private.txt revision 2
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Enterprise: Private Layer Test Specification
This document describes two test specifications intended to be
used in the development of test suite(s) designed to validate the private
layer API described in Section 2.1 of the Enterprise DHCP Service
Architecture Specification (ARCH) [1]. The first specification outlines
testing requirements for the DHCP default file API (ARCH, section 2.1.1)
[1]. The second specification outlines the testing requirements for the
dhcptab and dhcp network container API (ARCH, section 2.1.2) [1]. Each
specification contains a basic sanity test specification, designed to
verify that the API works as designed when fed data in the correct form.
Each specification also contains a full test specification, which
compliments the basic sanity test by providing cases which test the
stability and MT-safeness of the API.
Test suite(s) written to these specifications should be run on
an instance of each reference platform on each build of the ON
consolidation. See "Enterprise Reference Platforms" [2] for more
1.0 DHCP default file API Test Specification
This test specification is divided into two subspecifications
outlining the testing requirements for validating the default file API
described in Section 2.1.1 of ARCH [1]. The first specification describes
a basic sanity test, which describes the testing requirements to verify
that the API works as designed when fed data in the correct form. The
second specification describes a full test, which complements the basic
sanity test by defining test requirements which test the error checking
behavior and MT-safeness of the API.
Test suite(s) written to this specification should be run on the
reference platform of each of the supported architectures (sparcv8,
sparcv9, IA32, IA64) for each build of the ON consolidation. See
"Enterprise Reference Platforms" [2].
Prior to running a test suite, install SUNWdhcsr and SUNWdhcsu
on the testing platform. No external setup is required for this test
suite. Remove any existing default file, /etc/default/dhcp.
This test validates the basic operation of the default
file API function calls when presented with valid input.
Test Data
Case #1 write_dhcp_defaults:
Use function to write the test data, using file mode of
0646. Confirm that data written matches test data. Confirm that
default file created has 0646 file mode and the function
returns 0.
Case #2 read_dhcp_defaults:
Create default file containing test data. Read data
using the function. Confirm data contained with dhcp_defaults_t
matches test data and the function returns 0.
Case #3 delete_dhcp_defaults:
Remove the default file using the function. Confirm
that default file has been removed and the function returns 0.
Case #4 query_dhcp_defaults:
Call function, cycling through each test data key.
Confirm that key is found, and that data returned is correct
and the function returns 0.
Case #5: free_dhcp_defaults:
Using the dhcp_defaults_t built containing the test
data, confirm that the function returns 0.
This test verifies that the default file API function
calls respond correctly when presented with incorrect data. It
also validates the MT-safeness of the API.
Test Data
Case #1 all API function calls:
Call each of the API functions with invalid argument(s).
For functions that take more than one argument, call those
functions once for each argument, providing invalid data for
each argument in turn. Confirm that functions return -1 and set
errno to EINVAL.
Case #2 existing lock file:
Create /etc/default/.dhcp_defaults_lock. Confirm that
read_dhcp_defaults and write_dhcp_defaults return -1 and set
errno to EAGAIN.
Case #2 read_dhcp_defaults:
Condition Expected Result
========= ===============
No default file. Confirm that the function
returns -1 and sets errno
Default file w/ Confirm that the function
mode set to 000. returns -1 and sets errno
Case #3 delete_dhcp_defaults:
Condition Expected Result
========= ===============
No default file. Confirm that the function
returns -1 and sets errno
Default file w/ Confirm that the function
mode set to 000. returns -1 and sets errno
Case #3 write_dhcp_defaults:
Condition Expected Result
========= ===============
Default file w/ Confirm that the function
mode set to 000. returns -1 and sets errno
Case #4 Multi-access stress:
Generate TUNABLE versions of the default file
containing unique combinations of defaults (no
line within the TUNABLE files are the same). The
default file will be written/accessed using UFS.
Tunable default values:
TUNABLE value: 5
INTERATE value: 100
A single multi-threaded test program can be
written which can be used in the following 3 cases.
It will write/read a unique version of the default
file. It will retry a default file operation if EAGAIN
is returned.
4.1. Multiple processes
Run TUNABLE instances of the test program which
writes / reads a different version of the TUNABLE
default file possibilities for a tunable (INTERATE)
number of iterations at once. Once the instances of
the test program have completed their interations,
verify that the file consists of exactly one of the
TUNABLE possible versions of the default file.
4.2. Multiple threads, single process
Run a single instance of the test program which
creates a tunable number of threads (TUNABLE) each of
which will write and read one of the unique default file
combinations for a tunable (INTERATE) number of
interations. Verify that after the program completes,
exactly one of the TUNABLE possible versions of the
default files exists.
4.3. Multiple threads, multiple processes, NFS in use
Run multiple versions of the test program, each
using multiple threads, some versions of the test
program accessing the default directory using NFS,
others using UFS. Verify after the test programs
complete that exactly one of the TUNABLE possible
versions of the default file exists.
Caution: ensure that the number of threads *
number of processes does not exceed the number of unique
possible default files.
4.4. Variation of 4.1-4.3:
Generate another process which periodically
snags the default file lock file, and verifies that the
current version of the default file matches one of the
unique default file versions.
2.0 dhcptab and dhcp network container API Test Specification
This test specification is divided into two subspecifications
outlining the testing requirements for validating the dhcptab and dhcp
network container API described in Section 2.1.2 of ARCH [1]. The first
specification describes a basic sanity test, which describes the testing
requirements to verify that the API works as designed when fed data in
the correct form with the correct preconditions present. The second
specification describes a full test, which complements the basic sanity
test by defining test requirements which test the error checking
behavior and MT-safeness of the API.
Test suite(s) written to this specification should be run on the
reference platform of each of the supported architectures (sparcv8,
sparcv9, IA32, IA64) for each build of the ON consolidation. See
"Enterprise Reference Platforms" [2].
Prior to running a test suite, install SUNWdhcsr and SUNWdhcsu
on the testing platform. Select a public module SUNWdhc{df,db,dn} and
install it. Configure any data service providing service to the public
module. Set the RESOURCE and PATH default file parameters as required by
the public module. Note that if the underlying public module's
environment is appropriately configured, the results of testing the API
should be the same for any other appropriately configured public module.
The public module status can be verified by running the basic sanity
test for the specific public module. The tester should record the
public module environment used during the test.
This test validates the basic operation of the dhcptab
and dhcp network container API function calls when presented with
valid input.
Test Data
Item Description Application
==== =========== ===========
<network address> IP address of *_dn
network. Ensure
that appropriate
subnet mask is
available in
Candidate networks
have to have at
least 3000 hosts.
dt records As follows: *_dt
SrootOpt s Vendor=SUNW.Ultra-1 SUNW.i86pc,1,ASCII,1,0
SrootIP4 s Vendor=SUNW.Ultra-1 SUNW.i86pc,2,IP,1,1
SrootNM s Vendor=SUNW.Ultra-1 SUNW.i86pc,3,ASCII,1,0
SrootPTH s Vendor=SUNW.Ultra-1 SUNW.i86pc,4,ASCII,1,0
SswapIP4 s Vendor=SUNW.Ultra-1 SUNW.i86pc,5,IP,1,1
SswapPTH s Vendor=SUNW.Ultra-1 SUNW.i86pc,6,ASCII,1,0
SbootFIL s Vendor=SUNW.Ultra-1 SUNW.i86pc,7,ASCII,1,0
Stz s Vendor=SUNW.Ultra-1 SUNW.i86pc,8,ASCII,1,0
SbootRS s Vendor=SUNW.Ultra-1 SUNW.i86pc,9,NUMBER,2,1
SinstIP4 s Vendor=SUNW.Ultra-1 SUNW.i86pc,10,IP,1,1
SinstNM s Vendor=SUNW.Ultra-1 SUNW.i86pc,11,ASCII,1,0
SinstPTH s Vendor=SUNW.Ultra-1 SUNW.i86pc,12,ASCII,1,0
SsysidCF s Vendor=SUNW.Ultra-1 SUNW.i86pc,13,ASCII,1,0
SjumpsCF s Vendor=SUNW.Ultra-1 SUNW.i86pc,14,ASCII,1,0
Sterm s Vendor=SUNW.Ultra-1 SUNW.i86pc,15,ASCII,1,0
Locale m :UTCoffst=-18000:
Solaris m :SrootIP4="atlantic": \
:SinstIP4="atlantic": \
sparc m \
:SrootPTH="/export/s28/solaris1of2.s28s_wos/latest/Solaris_8/Tools/Boot": \
sun4u m :Include=Solaris:Include=sparc:
i86pc m :Include=Solaris:SbootFIL="/platform/i86pc/kernel/unix": \
:SinstPTH="/export/s28/solaris1of2.s28x_wos/latest": \
SUNW.i86pc m :Include=i86pc:
SUNW.Ultra-1 m :SbootFIL="/platform/sun4u/kernel/sparcv9/unix": \
<network address> m :Subnet= \
atlantic m :Include=Locale:Timeserv= \
:LeaseNeg:Hostname:DNSdmain="": \
010800207E8A02 m :Impress=
<network address> Dhcp network container. *_dn
dn records ~3000, as follows: *_dn
00 00 <network address>+6 0 atlantic
00 00 <network address>+3006 0 atlantic
Case #1 dhcpsvc_errmsg:
Use function in a loop to display all messages
associated with the error codes in Figure 2 of ARCH [1]. Verify
that messages are displayed correctly.
Case #2 enumerate_dd:
Verify that this function properly enumerates the public
modules present on the machine under test in
/usr/lib/inet/dhcp/svc. Free memory (count entries in modules).
Case #3 status_dd:
Verify that the selected data store service is correctly
Case #4 capability_dd:
Verify that this function returns the correct
capabilities for the public module currently configured for use.
Note: Some public modules may not support this function, which
will cause this function to return DSVC_UNSUPPORTED.
Case #5 open_dd:
dhcptab container and a dhcp network container (called
<network address>). Preserve the handles returned for later
use in the following test cases.
Case #6 list_dd:
Verify that this function properly returns the currently
available DHCP containers (Case #5) in the data service hosting
the public module. Only those containers created in Case #5
should exist. Free memory (count entries in listppp).
Case #7 add_dd_entry:
Using the handles returned in Case #5, add the test
data records to the dhcptab and dhcp network containers.
Case #8 lookup_dd:
8.1. Verify case #7.
Using a "count" of -1 and a "query" value set
using DSVC_QINIT (Figure 5 of ARCH[1]), verify that the
contents of the dhcptab container and <network address>
container match the test data. "records" should equal
the number of records for each container. Note that the
order of the records returned may not be the same as
the order in which they were added in case #7.
8.2 Verify dhcptab container type.
8.2.1. Look for all records with a DT_QTYPE
value of "s". Verify that only the "s" type
records are returned.
8.2.2. Look for all records with DT_QTYPE value
of "m". Verify that only the "m" type records
are returned.
8.2.3. Look for DT_QKEY of "atlantic". Verify
that only the macro "atlantic" is returned.
8.2.4. Look for DT_QKEY of i86pc and not a
DT_QTYPE of "m". Verify that only the macro
"i86pc" is returned.
8.3 Verify dhcp network container type.
8.2.1. Look for all records with a DN_QCIP
of <network address>+100. Verify that only
one record (with a cip of
<network address>+100) is returned.
8.2.2. Look for all records with DN_QMACRO
value of "atlantic". Verify that all records
are returned ("records" == 3000). Note that
records returned may be in a different order
than they were added as part of case #7.
Case #9 modify_dd_entry:
9.1 Modify dhcptab container records
9.1.1 Using lookup_dd to find the record with a
DT_QKEY of "Sterm", change the name of the
record from "Sterm" to "sTERM". Use lookup_dd to
verify that the original record has been
9.1.2 Using lookup_dd to find the record with a
DT_QKEY of "Solaris", change the value portion
of the record to be:
:SrootIP4="atlantic": \
:SinstIP4="atlantic": \
Using lookup_dd, reexecute the lookup and verify
that the value portion of the record has been
modified correctly.
9.2 Modify dhcp network container records
9.2.1 Using lookup_dd to find the record with a
DN_QCIP of <network address>+10, change the
lease field to 1/1/2000 and the flags field to
MANUAL. Use lookup_dd to verify that the
original record has been changed.
9.2.2 Using lookup_dd to find the record with a
DN_QFLAGS of MANUAL. Change the dn_cid field
to 01080020FFFFFF, dn_flags field to
MANUAL+AUTOMATIC, dn_sip field to,
dn_lease field to -1, dn_macro field to "happy",
and the dn_comment field to "This is a test".
Use lookup_dd to verify that the original record
has been changed.
Case #10 delete_dd_entry:
10.1 Delete dhcptab container record
Using lookup_dd to find the record with a
DT_QKEY of SUNW.Ultra-1, delete this record. Verify
using lookup_dd that this record can no longer be found.
10.2 Delete dhcp network container record
Using lookup_dd to find the record with a
DN_QCIP of <network address>+101, delete this record.
Verify using lookup_dd that this record can no longer be
Case #11 close_dd:
11.1 Close the open instance of the dhcptab container.
Verify that close_dd returns DSVC_SUCCESS.
11.2 Close the open instance of the dhcp network
container <network address>. Verify that close_dd
Case #12 remove_dd:
12.1 Remove the dhcptab container. Verify that it no
longer exists using list_dd.
12.2 Remove the dhcp network container <network
address>. Verify that it no longer exists using list_dd.
This test verifies that the dhcptab and dhcp network
container API function calls respond correctly when presented with
incorrect data. It also validates the MT-safeness of the API.
The test suite should allow any number of concurrent threads or
test suite processes to be invoked.
Test Data
Item Description Application
==== =========== ===========
<network address> IP address of *_dn
network. Ensure
that appropriate
subnet mask is
available in
Candidate networks
have to have at
least 3000 hosts.
dt records As follows: *_dt
SrootOpt s Vendor=SUNW.Ultra-1 SUNW.i86pc,1,ASCII,1,0
SrootIP4 s Vendor=SUNW.Ultra-1 SUNW.i86pc,2,IP,1,1
SrootNM s Vendor=SUNW.Ultra-1 SUNW.i86pc,3,ASCII,1,0
SrootPTH s Vendor=SUNW.Ultra-1 SUNW.i86pc,4,ASCII,1,0
SswapIP4 s Vendor=SUNW.Ultra-1 SUNW.i86pc,5,IP,1,1
SswapPTH s Vendor=SUNW.Ultra-1 SUNW.i86pc,6,ASCII,1,0
SbootFIL s Vendor=SUNW.Ultra-1 SUNW.i86pc,7,ASCII,1,0
Stz s Vendor=SUNW.Ultra-1 SUNW.i86pc,8,ASCII,1,0
SbootRS s Vendor=SUNW.Ultra-1 SUNW.i86pc,9,NUMBER,2,1
SinstIP4 s Vendor=SUNW.Ultra-1 SUNW.i86pc,10,IP,1,1
SinstNM s Vendor=SUNW.Ultra-1 SUNW.i86pc,11,ASCII,1,0
SinstPTH s Vendor=SUNW.Ultra-1 SUNW.i86pc,12,ASCII,1,0
SsysidCF s Vendor=SUNW.Ultra-1 SUNW.i86pc,13,ASCII,1,0
SjumpsCF s Vendor=SUNW.Ultra-1 SUNW.i86pc,14,ASCII,1,0
Sterm s Vendor=SUNW.Ultra-1 SUNW.i86pc,15,ASCII,1,0
Locale m :UTCoffst=-18000:
Solaris m :SrootIP4="atlantic": \
:SinstIP4="atlantic": \
sparc m \
:SrootPTH="/export/s28/solaris1of2.s28s_wos/latest/Solaris_8/Tools/Boot": \
sun4u m :Include=Solaris:Include=sparc:
i86pc m :Include=Solaris:SbootFIL="/platform/i86pc/kernel/unix": \
:SinstPTH="/export/s28/solaris1of2.s28x_wos/latest": \
SUNW.i86pc m :Include=i86pc:
SUNW.Ultra-1 m :SbootFIL="/platform/sun4u/kernel/sparcv9/unix": \
<network address> m :Subnet= \
atlantic m :Include=Locale:Timeserv= \
:LeaseNeg:Hostname:DNSdmain="": \
010800207E8A02 m :Impress=
<network address> Dhcp network container. *_dn
dn records ~3000, as follows: *_dn
00 00 <network address>+6 0 atlantic
00 00 <network address>+3006 0 atlantic
Case #1 all API function calls:
1.1 Invalid arguments
Call each of the API functions with invalid
argument(s). For functions that take more than one
argument, call those functions once for each argument,
providing invalid data for each argument in turn.
Confirm that functions return DSVC_INVAL for all cases
but dhcpsvc_errmsg. This function should return a
string of "unknown".
1.2 No public modules (N/A for dhcpsvc_errmsg)
Call each of the API functions. Verify that
DSVC_ENOENT is returned.
1.3 Permission (N/A for dhcpsvc_errmsg)
Change the permission of the public module to be
unreadable by any user (000). Verify that DSVC_ACCESS
is returned. Restore permission of public module.
Case #2 status_dd:
2.1 Supporting data service not configured.
Verify that DSVC_SUCCESS is *not* returned.
Some public modules may not return the same error message
in this case. All should fail.
2.2 Configured data service, but unavailable.
Using a data service-specific method of making
the data service temporarily unavailable, call the
function. DSVC_BUSY or DSVC_INTERNAL (different depending
on implementation) is returned.
2.3 Configured data service, available.
Verify that DSVC_SUCCESS is returned.
Case #3 open_dd:
Perform the following subcases once each for the dhcptab
container and dhcp network container described in the test
3.1 No container
Call function with DSVC_READ | DSVC_WRITE.
Verify that DSVC_NOENT is returned.
3.2 Basic
create a dhcptab container and a dhcp network container
(called <network address>).
Call function with DSVC_READ | DSVC_WRITE |
DSVC_NONBLOCK. Depending on whether the public module
supports it (see module doc), the function should return
3.4 Container exists
verify that the function returns DSVC_EXISTS.
Cleanup: Remove the containers using remove_dd.
Case #4 list_dd:
4.1 No containers
Verify that list_dd returns DSVC_NOENT.
Case #5 add_dd_entry:
Create and load containers as per Case #5 and Case
#7 of the Basic Sanity Test.
5.1 Record exists
Attempt to add a test data record for the
dhcptab container and dhcp network container
respectively. Verify that DSVC_EXISTS is returned.
5.2 Busy
Close containers with close_dd. Reopen with
DSVC_NONBLOCK specified. If success is returned, using a
data service specific technique for making the service
busy, attempt to add an additional record to each of the
two containers. Verify that DSVC_BUSY is returned.
Remove the busy condition, and reattempt the add. Verify
that DSVC_SUCCESS is returned. close_dd the containers.
5.3 Read only
Reopen the containers with DSVC_READ access
only. If success is returned, attempt to add a new
record to each container. Verify that DSVC_ACCESS is
returned. close_dd the containers.
Cleanup: Remove the containers using remove_dd.
Case #5 lookup_dd:
Create and load containers as per Case #5 and Case #7 of
the Basic Sanity Test.
5.1. Record does not exist.
Produce dhcptab container and dhcp network
container queries that would not be satisfied by the
test data. Verify that DSVC_SUCCESS is returned, and
"records" is 0.
5.2 Busy
Close containers with close_dd. Reopen with
DSVC_NONBLOCK specified. If DSVC_SUCCESS is returned,
using a data service specific technique for making
the service busy, attempt to perform a valid lookup of
records in each of the two containers. Verify that DSVC_BUSY
is returned. Remove the busy condition, and reattempt
the lookups. Verify that DSVC_SUCCESS is returned, and
that data returned is valid. close_dd the containers.
5.3 Write only
Reopen the containers with DSVC_WRITE access
only. If success is returned, attempt to perform
lookup_dd's using any syntactically legal query for each
container type. Verify that DSVC_ACCESS is returned.
close_dd the containers.
Cleanup: Remove the containers using remove_dd.
Case #6 modify_dd_entry:
Create and load containers as per Case #5 and Case #7 of
the Basic Sanity Test.
6.1 Unknown record
Fabricate dn_rec_t / dt_rec_t instances known not
to exist in the respective containers. Attempt to modify
the records. Verify that DSVC_NOENT is returned.
6.2 Update Collision #1
Use lookup_dd to find valid dhcptab and dhcp
network container records (one each). Change the
signature on the resultant dt_rec_t / dn_rec_t. Attempt
to modify records. Verify that DSVC_COLLISION is returned.
6.3 Update Collision #2
Use lookup_dd to find valid dhcptab and dhcp
network container records (one each). Attempt to rename
the records to names which already exist (dt_key +
dt_type, dn_cip). Verify that DSVC_EXISTS is returned.
6.4 Busy
Close containers with close_dd. Reopen with
DSVC_NONBLOCK specified. If DSVC_SUCCESS is returned,
acquire valid dhcptab and dhcp network container
records using lookup_dd. Using a data service specific
technique for making the service busy, attempt to
modify the value (non-key fields) of the records. Verify
that DSVC_BUSY is returned. Remove the busy condition,
and reattempt the modifies. Verify that DSVC_SUCCESS
is returned. Reacquire the records. Verify that the
contents have been suitably updated. close_dd the
6.5 Read only
Reopen the containers with DSVC_READ access
only. If success is returned, locate valid container
records using the appropriate queries to lookup_dd.
Modify the contents of a copy of the dt_rec_t /
dn_rec_t. Attempt to modify the record in the containers.
Verify that DSVC_ACCESS is returned. close_dd the
Cleanup: Remove the containers using remove_dd.
Case #7 free_dd:
This function should be used to release the results of
lookup_dd calls. Its operation must be validated by running this
test suite under bcheck with -memuse, and ensuring that no free
blocks remain after exit. Note that the test suite must be
written with care to make this case useful (free any allocated
memory before exit).
Case #8 delete_dd_entry:
Create and load containers as per Case #5 and Case #7 of
the Basic Sanity Test.
8.1 Unknown record
Fabricate dn_rec_t / dt_rec_t instances known not
to exist in the respective containers. Attempt to delete
the records. Verify that DSVC_NOENT is returned.
8.2 Busy
Close containers with close_dd. Reopen with
DSVC_NONBLOCK specified. If DSVC_SUCCESS is returned,
acquire valid dhcptab and dhcp network container
records using lookup_dd. Using a data service specific
technique for making the service busy, attempt to
delete the records. Verify that DSVC_BUSY is returned.
Remove the busy condition, and reattempt the deletes.
Verify that DSVC_SUCCESS is returned. Attempt to
reacquire the records. Verify that the records have been
deleted. close_dd the containers.
8.3 Read only
Reopen the containers with DSVC_READ access
only. If success is returned, locate valid container
records using the appropriate queries to lookup_dd.
Attempt to delete the records in the containers.
Verify that DSVC_ACCESS is returned. close_dd the
Cleanup: Remove the containers using remove_dd.
Case #9 close_dd:
9.1 Busy
Create containers as per Case #5 of the Basic
Sanity Test, with the exception that DSVC_NONBLOCK is
specified. If DSVC_SUCCESS is returned, using a data
service specific technique for making the service busy,
attempt to close the containers using the handles
returned by open_dd. Verify that DSVC_BUSY is returned.
Remove the busy condition, and reattempt the close_dd.
Verify that DSVC_SUCCESS is returned.
Cleanup: Remove the containers using remove_dd.
Case #10 remove_dd:
Create containers as per Case #5 of the Basic Sanity Test.
10.1 Unknown container
Attempt to remove a non-existent dhcp network
container. Verify that DSVC_NOENT is returned.
10.2 Busy
Close containers with close_dd. Reopen with
DSVC_NONBLOCK specified. If DSVC_SUCCESS is returned,
using a data service specific technique for making the
service busy, attempt to remove the containers. Verify
that DSVC_BUSY is returned. Remove the busy condition,
close_dd the containers, and reattempt the removes.
Verify that DSVC_SUCCESS is returned. Verify using
list_dd that the containers have been removed.
Case #11 Multi-access stress
The service provider layer modules underneath
the private layer are not required to manage reference
counts for open instances. So while individual private
layer handles are considered to be MT-safe (and parallel
access to data containers is suitably protected), an
application using the private layer API must synchronize
close and/or container remove operations among threads
such that no threads hold handles to a container after
the handle has been closed or the container has been
This case assumes a test which is
multi-threaded, and can run the following test using
from 1 to THREADS threads. The test can also be run in
multiple concurrent processes.
The goal of this test is to ensure that the API
is MT-safe with respect to the containers and the
records contained within those containers. This goal is
accomplished by verifying that the end result of the
test is consistent.
Tunable default values:
11.1 The dhcptab container test
11.1.1 open_dd
Create a dhcptab using DSVC_CREATE |
returned, retry the open attempt w/o the
DSVC_CREATE flag. Log that this event occurred.
Handle will be used for balance of test. If any
other error occurs, terminate the test as
11.1.2 add_dd_entry
Add the test data records to the dhcptab
container. If DSVC_EXISTS is returned, skip that
record, and continue attempting to add the other
records. Log that this event occurred. If any
other error occurs, terminate the test as
11.1.3 lookup_dd
Using DT_QKEY of "atlantic" and DT_QTYPE
of "m", find the atlantic record. Compare its
value against the test data. If it has
changed, then output a message to this affect.
If any error occurs, terminate the test as failed.
11.1.4 modify_dd_entry
Using the results of 11.1.3, change the
record as follows. If it is no different from
the test data, change the value to:
:Timeserv= \
If it doesn't match the test data
value, change the LeaseTim by incrementing it by
one. Attempt to update the record. If it fails
with DSVC_COLLISION, retry 11.1.3 and 11.1.4 for
three attempts. Log message if modify was
unsuccessful. If any other error occurs,
terminate the test as failed.
11.1.5 delete_dd_entry
Use lookup_dd to find a DT_QKEY of
"SjumpsCF" and a DT_QTYPE of "s". If it does
not exist, log a message. If it does exist,
attempt to delete it. If DSVC_NOENT is returned,
log a message.
11.1.6 close_dd
Use close_dd to close the open handle.
If DSVC_NOENT is returned, log a message.
11.1.7 epilogue
Compare the resultant dhcptab container
to the test data. The only differences should be
a changed value of the atlantic macro as
expected from 11.1.4 and the SjumpsCF symbol
should be removed. Any other inconsistency means
the test has failed.
Clean up: Remove the dhcptab container.
11.2 The dhcp network container test
11.2.1 open_dd
Create a <network address> dhcp network
If DSVC_EXISTS is returned, retry the open
attempt w/o the DSVC_CREATE flag. Log that this
event occurred. Handle will be used for balance
of test. If any other error occurs, terminate
the test as failed.
11.2.2 add_dd_entry
Add the test data records to the dhcp
network container. If DSVC_EXISTS is
returned, skip that record, and continue
attempting to add the other records. Log that
this event occurred. If any other error occurs,
terminate the test as failed.
11.2.3 lookup_dd
Find the DN_QCIP of <network address>+102
record. Compare its value against the test data.
If it has changed, then output a message to this
affect. If any error occurs, terminate the test
as failed.
11.2.4 modify_dd_entry
Using the results of 11.2.3, change the
record as follows. If it is no different from
the test data, change the value to:
01DEADBEEF 03 <network address>+102 941619403 Solaris
If it doesn't match the test data
value, change dn_lease by incrementing it by
one. Attempt to update the record. If it fails
with DSVC_COLLISION, retry 11.2.3 and 11.2.4 for
three attempts. Log message if modify was
unsuccessful. If any other error occurs,
terminate the test as failed.
11.2.5 delete_dd_entry
Use lookup_dd to find a DN_QCIP of
<network address>+1001. If it does not exist,
log a message. If it does exist, attempt to
delete it. If DSVC_NOENT is returned, log a
11.2.6 close_dd
Use close_dd to close the open handle.
If DSVC_NOENT is returned, log a message.
11.2.7 epilogue
The <network address> dhcp network
container should be consistent at the end of
a test run. The only differences should be a
changed value of the <network address>+102
record with the value as per 11.2.4 and the
lease time potentially incremented, as well as
the <network address>+1001 record missing.
Any other inconsistency means the test has
Cleanup: remove <network address> dhcp network
11.3 Multi-process run
Run 11.1 and 11.2 in PROCESSES separate
11.4 Multi-threaded run, single process
Run 11.1 and 11.2 in THREADS separate threads
within a single process.
11.5 Multi-process, Multi-threaded run
Run 11.1 and 11.2 in PROCESSES separate
processes each spawning THREADS separate threads.
[1] "Enterprise DHCP Service Architecture Specification", mwc,
[2] "Enterprise Reference Hardware Platforms", mwc, 10/23/1999.