search.jsp revision f7c6abfe07e71c895ee6ecce44c8e14ce2d42a03
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--%><%@ page import = "javax.servlet.*,*,
%><%@ page session="false" %><%@ page errorPage="error.jsp" %><%
Date starttime = new Date();
String q = request.getParameter("q");
String defs = request.getParameter("defs");
String refs = request.getParameter("refs");
String hist = request.getParameter("hist");
String path = request.getParameter("path");
%><%@ include file="projects.jspf" %><%
String sort = null;
final String LASTMODTIME = "lastmodtime";
final String RELEVANCY = "relevancy";
final String BY_PATH = "fullpath";
final SortField S_BY_PATH = new SortField(BY_PATH,SortField.STRING);
Cookie[] cookies = request.getCookies();
if (cookies != null) {
for (Cookie cookie : cookies) {
if (cookie.getName().equals("OpenGrok/sorting")) {
sort = cookie.getValue();
String sortParam = request.getParameter("sort");
if (sortParam != null) {
if (LASTMODTIME.equals(sortParam)) {
} else if (RELEVANCY.equals(sortParam)) {
} else if (BY_PATH.equals(sortParam)) {
sort = BY_PATH;
if (sort != null) {
Cookie cookie = new Cookie("OpenGrok/sorting", sort);
} else { sort = RELEVANCY; }
//List<org.apache.lucene.document.Document> docs=new ArrayList<org.apache.lucene.document.Document>();
String errorMsg = null;
if( q!= null && q.equals("")) q = null;
if( defs != null && defs.equals("")) defs = null;
if( refs != null && refs.equals("")) refs = null;
if( hist != null && hist.equals("")) hist = null;
if( path != null && path.equals("")) path = null;
if (project != null && project.size()<1) project = null;
if (q != null || defs != null || refs != null || hist != null || path != null) {
Searcher searcher = null; //the searcher used to open/search the index
TopScoreDocCollector collector=null; // the collector used
ScoreDoc[] hits = null; // list of documents which result from the query
IndexReader ireader = null; //the reader used to open/search the index
Query query = null, defQuery = null; //the Query created by the QueryParser
boolean allCollected=false;
int totalHits=0;
int start = 0; //the first index displayed on this page
//TODO deprecate max this and merge with paging and param n - TEST needed
//int max = 25; //the maximum items displayed on this page
int max=RuntimeEnvironment.getInstance().getHitsPerPage();
int hitsPerPage = RuntimeEnvironment.getInstance().getHitsPerPage();
int cachePages= RuntimeEnvironment.getInstance().getCachePages();
final boolean docsScoredInOrder=false;
int thispage = 0; //used for the for/next either max or
String moreUrl = null;
CompatibleAnalyser analyzer = new CompatibleAnalyser();
String qstr = "";
String result = "";
try {
String DATA_ROOT = env.getDataRootPath();
if(DATA_ROOT.equals("")) {
throw new Exception("DATA_ROOT parameter is not configured in web.xml!");
File data_root = new File(DATA_ROOT);
if(!data_root.isDirectory()) {
throw new Exception("DATA_ROOT parameter in web.xml does not exist or is not a directory!");
//String date = request.getParameter("date");
try {
//TODO merge paging hitsPerPage with parameter n (has to reflect the search if changed so proper number is cached first time)
start = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("start")); //parse the max results first
max = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("n")); //then the start index
if(max < 0 || (max % 10 != 0) || max > 50) max = 25;
if(start < 0 ) start = 0;
} catch (Exception e) { }
qstr = Util.buildQueryString(q, defs, refs, path, hist);
QueryParser qparser = new QueryParser(Version.LUCENE_CURRENT,"full", analyzer);
query = qparser.parse(qstr); //parse the
File root = new File(RuntimeEnvironment.getInstance().getDataRootFile(),
if (RuntimeEnvironment.getInstance().hasProjects()) {
if (project == null) {
errorMsg = "<b>Error:</b> You must select a project!";
} else {
if (project.size() > 1) { //more projects
IndexSearcher[] searchables = new IndexSearcher[project.size()];
File droot = new File(RuntimeEnvironment.getInstance().getDataRootFile(), "index");
int ii = 0;
//TODO might need to rewrite to Project instead of String , need changes in projects.jspf too
for (String proj : project) {
ireader = ( File(droot, proj)),true));
searchables[ii++] = new IndexSearcher(ireader);
if (Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() > 1) {
searcher = new ParallelMultiSearcher(searchables);
} else {
searcher = new MultiSearcher(searchables);
} else { // just 1 project selected
root = new File(root, project.get(0));
ireader =,true);
searcher = new IndexSearcher(ireader);
} else { //no project setup
ireader =,true);
searcher = new IndexSearcher(ireader);
//TODO check if below is somehow reusing sessions so we don't requery again and again, I guess 2min timeout sessions could be usefull, since you click on the next page within 2mins, if not, then wait ;)
if (errorMsg == null) {
collector = TopScoreDocCollector.create(hitsPerPage*cachePages,docsScoredInOrder);
if (LASTMODTIME.equals(sort)) {
Sort sortf = new Sort(new SortField("date",SortField.STRING,true));
TopFieldDocs, null,hitsPerPage*cachePages, sortf);
if (start>=hitsPerPage*cachePages && !allCollected) { //fetch ALL results only if above cachePages, null, totalHits, sortf);
hits = fdocs.scoreDocs;
} else if (BY_PATH.equals(sort)) {
Sort sortf = new Sort(S_BY_PATH);
TopFieldDocs, null,hitsPerPage*cachePages, sortf);
if (start>=hitsPerPage*cachePages && !allCollected) { //fetch ALL results only if above cachePages, null,totalHits, sortf);
hits = fdocs.scoreDocs;
} else {,collector);
if (start>=hitsPerPage*cachePages && !allCollected) { //fetch ALL results only if above cachePages
collector = TopScoreDocCollector.create(totalHits,docsScoredInOrder);,collector);
//below will get all the documents
// for (int i = 0; i < hits.length; i++) {
// int docId = hits[i].doc;
// Document d = searcher.doc(docId);
// docs.add(d);
// }
thispage = max;
} catch (BooleanQuery.TooManyClauses e) {
errorMsg = "<b>Error:</b> Too many results for wildcard!";
} catch (ParseException e) {
errorMsg = "<b>Error parsing your query:</b><br/>" + Util.htmlize(qstr) +
"<p/>You might try to enclose your search term in quotes: <br/>" +
"<a href=search?q=\"" + Util.URIEncode(qstr) + "\">\"" + Util.htmlize(qstr) +
"\"</a><p/> or read the <a href=\"help.jsp\">Help</a> on query language(eventually <a href=\"help.jsp#escaping\">escape special characters</a> with <b>\\</b>)<p/>" +
"Error message from parser:<br/>" + Util.htmlize(e.getMessage());
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
errorMsg = "<b>Error:</b> Index database not found";
} catch (Exception e) {
errorMsg = "<b>Error:</b> " + Util.htmlize(e.getMessage());
// Bug #3900: Check if this is a search for a single term, and that term
// is a definition. If that's the case, and we only have one match, we'll
// generate a direct link instead of a listing.
boolean isSingleDefinitionSearch =
(query instanceof TermQuery) && (defs != null);
// Attempt to create a direct link to the definition if we search for one
// single definition term AND we have exactly one match AND there is only
// one definition of that symbol in the document that matches.
boolean uniqueDefinition = false;
if (isSingleDefinitionSearch && hits != null && hits.length == 1) {
Document doc = searcher.doc(hits[0].doc);
byte[] rawTags = doc.getFieldable("tags").getBinaryValue();
Definitions tags = Definitions.deserialize(rawTags);
String symbol = ((TermQuery) query).getTerm().text();
if (tags.occurrences(symbol) == 1) {
uniqueDefinition = true;
// @TODO fix me. I should try to figure out where the exact hit is instead
// of returning a page with just _one_ entry in....
if (uniqueDefinition && request.getServletPath().equals("/s")) {
String preFragmentPath = Util.URIEncodePath(context + "/xref" + searcher.doc(hits[0].doc).get("path"));
String fragment = Util.URIEncode(((TermQuery)query).getTerm().text());
StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder(preFragmentPath);
} else {
String pageTitle = "Search";
RuntimeEnvironment environment = RuntimeEnvironment.getInstance();
%><%@ include file="httpheader.jspf" %>
<div id="page">
<div id="header"><%@ include file="pageheader.jspf" %></div>
<div id="Masthead"></div>
<div id="bar">
<table border="0" width="100%"><tr><td><a href="<%=context%>" id="home">Home</a></td><td align="right"><%
String url = "search?";
url = url + (q == null ? "" : "&q=" + Util.URIEncode(q)) +
(defs == null ? "" : "&defs=" + Util.URIEncode(defs)) +
(refs == null ? "" : "&refs=" + Util.URIEncode(refs)) +
(path == null ? "" : "&path=" + Util.URIEncode(path)) +
(hist == null ? "" : "&hist=" + Util.URIEncode(hist));
if (hasProjects) {
if (project!=null) {
url = url + "&project=";
for (Iterator it = project.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
url = url + (project == null ? "" : Util.URIEncode((String) + ",");
%>Sort by: <%
if (sort == null || RELEVANCY.equals(sort)) {
%><b>relevance</b> | <a href="<%=url+LASTMODTIME%>">last modified time</a> | <a href="<%=url+BY_PATH%>">path</a><%
} else if (LASTMODTIME.equals(sort)) {
%><a href="<%=url+RELEVANCY%>">relevance</a> | <b>last modified time</b> | <a href="<%=url+BY_PATH%>">path</a><%
} else if (BY_PATH.equals(sort)) {
%><a href="<%=url+RELEVANCY%>">relevance</a> | <a href="<%=url+LASTMODTIME%>">last modified time</a> | <b>path</b><%
} else {
%><a href="<%=url+RELEVANCY%>">relevance</a> | <a href="<%=url+LASTMODTIME%>">last modified time</a> | <a href="<%=url+BY_PATH%>">path</a><%
} %></td></tr></table>
<div id="menu">
<%@ include file="menu.jspf"%>
<div id="results">
//TODO spellchecking cycle below is not that great and we only create suggest links for every token in query, not for a query as whole
if( hits == null || errorMsg != null) {
} else if (hits.length == 0) {
File spellIndex = new File(env.getDataRootPath(), "spellIndex");
File[] spellIndexes=null;
if (RuntimeEnvironment.getInstance().hasProjects()) {
if (project.size() > 1) { //more projects
spellIndexes = new File[project.size()];
int ii = 0;
//TODO might need to rewrite to Project instead of String , need changes in projects.jspf too
for (String proj : project) {
spellIndexes[ii++] = new File(spellIndex,proj);
} else { // just 1 project selected
spellIndex = new File(spellIndex, project.get(0));
int count=1;
if (spellIndexes!=null) {count=spellIndexes.length;}
for (int idx = 0; idx < count; idx++) {
if (spellIndexes!=null) spellIndex = spellIndexes[idx];
if (spellIndex.exists()) {
FSDirectory spellDirectory =;
SpellChecker checker = new SpellChecker(spellDirectory);
Date sstart = new Date();
boolean printHeader = true;
String[] toks;
if(q != null) {
toks = q.split("[\t ]+");
if(toks != null){
for(int j=0; j<toks.length; j++) {
if(toks[j].length() > 3) {
String[] ret = checker.suggestSimilar(toks[j].toLowerCase(), 5);
for(int i = 0;i < ret.length; i++) {
if (printHeader) {
%><p><font color="#cc0000">Did you mean(for <%=spellIndex.getName()%>)</font>:<%
printHeader = false;
%> <a href=search?q=<%=ret[i]%>><%=ret[i]%></a> <%
if(refs != null) {
toks = refs.split("[\t ]+");
if(toks != null){
for(int j=0; j<toks.length; j++) {
if(toks[j].length() > 3) {
String[] ret = checker.suggestSimilar(toks[j].toLowerCase(), 5);
for(int i = 0;i < ret.length; i++) {
if (printHeader) {
%><p><font color="#cc0000">Did you mean(for <%=spellIndex.getName()%>)</font>:<%
printHeader = false;
%> <a href=search?refs=<%=ret[i]%>><%=ret[i]%></a> <%
//TODO it seems the only true spellchecker is for below field, see IndexDatabase createspellingsuggestions ...
if(defs != null) {
toks = defs.split("[\t ]+");
if(toks != null){
for(int j=0; j<toks.length; j++) {
if(toks[j].length() > 3) {
String[] ret = checker.suggestSimilar(toks[j].toLowerCase(), 5);
for(int i = 0;i < ret.length; i++) {
if (printHeader) {
%><p><font color="#cc0000">Did you mean(for <%=spellIndex.getName()%>)</font>:<%
printHeader = false;
%> <a href=search?defs=<%=ret[i]%>><%=ret[i]%></a> <%
if (printHeader) {
%><p> Your search <b><%=query.toString()%></b> did not match any files.
<br />
Suggestions:<br/><blockquote>- Make sure all terms are spelled correctly.<br/>
- Try different keywords.<br/>
- Try more general keywords.<br/>
- Use 'wil*' cards if you are looking for partial match.
} else { // We have a lots of results to show
StringBuilder slider = null;
if ( max < totalHits) {
if((start + max) < totalHits) {
thispage = max;
} else {
thispage = totalHits - start;
String urlp = (q == null ? "" : "&q=" + Util.URIEncode(q)) +
(defs == null ? "" : "&defs=" + Util.URIEncode(defs)) +
(refs == null ? "" : "&refs=" + Util.URIEncode(refs)) +
(path == null ? "" : "&path=" + Util.URIEncode(path)) +
(hist == null ? "" : "&hist=" + Util.URIEncode(hist)) +
(sort == null ? "" : "&sort=" + Util.URIEncode(sort));
if (hasProjects) {
urlp = urlp + "&project=";
for (Iterator it = project.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
urlp = urlp + (project == null ? "" : Util.URIEncode((String) + ",");
slider = new StringBuilder();
int labelStart =1;
int sstart = start - max* (start / max % 10 + 1) ;
if(sstart < 0) {
sstart = 0;
labelStart = 1;
} else {
labelStart = sstart/max + 1;
int label = labelStart;
int labelEnd = label + 11;
String arr;
for(int i=sstart; i<totalHits && label <= labelEnd; i+= max) {
if (i <= start && start < i+ max) {
slider.append("<span class=\"sel\">" + label + "</span>");
} else {
if(label == labelStart && label != 1) {
arr = "<<";
} else if(label == labelEnd && i < totalHits) {
arr = ">>";
} else {
arr = label < 10 ? " " + label : String.valueOf(label);
slider.append("<a class=\"more\" href=\"s?n=" + max + "&start=" + i + urlp + "\">"+
arr + "</a>");
} else {
thispage = totalHits - start; // set the max index to max or last
%> Searched <b><%=query.toString()%></b> (Results <b><%=start+1%> -
<%=thispage+start%></b> of <b><%=totalHits%></b>) sorted by <%=sort%> <p><%=slider != null ?
slider.toString(): ""%></p>
<table width="100%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" border="0"><%
Context sourceContext = null;
Summarizer summer = null;
if (query != null) {
sourceContext = new Context(query);
if(sourceContext != null)
summer = new Summarizer(query, analyzer);
} catch (Exception e) {
HistoryContext historyContext = null;
try {
historyContext = new HistoryContext(query);
} catch (Exception e) {
EftarFileReader ef = null;
ef = new EftarFileReader(env.getDataRootPath() + "/index/dtags.eftar");
} catch (Exception e) {
//TODO also fix the way what and how it is passed to prettyprint, can improve performance! SearchEngine integration is really needed here.
Results.prettyPrintHTML(searcher,hits, start, start+thispage,
sourceContext, historyContext, summer,
context + "/xref",
context + "/more",
if(ef != null) {
} catch (IOException e) {
<b> Completed in <%=(new Date()).getTime() - starttime.getTime()%> milliseconds </b> <br/>
<%=slider != null ? "<p>" + slider + "</p>" : ""%>
%><br/></div><%@include file="foot.jspf"%><%
if (ireader != null)
} else { // Entry page show the map
response.sendRedirect(context + "/index.jsp");