chdir 't' if -d 't';
@INC = '../lib';
$| = 1;
print "1..100\n";
$a = {};
bless $a, "Bob";
print "not " unless $a->isa("Bob");
print "ok 1\n";
package Human;
sub eat {}
package Female;
package Alice;
@ISA=qw(Bob Female);
sub sing;
sub drink { return "drinking " . $_[1] }
sub new { bless {} }
$Alice::VERSION = 2.718;
package Cedric;
our @ISA;
use base qw(Human);
package Programmer;
our $VERSION = 1.667;
sub write_perl { 1 }
package main;
{ my $i = 2;
sub test {
print "not " unless $_[0];
print "ok ", $i++;
print " # at ", (caller)[1], ", line ", (caller)[2] unless $_[0];
print "\n";
$a = new Alice;
test $a->isa("Alice");
test $a->isa("main::Alice"); # check that alternate class names work
test $a->isa("Bob");
test $a->isa("main::Bob");
test $a->isa("Female");
test $a->isa("Human");
test ! $a->isa("Male");
test ! $a->isa('Programmer');
test $a->isa("HASH");
test $a->can("eat");
test ! $a->can("sleep");
test my $ref = $a->can("drink"); # returns a coderef
test $a->$ref("tea") eq "drinking tea"; # ... which works
test $ref = $a->can("sing");
eval { $a->$ref() };
test $@; # ... but not if no actual subroutine
test (!Cedric->isa('Programmer'));
test (Cedric->isa('Human'));
test (Cedric->isa('Programmer'));
package Alice;
test $a->isa('Programmer');
test $a->isa("Female");
@Cedric::ISA = qw(Bob);
test (!Cedric->isa('Programmer'));
my $b = 'abc';
my @vals = ( \$b, \3.14, \substr($b,1,1), \*b, [], {}, sub {} );
for ($p=0; $p < @refs; $p++) {
for ($q=0; $q < @vals; $q++) {
test UNIVERSAL::isa($vals[$p], $refs[$q]) eq ($p==$q or $p+$q==1);
test ! UNIVERSAL::can(23, "can");
test $a->can("VERSION");
test $a->can("can");
test ! $a->can("export_tags"); # a method in Exporter
test (eval { $a->VERSION }) == 2.718;
test ! (eval { $a->VERSION(2.719) }) &&
$@ =~ /^Alice version 2.71(?:9|8999\d+) required--this is only version 2.718 at /;
test (eval { $a->VERSION(2.718) }) && ! $@;
my $subs = join ' ', sort grep { defined &{"UNIVERSAL::$_"} } keys %UNIVERSAL::;
## The test for import here is *not* because we want to ensure that UNIVERSAL
## can always import; it is an historical accident that UNIVERSAL can import.
if ('a' lt 'A') {
test $subs eq "can import isa VERSION";
} else {
test $subs eq "VERSION can import isa";
test $a->isa("UNIVERSAL");
test ! UNIVERSAL::isa([], "UNIVERSAL");
test ! UNIVERSAL::can({}, "can");
test UNIVERSAL::isa(Alice => "UNIVERSAL");
test UNIVERSAL::can(Alice => "can") == \&UNIVERSAL::can;
# now use UNIVERSAL.pm and see what changes
eval "use UNIVERSAL";
test $a->isa("UNIVERSAL");
my $sub2 = join ' ', sort grep { defined &{"UNIVERSAL::$_"} } keys %UNIVERSAL::;
# XXX import being here is really a bug
if ('a' lt 'A') {
test $sub2 eq "can import isa VERSION";
} else {
test $sub2 eq "VERSION can import isa";
eval 'sub UNIVERSAL::sleep {}';
test $a->can("sleep");
test ! UNIVERSAL::can($b, "can");
test ! $a->can("export_tags"); # a method in Exporter
test ! UNIVERSAL::isa("\xff\xff\xff\0", 'HASH');
package Pickup;
use UNIVERSAL qw( isa can VERSION );
main::test isa "Pickup", UNIVERSAL;
main::test can( "Pickup", "can" ) == \&UNIVERSAL::can;
main::test VERSION "UNIVERSAL" ;
# test isa() and can() on magic variables
"Human" =~ /(.*)/;
test $1->isa("Human");
test $1->can("eat");
package HumanTie;
sub TIESCALAR { bless {} }
sub FETCH { "Human" }
tie my($x), "HumanTie";
::test $x->isa("Human");
::test $x->can("eat");
# bugid 3284
# a second call to isa('UNIVERSAL') when @ISA is null failed due to caching
my $x = {}; bless $x, 'X';
test $x->isa('UNIVERSAL');
test $x->isa('UNIVERSAL');