dsconvert.ksh revision 2
#! /bin/ksh
# The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
# Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
# You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You can obtain a copy of the license at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE
# or http://www.opensolaris.org/os/licensing.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions
# and limitations under the License.
# When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
# file and include the License file at usr/src/OPENSOLARIS.LICENSE.
# If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
# fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
# information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
# Copyright (c) 2011, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
export PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/sbin
. /usr/lib/brand/shared/common.ksh
. /usr/lib/brand/shared/uninstall.ksh
function get_zone_state {
typeset -n z=$1
typeset fields
zoneadm -z ${z.name} list -p | IFS=: read -A fields
if (( ${#fields[@]} < 6 )); then
error "%s: unknown data returned from zoneadm list -p" \
return 1
return 0
# run cmd undo rollback
# Runs the command given in the cmd array. If all goes well, it adds the
# command in the undo array to the rollback array (of arrays) and returns 0.
# If the command does not return 0, the commands that exist in the rollback
# array are executed in the reverse of the order that they were added.
# In all cases, the exit value from the command in cmd is returned.
function run {
typeset -n cmd=$1
typeset -n undo=$2
typeset -n rollback=$3
if (( dryrun )); then
print " " ${cmd[@]}
return 0
(( verbose )) && log "Running <%s>" "${cmd[*]}"
( eval "${cmd[@]}" )
typeset -i rv=$?
if (( rv == 0 )); then
# Push the undo array onto the rollback stack
typeset -i rbsize=${#rollback[@]}
typeset -a rollback[rbsize]
set -A rollback[$rbsize] -- "${undo[@]}"
return 0
error "Command <%s> failed with exit status %d. Rolling back." \
"${cmd[*]}" $rv
typeset -i i
for (( i = ${#rollback[@]} - 1; i >= 0; i-- )); do
log "Executing rollback command <%s>" "${rollback[i][*]}"
( eval "${rollback[i][@]}" )
return $rv
# get_active_be zone
# Overrides shared get_active_be. Is used instead of brand-specific
# get_active_be because they know about the new layout, not the old.
function get_active_be {
typeset -n zone=$1
typeset -A uuid2gzbe
typeset -i needs_selection=0
# solaris10 only supports a single for those that need to be converted.
if [[ ${zone.brand} == "solaris10" ]]; then
return 0
# The rest is solaris brand or something that uses the solaris brand
# Load an associative array of global zone BEs. Store current uuid
# of GZBE in $active_gzbe.
# Initially the gzbes associative array is one dimensional. The
# following loop (beginning with zfs list) will add a second
# dimension. The fully populated uiid2gzbe structure will look like:
# uuid2gzbe[<gzbe uuid>]=<gzbe name>
# uuid2gzbe[<gzbe uuid>][ngzbe name]=<ngz active>
typeset be uuid active junk
typeset active_gzbe
beadm list -H | while IFS=\; read be uuid active junk ; do
[[ $active == *N* ]] && active_gzbe=$uuid
if [[ -z $active_gzbe ]]; then
error "%s: unable to get global zone BE UUID" "${zone.name}"
return 1
# Look for the best match of zone BEs
typeset name parent active tab=$(printf "\t")
typeset prop_parent="org.opensolaris.libbe:parentbe"
typeset prop_active="org.opensolaris.libbe:active"
typeset -A ngzbe
zfs list -H -r -d 1 -t filesystem -o name,$prop_parent,$prop_active \
"${zone.path.ds}/ROOT" | while IFS=$tab read name parent active ; do
# skip the non-BE top-level dataset
[[ $name == "${zone.path.ds}/ROOT" ]] && continue
if [[ -z ${uuid2gzbe[$parent]} ]]; then
uuid2gzbe[$parent]='Missing Global Zone Boot Env'
ngzbe[$(basename $name)].parent=$parent
ngzbe[$(basename $name)].active=$active
[[ $parent == "$active_gzbe" ]] || continue
[[ $active == on ]] || continue
vlog "Found active dataset %s" "$name"
if [[ -n "$active_ds" ]]; then
error "$f_multiple_ds"
error "%s: Multiple active datasets" "${zone.name}"
(( needs_selection=1 ))
if [[ -n $active_ds ]]; then
return 0
# Active dataset was not found by property. See if something is mounted
# on the zone root.
active_ds=$(zfs list -H -o name ${zone.root})
if [[ $active_ds == "${zone.path.ds}"/ROOT/* ]]; then
return 0
# If no active boot environment was found, offer a table of available
# boot environments
error "%s: No active dataset" "${zone.name}"
print "\nThe following unconverted boot environments exist this zone.\n"
print -- "Boot Environment NGZ Active Global Zone Boot Environment" \
"GZ Active"
print -- "----------------- ----------- ----------------------------" \
typeset be gzbe gzactive
for be in ${!ngzbe[@]} ; do
if [[ $gzbe == "$active_gzbe" ]]; then
printf "%-17s %-11s %-28s %s\n" "$be" "${ngzbe[$be].active}" \
"$gzbe" "$gzactive"
print "\nUse:\n"
print "\tdsconvert -b <bootenv> ...\n"
print "to specify the boot environment to activate during conversion.\n"
return 1
function usage {
print "Usage: dsconvert [-hnv] [-b <BE>] zone\n\n" \
" -h\t\tShow this help message\n" \
" -n\t\tDry run - make no changes\n" \
" -v\t\tVerbose\n" \
" -b <BE>\tActivate the specified zone boot environment\n"
# main
typeset -i dryrun=0
m_conversion_complete="%s: Conversion complete"
while getopts :b:hnv opt ; do
case $opt in
b) bootenv=$OPTARG
h) usage
exit 0
n) (( dryrun = 1 ))
m_conversion_complete="%s: Dryrun complete"
function nopfn { echo " " "$*"; }
v) (( verbose = 1 )) ;; # used in this script
?) usage 1>&2
exit 1
shift $(( OPTIND - 1 ))
if (( $# != 1 )); then
usage 1>&2
exit 1
zoneadm -z "$zonename" list >/dev/null 2>&1 || {
error "%s: %s: No such zone configured" "$(basename "$0")" "$zonename"
exit 1
init_zone zone "$zonename"
typeset -a cmd undo rollback
typeset -i has_bes=0
typeset active_ds=
init_dataset old_ROOT_ds "${zone.path.ds}/ROOT" >/dev/null 2>&1 || {
error "%s: zone has no old style ROOT dataset." "$zonename"
exit 1
get_zone_state zone || exit 1
# This check is used for the brief window where people may be trying to use
# an ON build with a build of the solaris brand that is too old. Since the
# sysboot script was introduced with the dataset layout change, it makes for
# an easy check.
if [[ ${zone.brand} != solaris10 && ! -f /usr/lib/brand/solaris/sysboot ]]
error "%s: %s must be updated before converting\n\t%s branded zones" \
"${zone.name}" pkg:/system/zones/brand/solaris "${zone.brand}"
exit 1
case "${zone.state}" in
installed) : ;;
# Be sure that there's a dataset under the old ROOT
typeset be_datasets
set -A be_datasets $(zfs list -H -o name -d 1 -r \
if (( ${#be_datasets[@]} < 2 )); then
log "%s: zone has no boot environments" "$zonename"
(( hasbes=0 ))
get_ds_from_path "${zone.root}" active_ds || {
log "%s: configured but no BE mounted at %s" \
"$zonename" "${zone.root}"
(( hasbes=0 ))
*) error "%s: Unable to convert zone in state %s" "${zonename}" \
exit 1
if [[ -n $bootenv ]]; then
if [[ ${zone.brand} == "solaris10" ]]; then
error "%s: The -b option is not supported with the %s brand" \
"$zonename" "${zone.brand}"
exit 1
if ! zfs list "${zone.active_ds}" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
error "%s: Zone has no boot environment named %s" \
"$zonename" "$bootenv"
exit 1
get_active_be zone || exit 1
# Look at zonecfg fs and dataset resources to see if anything under /export
# is added. The message that comes out of zonecfg_has_export is not helpful
# in this particular case, so we ignore it.
typeset -i skip_export=0
zonecfg_has_export zone >/dev/null 2>&1 && (( skip_export = 1 ))
log "%s: Creating zone rpool dataset" "$zonename"
set -A cmd zfs create -o mountpoint=/rpool -o zoned=on "${zone.rpool_ds}"
set -A undo zfs destroy "${zone.rpool_ds}"
run cmd undo rollback || exit 1
if (( skip_export == 0 )); then
log "%s: Creating zone export dataset" "$zonename"
set -A cmd zfs create -o mountpoint=/export "${zone.rpool_ds}/export"
set -A undo zfs destroy "${zone.rpool_ds}/export"
run cmd undo rollback || exit 1
log "%s: Creating zone export/home dataset" "$zonename"
set -A cmd zfs create "${zone.rpool_ds}/export/home"
set -A undo zfs destroy "${zone.rpool_ds}/export/home"
run cmd undo rollback || exit 1
set -A props -- -o mountpoint=legacy -o canmount=noauto
if [[ ${zone.brand} != solaris10 ]]; then
a_push props -o "com.oracle.libbe:nbe_handle=on"
log "%s: Creating zone ROOT dataset" "$zonename"
set -A cmd zfs create "${props[@]}" "${zone.ROOT_ds}"
set -A undo zfs destroy "${zone.ROOT_ds}"
run cmd undo rollback || exit 1
# Moving the dataset hierarchy is problematic when clones are involved.
# The easiest way to avoid the problem with clones is to use more of them.
log "%s: Cloning datasets from ROOT to rpool/ROOT" "$zonename"
set -A cmd zfs set -r canmount=off "${zone.path.ds}/ROOT"
set -A undo zfs set -r canmount=${old_ROOT_ds.props[canmount].value} \
run cmd undo rollback || exit 1
# Unconventional quoting of date format string is to silence SCCS keyword
# warnings.
snapname=$(basename $0)-$(TZ=UTC date "+%Y""%m%dT%H""%M""%SZ")
set -A cmd zfs snapshot -r "${zone.path.ds}/ROOT@$snapname"
set -A undo zfs destroy -rd "${zone.path.ds}/ROOT@$snapname"
run cmd undo rollback || exit 1
# Get a list of all the old datasets and their properties. Once we
# have that, use that information to create clones.
typeset -a dslist
get_datasets -p ${zone.path.ds}/ROOT dslist || {
error "%s: Unable to get list of datasets under %s" \
"${zone.name}" "${zone.path.ds}/ROOT"
exit 1
# Go through the list and be sure they are all unmounted and won't become
# mounted. This is needed because the clones that get created will need to use
# the mount points currently used by the originals. Ignore the first item in
# the array because that is the ROOT dataset.
typeset -i i
for (( i = ${#dslist[@]} - 1; i > 1; i-- )); do
# Before this conversion multiple datasets in the BE were broken.
# Therefore, we don't deal with them here either.
if [[ ${dslist[i].name} == ${zone.path.ds}/ROOT/*/* ]]; then
# Force a rollback and exit
set -A cmd error \
"%s: Unsupported non-root dataset %s in boot environment" \
"${zone.name}" "${dslist[i].name}" \; false
set -A undo echo "this command will never run"
run cmd undo rollback
exit 1
if [[ ${dslist[i].props[canmount].value} != no ]]; then
set -A cmd zfs set canmount=off "${dslist[i].name}"
set -A undo zfs set canmount=${dslist[i].props[canmount].value} \
run cmd undo rollback || exit 1
if [[ ${dslist[i].props[mounted].value} == yes ]]; then
set -A cmd unmount "${dslist[i].name}"
if [[ ${dslist[i].props[mountpoint].value} == legacy ]]; then
# Create undo using existing mountpoint
set -A undo mount -F zfs "${dslist[i].name}" \
"$(nawk -F '\t' -v "dev=${dslist[i].name}" \
'$1 == dev {print $2; exit}' /etc/mnttab)"
# This conversion process assumes no one uses temporary
# mount points for zones before this conversion is
# necessary.
set -A undo zfs mount "${dslist[i].name}"
run cmd undo rollback || exit 1
# The sources are all unmounted and along the way we verified that it is only
# root datasets. Create clones.
for (( i = 1; i < ${#dslist[@]}; i++ )); do
set -A props -- -o mountpoint=/ -o canmount=noauto
# preserve user properties
for prop in "${!dslist[i].props[@]}" ; do
# Skip non-user properties and inherited user properties
[[ $prop == *:* ]] || continue
[[ ${dslist[i].props[$prop].source} == @(local|received) ]] ||
a_push props -o "$prop=${dslist[i].props[$prop].value}"
set -A cmd zfs clone "${props[@]}" "$src" "$new"
set -a undo destroy_zone_dataset "$new"
run cmd undo rollback || exit 1
(( has_bes=1 ))
if (( has_bes )); then
# The layout is now correct, except for datasets that need to be
# deleted. Load the brand-specific common functions. Note that
# all of the non-solaris10 brands that this script support use
# the solaris common.ksh.
if [[ ${zone.brand} == "solaris10" ]]; then
. /usr/lib/brand/solaris10/common.ksh
. /usr/lib/brand/solaris/common.ksh
# Clean up boot environment properties as needed
(( dryrun )) || set_active_be zone "$(basename "${zone.active_ds}")"
# If we started this exercise with a zone that was attached, just run
# the rough equivalent of the sysboot hook to mount it. If it wasn't
# attached, then we need to remount the active dataset at the zone
# root.
log "%s: Remounting zone at %s" "$zonename" "${zone.root}"
if [[ ${zone.state} == installed ]]; then
set -A cmd mount_active_be -c zone
set -A undo umount "${zone.root}"
run cmd undo rollback || exit 1
if [[ ${zone.brand} != solaris10 ]]; then
log "\n%8s: zone %s needs to be updated with attach -u" \
NOTICE "$zonename"
log "%8s: \"zoneadm -z %s detach\" to detach, then" \
Run "$zonename"
log "%8s: \"zoneadm -z %s attach -u\" to attach.\n" \
Run "$zonename"
elif [[ ${zone.state} == unavailable ]]; then
set -A cmd mount_active_be -c zone
set -A undo umount "${zone.root}"
run cmd undo rollback || exit 1
if [[ ${zone.brand} == solaris10 ]]; then
log "\n%8s: zone %s needs to be attached." NOTICE \
log "%8s: \"zoneadm -z %s attach\" to attach.\n" \
Run "$zonename"
log "\n%8s: zone %s needs to be updated with attach -u" \
NOTICE "$zonename"
log "%8s: \"zoneadm -z %s attach -u\" to attach.\n" \
Run "$zonename"
else # detached
# Before the dataset revision, each BE only supported a single
# (root) dataset. As such, we can use a rather simplistic
# approach to mounting the active BE.
set -A cmd zfs set canmount=off "${zone.active_ds}"
set -A undo zfs set canmount="$(/usr/sbin/zfs get -H \
-o value canmount "${zone.active_ds}")" "${zone.active_ds}"
run cmd undo rollback || exit 1
set -A cmd zfs set zoned=off "${zone.active_ds}"
set -A undo zfs inherit zoned "${zone.active_ds}"
run cmd undo rollback || exit 1
set -A cmd zfs set mountpoint="${zone.root}" "${zone.active_ds}"
set -A undo zfs set mountpoint=$(/usr/sbin/zfs get -H \
-o value mountpoint "${zone.active_ds}") \
run cmd undo rollback || exit 1
set -A cmd zfs set canmount=on "${zone.active_ds}"
set -A undo zfs set canmount=off "${zone.active_ds}"
run cmd undo rollback || exit 1
set -A cmd zfs mount "${zone.active_ds}"
set -A undo zfs unmount "${zone.active_ds}"
run cmd undo rollback || exit 1
log "\n%8s: zone %s converted, but is still detached" \
NOTICE "$zonename"
if [[ ${zone.brand} == solaris10 ]]; then
log "%8s: \"zoneadm -z %s attach\" to attach.\n" \
Run "$zonename"
log "%8s: \"zoneadm -z %s attach -u\" to attach.\n" \
Run "$zonename"
# Clean up old datasets
log "%s: Removing obsolete datasets" "${zone.name}"
for (( i = ${#dslist[@]} - 1; i >= 0; i-- )); do
(( verbose )) && log "%s: Destroying dataset %s" "${zone.name}" \
(( dryrun )) || destroy_zone_dataset "${dslist[i].name}"
if (( skip_export == 0 )) && [[ -d ${zone.root}/export ]]; then
log "%s: Migrating /export from the active boot environent" \
(( dryrun )) || migrate_export zone
(( dryrun )) || migrate_rpool zone
# Convert for dataset aliases
# If there are no delegated datasets, this does nothing. If there are
# delegated datasets that don't have aliases defined (none should have
# aliases yet), the default aliases get populated into the zone configuration.
typeset -i errors=0
log "%s: Converting dataset aliases\n" "$zonename"
zonecfg -z "$zonename" "$(zonecfg -z $zonename info dataset | \
nawk '$1 == "name:" { printf "select dataset name=%s; end;", $2 }')"
if (( $? != 0 )); then
(( errors++ ))
cat <<-NOMORE
The automated conversion process is complete.
Before the zone will boot zone configuration problems need to be
corrected. Run 'zonecfg -z $zonename' then use the verify subcommand
within zonecfg to get a list of configuration problems that must be
corrected within zonecfg.
log "%s: Verifying zone with zoneadm\n" "$zonename"
zoneadm -z "$zonename" verify
if (( $? != 0 )); then
if (( errors == 0 )); then
print "\nThe automated conversion process is complete."
(( errors++ ))
cat <<-NOMORE
As displayed above, system configuration problems exist that must
be corrected befor the zone will boot. Before booting $zonename you
will need to manually correct those problems.
You may run 'zoneadm -z $zonename verify' at any time to re-verify the
system configuration related to this zone.
# Check for potential /dev/zvol conflicts. While this may emit warnings, it
# it should not cause the exit code to change from 0.
log "%s: Checking for potential configuration conflicts\n" "$zonename"
zonecfg -z "$zonename" verify -v
if (( $? != 0 )); then
cat <<-NOMORE
With Zone Dataset Aliasing, ZFS datasets that are delegated to
$zonename appear within the zone as virtual ZFS pools. One or more
of the device resources that appears in the configuration for
$zonename may hide the existence of similarly named ZFS volumes
within these virtual pools. See zonecfg(1M) and dev(7FS) for
You may run 'zonecfg -z $zonename verify -v' at any time to perform
this check again.
if (( errors != 0 )); then
exit 1
log "$m_conversion_complete" "$zonename"
exit 0