utils.js revision aabc6c87d90e439be4440430ee6439d43cc393ed
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
* Common Development and Distribution License (the "License").
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* See LICENSE.txt included in this distribution for the specific
* language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
* When distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
* file and include the License file at LICENSE.txt.
* If applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
* fields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
* information: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
* Copyright (c) 2009, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* Portions Copyright 2011 Jens Elkner.
* Spaces plugin.
* Inserts a dummy space between line number and the text so that on copy-paste
* the white space is preserved.
* Internally listens on scroll events and autofills the spaces only for the visible
* elements.
* IMPORTANT: This plugin is strictly dependent on ascending order of lines
* and on their attribute "name". It performs a binary search which boosts performance
* of this plugin for really long files.
* @author Krystof Tulinger
(function (w, $) {
var spaces = function () {
var inner = {
defaults: {
interval: 750,
selector: "a.l, a.hl",
$parent: null,
callback: function () {
if (!$(this).hasClass("selected")) {
$(this).text($(this).text() + " ");
options: {},
$collection: $(),
initialized: false,
lock: false,
binarySearch: function (array, key, compare) {
var lo = 0,
hi = array.length - 1,
while (lo <= hi) {
mid = ((lo + hi) >> 1);
cmp = compare(array[mid], key)
if (cmp === 0) {
return mid;
} else if (cmp < 0) {
lo = mid + 1;
} else {
hi = mid - 1;
return -1;
handleScrollEvent: function () {
inner.lock = false;
var myOffset = inner.$collection.first().offset() ? inner.$collection.first().offset().top : 0
var myHeight = inner.$collection.first().height() || 0
var parentOffset = inner.options.$parent.offset() ? inner.options.$parent.offset().top : 0
var parentHeight = inner.options.$parent.height() || 0
var expectations = {
// the first element in viewport
start: Math.floor(
Math.min(myOffset - parentOffset, 0)
) / myHeight
// the last element in viewport
end: Math.ceil(
Math.min(myOffset - parentOffset, 0)
) + parentHeight
) / myHeight
var indices = {
start: 0,
end: inner.$collection.length
var cmp = function (a, key) {
return $(a).attr("name") - key; // comparing the "name" attribute with the desired value
indices.start = inner.binarySearch(inner.$collection, expectations.start, cmp);
indices.end = inner.binarySearch(inner.$collection, expectations.end, cmp);
/** cutoffs */
indices.start = Math.max(0, indices.start);
indices.start = Math.min(inner.$collection.length - 1, indices.start);
if (indices.end === -1)
indices.end = inner.$collection.length - 1;
indices.end = Math.min(inner.$collection.length - 1, indices.end);
/** calling callback for every element in the viewport */
for (var i = indices.start; i <= indices.end; i++) {
init: function () {
if (inner.initialized) {
inner.$collection = inner.options.$parent.find(inner.options.selector);
if (inner.$collection.length <= 0) {
var scrollHandler = function (e) {
if (inner.lock) {
inner.lock = true;
setTimeout(inner.handleScrollEvent, inner.options.interval);
.scroll() // fire the event if user has not scrolled
inner.initialized = true;
this.init = function (options) {
inner.options = $.extend({}, inner.defaults, {$parent: $("#content")}, options)
return this;
$.spaces = new ($.extend(spaces, $.spaces ? $.spaces : {}));
})(window, window.jQuery);
(function(window, $) {
var hash = function () {
var inner = {
self: this,
initialized: false,
highlighted: [],
defaults: {
highlightedClass: 'target',
linkSelectorTemplate: '{parent} a[name={n}]',
clickSelector: '{parent} a.l, {parent} a.hl',
parent: 'div#src',
autoScroll: true,
autoScrollDuration: 500,
tooltip: true
options: {},
$tooltip: null,
bindClickHandler: function() {
$(inner.format(inner.options.clickSelector, {parent: inner.options.parent})).click (function (e){
if(e.shiftKey) {
// shift pressed
var val = inner.toInt($(this).attr("name"))
return false
var l = inner.getLinesParts(window.location.hash)
if(l.length == 2) {
window.location.hash = "#" + Math.min(l[0], val) + "-" + Math.max(val, l[1])
} else if ( l.length == 1){
window.location.hash = "#" + Math.min(l[0], val) + "-" + Math.max(l[0], val)
return false
return true
getHashParts: function (hash) {
if(!hash || hash == "")
return hash;
return (hash = hash.split("#")).length > 1 ? hash[1] : "";
getLinesParts: function ( hashPart ) {
hashPart = inner.getHashParts(hashPart)
if (!hashPart || hashPart == "")
return hashPart;
var s = hashPart.split("-")
if(s.length > 1 && inner.toInt(s[0]) && inner.toInt(s[1]))
return [ inner.toInt(s[0]), inner.toInt(s[1]) ]
if(s.length > 0 && inner.toInt(s[0]))
return [ inner.toInt(s[0]) ]
return []
lines: function (urlPart) {
p = inner.getLinesParts(urlPart)
if(p.length == 2) {
var l = [];
for ( var i = Math.min(p[0],p[1]); i <= Math.max(p[0], p[1]); i ++ )
return l;
} else if (p.length == 1){
return [ p[0] ]
return [];
reload: function(e){
for ( var i = 0; i < inner.highlighted.length; i ++ ) {
// remove color
inner.highlighted = []
var lines = inner.lines(window.location.hash);
if(lines.length < 1) {
// not a case of line highlighting
for ( var i = 0; i < lines.length; i ++ ) {
// color
var slc = inner.format(inner.options.linkSelectorTemplate, { "parent": inner.options.parent,
"n": lines[i] } );
var el = $(slc).addClass(inner.options.highlightedClass)
format: function(format) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
args = args.length > 0 ? typeof args[0] === "object" ? args[0] : args : args;
return format.replace(/{([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)}/g, function(match, number) {
return typeof args[number] != 'undefined'
? args[number]
: match
toInt: function (string) {
return parseInt(string)
scroll: function (){
var lines = inner.getLinesParts(window.location.hash);
if(lines.length > 0) {
var line = lines[0] // first line
scrollTop: $(inner.format(inner.options.linkSelectorTemplate, {
parent: inner.options.parent,
n: line
})).offset().top - $(inner.options.parent).offset().top
}, inner.options.autoScrollDuration);
tooltip: function() {
inner.$tooltip = inner.$tooltip ?
inner.$tooltip :
$("<div>Did you know? You can select a range of lines<br /> by clicking on the other while holding shift key.</div>")
$(inner.format(inner.options.clickSelector, {parent: inner.options.parent}))
.click(function(e) {
// show box
var $el = $(this)
setTimeout(function () {
.fadeOut( 5000 )
top: $el.offset().top + 20,
left: $el.offset().left + $el.width() + 5
}, 300);
inner.options.tooltip = false;
} // inner
this.init = function (options) {
if ( inner.initialized ) {
return this;
inner.options = $.extend(inner.defaults, options, {})
$(window).on("hashchange", inner.reload)
inner.initialized = true
return this;
$.hash = new ($.extend(hash, $.hash ? $.hash : {}));
}) (window, window.jQuery);
* General on-demand script downloader
(function (window, document, $) {
var script = function () {
var self = this
this.scriptsDownloaded = {};
this.defaults = {
contextPath: window.contextPath,
this.options = $.extend(this.defaults, {});
this.loadScript = function (url) {
if (!/^[a-z]{3,5}:\/\//.test(url)) { // dummy test for remote prefix
url = this.options.contextPath + '/' + url
if (url in this.scriptsDownloaded) {
return this.scriptsDownloaded[url]
return this.scriptsDownloaded[url] = $.ajax({
url: url,
dataType: 'script',
cache: true,
timeout: 10000
}).fail(function () {
console.debug('Failed to download "' + url + '" module')
$.script = new ($.extend(script, $.script ? $.script : {}));
})(window, document, jQuery);
* General window plugin
* This plugin allows you to create a new window inside the browser. The main
* interface is create function.
* Usage:
* $myWindow = $.window.create({
* // default options (later available via this.options)
* project: 'abcd', // not existing in window options and will be filled
* draggable: false, // override the window defaults
* // callbacks for events
* init: function ($window) {
* // called when creating the new window
* // you can modify the new window object - it's jquery object
* },
* load: function ($window) {
* // called when the page is successfully loaded
* // you can attach some handlers and fill some options with DOM values
* },
* update: function(data) {
* // called when update is called on your window bypassing the data param
* // you can modify the window content or other DOM content
* }
* }, {
* // context object - can contain other helper variables and functions
* // it's available in the callbacks as the 'this' variable
* // the window itself is available as this.$window
* modified: false,
* modify: function () {
* this.modified = true;
* },
* })
* The new $myWindow object is jQuery object - you can call jQuery functions on it.
* It doesn't really make sense to call all of the jQuery functions however
* some of them might be useful: toggle, hide, show and so on.
* The window object also provides some userful functions like
* $myWindow.error(message) to display an error in this.$errors element or
* $myWindow.update(data) to trigger your update callback with given data or
* $myWindow.move(position) to move the window to the given position
* if no position is given it may be determined from the mouse position
* @author Kryštof Tulinger
(function (browserWindow, document, $, $script) {
var window = function () {
var inner = function (options, context) {
var self = this;
// private
this.context = context;
this.callbacks = {
init: [],
load: [],
update: [],
this.$window = undefined;
this.$errors = undefined;
this.clientX = 0;
this.clientY = 0;
this.pendingUpdates = []
* Default values for the window options.
this.defaults = {
title: 'Window',
appendDraggable: '#content',
draggable: true,
draggableScript: 'js/jquery-ui-1.12.0-draggable.min.js', // relative to context
contextPath: browserWindow.contextPath,
parent: undefined,
load: undefined,
init: undefined,
handlers: undefined
this.options = $.extend({}, this.defaults, options);
this.addCallback = function (name, callback, context) {
context = context || this.getSelfContext;
if (!this.callbacks || !$.isArray(this.callbacks[name])) {
this.callbacks[name] = []
'callback': callback,
'context': context
this.fire = function (name, args) {
if (!this.callbacks || !$.isArray(this.callbacks[name])) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.callbacks[name].length; i++) {
this.$window = (this.callbacks[name][i].callback.apply(
args || [this.$window])) || this.$window
this.getContext = function () {
return $.extend(this.context, {options: this.options});
this.getSelfContext = function () {
return this;
// private
this.determinePosition = function () {
var position = {}
var $w = this.$window;
if (this.clientY + $w.height() + 40 > $(browserWindow).height()) {
position.top = $(browserWindow).height() - $w.height() - 40;
} else {
position.top = this.clientY
if (this.clientX + $w.width() + 40 > $(browserWindow).width()) {
position.left = $(browserWindow).width() - $w.width() - 40;
} else {
position.left = this.clientX;
return position;
this.makeMeDraggable = function () {
if (!$script || typeof $script.loadScript !== 'function') {
console.log("The window plugin requires $.script plugin when draggable option is 'true'")
$script.loadScript(this.options.draggableScript).done(function () {
appendTo: self.options.draggableAppendTo || $('body'),
helper: 'clone',
start: function () {
stop: function (e, ui) {
$(this).show().offset(ui.offset).css('position', 'fixed');
create: function (e, ui) {
$(this).css('position', 'fixed');
this.addCallback('init', function ($window) {
var $top, $close, $controls
$top = $("<div>").addClass('clearfix')
.append($("<div>").addClass("pull-left").append($("<b>").text(this.options.title || "Window")))
.append($close = $("<a href=\"#\" class=\"pull-right minimize\">x</a>"))
$controls = $('<div>')
.append(self.$errors = $('<div>').css('text-align', 'center'))
$window = $("<div>")
.css('z-index', 15000)
$close.click(function () {
return false;
* Display custom error message in the window
* @param {string} msg message
* @returns self
$window.error = function (msg) {
var $span = $("<p class='error'>" + msg + "</p>")
.animate({opacity: "0.2"}, 3000)
$span.hide('slow', function () {
return this;
* Move the window to the position. If no position is given
* it may be determined from the mouse position.
* @param {object} position object with top and left attributes
* @returns self
$window.move = function (position) {
position = position || self.determinePosition()
return this.css(position);
* Toggle and move the window to the current mouse position
* @returns self
$window.toggleAndMove = function () {
return this.toggle().move();
* Update the window with given data.
* @param {mixed} data
* @returns {undefined}
$window.update = function (data) {
if (this.loaded) {
self.fire('update', [data])
} else {
self.pendingUpdates.push({data: data})
return this;
// insert window into context
this.context = $.extend(this.context, {$window: $window});
// set us as initialized
$window.initialized = true;
// set us as not loaded
$window.loaded = false;
return $window;
this.addCallback('load', function ($window) {
var that = this
$(document).mousemove(function (e) {
that.clientX = e.clientX;
that.clientY = e.clientY;
$(document).keyup(function (e) {
var key = e.keyCode
switch (key) {
case 27: // esc
return true;
if (this.options.draggable) {
this.addCallback('load', this.makeMeDraggable)
this.addCallback('load', function ($window) {
this.$window.appendTo(this.options.parent ? $(this.options.parent) : $("body"));
if (this.options.init && typeof this.options.init === 'function') {
this.addCallback('init', this.options.init, this.getContext)
if (self.options.load && typeof self.options.load === 'function') {
this.addCallback('load', this.options.load, this.getContext)
if (self.options.update && typeof self.options.update === 'function') {
this.addCallback('update', this.options.update, this.getContext)
$(function () {
self.$window.loaded = true;
for (var i = 0; i < self.pendingUpdates.length; i++) {
self.fire('update', [self.pendingUpdates[i].data])
self.pendingUpdates = []
return this.$window;
* Create a window.
* @param {hash} options containing default options and callbacks
* @param {hash} context other helper variables and functions
* @returns new window object
this.create = function (options, context) {
return new inner(options, context)
$.window = new ($.extend(window, $.window ? $.window : {}));
})(window, document, jQuery, jQuery.script);
* Intelligence window plugin.
* Reworked to use Jquery in 2016
(function (browserWindow, document, $, $window) {
if (!$window || typeof $window.create !== 'function') {
console.log("The intelligenceWindow plugin requires $.window plugin")
var intelliWindow = function () {
this.initialised = false;
this.init = function (options, context) {
return $.intelliWindow = $window.create($.extend({
title: 'Intelligence window',
selector: 'a.intelliWindow-symbol',
google_url: 'https://www.google.com/search?q=',
project: undefined,
init: function ($window) {
var $highlight, $unhighlight, $unhighlighAll, $prev, $next
var $firstList = $("<ul>")
$highlight = $("<a href=\"#\" title=\"Highlight\">" +
"<span>Highlight</span> <b class=\"symbol-name\"></b></a>")))
$unhighlight = $("<a href=\"#\" title=\"Unhighlight\">" +
"<span>Unhighlight</span> <b class=\"symbol-name\"></b></a>")))
$unhighlighAll = $("<a href=\"#\" title=\"Unhighlight all\">" +
"<span>Unhighlight all</span></a>")))
this.bindOnClick($highlight, this.highlight)
this.bindOnClick($unhighlight, this.unhighlight)
this.bindOnClick($unhighlighAll, this.unhighlightAll);
var $secondList = $("<ul>")
$("<a class=\"search-defs\" href=\"#\" target=\"_blank\">" +
"<span>Search for definitions of</span> <b class=\"symbol-name\"></b></a>")))
$("<a class=\"search-refs\" href=\"#\" target=\"_blank\">" +
"<span>Search for references of</span> <b class=\"symbol-name\"></b></a>")))
$("<a class=\"search-full\" href=\"#\" target=\"_blank\">" +
"<span>Do a full search with</span> <b class=\"symbol-name\"></b></a>")))
$("<a class=\"search-files\" href=\"#\" target=\"_blank\">" +
"<span>Search for file names that contain</span> <b class=\"symbol-name\"></b></a>")))
var $thirdList = $("<ul>")
$("<a class=\"search-google\" href=\"#\" target=\"_blank\">" +
"<span>Google</span> <b class=\"symbol-name\"></b></a>")))
var $controls = $("<div class=\"pull-right\">")
.append($next = $("<a href=\"#\" title=\"next\" class=\"pull-right\">Next >></a>"))
.append("<span class=\"pull-right\"> | </span>")
.append($prev = $("<a href=\"#\" title=\"prev\" class=\"pull-right\"><< Prev </a>"))
.append($("<div class=\"clearfix\">"))
.append(this.$errors = $("<span class=\"clearfix\">"))
this.bindOnClick($next, this.scrollToNextElement, 1);
this.bindOnClick($prev, this.scrollToNextElement, -1);
return $window
.attr('id', 'intelli_win')
.append($("<h5>").text("In current file"))
.append($("<h5>").text("In project \"" + this.project + "\""))
.append($("<h5>").text("On Google"))
load: function ($window) {
var that = this;
$(document).keypress(function (e) {
var key = e.which;
switch (key) {
case 49: // 1
if (that.symbol) {
case 50: // 2
if (that.symbol) {
that.unhighlight(that.symbol).length === 0 && that.highlight(that.symbol);
case 51: // 3
case 110: // n
case 98: // b
return true;
this.getSymbols().mouseover(function () {
this.project = this.options.project || $("input[name='project']").val();
this.contextPath = browserWindow.contextPath;
}, options || {}), $.extend({
symbol: undefined,
project: undefined,
$symbols: undefined,
$current: undefined,
$last_highlighted_current: $(),
$search_defs: undefined,
$search_refs: undefined,
$search_full: undefined,
$search_files: undefined,
$search_google: undefined,
changeSymbol: function ($el) {
this.$current = $el
this.$last_highlighted_current = $el.hasClass("symbol-highlighted") ? $el : this.$last_highlighted_current
this.symbol = $el.text()
this.place = $el.data("definition-place")
modifyLinks: function () {
this.$search_defs = this.$search_defs || this.$window.find('.search-defs')
this.$search_refs = this.$search_refs || this.$window.find('.search-refs')
this.$search_full = this.$search_full || this.$window.find('.search-full')
this.$search_files = this.$search_files || this.$window.find('.search-files')
this.$search_google = this.$search_google || this.$window.find('.search-google')
this.$search_defs.attr('href', this.getSearchLink('defs'));
this.$search_refs.attr('href', this.getSearchLink('refs'));
this.$search_full.attr('href', this.getSearchLink('q'));
this.$search_files.attr('href', this.getSearchLink('path'));
this.$search_google.attr('href', this.options.google_url + this.symbol)
getSearchLink: function (query) {
return this.options.contextPath + '/search?' + query + '=' + this.symbol + '&project=' + this.project;
getSymbolDescription: function (place) {
switch (place) {
case "def":
return "A declaration or definition.";
case "defined-in-file":
return "A symbol declared or defined in this file.";
case "undefined-in-file":
return "A symbol declared or defined elsewhere.";
// should not happen
return "Something I have no idea about.";
getSymbols: function () {
return (this.$symbols = this.$symbols || $(this.options.selector));
highlight: function (symbol) {
if (this.$current.text() === symbol) {
this.$last_highlighted_current = this.$current;
return this.getSymbols().filter(function () {
return $(this).text() === symbol;
unhighlight: function (symbol) {
if (this.$last_highlighted_current &&
this.$last_highlighted_current.text() === symbol &&
this.$last_highlighted_current.hasClass('symbol-highlighted')) {
var i = this.getSymbols().index(this.$last_highlighted_current)
this.$last_highlighted_jump = this.getSymbols().slice(0, i).filter('.symbol-highlighted').last();
return this.getSymbols().filter(".symbol-highlighted").filter(function () {
return $(this).text() === symbol;
unhighlightAll: function () {
this.$last_highlighted_current = undefined
return this.getSymbols().filter(".symbol-highlighted").removeClass("symbol-highlighted")
scrollTop: function ($el) {
if (this.options.scrollTop) {
} else {
scrollTop: $el.offset().top - $("#src").offset().top
}, 500);
scrollToNextElement: function (direction) {
var UP = -1;
var DOWN = 1;
var $highlighted = this.getSymbols().filter(".symbol-highlighted");
var $el = $highlighted.length && this.$last_highlighted_current
? this.$last_highlighted_current
: this.$current;
var indexOfCurrent = this.getSymbols().index($el);
switch (direction) {
case DOWN:
$el = this.getSymbols().slice(indexOfCurrent + 1);
if ($highlighted.length) {
$el = $el.filter('.symbol-highlighted')
if (!$el.length) {
this.$window.error("This is the last occurence!")
$el = $el.first();
case UP:
$el = this.getSymbols().slice(0, indexOfCurrent);
if ($highlighted.length) {
$el = $el.filter('.symbol-highlighted')
if (!$el.length) {
this.$window.error("This is the first occurence!")
$el = $el.last();
this.$window.error("Uknown direction")
bindOnClick: function ($el, callback, param) {
var that = this
$el.click(function (e) {
callback.call(that, param || that.symbol)
return false;
}, context || {}));
$.intelliWindow = new ($.extend(intelliWindow, $.intelliWindow ? $.intelliWindow : {}));
})(window, document, jQuery, jQuery.window);
* Messages window plugin.
* @author Kryštof Tulinger
(function (browserWindow, document, $, $window) {
if (!$window || typeof $window.create !== 'function') {
console.log("The messagesWindow plugin requires $.window plugin")
var messagesWindow = function () {
this.init = function (options, context) {
return $.messagesWindow = $window.create(options = $.extend({
title: 'Messages Window',
draggable: false,
init: function ($window) {
return $window
.attr('id', 'messages_win')
.css({top: '150px', right: '20px'})
.append(this.$messages = $("<div>"))
load: function ($window) {
$window.mouseenter(function () {
}).mouseleave(function () {
// simulate show/toggle and move
$.each(['show', 'toggle'], function () {
var old = $window[this]
$window[this] = function () {
return old.call($window).move();
update: function (data) {
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var tag = data[i]
if (!tag || tag.messages.length === 0) {
.text(tag.tag.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + tag.tag.slice(1)))
var $ul = $("<ul>").addClass('message-group limited');
for (var j = 0; j < tag.messages.length; j++) {
if (!tag.messages[j]) {
.attr('title', 'Expires on ' + tag.messages[j].expiration)
.html(tag.messages[j].created + ': ' + tag.messages[j].text)
}, options || {}), $.extend({
$messages: $(),
}, context || {}));
$.messagesWindow = new ($.extend(messagesWindow, $.messagesWindow ? $.messagesWindow : {}));
})(window, document, jQuery, jQuery.window);
* Scopes window plugin.
* @author Kryštof Tulinger
(function (browserWindow, document, $, $window) {
if (!$window || typeof $window.create !== 'function') {
console.log("The scopesWindow plugin requires $.window plugin")
var scopesWindow = function () {
this.init = function (options, context) {
return $.scopesWindow = $window.create($.extend({
title: 'Scopes Window',
draggable: false,
init: function ($window) {
return $window
.attr('id', 'scopes_win')
.css({top: '150px', right: '20px'})
.append(this.$scopes = $("<div>"))
load: function ($window) {
$window.hide().css('top', parseFloat($("#content").css('top').replace('px', '')) + 10 + 'px')
// override the hide and show to throw an event
$.each(['hide', 'show'], function () {
var event = this
var old = $window[event];
$window[event] = function () {
return old.call($window).trigger(event);
update: function (data) {
if(!this.$window.is(':visible') && !this.$window.data('shown-once')) {
this.$window.show().data('shown-once', true);
this.$scopes.html(this.buildLink(data.id, data.link))
}, options || {}), $.extend({
$scopes: $(),
buildLink: function (href, name) {
return $('<a>').attr('href', '#' + href).attr('title', name).text(name)
}, context || {}));
$.scopesWindow = new ($.extend(scopesWindow, $.scopesWindow ? $.scopesWindow : {}));
})(window, document, jQuery, jQuery.window);
function init_scopes() {
function init_results_autohide() {
$("#sbox input[type='submit']").click(function (e) {
$("#footer").not(".main_page").hide(); // footer
$("#results > .message-group").hide(); // messages
$("#results > p.suggestions").hide(); // suggestions
$("#results > p.pagetitle").hide(); // description
$("#results > p.slider").hide(); // pagination
$("#results > h3").hide(); // error
$("#results > table, #results > ul").hide(); // results + empty
$("#results > table + p, #results > ul + p").hide(); // results + empty timing
function init_searchable_option_list() {
var searchableOptionListOptions = {
maxHeight: '300px',
showSelectionBelowList: false,
showSelectAll: false,
maxShow: 30,
resultsContainer: $("#ltbl"),
events: {
onInitialized: function () {
if ($.messagesWindow.initialized) {
this.$selectionContainer.find("[data-messages]").mouseenter(function () {
var data = $(this).data('messages') || []
}).mouseleave(function (e) {
// override the default onScroll positioning event if neccessary
onScroll: function () {
var posY = this.$input.offset().top - this.config.scrollTarget.scrollTop() + this.$input.outerHeight() + 1,
selectionContainerWidth = this.$innerContainer.outerWidth(false) - parseInt(this.$selectionContainer.css('border-left-width'), 10) - parseInt(this.$selectionContainer.css('border-right-width'), 10);
if (this.$innerContainer.css('display') !== 'block') {
// container has a certain width
// make selection container a bit wider
selectionContainerWidth = Math.ceil(selectionContainerWidth * 1.2);
} else {
// no border radius on top
.css('border-top-right-radius', 'initial');
if (this.$actionButtons) {
.css('border-top-right-radius', 'initial');
.css('top', Math.floor(posY))
.css('left', Math.floor(this.$container.offset().left))
.css('width', selectionContainerWidth);
function init_history_input() {
$('input[data-revision-path]').click(function () {
var $this = $(this)
$("a.more").each(function () {
$(this).attr('href', setParameter($(this).attr('href'), 'r1', $this.data('revision-1')))
$(this).attr('href', setParameter($(this).attr('href'), 'r2', $this.data('revision-2')))
var $revisions = $('input[data-revision-path]'),
index = -1;
// change the correct revision on every element
// (every element keeps a track which revision is selected)
.data('revision-2', $this.data('revision-2'))
.data('revision-1', $this.data('revision-1'))
// set the correct revision for the form submittion
$("#input_" + $this.data('diff-revision')).val($this.data('revision-path'))
// enable all input
$revisions.prop('disabled', false),
// uncheck all input in my column
$revisions.filter('[data-diff-revision=\'' + $this.data('diff-revision') + '\']').prop('checked', false)
// set me as checked
$this.prop('checked', true)
// disable from top to r2
index = Math.max($revisions.index($('input[data-revision-path][data-diff-revision=\'r2\']:checked')), 0)
$revisions.slice(0, index).filter('[data-diff-revision=\'r1\']').prop('disabled', true)
// disable from bottom to r1
index = Math.max($revisions.index($('input[data-revision-path][data-diff-revision=\'r1\']:checked')), index)
$revisions.slice(index + 1).filter('[data-diff-revision=\'r2\']').prop('disabled', true)
function init_tablesorter() {
sortList: [[0, 0]],
cancelSelection: true,
headers: {
1: {
sorter: 'text'
3: {
sorter: 'dates'
4: {
sorter: 'groksizes'
$(document).ready(function () {
* Initialize scope scroll event to display scope information correctly when
* the element comes into the viewport.
$('#src').each(function () {
* Initialize table sorter on every directory listing.
* Initialize inteligence window plugin. Presence of #contextpath indicates
* that we use the code view.
$("#contextpath").each(function () {
return false;
* Initialize the messages plugin to display
* message onhover on every affected element.
* Attaches a onhover listener to display messages for affected elements.
if ($.messagesWindow.initialized) {
$("[data-messages]").mouseenter(function () {
var data = $(this).data('messages') || []
}).mouseleave(function (e) {
* Initialize spaces plugin which automaticaly inserts a single space between
* the line number and the following text. It strongly relies on the fact
* that the line numbers are stored in 'name' attribute on each line link.
* Initialize the window hash management. Mainly this allows users to select
* multiple lines of code and use that url to send it to somebody else.
$.hash.init({parent: "pre"})
* After hitting the search button, the results or projects are temporarily hidden
* until the new page is loaded. That helps to distinguish if search is being in process.
* Initialize the new project picker
* Initialize the history input picker.
* Checkboxes are automaticaly covered with a click event and automaticaly
* colored as disabled or checked.
* Also works for paging where it stores the actual selected revision range in the
* pagination links.
document.pageReady = [];
document.domReady = [];
window.onload = function() {
for(var i in document.pageReady) {
$(document).ready(function() {
for(var i in this.domReady) {
* Resize the element with the ID 'content' so that it fills the whole browser
* window (i.e. the space between the header and the bottom of the window) and
* thus get rid off the scrollbar in the page header.
function resizeContent() {
if (document.adjustContent != 0) {
$('#content').css('top', $('body').outerHeight(true)).css('bottom', 0);
* Get a parameter value from the URL.
* @param p the name of the parameter
* @return the decoded value of parameter p
function getParameter(p) {
// First split up the parameter list. That is, transform from
// ?a=b&c=d
// to
// [ ["a", "b"], ["c","d"] ]
if (getParameter.params === undefined) {
getParameter.params = window.location.search.substr(1).split("&").map(
function (x) { return x.split("="); });
var params = getParameter.params;
// Then look for the parameter.
for (var i in params) {
if (params[i][0] === p && params[i].length > 1) {
return decodeURIComponent(params[i][1]);
return undefined;
* Set parameter in the given url.
* @param string url
* @param string p parameter name
* @param string v parameter value
* @returns string the modified url
function setParameter(url, p, v) {
var base = url.substr(0, url.indexOf('?'))
var params = url.substr(base.length + 1).split("&").map(
function (x) {
return x.split("=");
var found = false;
for (var i in params) {
if (params[i][0] === p && params[i].length > 1) {
params[i][1] = encodeURIComponent(v);
found = true
if (!found) {
params.push([p, encodeURIComponent(v)])
return base + '?' + params.map(function (x) {
return x[0] + '=' + x[1];
function domReadyMast() {
if (!window.location.hash) {
var h = getParameter("h");
if (h && h !== "") {
window.location.hash = h;
} else {
.attr("tabindex", 1)
.css('outline', 'none')
if (document.annotate) {
content: function () {
var element = $(this);
var title = element.attr("title") || ""
var parts = title.split(/<br\/>(?=[a-zA-Z0-9]+:)/g);
if (parts.length <= 0)
return "";
var $el = $("<dl>");
for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
var definitions = parts[i].split(":");
if (definitions.length < 2)
var $dd = $("<dd>");
$.each(definitions.join("").split("<br/>"), function (i, el) {
return $el;
//$('a.r').tooltip({ left: 5, showURL: false });
var toggle_js = document.getElementById('toggle-annotate-by-javascript');
var toggle_ss = document.getElementById('toggle-annotate');
toggle_js.style.display = 'inline';
toggle_ss.style.display = 'none';
// When we move to a version of XHTML that supports the onscroll
// attribute in the div element, we should add an onscroll attribute
// in the generated XHTML in mast.jsp. For now, set it with jQuery.
function pageReadyMast() {
document.adjustContent = 0;
if ($('#whole_header') != null && $('#content') != null) {
document.adjustContent = 1;
function() {
function domReadyMenu() {
var sbox = document.getElementById('sbox');
$("#project").autocomplete(projects, {
minChars: 0,
multiple: true,
multipleSeparator: ",",
//mustMatch: true,
matchContains: "word",
max: 200,
//autoFill: false,
formatItem: function(row, i, max) {
return (row != null) ? i + "/" + max + ": " + row[0] : "";
formatMatch: function(row, i, max) {
return (row != null) ? row[0] : "";
formatResult: function(row) {
return (row != null) ? row[0] : "";
width: "300px"
// TODO Bug 11749
// var p = document.getElementById('project');
// p.setAttribute("autocomplete", "off");
function domReadyHistory() {
// start state should ALWAYS be: first row: r1 hidden, r2 checked ;
// second row: r1 clicked, (r2 hidden)(optionally)
// I cannot say what will happen if they are not like that, togglediffs
// will go mad !
function get_annotations() {
var link = window.location.pathname + "?a=true";
if (document.rev) {
link += "&r=" + encodeURIComponent(document.rev);
if (window.location.hash) {
// If a line is highlighted when "annotate" is clicked, we want to
// preserve the highlighting, but we don't want the page to scroll
// to the highlighted line. So put the line number in a URL parameter
// instead of in the hash.
link += "&h=";
link += window.location.hash.substring(1, window.location.hash.length);
window.location = link;
function toggle_annotations() {
/** list.jsp */
* Initialize defaults for list.jsp
function pageReadyList() {
document.sym_div_width = 240;
document.sym_div_height_max = 480;
document.sym_div_top = 100;
document.sym_div_left_margin = 40;
document.sym_div_height_margin = 40;
document.highlight_count = 0;
$(window).resize(function() {
if (document.sym_div_shown == 1) {
document.sym_div.style.left = get_sym_div_left() + "px";
document.sym_div.style.height = get_sym_div_height() + "px";
/* ------ Navigation window for definitions ------ */
* Create the Navigation toggle link as well as its contents.
function get_sym_list_contents() {
// var contents = "<input id=\"input_highlight\" name=\"input_highlight\"
// class=\"q\"/>";
// contents += "&nbsp;&nbsp;";
// contents += "<b><a href=\"#\" onclick=\"javascript:add_highlight();return
// false;\" title=\"Add highlight\">Highlight</a></b><br/>";
var contents =
"<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"javascript:lsttoggle();\">[Close]</a><br/>"
if (typeof get_sym_list != 'function') {
return contents;
var symbol_classes = get_sym_list();
for ( var i = 0; i < symbol_classes.length; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
contents += "<br/>";
var symbol_class = symbol_classes[i];
var class_name = symbol_class[1];
var symbols = symbol_class[2];
contents += "<b>" + symbol_class[0] + "</b><br/>";
for (var j = 0; j < symbols.length; j++) {
var symbol = symbols[j][0];
var line = symbols[j][1];
contents += "<a href=\"#" + line + "\" class=\"" + class_name + "\" onclick=\"lnshow(); return true;\">"
+ escape_html(symbol) + "</a><br/>";
return contents;
function escape_html(string) {
return string.replace("&", "&amp;").replace("<", "&lt;").replace(">", "&gt;");
function get_sym_div_left() {
document.sym_div_left = $(window)
.width() - (document.sym_div_width + document.sym_div_left_margin);
return document.sym_div_left;
function get_sym_div_height() {
document.sym_div_height = $(window)
.height() - document.sym_div_top - document.sym_div_height_margin;
if (document.sym_div_height > document.sym_div_height_max) {
document.sym_div_height = document.sym_div_height_max;
return document.sym_div_height;
function get_sym_div_top() {
return document.sym_div_top;
function get_sym_div_width() {
return document.sym_div_width;
* Toggle the display of the 'Navigation' window used to highlight definitions.
function lsttoggle() {
if (document.sym_div == null) {
document.sym_div = document.createElement("div");
document.sym_div.id = "sym_div";
document.sym_div.className = "sym_list_style";
document.sym_div.style.margin = "0px auto";
document.sym_div.style.width = get_sym_div_width() + "px";
document.sym_div.style.height = get_sym_div_height() + "px";
document.sym_div.style.top = get_sym_div_top() + "px";
document.sym_div.style.left = get_sym_div_left() + "px";
document.sym_div.innerHTML = get_sym_list_contents();
document.sym_div_shown = 1;
if ($.scopesWindow.initialized) {
$.scopesWindow.on('show', function () {
document.sym_div_top = $.scopesWindow.offset().top + $.scopesWindow.outerHeight() + 20
document.sym_div.style.height = get_sym_div_height() + "px";
$(document.sym_div).css('top', $.scopesWindow.offset().top + $.scopesWindow.outerHeight() + 20);
}).on('hide', function () {
document.sym_div_top = 100
document.sym_div.style.height = get_sym_div_height() + "px";
$(document.sym_div).css('top', get_sym_div_top());
if ($.scopesWindow.is(':visible')) {
document.sym_div_top = $.scopesWindow.offset().top + $.scopesWindow.outerHeight() + 20
document.sym_div.style.height = get_sym_div_height() + "px";
$(document.sym_div).css('top', $.scopesWindow.offset().top + $.scopesWindow.outerHeight() + 20);
} else if (document.sym_div_shown == 1) {
document.sym_div.className = "sym_list_style_hide";
document.sym_div_shown = 0;
} else {
document.sym_div.style.height = get_sym_div_height() + "px";
document.sym_div.style.width = get_sym_div_width() + "px";
document.sym_div.style.top = get_sym_div_top() + "px";
document.sym_div.style.left = get_sym_div_left() + "px";
document.sym_div.className = "sym_list_style";
document.sym_div_shown = 1;
* Toggle the display of line numbers.
function lntoggle() {
$('.fold-space, .fold-icon, .unfold-icon').toggle()
function lnshow() {
$('.fold-space, .fold-icon, .unfold-icon').show()
/* ------ Highlighting ------ */
* An expensive Highlighter:
* Note: It will replace link's href contents as well, be careful.
/* Not used.
function HighlightKeywordsFullText(keywords) {
var el = $("body");
function() {
var pattern = new RegExp("("+this+")", ["gi"]);
var rs = "<span style='background-color:#FFFF00;font-weight:bold;'"
+ ">$1</span>";
el.html(el.html().replace(pattern, rs));
// HighlightKeywordsFullText(["nfstcpsock"]);
* Highlight keywords by changeing the style of matching tags.
function HighlightKeyword(keyword) {
var high_colors = [ "#ffff66", "#ffcccc", "#ccccff", "#99ff99", "#cc66ff" ];
var pattern = "a:contains('" + keyword + "')";
'text-decoration' : 'underline',
'background-color' : high_colors[document.highlight_count
% high_colors.length],
'font-weight' : 'bold'
//Test: HighlightKeyword('timeval');
* Highlight the text given as value of the element with the ID "input_highlight" .
* @see HighlightKeyword
function add_highlight() {
var tbox = document.getElementById('input_highlight');
function toggle_filelist() {
function() {
if (this.className == "filelist") {
this.setAttribute("style", "display: none;");
this.className = "filelist-hidden";
} else if (this.className == "filelist-hidden") {
this.setAttribute("style", "display: inline;");
this.className = "filelist";
function toggle_revtags() {
function() {
if (this.className == "revtags") {
this.setAttribute("style", "display: none;");
this.className = "revtags-hidden";
} else if (this.className == "revtags-hidden") {
this.setAttribute("style", "display: table-row;");
this.className = "revtags";
function() {
if (this.className == "revtags") {
this.setAttribute("style", "display: none;");
this.className = "revtags-hidden";
} else if (this.className == "revtags-hidden") {
this.setAttribute("style", "display: inline;");
this.className = "revtags";
* Function to toggle revision message length for long revision messages
function togglerevs() {
$(".rev-toggle-a").click(function() {
var toggleState = $(this).closest("p").attr("data-toggle-state");
var thisCell = $(this).closest("td");
if (toggleState == "less") {
$(this).closest("p").attr("data-toggle-state", "more");
$(this).html("... show less");
else if (toggleState == "more") {
$(this).closest("p").attr("data-toggle-state", "less");
$(this).html("show more ...");
return false;
function selectAllProjects() {
if ($("#project").data(SearchableOptionList.prototype.DATA_KEY)) {
} else {
$("#project option").prop('selected', true)
function invertAllProjects() {
if ($("#project").data(SearchableOptionList.prototype.DATA_KEY)) {
} else {
$("#project option").each(function () {
$(this).prop('selected', !$(this).prop('selected'));
function deselectAllProjects() {
if ($("#project").data(SearchableOptionList.prototype.DATA_KEY)) {
} else {
$("#project option").prop('selected', false)
function clearSearchFrom() {
$("#sbox input[type='text']").each(function () {
$("#type :selected").prop("selected", false);
var scope_visible = 0;
var scope_text = '';
* Fold or unfold a function definition.
function fold(id) {
$('#' + id + '_fold_icon')
$('#' + id + '_fold').toggle('fold');
* Function that is called when the #content div element is scrolled. Checks
* if the top of the page is inside a function scope. If so, update the
* scope element to show the name of the function and a link to its definition.
function scope_on_scroll() {
var cnt = document.getElementById("content");
var y = cnt.getBoundingClientRect().top + 2;
var c = document.elementFromPoint(15, y + 1);
if ($(c).is('.l, .hl')) {
var $par = $(c).closest('.scope-body, .scope-head')
if (!$par.length) {
var $head = $par.hasClass('scope-body') ? $par.prev() : $par;
var $sig = $head.children().first()
if ($.scopesWindow.initialized) {
'id': $head.attr('id'),
'link': $sig.html(),