Name Date Size

.. 2013-05-16 00:04:22 4 2013-05-16 00:04:22 2.1 KiB

invoker.cs 2013-05-16 00:04:22 5.7 KiB

jinvoker.cpp 2013-05-16 00:04:22 6 KiB

jinvokerExp.h 2013-05-16 00:04:22 3.6 KiB

Makefile 2013-05-16 00:04:22 1.9 KiB

README.txt 2013-05-16 00:04:22 1.7 KiB


This sample provides Java "Hello World" program that is invoked
from C# application in the same process.
The problem of direct call of the JVM API from CLR applications
by PInvoke interface is the JVM API functions do not have static
adresses, they need to be got by JNI_CreateJavaVM() call.
The sample contains C++ libraty that wraps JVM API calls by the
static functions that are called from the C# application by
PInvoke interface.
The sample contains the following files:
Makefile - make file
README.txt - this readme - the invoked HelloWorld Java program
invoker.cs - C# invoker application
jinvoker.cpp - C++ wrapper
jinvokerExp.h - wrapper library exports
After the success making the following files are produced:
invoked.class - the compiled HelloWorld class
invoker.exe - the executable .NET program that invokes Java
jinvoker.dll - the wrapper library
The following environment needs to be set for the correct sample
build and execution:
INCLUDE must contain the paths to:
1. MS Visual C++ standard include
2. .NET SDK include
3. Java includes
Example: %MSDEV%/VC98/Include;%DOTNET%/Include;%JAVA_HOME%/include;%JAVA_HOME%/include/win32
LIB must contain the paths to:
1. MS Visual C++ standard libraries
2. .NET SDK libraries
3. jvm.dll
Example: %MSDEV%/VC98/Lib;%DOTNET%/Lib;%JAVA_HOME%/jre/bin/client
PATH must contain the paths to:
1. MS Visual C++ standard bin
2. MS Dev common bin
3. .NET SDK libraries
4. Java bin
5. jvm.dll
Example: %MSDEV%/VC98/Bin;%MSDEV%/Common/MSDev98/Bin;%DOTNET%/Lib;%JAVA_HOME%/bin;%JAVA_HOME%/jre/bin/client;%PATH%
To run the sample please do:
invoker.exe invoked
--Dmitry Ryashchentsev