revision 286
4169N/A# This file stores localized messages for the Xerces
0N/A# SAX implementation.
0N/A# The messages are arranged in key and value tuples in a ListResourceBundle.
0N/A# @version $Id: 3021 2011-03-01 00:12:28Z joehw $
0N/ABadMessageKey = The error message corresponding to the message key can not be found.
0N/AFormatFailed = An internal error occurred while formatting the following message:\n
0N/A# JAXP messages
0N/Aschema-not-supported = The specified schema language is not supported.
0N/Ajaxp-order-not-supported = Property ''{0}'' must be set before setting property ''{1}''.
0N/Aschema-already-specified = Property ''{0}'' cannot be set when a non-null Schema object has already been specified.
0N/A# feature messages
2362N/Afeature-not-supported = Feature ''{0}'' is not supported.
2362N/Afeature-not-recognized = Feature ''{0}'' is not recognized.
2362N/Atrue-not-supported = True state for feature ''{0}'' is not supported.
1178N/Afalse-not-supported = False state for feature ''{0}'' is not supported.
4169N/Afeature-read-only = Feature ''{0}'' is read only.
0N/Ajaxp-secureprocessing-feature = FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING: Cannot set the feature to false when security manager is present.
4033N/A# property messages
4033N/Aproperty-not-supported = Property ''{0}'' is not supported.
1178N/Aproperty-not-recognized = Property ''{0}'' is not recognized.
1178N/Aproperty-read-only = Property ''{0}'' is read only.
4033N/Aproperty-not-parsing-supported = Property ''{0}'' is not supported while parsing.
4033N/Adom-node-read-not-supported = Cannot read DOM node property. No DOM tree exists.
4033N/Aincompatible-class = The value specified for property ''{0}'' cannot be casted to {1}.
4033N/Astart-document-not-called=Property "{0}" should be called after startDocument event is thrown
0N/Anullparameter=the name parameter for "{0}" is null
0N/AerrorHandlerNotSet=Warning\: validation was turned on but an org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler was not set, which is probably not what is desired. Parser will use a default ErrorHandler to print the first {0} errors. Please call the 'setErrorHandler' method to fix this.
4033N/AerrorHandlerDebugMsg=Error\: URI \= "{0}", Line \= "{1}", \: {2}