trace.xml revision 4309
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Copyright (c) 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
published by the Free Software Foundation.
This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
accompanied this code).
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
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<!DOCTYPE trace SYSTEM "trace.dtd" [
<!ENTITY % xinclude SYSTEM "xinclude.mod">
<xi:include href="tracetypes.xml" xmlns:xi=""/>
<relation_decl id="GC_ID" uri="vm/gc/id"/>
<relation_decl id="COMP_ID" uri="vm/compiler/id"/>
<relation_decl id="SWEEP_ID" uri="vm/code_sweeper/id"/>
Events in the JVM are by default timed (it's more common)
Perhaps a little strange. Might change.
Declard with the 'event' tag.
<value fields> can be one or more of
value - a simple primitive or constant type value
structvalue - value is a sub-struct. This type must be previously defined
with 'struct'
All these require you to declare type, field and label of the field. They also accept
an optional description of the field. If the meaning of the field is not obvious
from the label you should provide a description. If an event however is not actually
meant for end-users, you should probably _not_ write descriptions at all, since you
might just add more concepts the user has no notion of/interest in.
Events should be modeled after what conceptual process you are expressing, _NOT_
from whatever data structures you might use inside the JVM for expressing a process.
Declared with the 'struct' tag.
Declares a structure type that can be used in other events.
<event id="ThreadStart" path="java/thread_start" label="Java Thread Start"
has_thread="true" is_instant="true">
<value type="JAVALANGTHREAD" field="javalangthread" label="Java Thread"/>
<event id="ThreadEnd" path="java/thread_end" label="Java Thread End"
has_thread="true" is_instant="true">
<value type="JAVALANGTHREAD" field="javalangthread" label="Java Thread"/>
<event id="ThreadSleep" path="java/thread_sleep" label="Java Thread Sleep"
has_thread="true" has_stacktrace="true" is_instant="false">
<value type="MILLIS" field="time" label="Sleep Time"/>
<event id="ThreadPark" path="java/thread_park" label="Java Thread Park"
has_thread="true" has_stacktrace="true" is_instant="false">
<value type="CLASS" field="klass" label="Class Parked On"/>
<value type="MILLIS" field="timeout" label="Park Timeout"/>
<value type="ADDRESS" field="address" label="Address of Object Parked"/>
<event id="JavaMonitorEnter" path="java/monitor_enter" label="Java Monitor Blocked"
has_thread="true" has_stacktrace="true" is_instant="false">
<value type="CLASS" field="klass" label="Monitor Class"/>
<value type="JAVALANGTHREAD" field="previousOwner" label="Previous Monitor Owner"/>
<value type="ADDRESS" field="address" label="Monitor Address"/>
<event id="JavaMonitorWait" path="java/monitor_wait" label="Java Monitor Wait" description="Waiting on a Java monitor"
has_thread="true" has_stacktrace="true" is_instant="false">
<value type="CLASS" field="klass" label="Monitor Class" description="Class of object waited on"/>
<value type="OSTHREAD" field="notifier" label="Notifier Thread" description="Notifying Thread"/>
<value type="MILLIS" field="timeout" label="Timeout" description="Maximum wait time"/>
<value type="BOOLEAN" field="timedOut" label="Timed Out" description="Wait has been timed out"/>
<value type="ADDRESS" field="address" label="Monitor Address" description="Address of object waited on"/>
<struct id="VirtualSpace">
<value type="ADDRESS" field="start" label="Start Address" description="Start address of the virtual space" />
<value type="ADDRESS" field="committedEnd" label="Committed End Address" description="End address of the committed memory for the virtual space" />
<value type="BYTES64" field="committedSize" label="Committed Size" description="Size of the committed memory for the virtual space" />
<value type="ADDRESS" field="reservedEnd" label="Reserved End Address" description="End address of the reserved memory for the virtual space" />
<value type="BYTES64" field="reservedSize" label="Reserved Size" description="Size of the reserved memory for the virtual space" />
<struct id="ObjectSpace">
<value type="ADDRESS" field="start" label="Start Address" description="Start address of the space" />
<value type="ADDRESS" field="end" label="End Address" description="End address of the space" />
<value type="BYTES64" field="used" label="Used" description="Bytes allocated by objects in the space" />
<value type="BYTES64" field="size" label="Size" description="Size of the space" />
<event id="GCHeapSummary" path="vm/gc/heap/summary" label="Heap Summary" is_instant="true">
<value type="ULONG" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID"/>
<value type="GCWHEN" field="when" label="When" />
<structvalue type="VirtualSpace" field="heapSpace" label="Heap Space"/>
<value type="BYTES64" field="heapUsed" label="Heap Used" description="Bytes allocated by objects in the heap"/>
<event id="PermGenSummary" path="vm/gc/heap/perm_gen_summary" label="Perm Gen Summary" is_instant="true">
<value type="ULONG" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID"/>
<value type="GCWHEN" field="when" label="When" />
<structvalue type="VirtualSpace" field="permSpace" label="PermGen Space"/>
<structvalue type="ObjectSpace" field="objectSpace" label="Object Space"/>
<event id="PSHeapSummary" path="vm/gc/heap/ps_summary" label="ParallelScavengeHeap Summary" is_instant="true">
<value type="ULONG" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID"/>
<value type="GCWHEN" field="when" label="When" />
<structvalue type="VirtualSpace" field="oldSpace" label="Old Space"/>
<structvalue type="ObjectSpace" field="oldObjectSpace" label="Old Object Space"/>
<structvalue type="VirtualSpace" field="youngSpace" label="Young Space"/>
<structvalue type="ObjectSpace" field="edenSpace" label="Eden Space"/>
<structvalue type="ObjectSpace" field="fromSpace" label="From Space"/>
<structvalue type="ObjectSpace" field="toSpace" label="To Space"/>
<event id="GCGarbageCollection" path="vm/gc/collector/garbage_collection" label="Garbage Collection"
description="Garbage collection performed by the JVM">
<value type="ULONG" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID" />
<value type="GCNAME" field="name" label="Name" description="The name of the Garbage Collector" />
<value type="GCCAUSE" field="cause" label="Cause" description="The reason for triggering this Garbage Collection" />
<value type="RELATIVE_TICKS" field="sumOfPauses" label="Sum of Pauses" description="Sum of all the times in which Java execution was paused during the garbage collection" />
<value type="RELATIVE_TICKS" field="longestPause" label="Longest Pause" description="Longest individual pause during the garbage collection" />
<event id="GCParallelOld" path="vm/gc/collector/parold_garbage_collection" label="Parallel Old Garbage Collection"
description="Extra information specific to Parallel Old Garbage Collections">
<value type="ULONG" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID" />
<value type="ADDRESS" field="densePrefix" label="Dense Prefix" description="The address of the dense prefix, used when compacting" />
<event id="GCYoungGarbageCollection" path="vm/gc/collector/young_garbage_collection" label="Young Garbage Collection"
description="Extra information specific to Young Garbage Collections">
<value type="ULONG" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID" />
<event id="GCOldGarbageCollection" path="vm/gc/collector/old_garbage_collection" label="Old Garbage Collection"
description="Extra information specific to Old Garbage Collections">
<value type="ULONG" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID"/>
<event id="GCG1GarbageCollection" path="vm/gc/collector/g1_garbage_collection" label="G1 Garbage Collection"
description="Extra information specific to G1 Garbage Collections">
<value type="ULONG" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID"/>
<value type="G1YCTYPE" field="type" label="Type" />
<event id="GCReferenceStatistics" path="vm/gc/reference/statistics"
label="GC Reference Processing" is_instant="true"
description="Total count of processed references during GC">
<value type="ULONG" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID"/>
<value type="REFERENCETYPE" field="type" label="Type" />
<value type="ULONG" field="count" label="Total Count" />
<struct id="CopyFailed">
<value type="BYTES64" field="objectCount" label="Object Count"/>
<value type="BYTES64" field="firstSize" label="First Failed Object Size"/>
<value type="BYTES64" field="smallestSize" label="Smallest Failed Object Size"/>
<value type="BYTES64" field="totalSize" label="Total Object Size"/>
<value type="OSTHREAD" field="thread" label="Running thread"/>
<event id="PromotionFailed" path="vm/gc/detailed/promotion_failed" label="Promotion Failed" is_instant="true"
description="Promotion of an object failed">
<value type="ULONG" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID"/>
<structvalue type="CopyFailed" field="data" label="data"/>
<event id="GCPhasePause" path="vm/gc/phases/pause" label="GC Phase Pause">
<value type="ULONG" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID"/>
<value type="UTF8" field="name" label="Name" />
<event id="GCPhasePauseLevel1" path="vm/gc/phases/pause_level_1" label="GC Phase Pause Level 1">
<value type="ULONG" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID"/>
<value type="UTF8" field="name" label="Name" />
<event id="GCPhasePauseLevel2" path="vm/gc/phases/pause_level_2" label="GC Phase Pause Level 2">
<value type="ULONG" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID"/>
<value type="UTF8" field="name" label="Name" />
<event id="GCPhasePauseLevel3" path="vm/gc/phases/pause_level_3" label="GC Phase Pause Level 3">
<value type="ULONG" field="gcId" label="GC ID" relation="GC_ID"/>
<value type="UTF8" field="name" label="Name" />
<!-- Compiler events -->
<event id="Compilation" path="vm/compiler/compilation" label="Compilation"
has_thread="true" is_requestable="false" is_constant="false">
<value type="METHOD" field="method" label="Java Method"/>
<value type="INTEGER" field="compileID" label="Compilation ID" relation="COMP_ID"/>
<value type="USHORT" field="compileLevel" label="Compilation Level"/>
<value type="BOOLEAN" field="succeded" label="Succeeded"/>
<value type="BOOLEAN" field="isOsr" label="On Stack Replacement"/>
<value type="BYTES" field="codeSize" label="Compiled Code Size"/>
<value type="BYTES" field="inlinedBytes" label="Inlined Code Size"/>
<event id="CompilerPhase" path="vm/compiler/phase" label="Compiler Phase"
has_thread="true" is_requestable="false" is_constant="false">
<value type="COMPILERPHASETYPE" field="phase" label="Compile Phase"/>
<value type="INTEGER" field="compileID" label="Compilation ID" relation="COMP_ID"/>
<value type="USHORT" field="phaseLevel" label="Phase Level"/>
<event id="CompilerFailure" path="vm/compiler/failure" label="Compilation Failure"
has_thread="true" is_requestable="false" is_constant="false" is_instant="true">
<value type="UTF8" field="failure" label="Message"/>
<value type="INTEGER" field="compileID" label="Compilation ID" relation="COMP_ID"/>
<!-- Code sweeper events -->
<event id="SweepCodeCache" path="vm/code_sweeper/sweep" label="Sweep Code Cache"
has_thread="true" is_requestable="false" is_constant="false">
<value type="INTEGER" field="sweepIndex" label="Sweep Index" relation="SWEEP_ID"/>
<value type="USHORT" field="sweepFractionIndex" label="Fraction Index"/>
<value type="UINT" field="sweptCount" label="Methods Swept"/>
<value type="UINT" field="flushedCount" label="Methods Flushed"/>
<value type="UINT" field="markedCount" label="Methods Reclaim"/>
<value type="UINT" field="zombifiedCount" label="Methods Zombified"/>
<event id="CleanCodeCache" path="vm/code_sweeper/clean" label="Clean Code Cache"
description="Clean code cache from oldest methods"
has_thread="true" is_requestable="false" is_constant="false">
<value type="UINT" field="disconnectedCount" label="Methods Disconnected"/>
<value type="UINT" field="madeNonEntrantCount" label="Methods Made Non-Entrant"/>
<!-- Code cache events -->
<event id="CodeCacheFull" path="vm/code_cache/full" label="Code Cache Full"
has_thread="true" is_requestable="false" is_constant="false" is_instant="true">
<value type="ADDRESS" field="startAddress" label="Start Address"/>
<value type="ADDRESS" field="commitedTopAddress" label="Commited Top"/>
<value type="ADDRESS" field="reservedTopAddress" label="Reserved Top"/>
<value type="INTEGER" field="entryCount" label="Entries"/>
<value type="INTEGER" field="methodCount" label="Methods"/>
<value type="INTEGER" field="adaptorCount" label="Adaptors"/>
<value type="BYTES64" field="unallocatedCapacity" label="Unallocated"/>
<value type="BYTES64" field="largestFreeBlock" label="Largest Free Block"/>
<value type="INTEGER" field="fullCount" label="Full Count"/>
<event id="ExecuteVMOperation" path="vm/runtime/execute_vm_operation" label="VM Operation"
description="Execution of a VM Operation" has_thread="true">
<value type="VMOPERATIONTYPE" field="operation" label="Operation" />
<value type="BOOLEAN" field="safepoint" label="At Safepoint" description="If the operation occured at a safepoint."/>
<value type="BOOLEAN" field="blocking" label="Caller Blocked" description="If the calling thread was blocked until the operation was complete."/>
<value type="OSTHREAD" field="caller" label="Caller" transition="TO" description="Thread requesting operation. If non-blocking, will be set to 0 indicating thread is unknown."/>
<xi:include href="/closed/share/vm/trace/traceeventtypes.xml" xmlns:xi="">
<xi:include href="/closed/share/vm/trace/traceevents.xml" xmlns:xi="">