trace.xml revision 4423
0N/A<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
0N/A Copyright (c) 2012, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
0N/A This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
0N/A under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
0N/A published by the Free Software Foundation.
0N/A This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
0N/A ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
0N/A version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
0N/A accompanied this code).
0N/A You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
0N/A 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
0N/A Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
0N/A Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
0N/A or visit if you need additional information or have any
0N/A questions.
0N/A<!DOCTYPE trace SYSTEM "trace.dtd" [
0N/A<!ENTITY % xinclude SYSTEM "xinclude.mod">
0N/A <xi:include href="tracetypes.xml" xmlns:xi=""/>
0N/A <relation_decls>
0N/A <relation_decl id="GC_ID" uri="vm/gc/id"/>
0N/A <relation_decl id="COMP_ID" uri="vm/compiler/id"/>
0N/A <relation_decl id="SWEEP_ID" uri="vm/code_sweeper/id"/>
0N/A <relation_decl id="JAVA_MONITOR_ADDRESS" uri="java/monitor/address"/>
0N/A </relation_decls>
0N/AEvents in the JVM are by default timed (it's more common)
0N/APerhaps a little strange. Might change.
0N/ADeclard with the 'event' tag.
0N/A<value fields> can be one or more of
0N/A value - a simple primitive or constant type value
0N/A structvalue - value is a sub-struct. This type must be previously defined
0N/A with 'struct'
0N/AAll these require you to declare type, field and label of the field. They also accept
0N/Aan optional description of the field. If the meaning of the field is not obvious
0N/Afrom the label you should provide a description. If an event however is not actually
0N/Ameant for end-users, you should probably _not_ write descriptions at all, since you
0N/Amight just add more concepts the user has no notion of/interest in.
Events should be modeled after what conceptual process you are expressing, _NOT_
from whatever data structures you might use inside the JVM for expressing a process.
Declared with the 'struct' tag.
Declares a structure type that can be used in other events.
<event id="ThreadStart" path="java/thread_start" label="Java Thread Start"
has_thread="true" is_instant="true">
<value type="JAVALANGTHREAD" field="javalangthread" label="Java Thread"/>
<event id="ThreadEnd" path="java/thread_end" label="Java Thread End"
has_thread="true" is_instant="true">
<value type="JAVALANGTHREAD" field="javalangthread" label="Java Thread"/>
<event id="ThreadSleep" path="java/thread_sleep" label="Java Thread Sleep"
has_thread="true" has_stacktrace="true" is_instant="false">
<value type="MILLIS" field="time" label="Sleep Time"/>
<event id="ThreadPark" path="java/thread_park" label="Java Thread Park"
has_thread="true" has_stacktrace="true" is_instant="false">
<value type="CLASS" field="klass" label="Class Parked On"/>
<value type="MILLIS" field="timeout" label="Park Timeout"/>
<value type="ADDRESS" field="address" label="Address of Object Parked" relation="JAVA_MONITOR_ADDRESS"/>
<event id="JavaMonitorEnter" path="java/monitor_enter" label="Java Monitor Blocked"
has_thread="true" has_stacktrace="true" is_instant="false">
<value type="CLASS" field="klass" label="Monitor Class"/>
<value type="JAVALANGTHREAD" field="previousOwner" label="Previous Monitor Owner"/>
<value type="ADDRESS" field="address" label="Monitor Address" relation="JAVA_MONITOR_ADDRESS"/>
<event id="JavaMonitorWait" path="java/monitor_wait" label="Java Monitor Wait" description="Waiting on a Java monitor"
has_thread="true" has_stacktrace="true" is_instant="false">
<value type="CLASS" field="klass" label="Monitor Class" description="Class of object waited on"/>
<value type="OSTHREAD" field="notifier" label="Notifier Thread" description="Notifying Thread"/>
<value type="MILLIS" field="timeout" label="Timeout" description="Maximum wait time"/>
<value type="BOOLEAN" field="timedOut" label="Timed Out" description="Wait has been timed out"/>
<value type="ADDRESS" field="address" label="Monitor Address" description="Address of object waited on" relation="JAVA_MONITOR_ADDRESS"/>
<event id="ClassLoad" path="vm/class/load" label="Class Load"
has_thread="true" has_stacktrace="true" is_instant="false">
<value type="CLASS" field="loadedClass" label="Loaded Class"/>
<value type="CLASS" field="definingClassLoader" label="Defining Class Loader"/>
<value type="CLASS" field="initiatingClassLoader" label="Initiating Class Loader"/>
<event id="ClassUnload" path="vm/class/unload" label="Class Unload"
has_thread="true" is_instant="true">
<value type="CLASS" field="unloadedClass" label="Unloaded Class"/>
<value type="CLASS" field="definingClassLoader" label="Defining Class Loader"/>
<struct id="VirtualSpace">
<value type="ADDRESS" field="start" label="Start Address" description="Start address of the virtual space" />
<value type="ADDRESS" field="committedEnd" label="Committed End Address" description="End address of the committed memory for the virtual space" />
<value type="BYTES64" field="committedSize" label="Committed Size" description="Size of the committed memory for the virtual space" />
<value type="ADDRESS" field="reservedEnd" label="Reserved End Address" description="End address of the reserved memory for the virtual space" />
<value type="BYTES64" field="reservedSize" label="Reserved Size" description="Size of the reserved memory for the virtual space" />
<struct id="ObjectSpace">
<value type="ADDRESS" field="start" label="Start Address" description="Start address of the space" />
<value type="ADDRESS" field="end" label="End Address" description="End address of the space" />
<value type="BYTES64" field="used" label="Used" description="Bytes allocated by objects in the space" />
<value type="BYTES64" field="size" label="Size" description="Size of the space" />
<event id="GCHeapSummary" path="vm/gc/heap/summary" label="Heap Summary" is_instant="true">
<value type="ULONG" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID"/>
<value type="GCWHEN" field="when" label="When" />
<structvalue type="VirtualSpace" field="heapSpace" label="Heap Space"/>
<value type="BYTES64" field="heapUsed" label="Heap Used" description="Bytes allocated by objects in the heap"/>
<event id="PermGenSummary" path="vm/gc/heap/perm_gen_summary" label="Perm Gen Summary" is_instant="true">
<value type="ULONG" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID"/>
<value type="GCWHEN" field="when" label="When" />
<structvalue type="VirtualSpace" field="permSpace" label="PermGen Space"/>
<structvalue type="ObjectSpace" field="objectSpace" label="Object Space"/>
<event id="PSHeapSummary" path="vm/gc/heap/ps_summary" label="ParallelScavengeHeap Summary" is_instant="true">
<value type="ULONG" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID"/>
<value type="GCWHEN" field="when" label="When" />
<structvalue type="VirtualSpace" field="oldSpace" label="Old Space"/>
<structvalue type="ObjectSpace" field="oldObjectSpace" label="Old Object Space"/>
<structvalue type="VirtualSpace" field="youngSpace" label="Young Space"/>
<structvalue type="ObjectSpace" field="edenSpace" label="Eden Space"/>
<structvalue type="ObjectSpace" field="fromSpace" label="From Space"/>
<structvalue type="ObjectSpace" field="toSpace" label="To Space"/>
<event id="GCGarbageCollection" path="vm/gc/collector/garbage_collection" label="Garbage Collection"
description="Garbage collection performed by the JVM">
<value type="ULONG" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID" />
<value type="GCNAME" field="name" label="Name" description="The name of the Garbage Collector" />
<value type="GCCAUSE" field="cause" label="Cause" description="The reason for triggering this Garbage Collection" />
<value type="RELATIVE_TICKS" field="sumOfPauses" label="Sum of Pauses" description="Sum of all the times in which Java execution was paused during the garbage collection" />
<value type="RELATIVE_TICKS" field="longestPause" label="Longest Pause" description="Longest individual pause during the garbage collection" />
<event id="GCParallelOld" path="vm/gc/collector/parold_garbage_collection" label="Parallel Old Garbage Collection"
description="Extra information specific to Parallel Old Garbage Collections">
<value type="ULONG" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID" />
<value type="ADDRESS" field="densePrefix" label="Dense Prefix" description="The address of the dense prefix, used when compacting" />
<event id="GCYoungGarbageCollection" path="vm/gc/collector/young_garbage_collection" label="Young Garbage Collection"
description="Extra information specific to Young Garbage Collections">
<value type="ULONG" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID" />
<value type="UINT" field="tenuringThreshold" label="Tenuring Threshold" />
<event id="GCOldGarbageCollection" path="vm/gc/collector/old_garbage_collection" label="Old Garbage Collection"
description="Extra information specific to Old Garbage Collections">
<value type="ULONG" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID"/>
<event id="GCG1GarbageCollection" path="vm/gc/collector/g1_garbage_collection" label="G1 Garbage Collection"
description="Extra information specific to G1 Garbage Collections">
<value type="ULONG" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID"/>
<value type="G1YCTYPE" field="type" label="Type" />
<event id="EvacuationInfo" path="vm/gc/detailed/evacuation_info" label="Evacuation Info" is_instant="true">
<value type="ULONG" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID"/>
<value type="UINT" field="cSetRegions" label="Collection Set Regions"/>
<value type="BYTES64" field="cSetUsedBefore" label="Collection Set Before" description="Memory usage before GC in the collection set regions"/>
<value type="BYTES64" field="cSetUsedAfter" label="Collection Set After" description="Memory usage after GC in the collection set regions"/>
<value type="UINT" field="allocationRegions" label="Allocation Regions" description="Regions chosen as allocation regions during evacuation (includes survivors and old space regions)"/>
<value type="BYTES64" field="allocRegionsUsedBefore" label="Alloc Regions Before" description="Memory usage before GC in allocation regions"/>
<value type="BYTES64" field="allocRegionsUsedAfter" label="Alloc Regions After" description="Memory usage after GC in allocation regions"/>
<value type="BYTES64" field="bytesCopied" label="BytesCopied"/>
<value type="UINT" field="regionsFreed" label="Regions Freed"/>
<event id="GCReferenceStatistics" path="vm/gc/reference/statistics"
label="GC Reference Processing" is_instant="true"
description="Total count of processed references during GC">
<value type="ULONG" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID"/>
<value type="REFERENCETYPE" field="type" label="Type" />
<value type="ULONG" field="count" label="Total Count" />
<struct id="CopyFailed">
<value type="ULONG" field="objectCount" label="Object Count"/>
<value type="BYTES64" field="firstSize" label="First Failed Object Size"/>
<value type="BYTES64" field="smallestSize" label="Smallest Failed Object Size"/>
<value type="BYTES64" field="totalSize" label="Total Object Size"/>
<event id="ObjectCountAfterGC" path="vm/gc/detailed/object_count_after_gc" is_instant="true" label="Object Count After GC">
<value type="ULONG" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID" />
<value type="CLASS" field="class" label="Class" />
<value type="LONG" field="count" label="Count" />
<value type="BYTES64" field="totalSize" label="Total Size" />
<event id="PromotionFailed" path="vm/gc/detailed/promotion_failed" label="Promotion Failed" is_instant="true"
description="Promotion of an object failed">
<value type="ULONG" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID"/>
<structvalue type="CopyFailed" field="data" label="data"/>
<value type="OSTHREAD" field="thread" label="Running thread"/>
<event id="EvacuationFailed" path="vm/gc/detailed/evacuation_failed" label="Evacuation Failed" is_instant="true"
description="Evacuation of an object failed">
<value type="ULONG" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID"/>
<structvalue type="CopyFailed" field="data" label="data"/>
<event id="ConcurrentModeFailure" path="vm/gc/detailed/concurrent_mode_failure" label="Concurrent Mode Failure"
is_instant="true" description="Concurrent Mode failed">
<value type="ULONG" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID"/>
<event id="GCPhasePause" path="vm/gc/phases/pause" label="GC Phase Pause">
<value type="ULONG" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID"/>
<value type="UTF8" field="name" label="Name" />
<event id="GCPhasePauseLevel1" path="vm/gc/phases/pause_level_1" label="GC Phase Pause Level 1">
<value type="ULONG" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID"/>
<value type="UTF8" field="name" label="Name" />
<event id="GCPhasePauseLevel2" path="vm/gc/phases/pause_level_2" label="GC Phase Pause Level 2">
<value type="ULONG" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID"/>
<value type="UTF8" field="name" label="Name" />
<event id="GCPhasePauseLevel3" path="vm/gc/phases/pause_level_3" label="GC Phase Pause Level 3">
<value type="ULONG" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID"/>
<value type="UTF8" field="name" label="Name" />
<!-- Compiler events -->
<event id="Compilation" path="vm/compiler/compilation" label="Compilation"
has_thread="true" is_requestable="false" is_constant="false">
<value type="METHOD" field="method" label="Java Method"/>
<value type="INTEGER" field="compileID" label="Compilation ID" relation="COMP_ID"/>
<value type="USHORT" field="compileLevel" label="Compilation Level"/>
<value type="BOOLEAN" field="succeded" label="Succeeded"/>
<value type="BOOLEAN" field="isOsr" label="On Stack Replacement"/>
<value type="BYTES" field="codeSize" label="Compiled Code Size"/>
<value type="BYTES" field="inlinedBytes" label="Inlined Code Size"/>
<event id="CompilerPhase" path="vm/compiler/phase" label="Compiler Phase"
has_thread="true" is_requestable="false" is_constant="false">
<value type="COMPILERPHASETYPE" field="phase" label="Compile Phase"/>
<value type="INTEGER" field="compileID" label="Compilation ID" relation="COMP_ID"/>
<value type="USHORT" field="phaseLevel" label="Phase Level"/>
<event id="CompilerFailure" path="vm/compiler/failure" label="Compilation Failure"
has_thread="true" is_requestable="false" is_constant="false" is_instant="true">
<value type="UTF8" field="failure" label="Message"/>
<value type="INTEGER" field="compileID" label="Compilation ID" relation="COMP_ID"/>
<!-- Code sweeper events -->
<event id="SweepCodeCache" path="vm/code_sweeper/sweep" label="Sweep Code Cache"
has_thread="true" is_requestable="false" is_constant="false">
<value type="INTEGER" field="sweepIndex" label="Sweep Index" relation="SWEEP_ID"/>
<value type="USHORT" field="sweepFractionIndex" label="Fraction Index"/>
<value type="UINT" field="sweptCount" label="Methods Swept"/>
<value type="UINT" field="flushedCount" label="Methods Flushed"/>
<value type="UINT" field="markedCount" label="Methods Reclaim"/>
<value type="UINT" field="zombifiedCount" label="Methods Zombified"/>
<event id="CleanCodeCache" path="vm/code_sweeper/clean" label="Clean Code Cache"
description="Clean code cache from oldest methods"
has_thread="true" is_requestable="false" is_constant="false">
<value type="UINT" field="disconnectedCount" label="Methods Disconnected"/>
<value type="UINT" field="madeNonEntrantCount" label="Methods Made Non-Entrant"/>
<!-- Code cache events -->
<event id="CodeCacheFull" path="vm/code_cache/full" label="Code Cache Full"
has_thread="true" is_requestable="false" is_constant="false" is_instant="true">
<value type="ADDRESS" field="startAddress" label="Start Address"/>
<value type="ADDRESS" field="commitedTopAddress" label="Commited Top"/>
<value type="ADDRESS" field="reservedTopAddress" label="Reserved Top"/>
<value type="INTEGER" field="entryCount" label="Entries"/>
<value type="INTEGER" field="methodCount" label="Methods"/>
<value type="INTEGER" field="adaptorCount" label="Adaptors"/>
<value type="BYTES64" field="unallocatedCapacity" label="Unallocated"/>
<value type="BYTES64" field="largestFreeBlock" label="Largest Free Block"/>
<value type="INTEGER" field="fullCount" label="Full Count"/>
<event id="ExecuteVMOperation" path="vm/runtime/execute_vm_operation" label="VM Operation"
description="Execution of a VM Operation" has_thread="true">
<value type="VMOPERATIONTYPE" field="operation" label="Operation" />
<value type="BOOLEAN" field="safepoint" label="At Safepoint" description="If the operation occured at a safepoint."/>
<value type="BOOLEAN" field="blocking" label="Caller Blocked" description="If the calling thread was blocked until the operation was complete."/>
<value type="OSTHREAD" field="caller" label="Caller" transition="FROM" description="Thread requesting operation. If non-blocking, will be set to 0 indicating thread is unknown."/>
<!-- Allocation events -->
<event id="AllocObjectInNewTLAB" path="java/object_alloc_in_new_TLAB" label="Allocation in new TLAB"
description="Allocation in new Thread Local Allocation Buffer" has_thread="true" has_stacktrace="true" is_instant="true">
<value type="CLASS" field="class" label="Class" description="Class of allocated object"/>
<value type="BYTES64" field="allocationSize" label="Allocation Size"/>
<value type="BYTES64" field="tlabSize" label="TLAB Size"/>
<event id="AllocObjectOutsideTLAB" path="java/object_alloc_outside_TLAB" label="Allocation outside TLAB"
description="Allocation outside Thread Local Allocation Buffers" has_thread="true" has_stacktrace="true" is_instant="true">
<value type="CLASS" field="class" label="Class" description="Class of allocated object"/>
<value type="BYTES64" field="allocationSize" label="Allocation Size"/>
<xi:include href="/closed/share/vm/trace/traceeventtypes.xml" xmlns:xi="">
<xi:include href="/closed/share/vm/trace/traceevents.xml" xmlns:xi="">