2362N/A# or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
0N/A# To add a generator sun.rmi.rmic.Foo which is invoked via the -foo option:
0N/A# 1. Add "foo" to generator.args list.
0N/A# 3. Update rmic.usage string to include new arguments.
0N/A# generator.class.{arg}=fullClassName
0N/A# specified in generator.args is passed. Note that {arg} is compared
0N/A# using String.equalsIgnoreCase().
0N/A# sun.rmi.rmic.BatchEnvironment, specify it as follows:
0N/A# generator.env.{arg}=fullClassName
0N/Armic.usage=Usage: {0} <options> <class names>\
0N/A\n -v1.1 Create stubs/skeletons for 1.1 stub protocol version\
0N/A\n -vcompat Create stubs/skeletons compatible with both\
0N/Armic.cant.read=Can''t read: {0}
0N/Armic.cant.write=Can''t write: {0}
0N/Armic.option.unsupported=The {0} option is no longer supported.
0N/Armic.option.unimplemented=The {0} option is not yet implemented.
0N/Armic.option.already.seen=The {0} option may be specified no more than once.
0N/Armic.option.requires.argument=The {0} option requires an argument.
0N/Armic.no.such.directory=The {0} directory does not exist.
0N/Armic.no.such.option={0} is an invalid option or argument.
0N/Armic.wrote=[wrote {0}]
0N/Armic.errors={0} errors
0N/Armic.warnings={0} warnings
0N/Armic.done_in=[done in {0} ms]
0N/A The compiler has run out of memory. Consider using the "-J-Xmx<size>" command line option to increase the maximum heap size.
0N/A The compiler has run out of stack space. Consider using the "-J-Xss<size>" command line option to increase the memory allocated for the Java stack.
0N/Armic.cannot.instantiate=Cannot instantiate class {0}
0N/Armic.cannot.use.both=Cannot use both {0} and {1}
0N/Armic.resource.not.found={0} not found.
0N/A Class {0} does not implement an interface that extends java.rmi.Remote; only remote objects need stubs and skeletons.
0N/A Stubs are only needed for classes that directly implement an interface that extends java.rmi.Remote; class {0} does not directly implement a remote interface.
0N/A {0} is not a valid remote interface: method {1} must throw java.rmi.RemoteException.
0N/A Method {0} is not a valid remote method implementation because it throws {1}; implementations of remote methods may only throw java.lang.Exception or its subclasses.
0N/A \nIf you use PortableRemoteObject.exportObject, you should remove this file; otherwise, your server object will be exported to IIOP rather than to JRMP.
0N/Armic.generated=[generated {0} in {1} ms]
0N/Armic.previously.generated=[previously generated file {0} is current]
0N/A {0} is not a valid interface: does not inherit from java.rmi.Remote.
0N/A {0} is not a valid remote interface: method {1} must throw RemoteException or a superclass of RemoteException.
0N/A serialPersistentFields array member {0} of class {1} is invalid: type does not match declared member.
0N/A {0} is not a valid value: implements java.rmi.Remote.
0N/A {0} is not a valid value: does not implement java.io.Serializable.
0N/A {0} is not a valid abstract interface: implements java.rmi.Remote.
0N/A {0} is not a valid interface: method {1} may not pass an exception which implements org.omg.CORBA.portable.IDLEntity.