java_md.c revision 1365
* Copyright 1997-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation. Sun designates this
* particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
* by Sun in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara,
* CA 95054 USA or visit if you need additional information or
* have any questions.
#include <windows.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <wtypes.h>
#include <commctrl.h>
#include <jni.h>
#include "java.h"
#include "version_comp.h"
#define JVM_DLL "jvm.dll"
#define JAVA_DLL "java.dll"
* Prototypes.
static jboolean GetPublicJREHome(char *path, jint pathsize);
static jboolean GetJVMPath(const char *jrepath, const char *jvmtype,
char *jvmpath, jint jvmpathsize);
static jboolean GetJREPath(char *path, jint pathsize);
static void EnsureJreInstallation(const char *jrepath);
static jboolean _isjavaw = JNI_FALSE;
return _isjavaw;
* Returns the arch path, to get the current arch use the
* macro GetArch, nbits here is ignored for now.
const char *
GetArchPath(int nbits)
#ifdef _M_AMD64
return "amd64";
#elif defined(_M_IA64)
return "ia64";
return "i386";
CreateExecutionEnvironment(int *_argc,
char ***_argv,
char jrepath[],
jint so_jrepath,
char jvmpath[],
jint so_jvmpath,
char **original_argv) {
char * jvmtype;
int i = 0;
char** pargv = *_argv;
int running = CURRENT_DATA_MODEL;
int wanted = running;
for (i = 0; i < *_argc ; i++) {
if (JLI_StrCmp(pargv[i], "-J-d64") == 0 || JLI_StrCmp(pargv[i], "-d64") == 0) {
wanted = 64;
if (JLI_StrCmp(pargv[i], "-J-d32") == 0 || JLI_StrCmp(pargv[i], "-d32") == 0) {
wanted = 32;
if (running != wanted) {
JLI_ReportErrorMessage(JRE_ERROR2, wanted);
/* Do this before we read jvm.cfg */
/* Find out where the JRE is that we will be using. */
if (!GetJREPath(jrepath, so_jrepath)) {
/* Find the specified JVM type */
if (ReadKnownVMs(jrepath, (char*)GetArch(), JNI_FALSE) < 1) {
jvmtype = CheckJvmType(_argc, _argv, JNI_FALSE);
jvmpath[0] = '\0';
if (!GetJVMPath(jrepath, jvmtype, jvmpath, so_jvmpath)) {
JLI_ReportErrorMessage(CFG_ERROR8, jvmtype, jvmpath);
/* If we got here, jvmpath has been correctly initialized. */
static jboolean
// Only do this once
static int loaded = 0;
char crtpath[MAXPATHLEN];
if (!loaded) {
* The Microsoft C Runtime Library needs to be loaded first. A copy is
* assumed to be present in the "JRE path" directory. If it is not found
* there (or "JRE path" fails to resolve), skip the explicit load and let
* nature take its course, which is likely to be a failure to execute.
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#if _MSC_VER < 1400
#define CRT_DLL "msvcr71.dll"
#ifdef CRT_DLL
if (GetJREPath(crtpath, MAXPATHLEN)) {
(void)JLI_StrCat(crtpath, "\\bin\\" CRT_DLL); /* Add crt dll */
JLI_TraceLauncher("CRT path is %s\n", crtpath);
if (_access(crtpath, 0) == 0) {
if (LoadLibrary(crtpath) == 0) {
JLI_ReportErrorMessage(DLL_ERROR4, crtpath);
return JNI_FALSE;
#endif /* CRT_DLL */
#endif /* _MSC_VER */
loaded = 1;
return JNI_TRUE;
* The preJVMStart is a function in the jkernel.dll, which
* performs the final step of synthesizing back the decomposed
* modules (partial install) to the full JRE. Any tool which
* uses the JRE must peform this step to ensure the complete synthesis.
* The EnsureJreInstallation function calls preJVMStart based on
* the conditions outlined below, noting that the operation
* will fail silently if any of conditions are not met.
* NOTE: this call must be made before jvm.dll is loaded, or jvm.cfg
* is read, since jvm.cfg will be modified by the preJVMStart.
* 1. Are we on a supported platform.
* 2. Find the location of the JRE or the Kernel JRE.
* 3. check existence of JREHOME/lib/bundles
* 4. check jkernel.dll and invoke the entry-point
static void
EnsureJreInstallation(const char* jrepath)
char tmpbuf[MAXPATHLEN];
struct stat s;
/* 32 bit windows only please */
if (strcmp(GetArch(), "i386") != 0 ) {
/* Does our bundle directory exist ? */
strcpy(tmpbuf, jrepath);
strcat(tmpbuf, "\\lib\\bundles");
if (stat(tmpbuf, &s) != 0) {
/* Does our jkernel dll exist ? */
strcpy(tmpbuf, jrepath);
strcat(tmpbuf, "\\bin\\jkernel.dll");
if (stat(tmpbuf, &s) != 0) {
/* The Microsoft C Runtime Library needs to be loaded first. */
if (!LoadMSVCRT()) {
/* Load the jkernel.dll */
if ((handle = LoadLibrary(tmpbuf)) == 0) {
/* Get the function address */
PreJVMStart = (PREJVMSTART)GetProcAddress(handle, "preJVMStart");
if (PreJVMStart == NULL) {
* Find path to JRE based on .exe's location or registry settings.
GetJREPath(char *path, jint pathsize)
char javadll[MAXPATHLEN];
struct stat s;
if (GetApplicationHome(path, pathsize)) {
/* Is JRE co-located with the application? */
sprintf(javadll, "%s\\bin\\" JAVA_DLL, path);
if (stat(javadll, &s) == 0) {
goto found;
/* Does this app ship a private JRE in <apphome>\jre directory? */
sprintf(javadll, "%s\\jre\\bin\\" JAVA_DLL, path);
if (stat(javadll, &s) == 0) {
JLI_StrCat(path, "\\jre");
goto found;
/* Look for a public JRE on this machine. */
if (GetPublicJREHome(path, pathsize)) {
goto found;
JLI_ReportErrorMessage(JRE_ERROR8 JAVA_DLL);
return JNI_FALSE;
JLI_TraceLauncher("JRE path is %s\n", path);
return JNI_TRUE;
* Given a JRE location and a JVM type, construct what the name the
* JVM shared library will be. Return true, if such a library
* exists, false otherwise.
static jboolean
GetJVMPath(const char *jrepath, const char *jvmtype,
char *jvmpath, jint jvmpathsize)
struct stat s;
if (JLI_StrChr(jvmtype, '/') || JLI_StrChr(jvmtype, '\\')) {
sprintf(jvmpath, "%s\\" JVM_DLL, jvmtype);
} else {
sprintf(jvmpath, "%s\\bin\\%s\\" JVM_DLL, jrepath, jvmtype);
if (stat(jvmpath, &s) == 0) {
return JNI_TRUE;
} else {
return JNI_FALSE;
* Load a jvm from "jvmpath" and initialize the invocation functions.
LoadJavaVM(const char *jvmpath, InvocationFunctions *ifn)
JLI_TraceLauncher("JVM path is %s\n", jvmpath);
* The Microsoft C Runtime Library needs to be loaded first. A copy is
* assumed to be present in the "JRE path" directory. If it is not found
* there (or "JRE path" fails to resolve), skip the explicit load and let
* nature take its course, which is likely to be a failure to execute.
/* Load the Java VM DLL */
if ((handle = LoadLibrary(jvmpath)) == 0) {
JLI_ReportErrorMessage(DLL_ERROR4, (char *)jvmpath);
return JNI_FALSE;
/* Now get the function addresses */
ifn->CreateJavaVM =
(void *)GetProcAddress(handle, "JNI_CreateJavaVM");
ifn->GetDefaultJavaVMInitArgs =
(void *)GetProcAddress(handle, "JNI_GetDefaultJavaVMInitArgs");
if (ifn->CreateJavaVM == 0 || ifn->GetDefaultJavaVMInitArgs == 0) {
JLI_ReportErrorMessage(JNI_ERROR1, (char *)jvmpath);
return JNI_FALSE;
return JNI_TRUE;
* If app is "c:\foo\bin\javac", then put "c:\foo" into buf.
GetApplicationHome(char *buf, jint bufsize)
char *cp;
GetModuleFileName(0, buf, bufsize);
*JLI_StrRChr(buf, '\\') = '\0'; /* remove .exe file name */
if ((cp = JLI_StrRChr(buf, '\\')) == 0) {
/* This happens if the application is in a drive root, and
* there is no bin directory. */
buf[0] = '\0';
return JNI_FALSE;
*cp = '\0'; /* remove the bin\ part */
return JNI_TRUE;
* Helpers to look in the registry for a public JRE.
/* Same for 1.5.0, 1.5.1, 1.5.2 etc. */
#define JRE_KEY "Software\\JavaSoft\\Java Runtime Environment"
static jboolean
GetStringFromRegistry(HKEY key, const char *name, char *buf, jint bufsize)
DWORD type, size;
if (RegQueryValueEx(key, name, 0, &type, 0, &size) == 0
&& type == REG_SZ
&& (size < (unsigned int)bufsize)) {
if (RegQueryValueEx(key, name, 0, 0, buf, &size) == 0) {
return JNI_TRUE;
return JNI_FALSE;
static jboolean
GetPublicJREHome(char *buf, jint bufsize)
HKEY key, subkey;
char version[MAXPATHLEN];
* Note: There is a very similar implementation of the following
* registry reading code in the Windows java control panel (javacp.cpl).
* If there are bugs here, a similar bug probably exists there. Hence,
* changes here require inspection there.
/* Find the current version of the JRE */
if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, JRE_KEY, 0, KEY_READ, &key) != 0) {
JLI_ReportErrorMessage(REG_ERROR1, JRE_KEY);
return JNI_FALSE;
if (!GetStringFromRegistry(key, "CurrentVersion",
version, sizeof(version))) {
JLI_ReportErrorMessage(REG_ERROR2, JRE_KEY);
return JNI_FALSE;
if (JLI_StrCmp(version, GetDotVersion()) != 0) {
JLI_ReportErrorMessage(REG_ERROR3, JRE_KEY, version, GetDotVersion()
return JNI_FALSE;
/* Find directory where the current version is installed. */
if (RegOpenKeyEx(key, version, 0, KEY_READ, &subkey) != 0) {
JLI_ReportErrorMessage(REG_ERROR1, JRE_KEY, version);
return JNI_FALSE;
if (!GetStringFromRegistry(subkey, "JavaHome", buf, bufsize)) {
JLI_ReportErrorMessage(REG_ERROR4, JRE_KEY, version);
return JNI_FALSE;
if (JLI_IsTraceLauncher()) {
char micro[MAXPATHLEN];
if (!GetStringFromRegistry(subkey, "MicroVersion", micro,
sizeof(micro))) {
printf("Warning: Can't read MicroVersion\n");
micro[0] = '\0';
printf("Version major.minor.micro = %s.%s\n", version, micro);
return JNI_TRUE;
* Support for doing cheap, accurate interval timing.
static jboolean counterAvailable = JNI_FALSE;
static jboolean counterInitialized = JNI_FALSE;
static LARGE_INTEGER counterFrequency;
jlong CounterGet()
if (!counterInitialized) {
counterAvailable = QueryPerformanceFrequency(&counterFrequency);
counterInitialized = JNI_TRUE;
if (!counterAvailable) {
return 0;
return (jlong)(count.QuadPart);
jlong Counter2Micros(jlong counts)
if (!counterAvailable || !counterInitialized) {
return 0;
return (counts * 1000 * 1000)/counterFrequency.QuadPart;
JLI_ReportErrorMessage(const char* fmt, ...) {
va_list vl;
if (IsJavaw()) {
char *message;
/* get the length of the string we need */
int n = _vscprintf(fmt, vl);
message = (char *)JLI_MemAlloc(n + 1);
_vsnprintf(message, n, fmt, vl);
MessageBox(NULL, message, "Java Virtual Machine Launcher",
} else {
vfprintf(stderr, fmt, vl);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
* Just like JLI_ReportErrorMessage, except that it concatenates the system
* error message if any, its upto the calling routine to correctly
* format the separation of the messages.
JLI_ReportErrorMessageSys(const char *fmt, ...)
va_list vl;
int save_errno = errno;
DWORD errval;
jboolean freeit = JNI_FALSE;
char *errtext = NULL;
va_start(vl, fmt);
if ((errval = GetLastError()) != 0) { /* Platform SDK / DOS Error */
NULL, errval, 0, (LPTSTR)&errtext, 0, NULL);
if (errtext == NULL || n == 0) { /* Paranoia check */
errtext = "";
n = 0;
} else {
freeit = JNI_TRUE;
if (n > 2) { /* Drop final CR, LF */
if (errtext[n - 1] == '\n') n--;
if (errtext[n - 1] == '\r') n--;
errtext[n] = '\0';
} else { /* C runtime error that has no corresponding DOS error code */
errtext = strerror(save_errno);
if (IsJavaw()) {
char *message;
int mlen;
/* get the length of the string we need */
int len = mlen = _vscprintf(fmt, vl) + 1;
if (freeit) {
mlen += JLI_StrLen(errtext);
message = (char *)JLI_MemAlloc(mlen);
_vsnprintf(message, len, fmt, vl);
if (freeit) {
JLI_StrCat(message, errtext);
MessageBox(NULL, message, "Java Virtual Machine Launcher",
} else {
vfprintf(stderr, fmt, vl);
if (freeit) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s", errtext);
if (freeit) {
void JLI_ReportExceptionDescription(JNIEnv * env) {
if (IsJavaw()) {
* This code should be replaced by code which opens a window with
* the exception detail message, for now atleast put a dialog up.
MessageBox(NULL, "A Java Exception has occurred.", "Java Virtual Machine Launcher",
} else {
ServerClassMachine() {
return (GetErgoPolicy() == ALWAYS_SERVER_CLASS) ? JNI_TRUE : JNI_FALSE;
* Determine if there is an acceptable JRE in the registry directory top_key.
* Upon locating the "best" one, return a fully qualified path to it.
* "Best" is defined as the most advanced JRE meeting the constraints
* contained in the manifest_info. If no JRE in this directory meets the
* constraints, return NULL.
* It doesn't matter if we get an error reading the registry, or we just
* don't find anything interesting in the directory. We just return NULL
* in either case.
static char *
ProcessDir(manifest_info* info, HKEY top_key) {
DWORD index = 0;
HKEY ver_key;
char name[MAXNAMELEN];
int len;
char *best = NULL;
* Enumerate "<top_key>/SOFTWARE/JavaSoft/Java Runtime Environment"
* searching for the best available version.
while (RegEnumKey(top_key, index, name, MAXNAMELEN) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
if (JLI_AcceptableRelease(name, info->jre_version))
if ((best == NULL) || (JLI_ExactVersionId(name, best) > 0)) {
if (best != NULL)
best = JLI_StringDup(name);
* Extract "JavaHome" from the "best" registry directory and return
* that path. If no appropriate version was located, or there is an
* error in extracting the "JavaHome" string, return null.
if (best == NULL)
return (NULL);
else {
if (RegOpenKeyEx(top_key, best, 0, KEY_READ, &ver_key)
if (ver_key != NULL)
return (NULL);
if (RegQueryValueEx(ver_key, "JavaHome", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)name, &len)
if (ver_key != NULL)
return (NULL);
if (ver_key != NULL)
return (JLI_StringDup(name));
* This is the global entry point. It examines the host for the optimal
* JRE to be used by scanning a set of registry entries. This set of entries
* is hardwired on Windows as "Software\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment"
* under the set of roots "{ HKEY_CURRENT_USER, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE }".
* This routine simply opens each of these registry directories before passing
* control onto ProcessDir().
char *
LocateJRE(manifest_info* info) {
HKEY key = NULL;
char *path;
int key_index;
for (key_index = 0; key_index <= 1; key_index++) {
if (RegOpenKeyEx(root_keys[key_index], JRE_KEY, 0, KEY_READ, &key)
if ((path = ProcessDir(info, key)) != NULL) {
if (key != NULL)
return (path);
if (key != NULL)
return NULL;
* Local helper routine to isolate a single token (option or argument)
* from the command line.
* This routine accepts a pointer to a character pointer. The first
* token (as defined by MSDN command-line argument syntax) is isolated
* from that string.
* Upon return, the input character pointer pointed to by the parameter s
* is updated to point to the remainding, unscanned, portion of the string,
* or to a null character if the entire string has been consummed.
* This function returns a pointer to a null-terminated string which
* contains the isolated first token, or to the null character if no
* token could be isolated.
* Note the side effect of modifying the input string s by the insertion
* of a null character, making it two strings.
* See "Parsing C Command-Line Arguments" in the MSDN Library for the
* parsing rule details. The rule summary from that specification is:
* * Arguments are delimited by white space, which is either a space or a tab.
* * A string surrounded by double quotation marks is interpreted as a single
* argument, regardless of white space contained within. A quoted string can
* be embedded in an argument. Note that the caret (^) is not recognized as
* an escape character or delimiter.
* * A double quotation mark preceded by a backslash, \", is interpreted as a
* literal double quotation mark (").
* * Backslashes are interpreted literally, unless they immediately precede a
* double quotation mark.
* * If an even number of backslashes is followed by a double quotation mark,
* then one backslash (\) is placed in the argv array for every pair of
* backslashes (\\), and the double quotation mark (") is interpreted as a
* string delimiter.
* * If an odd number of backslashes is followed by a double quotation mark,
* then one backslash (\) is placed in the argv array for every pair of
* backslashes (\\) and the double quotation mark is interpreted as an
* escape sequence by the remaining backslash, causing a literal double
* quotation mark (") to be placed in argv.
static char*
nextarg(char** s) {
char *p = *s;
char *head;
int slashes = 0;
int inquote = 0;
* Strip leading whitespace, which MSDN defines as only space or tab.
* (Hence, no locale specific "isspace" here.)
while (*p != (char)0 && (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t'))
head = p; /* Save the start of the token to return */
* Isolate a token from the command line.
while (*p != (char)0 && (inquote || !(*p == ' ' || *p == '\t'))) {
if (*p == '\\' && *(p+1) == '"' && slashes % 2 == 0)
else if (*p == '"')
inquote = !inquote;
slashes = (*p++ == '\\') ? slashes + 1 : 0;
* If the token isolated isn't already terminated in a "char zero",
* then replace the whitespace character with one and move to the
* next character.
if (*p != (char)0)
*p++ = (char)0;
* Update the parameter to point to the head of the remaining string
* reflecting the command line and return a pointer to the leading
* token which was isolated from the command line.
*s = p;
return (head);
* Local helper routine to return a string equivalent to the input string
* s, but with quotes removed so the result is a string as would be found
* in argv[]. The returned string should be freed by a call to JLI_MemFree().
* The rules for quoting (and escaped quotes) are:
* 1 A double quotation mark preceded by a backslash, \", is interpreted as a
* literal double quotation mark (").
* 2 Backslashes are interpreted literally, unless they immediately precede a
* double quotation mark.
* 3 If an even number of backslashes is followed by a double quotation mark,
* then one backslash (\) is placed in the argv array for every pair of
* backslashes (\\), and the double quotation mark (") is interpreted as a
* string delimiter.
* 4 If an odd number of backslashes is followed by a double quotation mark,
* then one backslash (\) is placed in the argv array for every pair of
* backslashes (\\) and the double quotation mark is interpreted as an
* escape sequence by the remaining backslash, causing a literal double
* quotation mark (") to be placed in argv.
static char*
unquote(const char *s) {
const char *p = s; /* Pointer to the tail of the original string */
char *un = (char*)JLI_MemAlloc(JLI_StrLen(s) + 1); /* Ptr to unquoted string */
char *pun = un; /* Pointer to the tail of the unquoted string */
while (*p != '\0') {
if (*p == '"') {
} else if (*p == '\\') {
const char *q = p + JLI_StrSpn(p,"\\");
if (*q == '"')
do {
*pun++ = '\\';
p += 2;
} while (*p == '\\' && p < q);
while (p < q)
*pun++ = *p++;
} else {
*pun++ = *p++;
*pun = '\0';
return un;
* Given a path to a jre to execute, this routine checks if this process
* is indeed that jre. If not, it exec's that jre.
* We want to actually check the paths rather than just the version string
* built into the executable, so that given version specification will yield
* the exact same Java environment, regardless of the version of the arbitrary
* launcher we start with.
ExecJRE(char *jre, char **argv) {
int len;
char path[MAXPATHLEN + 1];
const char *progname = GetProgramName();
* Resolve the real path to the currently running launcher.
len = GetModuleFileName(NULL, path, MAXPATHLEN + 1);
if (len == 0 || len > MAXPATHLEN) {
JLI_ReportErrorMessageSys(JRE_ERROR9, progname);
JLI_TraceLauncher("ExecJRE: old: %s\n", path);
JLI_TraceLauncher("ExecJRE: new: %s\n", jre);
* If the path to the selected JRE directory is a match to the initial
* portion of the path to the currently executing JRE, we have a winner!
* If so, just return.
if (JLI_StrNCaseCmp(jre, path, JLI_StrLen(jre)) == 0)
return; /* I am the droid you were looking for */
* If this isn't the selected version, exec the selected version.
(void)JLI_StrCat(JLI_StrCat(JLI_StrCpy(path, jre), "\\bin\\"), progname);
(void)JLI_StrCat(path, ".exe");
* Although Windows has an execv() entrypoint, it doesn't actually
* overlay a process: it can only create a new process and terminate
* the old process. Therefore, any processes waiting on the initial
* process wake up and they shouldn't. Hence, a chain of pseudo-zombie
* processes must be retained to maintain the proper wait semantics.
* Fortunately the image size of the launcher isn't too large at this
* time.
* If it weren't for this semantic flaw, the code below would be ...
* execv(path, argv);
* JLI_ReportErrorMessage("Error: Exec of %s failed\n", path);
* exit(1);
* The incorrect exec semantics could be addressed by:
* exit((int)spawnv(_P_WAIT, path, argv));
* Unfortunately, a bug in Windows spawn/exec impementation prevents
* this from completely working. All the Windows POSIX process creation
* interfaces are implemented as wrappers around the native Windows
* function CreateProcess(). CreateProcess() takes a single string
* to specify command line options and arguments, so the POSIX routine
* wrappers build a single string from the argv[] array and in the
* process, any quoting information is lost.
* The solution to this to get the original command line, to process it
* to remove the new multiple JRE options (if any) as was done for argv
* in the common SelectVersion() routine and finally to pass it directly
* to the native CreateProcess() Windows process control interface.
char *cmdline;
char *p;
char *np;
char *ocl;
char *ccl;
char *unquoted;
DWORD exitCode;
* The following code block gets and processes the original command
* line, replacing the argv[0] equivalent in the command line with
* the path to the new executable and removing the appropriate
* Multiple JRE support options. Note that similar logic exists
* in the platform independent SelectVersion routine, but is
* replicated here due to the syntax of CreateProcess().
* The magic "+ 4" characters added to the command line length are
* 2 possible quotes around the path (argv[0]), a space after the
* path and a terminating null character.
ocl = GetCommandLine();
np = ccl = JLI_StringDup(ocl);
p = nextarg(&np); /* Discard argv[0] */
cmdline = (char *)JLI_MemAlloc(JLI_StrLen(path) + JLI_StrLen(np) + 4);
if (JLI_StrChr(path, (int)' ') == NULL && JLI_StrChr(path, (int)'\t') == NULL)
cmdline = JLI_StrCpy(cmdline, path);
cmdline = JLI_StrCat(JLI_StrCat(JLI_StrCpy(cmdline, "\""), path), "\"");
while (*np != (char)0) { /* While more command-line */
p = nextarg(&np);
if (*p != (char)0) { /* If a token was isolated */
unquoted = unquote(p);
if (*unquoted == '-') { /* Looks like an option */
if (JLI_StrCmp(unquoted, "-classpath") == 0 ||
JLI_StrCmp(unquoted, "-cp") == 0) { /* Unique cp syntax */
cmdline = JLI_StrCat(JLI_StrCat(cmdline, " "), p);
p = nextarg(&np);
if (*p != (char)0) /* If a token was isolated */
cmdline = JLI_StrCat(JLI_StrCat(cmdline, " "), p);
} else if (JLI_StrNCmp(unquoted, "-version:", 9) != 0 &&
JLI_StrCmp(unquoted, "-jre-restrict-search") != 0 &&
JLI_StrCmp(unquoted, "-no-jre-restrict-search") != 0) {
cmdline = JLI_StrCat(JLI_StrCat(cmdline, " "), p);
} else { /* End of options */
cmdline = JLI_StrCat(JLI_StrCat(cmdline, " "), p);
cmdline = JLI_StrCat(JLI_StrCat(cmdline, " "), np);
JLI_MemFree((void *)unquoted);
JLI_MemFree((void *)unquoted);
JLI_MemFree((void *)ccl);
if (JLI_IsTraceLauncher()) {
np = ccl = JLI_StringDup(cmdline);
p = nextarg(&np);
printf("ReExec Command: %s (%s)\n", path, p);
printf("ReExec Args: %s\n", np);
JLI_MemFree((void *)ccl);
* The following code is modeled after a model presented in the
* Microsoft Technical Article "Moving Unix Applications to
* Windows NT" (March 6, 1994) and "Creating Processes" on MSDN
* (Februrary 2005). It approximates UNIX spawn semantics with
* the parent waiting for termination of the child.
memset(&si, 0, sizeof(si));
si.cb =sizeof(STARTUPINFO);
memset(&pi, 0, sizeof(pi));
if (!CreateProcess((LPCTSTR)path, /* executable name */
(LPTSTR)cmdline, /* command line */
(LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES)NULL, /* process security attr. */
(LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES)NULL, /* thread security attr. */
(BOOL)TRUE, /* inherits system handles */
(DWORD)0, /* creation flags */
(LPVOID)NULL, /* environment block */
(LPCTSTR)NULL, /* current directory */
(LPSTARTUPINFO)&si, /* (in) startup information */
(LPPROCESS_INFORMATION)&pi)) { /* (out) process information */
JLI_ReportErrorMessageSys(SYS_ERROR1, path);
if (WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, INFINITE) != WAIT_FAILED) {
if (GetExitCodeProcess(pi.hProcess, &exitCode) == FALSE)
exitCode = 1;
} else {
exitCode = 1;
* Wrapper for platform dependent unsetenv function.
UnsetEnv(char *name)
int ret;
char *buf = JLI_MemAlloc(JLI_StrLen(name) + 2);
buf = JLI_StrCat(JLI_StrCpy(buf, name), "=");
ret = _putenv(buf);
return (ret);
/* --- Splash Screen shared library support --- */
static const char* SPLASHSCREEN_SO = "\\bin\\splashscreen.dll";
static HMODULE hSplashLib = NULL;
void* SplashProcAddress(const char* name) {
char libraryPath[MAXPATHLEN]; /* some extra space for JLI_StrCat'ing SPLASHSCREEN_SO */
if (!GetJREPath(libraryPath, MAXPATHLEN)) {
return NULL;
if (JLI_StrLen(libraryPath)+JLI_StrLen(SPLASHSCREEN_SO) >= MAXPATHLEN) {
return NULL;
JLI_StrCat(libraryPath, SPLASHSCREEN_SO);
if (!hSplashLib) {
hSplashLib = LoadLibrary(libraryPath);
if (hSplashLib) {
return GetProcAddress(hSplashLib, name);
} else {
return NULL;
void SplashFreeLibrary() {
if (hSplashLib) {
hSplashLib = NULL;
const char *
jlong_format_specifier() {
return "%I64d";
* Block current thread and continue execution in a new thread
ContinueInNewThread0(int (JNICALL *continuation)(void *), jlong stack_size, void * args) {
int rslt = 0;
unsigned thread_id;
* STACK_SIZE_PARAM_IS_A_RESERVATION is what we want, but it's not
* supported on older version of Windows. Try first with the flag; and
* if that fails try again without the flag. See MSDN document or HotSpot
* source (os_win32.cpp) for details.
HANDLE thread_handle =
if (thread_handle == NULL) {
thread_handle =
if (thread_handle) {
WaitForSingleObject(thread_handle, INFINITE);
GetExitCodeThread(thread_handle, &rslt);
} else {
rslt = continuation(args);
return rslt;
/* Unix only, empty on windows. */
void SetJavaLauncherPlatformProps() {}
* The implementation for finding classes from the bootstrap
* class loader, refer to java.h
static FindClassFromBootLoader_t *findBootClass = NULL;
#ifdef _M_AMD64
#define JVM_BCLOADER "JVM_FindClassFromClassLoader"
#define JVM_BCLOADER "_JVM_FindClassFromClassLoader@20"
#endif /* _M_AMD64 */
jclass FindBootStrapClass(JNIEnv *env, const char *classname)
if (findBootClass == NULL) {
hJvm = GetModuleHandle(JVM_DLL);
if (hJvm == NULL) return NULL;
/* need to use the demangled entry point */
findBootClass = (FindClassFromBootLoader_t *)GetProcAddress(hJvm,
if (findBootClass == NULL) {
return NULL;
return findBootClass(env, classname, JNI_FALSE, (jobject)NULL, JNI_FALSE);
InitLauncher(boolean javaw)
* Required for javaw mode MessageBox output as well as for
* HotSpot -XX:+ShowMessageBoxOnError in java mode, an empty
* flag field is sufficient to perform the basic UI initialization.
memset(&icx, 0, sizeof(INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX));
icx.dwSize = sizeof(INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX);
_isjavaw = javaw;