javap.1 revision 4169
b87033953be26b0dc7dead8febd499b666a54126Peter Major." Copyright (c) 1994, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
b87033953be26b0dc7dead8febd499b666a54126Peter Major." DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER.
b87033953be26b0dc7dead8febd499b666a54126Peter Major."
b87033953be26b0dc7dead8febd499b666a54126Peter Major." This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
b87033953be26b0dc7dead8febd499b666a54126Peter Major." under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
b87033953be26b0dc7dead8febd499b666a54126Peter Major." published by the Free Software Foundation.
b87033953be26b0dc7dead8febd499b666a54126Peter Major."
b87033953be26b0dc7dead8febd499b666a54126Peter Major." This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
b87033953be26b0dc7dead8febd499b666a54126Peter Major." ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
b87033953be26b0dc7dead8febd499b666a54126Peter Major." FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
b87033953be26b0dc7dead8febd499b666a54126Peter Major." version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
b87033953be26b0dc7dead8febd499b666a54126Peter Major." accompanied this code).
b87033953be26b0dc7dead8febd499b666a54126Peter Major."
b87033953be26b0dc7dead8febd499b666a54126Peter Major." You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
b87033953be26b0dc7dead8febd499b666a54126Peter Major." 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
b87033953be26b0dc7dead8febd499b666a54126Peter Major." Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
b87033953be26b0dc7dead8febd499b666a54126Peter Major."
b87033953be26b0dc7dead8febd499b666a54126Peter Major." Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
b87033953be26b0dc7dead8febd499b666a54126Peter Major." or visit if you need additional information or have any
b87033953be26b0dc7dead8febd499b666a54126Peter Major." questions.
b87033953be26b0dc7dead8febd499b666a54126Peter Major."
b87033953be26b0dc7dead8febd499b666a54126Peter Major.TH javap 1 "07 May 2011"
b87033953be26b0dc7dead8febd499b666a54126Peter Major
b87033953be26b0dc7dead8febd499b666a54126Peter Major.LP
b87033953be26b0dc7dead8febd499b666a54126Peter Major.SH "̾��"
b87033953be26b0dc7dead8febd499b666a54126Peter Majorjavap \- Java ���饹�ե�����ե�����֥�
b87033953be26b0dc7dead8febd499b666a54126Peter Major.LP
b87033953be26b0dc7dead8febd499b666a54126Peter Major.LP
b87033953be26b0dc7dead8febd499b666a54126Peter Major���饹�ե������ե�����֥뤷�ޤ���
b87033953be26b0dc7dead8febd499b666a54126Peter Major.LP
b87033953be26b0dc7dead8febd499b666a54126Peter Major.SH "����"
b87033953be26b0dc7dead8febd499b666a54126Peter Major.LP
b87033953be26b0dc7dead8febd499b666a54126Peter Major\f3
b87033953be26b0dc7dead8febd499b666a54126Peter Major.fl
b87033953be26b0dc7dead8febd499b666a54126Peter Majorjavap [ \fP\f3options\fP\f3 ] classes
.SH "����"
\f3javap\fP ���ޥ�ɤϡ�1 �Ĥޤ���ʣ���Υ��饹�ե������ե�����֥뤷�ޤ������ν��Ϥϻ��ꤹ�륪�ץ����ˤ��ۤʤ�ޤ������ץ�������ꤷ�ʤ���硢\f3javap\fP �ϡ����Υѥå��������Ϥ��줿���饹�� protected ����� public �Υե�����ɤȥ᥽�åɤ���Ϥ��ޤ���\f3javap\fP �Ϥ��ν��Ϥ�ɸ����Ϥ�ɽ�����ޤ���
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.TP 3
.TP 3
���ν����оݤȤʤ� 1 �İʾ�Υ��饹 \f2DocFooter.class\fP �ʤ�) �Υꥹ�� (������ڤ�)�����饹�ѥ��Ǹ��Ĥ��륯�饹�ϡ��ե�����̾ ( \f2/home/user/myproject/src/DocFooter.class\fP �ʤ�) �ޤ��� URL ( \f2file:///home/user/myproject/src/DocFooter.class\fP �ʤ�) �ǻ���Ǥ��ޤ���
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
public class DocFooter extends Applet {
String date;
String email;
public void init() {
date = getParameter("LAST_UPDATED");
email = getParameter("EMAIL");
public void paint(Graphics g) {
g.drawString(date + " by ",100, 15);
\f3javap DocFooter.class\fP ���⤿�餹���Ϥϼ��Τ褦�ˤʤ�ޤ���
Compiled from ""
public class DocFooter extends java.applet.Applet {
java.lang.String date;
java.lang.String email;
public DocFooter();
public void init();
public void paint(java.awt.Graphics);
\f3javap \-c DocFooter.class\fP ���⤿�餹���Ϥϼ��Τ褦�ˤʤ�ޤ���
Compiled from ""
public class DocFooter extends java.applet.Applet {
java.lang.String date;
java.lang.String email;
public DocFooter();
0: aload_0
1: invokespecial #1 // Method java/applet/Applet."<init>":()V
4: return
public void init();
0: aload_0
1: sipush 500
4: bipush 100
6: invokevirtual #2 // Method resize:(II)V
9: aload_0
10: aload_0
11: ldc #3 // String LAST_UPDATED
13: invokevirtual #4 // Method getParameter:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;
16: putfield #5 // Field date:Ljava/lang/String;
19: aload_0
20: aload_0
21: ldc #6 // String EMAIL
23: invokevirtual #4 // Method getParameter:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;
26: putfield #7 // Field email:Ljava/lang/String;
29: return
public void paint(java.awt.Graphics);
0: aload_1
1: new #8 // class java/lang/StringBuilder
4: dup
5: invokespecial #9 // Method java/lang/StringBuilder."<init>":()V
8: aload_0
9: getfield #5 // Field date:Ljava/lang/String;
12: invokevirtual #10 // Method java/lang/StringBuilder.append:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
15: ldc #11 // String by
17: invokevirtual #10 // Method java/lang/StringBuilder.append:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/StringBuilder;
20: invokevirtual #12 // Method java/lang/StringBuilder.toString:()Ljava/lang/String;
23: bipush 100
25: bipush 15
27: invokevirtual #13 // Method java/awt/Graphics.drawString:(Ljava/lang/String;II)V
30: aload_1
31: aload_0
32: getfield #7 // Field email:Ljava/lang/String;
35: sipush 290
38: bipush 15
40: invokevirtual #13 // Method java/awt/Graphics.drawString:(Ljava/lang/String;II)V
43: return
.SH "���ץ����"
.RS 3
.TP 3
\-help \-\-help \-?
\f3javap\fP �Υإ�ץ�å���������Ϥ��ޤ���
.TP 3
.TP 3
.TP 3
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.TP 3
protected ����� public �Υ��饹�ȥ��С�������ɽ�����ޤ���
.TP 3
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.TP 3
\-private \-p
.TP 3
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javap \-J\-version
javap \-J\ \-J\ MyClassName
.TP 3
.TP 3
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.TP 3
static final �����ɽ�����ޤ���
.TP 3
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\f2��Java Virtual Machine Specification��\fP @
.TP 3
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.TP 3
\-classpath path
\f3javap\fP �����饹��õ������˻��Ѥ���ѥ�����ꤷ�ޤ����ǥե���Ȥޤ��� CLASSPATH �Ķ��ѿ�������񤭤��ޤ���
.TP 3
\-bootclasspath path
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.TP 3
\-extdirs dirs
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