opensearch.jsp revision a3b788c055cf0bcc9b1d31fcd37876fe04472ebe
970N/ASee LICENSE.txt included in this distribution for the specific
970N/Afile and include the License file at LICENSE.txt.
977N/Ainclude file="pageconfig.jspf"
970N/Ainclude file="projects.jspf"
970N/A /* ---------------------- opensearch.jsp start --------------------- */
970N/A cfg = PageConfig.get(request);
970N/A String scheme=request.getScheme();
970N/A int port = request.getServerPort();
970N/A if ((port != 80 && scheme.equals("http")) ||
970N/A (port != 443 && scheme.equals("https"))) {
970N/A url.append(':').append(port);
970N/A port = url.length(); // mark
970N/A url.setLength(port); // rewind
970N/A Set<String> projects = cfg.getRequestedProjects();
970N/A text.append(name).append(',');
970N/A Util.appendQuery(url, "project", name);
970N/A if (text.length() != 0) {
970N/A<OpenSearchDescription xmlns="">
970N/A <ShortName>OpenGrok <%= text.toString() %></ShortName>
970N/A <Description>Search in OpenGrok <%= text.toString() %></Description>
970N/A<%-- <Url type="application/x-suggestions+json" template="suggestionURL"/>--%>
970N/A/* ---------------------- opensearch.jsp end --------------------- */