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package com.apple.laf;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import javax.swing.plaf.ComponentUI;
import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSliderUI;
import apple.laf.*;
import apple.laf.JRSUIUtils.NineSliceMetricsProvider;
import apple.laf.JRSUIConstants.*;
import com.apple.laf.AquaUtilControlSize.*;
import com.apple.laf.AquaImageFactory.NineSliceMetrics;
import com.apple.laf.AquaUtils.RecyclableSingleton;
public class AquaSliderUI extends BasicSliderUI implements Sizeable {
// static final Dimension roundThumbSize = new Dimension(21 + 4, 21 + 4); // +2px on both sides for focus fuzz
// static final Dimension pointingThumbSize = new Dimension(19 + 4, 22 + 4);
protected static final RecyclableSingleton<SizeDescriptor> roundThumbDescriptor = new RecyclableSingleton<SizeDescriptor>() {
protected SizeDescriptor getInstance() {
return new SizeDescriptor(new SizeVariant(25, 25)) {
public SizeVariant deriveSmall(final SizeVariant v) {
return super.deriveSmall(v.alterMinSize(-2, -2));
public SizeVariant deriveMini(final SizeVariant v) {
return super.deriveMini(v.alterMinSize(-2, -2));
protected static final RecyclableSingleton<SizeDescriptor> pointingThumbDescriptor = new RecyclableSingleton<SizeDescriptor>() {
protected SizeDescriptor getInstance() {
return new SizeDescriptor(new SizeVariant(23, 26)) {
public SizeVariant deriveSmall(final SizeVariant v) {
return super.deriveSmall(v.alterMinSize(-2, -2));
public SizeVariant deriveMini(final SizeVariant v) {
return super.deriveMini(v.alterMinSize(-2, -2));
static final AquaPainter<JRSUIState> trackPainter = AquaPainter.create(JRSUIStateFactory.getSliderTrack(), new NineSliceMetricsProvider() {
public NineSliceMetrics getNineSliceMetricsForState(JRSUIState state) {
if (state.is(Orientation.VERTICAL)) {
return new NineSliceMetrics(5, 7, 0, 0, 3, 3, true, false, true);
return new NineSliceMetrics(7, 5, 3, 3, 0, 0, true, true, false);
final AquaPainter<JRSUIState> thumbPainter = AquaPainter.create(JRSUIStateFactory.getSliderThumb());
protected Color tickColor;
protected Color disabledTickColor;
protected transient boolean fIsDragging = false;
// From AppearanceManager doc
static final int kTickWidth = 3;
static final int kTickLength = 8;
// Create PLAF
public static ComponentUI createUI(final JComponent c) {
return new AquaSliderUI((JSlider)c);
public AquaSliderUI(final JSlider b) {
public void installUI(final JComponent c) {
LookAndFeel.installProperty(slider, "opaque", Boolean.FALSE);
tickColor = UIManager.getColor("Slider.tickColor");
protected BasicSliderUI.TrackListener createTrackListener(final JSlider s) {
return new TrackListener();
protected void installListeners(final JSlider s) {
protected void uninstallListeners(final JSlider s) {
public void applySizeFor(final JComponent c, final Size size) {
// Paint Methods
public void paint(final Graphics g, final JComponent c) {
// We have to override paint of BasicSliderUI because we need slight differences.
// We don't paint focus the same way - it is part of the thumb.
// We also need to repaint the whole track when the thumb moves.
final Rectangle clip = g.getClipBounds();
final Orientation orientation = slider.getOrientation() == SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL ? Orientation.HORIZONTAL : Orientation.VERTICAL;
final State state = getState();
if (slider.getPaintTrack()) {
// This is needed for when this is used as a renderer. It is the same as BasicSliderUI.java
// and is missing from our reimplementation.
// <rdar://problem/3721898> JSlider in TreeCellRenderer component not painted properly.
final boolean trackIntersectsClip = clip.intersects(trackRect);
if (!trackIntersectsClip) {
if (trackIntersectsClip || clip.intersects(thumbRect)) paintTrack(g, c, orientation, state);
if (slider.getPaintTicks() && clip.intersects(tickRect)) {
if (slider.getPaintLabels() && clip.intersects(labelRect)) {
if (clip.intersects(thumbRect)) {
paintThumb(g, c, orientation, state);
// Paints track and thumb
public void paintTrack(final Graphics g, final JComponent c, final Orientation orientation, final State state) {
// for debugging
//g.drawRect(trackRect.x, trackRect.y, trackRect.width - 1, trackRect.height - 1);
trackPainter.paint(g, c, trackRect.x, trackRect.y, trackRect.width, trackRect.height);
// Paints thumb only
public void paintThumb(final Graphics g, final JComponent c, final Orientation orientation, final State state) {
thumbPainter.state.set(slider.hasFocus() ? Focused.YES : Focused.NO);
// for debugging
//g.drawRect(thumbRect.x, thumbRect.y, thumbRect.width - 1, thumbRect.height - 1);
thumbPainter.paint(g, c, thumbRect.x, thumbRect.y, thumbRect.width, thumbRect.height);
Direction getDirection(final Orientation orientation) {
if (shouldUseArrowThumb()) {
return orientation == Orientation.HORIZONTAL ? Direction.DOWN : Direction.RIGHT;
return Direction.NONE;
State getState() {
if (!slider.isEnabled()) {
return State.DISABLED;
if (fIsDragging) {
return State.PRESSED;
if (!AquaFocusHandler.isActive(slider)) {
return State.INACTIVE;
return State.ACTIVE;
public void paintTicks(final Graphics g) {
if (slider.isEnabled()) {
} else {
if (disabledTickColor == null) {
disabledTickColor = new Color(tickColor.getRed(), tickColor.getGreen(), tickColor.getBlue(), tickColor.getAlpha() / 2);
// Layout Methods
// Used lots
protected void calculateThumbLocation() {
if (shouldUseArrowThumb()) {
final boolean isHorizonatal = slider.getOrientation() == SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL;
final Size size = AquaUtilControlSize.getUserSizeFrom(slider);
if (size == Size.REGULAR) {
if (isHorizonatal) thumbRect.y += 3; else thumbRect.x += 2; return;
if (size == Size.SMALL) {
if (isHorizonatal) thumbRect.y += 2; else thumbRect.x += 2; return;
if (size == Size.MINI) {
if (isHorizonatal) thumbRect.y += 1; return;
// Only called from calculateGeometry
protected void calculateThumbSize() {
final SizeDescriptor descriptor = shouldUseArrowThumb() ? pointingThumbDescriptor.get() : roundThumbDescriptor.get();
final SizeVariant variant = descriptor.get(slider);
if (slider.getOrientation() == SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL) {
thumbRect.setSize(variant.w, variant.h);
} else {
thumbRect.setSize(variant.h, variant.w);
protected boolean shouldUseArrowThumb() {
if (slider.getPaintTicks() || slider.getPaintLabels()) return true;
final Object shouldPaintArrowThumbProperty = slider.getClientProperty("Slider.paintThumbArrowShape");
if (shouldPaintArrowThumbProperty != null && shouldPaintArrowThumbProperty instanceof Boolean) {
return ((Boolean)shouldPaintArrowThumbProperty).booleanValue();
return false;
protected void calculateTickRect() {
// super assumes tickRect ends align with trackRect ends.
// Ours need to inset by trackBuffer
// Ours also needs to be *inside* trackRect
final int tickLength = slider.getPaintTicks() ? getTickLength() : 0;
if (slider.getOrientation() == SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL) {
tickRect.height = tickLength;
tickRect.x = trackRect.x + trackBuffer;
tickRect.y = trackRect.y + trackRect.height - (tickRect.height / 2);
tickRect.width = trackRect.width - (trackBuffer * 2);
} else {
tickRect.width = tickLength;
tickRect.x = trackRect.x + trackRect.width - (tickRect.width / 2);
tickRect.y = trackRect.y + trackBuffer;
tickRect.height = trackRect.height - (trackBuffer * 2);
// Basic's preferred size doesn't allow for our focus ring, throwing off things like SwingSet2
public Dimension getPreferredHorizontalSize() {
return new Dimension(190, 21);
public Dimension getPreferredVerticalSize() {
return new Dimension(21, 190);
protected ChangeListener createChangeListener(final JSlider s) {
return new ChangeListener() {
public void stateChanged(final ChangeEvent e) {
if (fIsDragging) return;
// This is copied almost verbatim from superclass, except we changed things to use fIsDragging
// instead of isDragging since isDragging was a private member.
class TrackListener extends javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicSliderUI.TrackListener {
protected transient int offset;
protected transient int currentMouseX = -1, currentMouseY = -1;
public void mouseReleased(final MouseEvent e) {
if (!slider.isEnabled()) return;
currentMouseX = -1;
currentMouseY = -1;
offset = 0;
// This is the way we have to determine snap-to-ticks. It's hard to explain
// but since ChangeEvents don't give us any idea what has changed we don't
// have a way to stop the thumb bounds from being recalculated. Recalculating
// the thumb bounds moves the thumb over the current value (i.e., snapping
// to the ticks).
if (slider.getSnapToTicks() /*|| slider.getSnapToValue()*/) {
fIsDragging = false;
} else {
fIsDragging = false;
public void mousePressed(final MouseEvent e) {
if (!slider.isEnabled()) return;
// We should recalculate geometry just before
// calculation of the thumb movement direction.
// It is important for the case, when JSlider
// is a cell editor in JTable. See 6348946.
final boolean firstClick = (currentMouseX == -1) && (currentMouseY == -1);
currentMouseX = e.getX();
currentMouseY = e.getY();
if (slider.isRequestFocusEnabled()) {
boolean isMouseEventInThumb = thumbRect.contains(currentMouseX, currentMouseY);
// we don't want to move the thumb if we just clicked on the edge of the thumb
if (!firstClick || !isMouseEventInThumb) {
switch (slider.getOrientation()) {
case SwingConstants.VERTICAL:
case SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL:
isMouseEventInThumb = true; // since we just moved it in there
// Clicked in the Thumb area?
if (isMouseEventInThumb) {
switch (slider.getOrientation()) {
case SwingConstants.VERTICAL:
offset = currentMouseY - thumbRect.y;
case SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL:
offset = currentMouseX - thumbRect.x;
fIsDragging = true;
fIsDragging = false;
public boolean shouldScroll(final int direction) {
final Rectangle r = thumbRect;
if (slider.getOrientation() == SwingConstants.VERTICAL) {
if (drawInverted() ? direction < 0 : direction > 0) {
if (r.y + r.height <= currentMouseY) return false;
} else {
if (r.y >= currentMouseY) return false;
} else {
if (drawInverted() ? direction < 0 : direction > 0) {
if (r.x + r.width >= currentMouseX) return false;
} else {
if (r.x <= currentMouseX) return false;
if (direction > 0 && slider.getValue() + slider.getExtent() >= slider.getMaximum()) {
return false;
if (direction < 0 && slider.getValue() <= slider.getMinimum()) {
return false;
return true;
* Set the models value to the position of the top/left
* of the thumb relative to the origin of the track.
public void mouseDragged(final MouseEvent e) {
int thumbMiddle = 0;
if (!slider.isEnabled()) return;
currentMouseX = e.getX();
currentMouseY = e.getY();
if (!fIsDragging) return;
switch (slider.getOrientation()) {
case SwingConstants.VERTICAL:
final int halfThumbHeight = thumbRect.height / 2;
int thumbTop = e.getY() - offset;
int trackTop = trackRect.y;
int trackBottom = trackRect.y + (trackRect.height - 1);
final int vMax = yPositionForValue(slider.getMaximum() - slider.getExtent());
if (drawInverted()) {
trackBottom = vMax;
} else {
trackTop = vMax;
thumbTop = Math.max(thumbTop, trackTop - halfThumbHeight);
thumbTop = Math.min(thumbTop, trackBottom - halfThumbHeight);
setThumbLocation(thumbRect.x, thumbTop);
thumbMiddle = thumbTop + halfThumbHeight;
case SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL:
final int halfThumbWidth = thumbRect.width / 2;
int thumbLeft = e.getX() - offset;
int trackLeft = trackRect.x;
int trackRight = trackRect.x + (trackRect.width - 1);
final int hMax = xPositionForValue(slider.getMaximum() - slider.getExtent());
if (drawInverted()) {
trackLeft = hMax;
} else {
trackRight = hMax;
thumbLeft = Math.max(thumbLeft, trackLeft - halfThumbWidth);
thumbLeft = Math.min(thumbLeft, trackRight - halfThumbWidth);
setThumbLocation(thumbLeft, thumbRect.y);
thumbMiddle = thumbLeft + halfThumbWidth;
// enable live snap-to-ticks <rdar://problem/3165310>
if (slider.getSnapToTicks()) {
setThumbLocation(thumbRect.x, thumbRect.y); // need to call to refresh the repaint region
public void mouseMoved(final MouseEvent e) { }
// Super handles snap-to-ticks by recalculating the thumb rect in the TrackListener
// See setThumbLocation for why that doesn't work
int getScale() {
if (!slider.getSnapToTicks()) return 1;
int scale = slider.getMinorTickSpacing();
if (scale < 1) scale = slider.getMajorTickSpacing();
if (scale < 1) return 1;
return scale;