util.t revision 1
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
# Test ability to escape() and unescape() punctuation characters
# except for qw(- . _).
$| = 1;
use Test::More tests => 57;
use Config;
use_ok ( 'CGI::Util', qw(escape unescape) );
# ASCII order, ASCII codepoints, ASCII repertoire
my %punct = (
' ' => '20', '!' => '21', '"' => '22', '#' => '23',
'$' => '24', '%' => '25', '&' => '26', '\'' => '27',
'(' => '28', ')' => '29', '*' => '2A', '+' => '2B',
',' => '2C', '/' => '2F', # '-' => '2D', '.' => '2E'
':' => '3A', ';' => '3B', '<' => '3C', '=' => '3D',
'>' => '3E', '?' => '3F', '[' => '5B', '\\' => '5C',
']' => '5D', '^' => '5E', '`' => '60', # '_' => '5F',
'{' => '7B', '|' => '7C', '}' => '7D', # '~' => '7E',
# The sort order may not be ASCII on EBCDIC machines:
my $i = 1;
foreach(sort(keys(%punct))) {
my $escape = "AbC\%$punct{$_}dEF";
my $cgi_escape = escape("AbC$_" . "dEF");
is($escape, $cgi_escape , "# $escape ne $cgi_escape");
my $unescape = "AbC$_" . "dEF";
my $cgi_unescape = unescape("AbC\%$punct{$_}dEF");
is($unescape, $cgi_unescape , "# $unescape ne $cgi_unescape");