* return from the function
* Return:
* Returns the pointer to the updated dfstab entry list.
fs_dfstab_entry_t fs_add_DFStab_ent(char *, int *);
* Method: fs_del_DFStab_ent
* Description: Deletes an entry from dfstab and from the list of
* dfstab entries.
* Parameters:
* char *del_cmd - The share command to be removed
* int *errp - error pointer - If an error occurs this will be non-zero upon
* return from the function
* Return:
* Returns the pointer to the updated dfstab entry list.
fs_dfstab_entry_t fs_del_DFStab_ent(char *, int *);
* NOTE: the caller of this function is responsible for freeing any
* memory allocated by calling fs_free_DFStab_ents()
* Method: fs_edit_DFStab_ent
* Description: Changes the specified line in dfstab to match the second
* string passed in.
* Parameters:
* char *old_cmd - The share command that will be changed.
* char *new_cmd - The share command that will replace old_cmd.
* int *errp - error pointer - If an error occurs this will be non-zero upon
* return from the function
* Return:
* Returns the pointer to the updated dfstab entry list.
fs_dfstab_entry_t fs_edit_DFStab_ent(char *, char *, int *);
* Method: fs_free_DFStab_ents
* Description: Frees the dfstab entry list.
* Parameters:
* fs_dfstab_entry_t list - The pointer to the dfstab entry list.
void fs_free_DFStab_ents(fs_dfstab_entry_t);
* NOTE: the caller of this function is responsible for freeing any
* memory allocated by calling fs_free_DFStab_ents()
* Method: fs_get_DFStab_ents
* Description: Retrieves the dfstab entry list.
* Parameters:
* int *errp - error pointer - If an error occurs this will be non-zero upon
* return from the function
* Return:
* Returns the pointer to the dfstab entry list.
* If NULL is returned and errp is 0 then dfstab has no entries. If errp is
* not 0 there was an error and the value of errp is set to the errno
* value for that error.
fs_dfstab_entry_t fs_get_DFStab_ents(int *err);
* NOTE: the caller of this function is responsible for freeing any
* memory allocated by calling fs_free_DFStab_ents()
* Method: fs_get_DFStab_ent_Desc
* Description: Retrieves the description information for the present
* dfstab entry.
* Parameters:
* fs_dfstab_entry_t entry - the dfstab entry to retrieve the description from.
* Return:
* The string containing the description for the dfstab entry.
* If the description is not set NULL is returned.
* Note: the description is an optional share option and a return value of
* NULL is not an error but indicates that the description was not set.
char *fs_get_DFStab_ent_Desc(fs_dfstab_entry_t);
* Method: fs_get_DFStab_ent_Fstype
* Description: Retrieves the filesystem type information from the dfstab
* entry passed in.
* Parameters:
* fs_dfstab_entry_t entry - the dfstab entry to retrieve the fstype from.
* Return:
* The string containing the filesystem type.
* Note: if fstype is not set in the dfstab entry the default fstype is
* returned.
char *fs_get_DFStab_ent_Fstype(fs_dfstab_entry_t);
* Method: fs_get_DFStab_ent_Next
* Description: Retrieves the next entry in the dfstab entry list.
* Parameters:
* fs_dfstab_entry_t entry - The dfstab entry pointer to get the next
* pointer from.
* Return:
* Returns the next dfstab entry.
* A return value of NULL indicates the end of the dfstab entry list.
fs_dfstab_entry_t fs_get_DFStab_ent_Next(fs_dfstab_entry_t);
* Method: fs_get_DFStab_ent_Options
* Description: Retrieves the share options from the dfstab
* entry passed in.
* Parameters:
* fs_dfstab_entry_t entry - The dfstab entry to retrieve the share
* options from.
* Return:
* Returns the string containing the share options.
* A NULL value indicates that no options were specified in the dfstab entry.
char *fs_get_DFStab_ent_Options(fs_dfstab_entry_t);
* Method: fs_get_DFStab_ent_Path
* Description: Retrieves the path information from the dfstab
* entry passed in.
* Parameters:
* fs_dfstab_entry_t entry - the dfstab entry to retrieve the path from.
* Return:
* Returns the string containing the path.
* A NULL value indecates that no path information is available for the
* dfstab entry. A NULL value here is an error and indicates an invalid
* dfstab entry.
char *fs_get_DFStab_ent_Path(fs_dfstab_entry_t);
* Method: fs_get_DFStab_ent_Res
* Description: Retrieves the resource information from the dfstab entry
* passed in.
* Parameters:
* fs_dfstab_entry_t entry - the dfstab entry to retrieve the resource
* information from.
* Return:
* Returns the string containing the path.
* A NULL value indecates that no resource information is available for the
* dfstab entry.
char *fs_get_DFStab_ent_Res(fs_dfstab_entry_t);
* Method: fs_get_Dfstab_share_cmd
* Description: Retrieves the share command that corresponds to the
* dfstab entry passed in.
* Parameters:
* fs_dfstab_entry_t entry - The dfstab entry that will be used to create
* a share command.
* int *errp - error pointer - If an error occurs this will be non-zero upon
* return from the function
* Return:
* Returns the string containing the share command.
* A NULL value indicates an error occured and errp will be non zero.
char *fs_get_Dfstab_share_cmd(fs_dfstab_entry_t, int *);
* NOTE: the caller of this function is responsible for freeing any
* memory allocated by calling fs_free_DFStab_ents()
* Method: fs_set_DFStab_ent
* Description: Used to add entries into dfstab
* Parameters:
* char *path - The path for the dfstab entry
* char *fstype - The filesystem type for the share
* char *options - The share options to be used for the dfstab entry
* char *description - The description for the share
* int *errp - error pointer - If an error occurs this will be non-zero upon
* return from the function
* Return:
* Returns a pointer to the begining of the dfstab entry list
* Failure returns NULL
fs_dfstab_entry_t fs_set_DFStab_ent(char *, char *, char *, char *, int *);
* NOTE: the caller of this function is responsible for freeing any
* memory allocated by calling fs_free_DFStab_ents()
* Method: fs_del_All_DFStab_ents_with_Path
* Description: Removes all dfstab entries with the specified path.
* Parameters:
* char *path - The path to checked for removal from dfstab.
* int *err - error pointer.
* Return: returns a pointer to the nfs list of dfstab entries.
fs_dfstab_entry_t fs_del_All_DFStab_ents_with_Path(char *, int *);
* Debuging functions
void fs_print_dfstab_entries(fs_dfstab_entry_t);
* NFS mount interface method declarations
* Method: nfs_free_mntinfo_list
* Description: Used to free the network id list, which is an array of strings.
* Parameters:
* nfs_mntlist_t *mountinfo_list - The list of mounts and associated mount
* information
void nfs_free_mntinfo_list(nfs_mntlist_t *);
* NOTE: the caller of this function is responsible for freeing any
* memory allocated by calling nfs_free_mntinfo_list()
* Method: nfs_get_filtered_mount_list
* Description: Can be used to filter nfs mounts only by the following mount
* attributes or a mixture of them:
* 1.) resource
* 2.) mount point
* 3.) mount option string
* 4.) time mounted
* NULL must be passed into the options that are not being used in the filter.
* Parameters:
* char *resource - The name of the resource to be mounted
* char *mountp - The pathname of the directory on which the filesystem
* is mounted
* char *mntopts - The mount options
* char *time - The time at which the filesystem was mounted
* boolean_t find_overlays - Flag used to turn on overlay checking
* int *errp - error pointer - If an error occurs this will be non-zero upon
* return from the function
* Return:
* nfs_mntlist_t * - Returns a list of nfs mounts based on the
* parameters passed in.
nfs_mntlist_t *nfs_get_filtered_mount_list(char *resource, char *mountp,
char *mntopts, char *time, boolean_t find_overlays,
int *errp);
* NOTE: the caller of this function is responsible for freeing any
* memory allocated by calling nfs_free_mntinfo_list()
* Method: nfs_get_mounts_by_mntopt
* Description: Can be used to filter mounts by the mount options attribute.
* Parameters:
* char *mntopts - The mount options
* boolean_t find_overlays - Flag used to turn on overlay checking
* int *errp - error pointer - If an error occurs this will be non-zero upon
* return from the function
* Return:
* nfs_mntlist_t * - Returns a list of nfs mounts based on the
* parameters passed in.
nfs_mntlist_t *nfs_get_mounts_by_mntopt(char *mntopt, boolean_t find_overlays,
int *errp);
* NOTE: the caller of this function is responsible for freeing any
* memory allocated by calling nfs_free_mntinfo_list()
* Method: nfs_get_mount_list
* Description: Used to gather all NFS mounts and there associated
* mount information.
* Parameters:
* int *errp - error pointer - If an error occurs this will be non-zero upon
* return from the function
* Return:
* nfs_mntlist_t * - Returns a list of all nfs mounts.
nfs_mntlist_t *nfs_get_mount_list(int *);
* Netconfig (/etc/netconfig) interface method declarations
* Method: netcfg_free_networkid_list
* Description: Used to free the network id list, which is an array of strings.
* Parameters:
* char **netlist - The array of strings containing the network id list
* int num_elements - The number of elements in the network id list
void netcfg_free_networkid_list(char **netlist, int num_elements);
* NOTE: the caller of this function is responsible for freeing any
* memory allocated by calling netcfg_free_networkid_list()
* Method: netcfg_get_networkid_list
* Description: Used to create the network id list.
* Parameters:
* int *num_elements - The number of elements in the network id list.
* int *errp - error pointer - If an error occurs this will be non-zero upon
* return from the function
* Return:
* char ** - Returns the netowk id list.
char **netcfg_get_networkid_list(int *num_elements, int *errp);
* nfssec (/etc/nfssec.conf) interface method declarations
* Method: nfssec_free_secmode_list
* Description: Used to free the NFS security mode list.
* Parameters:
* char **seclist - The array of strings containing the security mode list
* int num_elements - The number of elements in the list
void nfssec_free_secmode_list(char **seclist, int num_elements);
* Method: nfssec_get_default_secmode
* Description: Used to retrieve the default security mode
* Parameters:
* int *errp - error pointer - If an error occurs this will be non-zero upon
* return from the function
* Return:
* char * - Returns the name of the default security mode
char *nfssec_get_default_secmode(int *errp);
* NOTE: the caller of this function is responsible for freeing any
* memory allocated by calling nfssec_free_secmode_list()
* Method: nfssec_get_nfs_secmode_list
* Description: Used to create the NFS security mode list.
* Parameters:
* int *num_elements - The number of elements in the security mode list
* int *errp - error pointer - If an error occurs this will be non-zero upon
* return from the function
* Return:
* char ** - Returns the NFS security mode list
char **nfssec_get_nfs_secmode_list(int *num_elements, int *errp);
* System information interface method declarations
* Method: sys_get_hostname
* Description: Used to retrieve the name of the host
* Parameters:
* int *errp - error pointer - If an error occurs this will be non-zero upon
* return from the function
* Return:
* char * - Returns the name of the host system
char *sys_get_hostname(int *errp);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* _LIBFSMGT_H */