chdir 't';
@INC = '../lib';
require './test.pl';
plan tests => 5;
$out = runperl(switches => ["-MO=Concise"], prog => '$a', stderr => 1);
# If either of the next two tests fail, it probably means you need to
# fix the section labeled 'fragile kludge' in Concise.pm
($op_base) = ($out =~ /^(\d+)\s*<0>\s*enter/m);
is($op_base, 1, "Smallest OP sequence number");
($op_base_p1, $cop_base)
= ($out =~ /^(\d+)\s*<;>\s*nextstate\(main (-?\d+) /m);
is($op_base_p1, 2, "Second-smallest OP sequence number");
is($cop_base, 1, "Smallest COP sequence number");
# test that with -exec B::Concise navigates past logops (bug #18175)
$out = runperl(
switches => ["-MO=Concise,-exec"],
prog => q{$a||=$b && print q/foo/},
stderr => 1,
like($out, qr/print/, "-exec option with ||=");