1N/A/* : : generated by proto : : */
1N/A/* : : generated from /home/gisburn/ksh93/ast_ksh_20110208/build_sparc_32bit_opt/src/lib/libast/features/map.c by iffe version 2011-01-07 : : */
1N/A#ifndef _def_map_ast
1N/A#if !defined(__PROTO__)
1N/A# if defined(__STDC__) || defined(__cplusplus) || defined(_proto) || defined(c_plusplus)
1N/A# if defined(__cplusplus)
1N/A# define __LINKAGE__ "C"
1N/A# else
1N/A# define __LINKAGE__
1N/A# endif
1N/A# define __STDARG__
1N/A# define __PROTO__(x) x
1N/A# define __OTORP__(x)
1N/A# define __PARAM__(n,o) n
1N/A# if !defined(__STDC__) && !defined(__cplusplus)
1N/A# if !defined(c_plusplus)
1N/A# define const
1N/A# endif
1N/A# define signed
1N/A# define void int
1N/A# define volatile
1N/A# define __V_ char
1N/A# else
1N/A# define __V_ void
1N/A# endif
1N/A# else
1N/A# define __PROTO__(x) ()
1N/A# define __OTORP__(x) x
1N/A# define __PARAM__(n,o) o
1N/A# define __LINKAGE__
1N/A# define __V_ char
1N/A# define const
1N/A# define signed
1N/A# define void int
1N/A# define volatile
1N/A# endif
1N/A# define __MANGLE__ __LINKAGE__
1N/A# if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
1N/A# define __VARARG__ ...
1N/A# else
1N/A# define __VARARG__
1N/A# endif
1N/A# if defined(__STDARG__)
1N/A# define __VA_START__(p,a) va_start(p,a)
1N/A# else
1N/A# define __VA_START__(p,a) va_start(p)
1N/A# endif
1N/A# if !defined(__INLINE__)
1N/A# if defined(__cplusplus)
1N/A# define __INLINE__ extern __MANGLE__ inline
1N/A# else
1N/A# if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__GNUC__)
1N/A# define __INLINE__ __inline
1N/A# endif
1N/A# endif
1N/A# endif
1N/A#if !defined(__LINKAGE__)
1N/A#define __LINKAGE__ /* 2004-08-11 transition */
1N/A#define _def_map_ast 1
1N/A#define _sys_types 1 /* #include <sys/types.h> ok */
1N/A * prototypes provided for standard interfaces hijacked
1N/A * by ast and mapped to _ast_* but already prototyped
1N/A * unmapped in native headers included by <ast_std.h>
1N/A */
1N/A#if _BLD_ast && defined(__EXPORT__)
1N/A#undef __MANGLE__
1N/A#define __MANGLE__ __LINKAGE__ __EXPORT__
1N/A#define _map_libc 1
1N/A#undef basename
1N/A#define basename _ast_basename
1N/A#undef dirname
1N/A#define dirname _ast_dirname
1N/A#undef eaccess
1N/A#define eaccess _ast_eaccess
1N/A#undef execvpe
1N/A#define execvpe _ast_execvpe
1N/Aextern __MANGLE__ int execvpe __PROTO__((const char*, char* const[], char* const[]));
1N/A#undef fnmatch
1N/A#define fnmatch _ast_fnmatch
1N/A#undef fts_children
1N/A#define fts_children _ast_fts_children
1N/A#undef fts_close
1N/A#define fts_close _ast_fts_close
1N/A#undef fts_flags
1N/A#define fts_flags _ast_fts_flags
1N/A#undef fts_notify
1N/A#define fts_notify _ast_fts_notify
1N/A#undef fts_open
1N/A#define fts_open _ast_fts_open
1N/A#undef fts_read
1N/A#define fts_read _ast_fts_read
1N/A#undef fts_set
1N/A#define fts_set _ast_fts_set
1N/A#undef ftw
1N/A#define ftw _ast_ftw
1N/A#undef ftwalk
1N/A#define ftwalk _ast_ftwalk
1N/A#undef ftwflags
1N/A#define ftwflags _ast_ftwflags
1N/A#undef getcwd
1N/A#define getcwd _ast_getcwd
1N/Aextern __MANGLE__ char* getcwd __PROTO__((char*, size_t));
1N/A#undef getdate
1N/A#define getdate _ast_getdate
1N/A#undef getopt
1N/A#define getopt _ast_getopt
1N/A#undef getsubopt
1N/A#define getsubopt _ast_getsubopt
1N/A#undef getopt_long
1N/A#define getopt_long _ast_getopt_long
1N/A#undef getopt_long_only
1N/A#define getopt_long_only _ast_getopt_long_only
1N/A#undef optopt
1N/A#define optopt _ast_optopt
1N/A#undef optarg
1N/A#define optarg _ast_optarg
1N/A#undef optind
1N/A#define optind _ast_optind
1N/A#undef opterr
1N/A#define opterr _ast_opterr
1N/A#undef getwd
1N/A#define getwd _ast_getwd
1N/Aextern __MANGLE__ char* getwd __PROTO__((char*));
1N/A#undef glob
1N/A#define glob _ast_glob
1N/A#undef globfree
1N/A#define globfree _ast_globfree
1N/A#undef memdup
1N/A#define memdup _ast_memdup
1N/A#undef memfatal
1N/A#define memfatal _ast_memfatal
1N/A#undef memhash
1N/A#define memhash _ast_memhash
1N/A#undef memsum
1N/A#define memsum _ast_memsum
1N/A#undef mkstemp
1N/A#define mkstemp _ast_mkstemp
1N/Aextern __MANGLE__ int mkstemp __PROTO__((char*));
1N/A#undef mktemp
1N/A#define mktemp _ast_mktemp
1N/Aextern __MANGLE__ char* mktemp __PROTO__((char*));
1N/A#undef mktime
1N/A#define mktime _ast_mktime
1N/A#undef nftw
1N/A#define nftw _ast_nftw
1N/A#undef optctx
1N/A#define optctx _ast_optctx
1N/A#undef optesc
1N/A#define optesc _ast_optesc
1N/A#undef optget
1N/A#define optget _ast_optget
1N/A#undef opthelp
1N/A#define opthelp _ast_opthelp
1N/A#undef optjoin
1N/A#define optjoin _ast_optjoin
1N/A#undef optstr
1N/A#define optstr _ast_optstr
1N/A#undef optusage
1N/A#define optusage _ast_optusage
1N/A#undef pathaccess
1N/A#define pathaccess _ast_pathaccess
1N/A#undef pathbin
1N/A#define pathbin _ast_pathbin
1N/A#undef pathcanon
1N/A#define pathcanon _ast_pathcanon
1N/A#undef pathcat
1N/A#define pathcat _ast_pathcat
1N/A#undef pathcd
1N/A#define pathcd _ast_pathcd
1N/A#undef pathcheck
1N/A#define pathcheck _ast_pathcheck
1N/A#undef pathexists
1N/A#define pathexists _ast_pathexists
1N/A#undef pathfind
1N/A#define pathfind _ast_pathfind
1N/A#undef pathgetlink
1N/A#define pathgetlink _ast_pathgetlink
1N/A#undef pathinclude
1N/A#define pathinclude _ast_pathinclude
1N/A#undef pathkey
1N/A#define pathkey _ast_pathkey
1N/A#undef pathnative
1N/A#define pathnative _ast_pathnative
1N/A#undef pathpath
1N/A#define pathpath _ast_pathpath
1N/A#undef pathposix
1N/A#define pathposix _ast_pathposix
1N/A#undef pathprobe
1N/A#define pathprobe _ast_pathprobe
1N/A#undef pathprog
1N/A#define pathprog _ast_pathprog
1N/A#undef pathrepl
1N/A#define pathrepl _ast_pathrepl
1N/A#undef pathsetlink
1N/A#define pathsetlink _ast_pathsetlink
1N/A#undef pathshell
1N/A#define pathshell _ast_pathshell
1N/A#undef pathstat
1N/A#define pathstat _ast_pathstat
1N/A#undef pathtemp
1N/A#define pathtemp _ast_pathtemp
1N/A#undef pathtmp
1N/A#define pathtmp _ast_pathtmp
1N/A#undef procclose
1N/A#define procclose _ast_procclose
1N/A#undef procfree
1N/A#define procfree _ast_procfree
1N/A#undef procopen
1N/A#define procopen _ast_procopen
1N/A#undef procrun
1N/A#define procrun _ast_procrun
1N/A#undef putenv
1N/A#define putenv _ast_putenv
1N/A#undef re_comp
1N/A#define re_comp _ast_re_comp
1N/A#undef re_exec
1N/A#define re_exec _ast_re_exec
1N/A#undef realpath
1N/A#define realpath _ast_realpath
1N/Aextern __MANGLE__ char* realpath __PROTO__((const char*, char*));
1N/A#undef regaddclass
1N/A#define regaddclass _ast_regaddclass
1N/A#undef regalloc
1N/A#define regalloc _ast_regalloc
1N/A#undef regcache
1N/A#define regcache _ast_regcache
1N/A#undef regclass
1N/A#define regclass _ast_regclass
1N/A#undef regcmp
1N/A#define regcmp _ast_regcmp
1N/A#undef regcollate
1N/A#define regcollate _ast_regcollate
1N/A#undef regcomb
1N/A#define regcomb _ast_regcomb
1N/A#undef regcomp
1N/A#define regcomp _ast_regcomp
1N/A#undef regdecomp
1N/A#define regdecomp _ast_regdecomp
1N/A#undef regdup
1N/A#define regdup _ast_regdup
1N/A#undef regerror
1N/A#define regerror _ast_regerror
1N/A#undef regex
1N/A#define regex _ast_regex
1N/A#undef regexec
1N/A#define regexec _ast_regexec
1N/A#undef regfatal
1N/A#define regfatal _ast_regfatal
1N/A#undef regfatalpat
1N/A#define regfatalpat _ast_regfatalpat
1N/A#undef regfree
1N/A#define regfree _ast_regfree
1N/A#undef regncomp
1N/A#define regncomp _ast_regncomp
1N/A#undef regnexec
1N/A#define regnexec _ast_regnexec
1N/A#undef regrecord
1N/A#define regrecord _ast_regrecord
1N/A#undef regrexec
1N/A#define regrexec _ast_regrexec
1N/A#undef regstat
1N/A#define regstat _ast_regstat
1N/A#undef regsub
1N/A#define regsub _ast_regsub
1N/A#undef regsubcomp
1N/A#define regsubcomp _ast_regsubcomp
1N/A#undef regsubexec
1N/A#define regsubexec _ast_regsubexec
1N/A#undef regsubflags
1N/A#define regsubflags _ast_regsubflags
1N/A#undef regsubfree
1N/A#define regsubfree _ast_regsubfree
1N/A#undef remove
1N/A#define remove _ast_remove
1N/Aextern __MANGLE__ int remove __PROTO__((const char*));
1N/A#undef resolvepath
1N/A#define resolvepath _ast_resolvepath
1N/Aextern __MANGLE__ int resolvepath __PROTO__((const char*, char*, size_t));
1N/A#undef setenv
1N/A#define setenv _ast_setenv
1N/Aextern __MANGLE__ int setenv __PROTO__((const char*, const char*, int));
1N/A#undef setenviron
1N/A#define setenviron _ast_setenviron
1N/A#undef sigcritical
1N/A#define sigcritical _ast_sigcritical
1N/A#undef signal
1N/A#define signal _ast_signal
1N/A#undef sigunblock
1N/A#define sigunblock _ast_sigunblock
1N/A#undef stracmp
1N/A#define stracmp _ast_stracmp
1N/A#undef strcopy
1N/A#define strcopy _ast_strcopy
1N/A#undef strelapsed
1N/A#define strelapsed _ast_strelapsed
1N/A#undef stresc
1N/A#define stresc _ast_stresc
1N/A#undef streval
1N/A#define streval _ast_streval
1N/A#undef strexpr
1N/A#define strexpr _ast_strexpr
1N/A#undef strftime
1N/A#define strftime _ast_strftime
1N/A#undef strgid
1N/A#define strgid _ast_strgid
1N/A#undef strgrpmatch
1N/A#define strgrpmatch _ast_strgrpmatch
1N/A#undef strhash
1N/A#define strhash _ast_strhash
1N/A#undef strkey
1N/A#define strkey _ast_strkey
1N/A#undef strlcat
1N/A#define strlcat _ast_strlcat
1N/Aextern __MANGLE__ size_t strlcat __PROTO__((char*, const char*, size_t));
1N/A#undef strlcpy
1N/A#define strlcpy _ast_strlcpy
1N/Aextern __MANGLE__ size_t strlcpy __PROTO__((char*, const char*, size_t));
1N/A#undef strlook
1N/A#define strlook _ast_strlook
1N/A#undef strmatch
1N/A#define strmatch _ast_strmatch
1N/A#undef strmode
1N/A#define strmode _ast_strmode
1N/A#undef strnacmp
1N/A#define strnacmp _ast_strnacmp
1N/A#undef strncopy
1N/A#define strncopy _ast_strncopy
1N/A#undef strntod
1N/A#define strntod _ast_strntod
1N/A#undef strntol
1N/A#define strntol _ast_strntol
1N/A#undef strntold
1N/A#define strntold _ast_strntold
1N/A#undef strntoll
1N/A#define strntoll _ast_strntoll
1N/A#undef strntoul
1N/A#define strntoul _ast_strntoul
1N/A#undef strntoull
1N/A#define strntoull _ast_strntoull
1N/A#undef stropt
1N/A#define stropt _ast_stropt
1N/A#undef strperm
1N/A#define strperm _ast_strperm
1N/A#undef strpsearch
1N/A#define strpsearch _ast_strpsearch
1N/A#undef strptime
1N/A#define strptime _ast_strptime
1N/A#undef strsearch
1N/A#define strsearch _ast_strsearch
1N/A#undef strsort
1N/A#define strsort _ast_strsort
1N/A#undef strsubmatch
1N/A#define strsubmatch _ast_strsubmatch
1N/A#undef strsum
1N/A#define strsum _ast_strsum
1N/A#undef strtape
1N/A#define strtape _ast_strtape
1N/A#undef strtoip4
1N/A#define strtoip4 _ast_strtoip4
1N/A#undef strton
1N/A#define strton _ast_strton
1N/A#undef strtonll
1N/A#define strtonll _ast_strtonll
1N/A#undef struid
1N/A#define struid _ast_struid
1N/A#undef struniq
1N/A#define struniq _ast_struniq
1N/A#undef system
1N/A#define system _ast_system
1N/Aextern __MANGLE__ int system __PROTO__((const char*));
1N/A#undef tempnam
1N/A#define tempnam _ast_tempnam
1N/Aextern __MANGLE__ char* tempnam __PROTO__((const char*, const char*));
1N/A#undef tmpnam
1N/A#define tmpnam _ast_tmpnam
1N/Aextern __MANGLE__ char* tmpnam __PROTO__((char*));
1N/A#undef touch
1N/A#define touch _ast_touch
1N/A#undef wordexp
1N/A#define wordexp _ast_wordexp
1N/A#undef wordfree
1N/A#define wordfree _ast_wordfree
1N/A#undef unsetenv
1N/A#define unsetenv _ast_unsetenv
1N/A/* cannot override local malloc */
1N/A#define _map_malloc 1
1N/A#undef calloc
1N/A#define calloc _ast_calloc
1N/Aextern __MANGLE__ __V_* calloc __PROTO__((size_t, size_t));
1N/A#undef cfree
1N/A#define cfree _ast_cfree
1N/Aextern __MANGLE__ void cfree __PROTO__((__V_*));
1N/A#undef free
1N/A#define free _ast_free
1N/Aextern __MANGLE__ void free __PROTO__((__V_*));
1N/A#undef malloc
1N/A#define malloc _ast_malloc
1N/Aextern __MANGLE__ __V_* malloc __PROTO__((size_t));
1N/A#undef memalign
1N/A#define memalign _ast_memalign
1N/Aextern __MANGLE__ __V_* memalign __PROTO__((size_t, size_t));
1N/A#undef realloc
1N/A#define realloc _ast_realloc
1N/Aextern __MANGLE__ __V_* realloc __PROTO__((__V_*, size_t));
1N/A#undef strdup
1N/A#define strdup _ast_strdup
1N/Aextern __MANGLE__ char* strdup __PROTO__((const char*));
1N/A#undef valloc
1N/A#define valloc _ast_valloc
1N/Aextern __MANGLE__ __V_* valloc __PROTO__((size_t));
1N/A#undef strtol
1N/A#define strtol _ast_strtol
1N/A#undef strtoul
1N/A#define strtoul _ast_strtoul
1N/A#undef strtoll
1N/A#define strtoll _ast_strtoll
1N/A#undef strtoull
1N/A#define strtoull _ast_strtoull
1N/A#undef strtod
1N/A#define strtod _ast_strtod
1N/A#undef strtold
1N/A#define strtold _ast_strtold
1N/Aextern __MANGLE__ long strtol __PROTO__((const char*, char**, int));
1N/Aextern __MANGLE__ unsigned long strtoul __PROTO__((const char*, char**, int));
1N/Aextern __MANGLE__ double strtod __PROTO__((const char*, char**));
1N/A#if !_UWIN
1N/A#undef __MANGLE__
1N/A#define __MANGLE__ __LINKAGE__
1N/Aextern __MANGLE__ _ast_fltmax_t strtold __PROTO__((const char*, char**));
1N/A#undef __MANGLE__
1N/A#define __MANGLE__ __LINKAGE__
1N/Aextern __MANGLE__ _ast_intmax_t strtoll __PROTO__((const char*, char**, int));
1N/Aextern __MANGLE__ unsigned _ast_intmax_t strtoull __PROTO__((const char*, char**, int));
1N/A#define pathaccess_20100601 _ast_pathaccess_20100601
1N/A#define pathcanon_20100601 _ast_pathcanon_20100601
1N/A#define pathcat_20100601 _ast_pathcat_20100601
1N/A#define pathkey_20100601 _ast_pathkey_20100601
1N/A#define pathpath_20100601 _ast_pathpath_20100601
1N/A#define pathprobe_20100601 _ast_pathprobe_20100601
1N/A#define pathrepl_20100601 _ast_pathrepl_20100601
1N/A#define sfkeyprintf_20000308 _ast_sfkeyprintf_20000308
1N/A#undef __MANGLE__
1N/A#define __MANGLE__ __LINKAGE__