0N/ASwingApplet illustrates how it's possible to run a Swing-based
0N/Aapplet, as long as the Swing classes are in the browser's class
0N/Apath. In the Java 2 platform, Standard Edition, the Swing classes
0N/Aare core, and thus are always in the class path. For example,
0N/Ayou can run SwingApplet with this command:
0N/A appletviewer SwingApplet.html
0N/AThese instructions assume that this installation's version of appletviewer
0N/Acommand is in your path. If it isn't, then you should either
0N/Aspecify the complete path to the appletviewer command or update
0N/Ayour PATH environment variable as described in the installation
0N/Ainstructions for the Java(TM) SE Development Kit.