# Copyright (c) 1999, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# Makefile.PL for ::Project
require 5.8.4;
use Config;
use strict;
use warnings;
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
# #defines.
my @defines = ( DEFINE => exists($ENV{RELEASE_BUILD}) ? '-DNDEBUG' : '' );
# List of POD pages to install.
my @man3pods = ( MAN3PODS => {} );
# If not building as part of ON.
if (! exists($ENV{CODEMGR_WS})) {
# Suppress the setting of LD_RUN_PATH. The ON build environment
# contains a modified MakeMaker that does this automatically, so we
# only need to do this if we are building outside of ON.
package MY;
no warnings qw(once);
# Override const_loadlibs to remove LD_RUN_PATH cruft.
*const_loadlibs = sub
my $self = shift(@_);
# Override dynamic_lib to get rid of LD_RUN_PATH cruft.
*dynamic_lib = sub
my $self = shift(@_);
my $txt = $self->SUPER::dynamic_lib(@_);
$txt =~ s/LD_RUN_PATH=\S*\s*//;
# Turn off debugging.
@defines = ();
# Install the POD documentation for non-ON builds.
my $man3pfx = '$(INST_MAN3DIR)/Sun::Solaris::Project';
@man3pods = (
MAN3PODS => { 'pod/Project.pod' => $man3pfx . '.$(MAN3EXT)' }
NAME => 'Sun::Solaris::Project',
VERSION_FROM => 'Project.pm',
LIBS => '-lproject -lgen',
CCFLAGS => $Config{'ccflags'} . ' -erroff=E_ATTRIBUTE_UNKNOWN',