templateInterpreter.hpp revision 605
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// This file contains the platform-independent parts
// of the template interpreter and the template interpreter generator.
#ifndef CC_INTERP
// A little wrapper class to group tosca-specific entry points into a unit.
// (tosca = Top-Of-Stack CAche)
class EntryPoint VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {
address _entry[number_of_states];
// Construction
EntryPoint(address bentry, address centry, address sentry, address aentry, address ientry, address lentry, address fentry, address dentry, address ventry);
// Attributes
address entry(TosState state) const; // return target address for a given tosca state
void set_entry(TosState state, address entry); // set target address for a given tosca state
void print();
// Comparison
bool operator == (const EntryPoint& y); // for debugging only
// A little wrapper class to group tosca-specific dispatch tables into a unit.
class DispatchTable VALUE_OBJ_CLASS_SPEC {
enum { length = 1 << BitsPerByte }; // an entry point for each byte value (also for undefined bytecodes)
address _table[number_of_states][length]; // dispatch tables, indexed by tosca and bytecode
// Attributes
EntryPoint entry(int i) const; // return entry point for a given bytecode i
void set_entry(int i, EntryPoint& entry); // set entry point for a given bytecode i
address* table_for(TosState state) { return _table[state]; }
address* table_for() { return table_for((TosState)0); }
int distance_from(address *table) { return table - table_for(); }
int distance_from(TosState state) { return distance_from(table_for(state)); }
// Comparison
bool operator == (DispatchTable& y); // for debugging only
class TemplateInterpreter: public AbstractInterpreter {
friend class VMStructs;
friend class InterpreterMacroAssembler;
friend class TemplateInterpreterGenerator;
friend class TemplateTable;
// friend class Interpreter;
enum MoreConstants {
number_of_return_entries = 9, // number of return entry points
number_of_deopt_entries = 9, // number of deoptimization entry points
number_of_return_addrs = 9 // number of return addresses
static address _throw_ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException_entry;
static address _throw_ArrayStoreException_entry;
static address _throw_ArithmeticException_entry;
static address _throw_ClassCastException_entry;
static address _throw_NullPointerException_entry;
static address _throw_exception_entry;
static address _throw_StackOverflowError_entry;
static address _remove_activation_entry; // continuation address if an exception is not handled by current frame
#ifdef HOTSWAP
static address _remove_activation_preserving_args_entry; // continuation address when current frame is being popped
#endif // HOTSWAP
#ifndef PRODUCT
static EntryPoint _trace_code;
#endif // !PRODUCT
static EntryPoint _return_entry[number_of_return_entries]; // entry points to return to from a call
static EntryPoint _earlyret_entry; // entry point to return early from a call
static EntryPoint _deopt_entry[number_of_deopt_entries]; // entry points to return to from a deoptimization
static EntryPoint _continuation_entry;
static EntryPoint _safept_entry;
static address _return_3_addrs_by_index[number_of_return_addrs]; // for invokevirtual return entries
static address _return_5_addrs_by_index[number_of_return_addrs]; // for invokeinterface return entries
static DispatchTable _active_table; // the active dispatch table (used by the interpreter for dispatch)
static DispatchTable _normal_table; // the normal dispatch table (used to set the active table in normal mode)
static DispatchTable _safept_table; // the safepoint dispatch table (used to set the active table for safepoints)
static address _wentry_point[DispatchTable::length]; // wide instructions only (vtos tosca always)
// Initialization/debugging
static void initialize();
// this only returns whether a pc is within generated code for the interpreter.
static bool contains(address pc) { return _code != NULL && _code->contains(pc); }
static address remove_activation_early_entry(TosState state) { return _earlyret_entry.entry(state); }
#ifdef HOTSWAP
static address remove_activation_preserving_args_entry() { return _remove_activation_preserving_args_entry; }
#endif // HOTSWAP
static address remove_activation_entry() { return _remove_activation_entry; }
static address throw_exception_entry() { return _throw_exception_entry; }
static address throw_ArithmeticException_entry() { return _throw_ArithmeticException_entry; }
static address throw_NullPointerException_entry() { return _throw_NullPointerException_entry; }
static address throw_StackOverflowError_entry() { return _throw_StackOverflowError_entry; }
// Code generation
#ifndef PRODUCT
static address trace_code (TosState state) { return _trace_code.entry(state); }
#endif // !PRODUCT
static address continuation (TosState state) { return _continuation_entry.entry(state); }
static address* dispatch_table(TosState state) { return _active_table.table_for(state); }
static address* dispatch_table() { return _active_table.table_for(); }
static int distance_from_dispatch_table(TosState state){ return _active_table.distance_from(state); }
static address* normal_table(TosState state) { return _normal_table.table_for(state); }
static address* normal_table() { return _normal_table.table_for(); }
// Support for invokes
static address* return_3_addrs_by_index_table() { return _return_3_addrs_by_index; }
static address* return_5_addrs_by_index_table() { return _return_5_addrs_by_index; }
static int TosState_as_index(TosState state); // computes index into return_3_entry_by_index table
static address return_entry (TosState state, int length);
static address deopt_entry (TosState state, int length);
// Safepoint support
static void notice_safepoints(); // stops the thread when reaching a safepoint
static void ignore_safepoints(); // ignores safepoints
// Deoptimization support
static address continuation_for(methodOop method,
address bcp,
int callee_parameters,
bool is_top_frame,
bool& use_next_mdp);
#include "incls/_templateInterpreter_pd.hpp.incl"
#endif // !CC_INTERP