diff.jsp revision 5feb9d4ec8870e9b3bec8aaaa30632851e99463b
1880N/AThe contents of this file are subject to the terms of the
1880N/ACommon Development and Distribution License (the "License").
1880N/AYou may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
1880N/ASee LICENSE.txt included in this distribution for the specific
1880N/Alanguage governing permissions and limitations under the License.
1880N/AWhen distributing Covered Code, include this CDDL HEADER in each
1880N/Afile and include the License file at LICENSE.txt.
1880N/AIf applicable, add the following below this CDDL HEADER, with the
1880N/Afields enclosed by brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying
1880N/Ainformation: Portions Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
1880N/ACopyright 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
1880N/AUse is subject to license terms.
1880N/Aident "@(#)diff.jsp 1.2 05/12/01 SMI"
1880N/A--%><%@ page import = "javax.servlet.*,
1880N/A%><%@include file="mast.jsp"%><%!
1880N/AString readableLine(int n) {
3661N/A if (n < 10) {
3661N/A return " " + n;
3778N/A } else {
3794N/A return String.valueOf(n);
3778N/A }
3996N/AString[] diffline(String line1, String line2) {
1880N/A int i=0, j=1;
3789N/A int l1 = line1.length();
3789N/A int l2 = line2.length();
3789N/A String[] ret = new String[2];
3789N/A while (i < l1 && i < l2 && (line1.charAt(i) == line2.charAt(i)))
3789N/A i++;
3789N/A while (j < l1 && j < l2 && (line1.charAt(l1 - j) == line2.charAt(l2 - j)))
3789N/A j++;
1880N/A StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(line1);
3794N/A if(i <= l1 - j) {
1880N/A sb.insert(i, "<span class=\"d\">");
3794N/A sb.insert(sb.length()-j+1, "</span>");
1880N/A ret[0] = sb.toString();
1880N/A } else {
1880N/A ret[0] = line1;
1880N/A }
3996N/A if(i <= l2 - j) {
3996N/A sb = new StringBuilder(line2);
3996N/A sb.insert(i, "<span class=\"a\">");
sb.insert(sb.length()-j+1, "</span>");
ret[1] = sb.toString();
} else {
ret[1] = line2;
return ret;
if (valid) {
String r1 = request.getParameter("r1");
String r2 = request.getParameter("r2");
if (r1 == null || r2 == null || r1.equals("") || r2.equals("") || r1.equals(r2) || !r1.matches("^[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)*$") || !r2.matches("^[0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)*$")) {
%><div class="src"><h3 class="error">Error:</h3>
Please pick two revisions to compare the changed from the <a href="<%=context%>/history<%=path%>">history</a>
// Error message ask to choose two versions from History log page with link to it
} else {
Genre g = AnalyzerGuru.getGenre(basename);
if (g == Genre.PLAIN || g == null || g == Genre.DATA || g == Genre.HTML) {
InputStream in1 = null;
InputStream in2 = null;
in1 = HistoryGuru.getInstance().getRevision(resourceFile.getParent(), basename, r1);
in2 = HistoryGuru.getInstance().getRevision(resourceFile.getParent(), basename, r2);
} catch (Exception e) {
%> <h3 class="error">Error opening revisions!</h3> <%
try {
if (in1 != null && in2 != null) {
g = AnalyzerGuru.getGenre(basename);
if (g == null) {
g = AnalyzerGuru.getGenre(in1);
if (g == Genre.IMAGE) {
%> <div id="difftable">
<table rules="cols" cellpadding="5"><tr><th><%=basename%> (revision <%=r1%>)</th><th><%=basename%> (revision <%=r2%>)</th></tr>
<tr><td><img src="<%=context%>/raw<%=path%>?r=<%=r1%>"/></td><td><img src="<%=context%>/raw<%=path%>?r=<%=r2%>"/></td></tr></table></div><%
} else if (g == Genre.PLAIN || g == Genre.HTML) {
//--------Do THE DIFFS------------
ArrayList l1 = new ArrayList();
String line;
BufferedReader reader1 = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in1));
BufferedReader reader2 = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in2));
while ((line = reader1.readLine()) != null) {
ArrayList l2 = new ArrayList();
while ((line = reader2.readLine()) != null) {
Object[] file1 = l1.toArray();
Object[] file2 = l2.toArray();
Revision rev = Diff.diff(file1, file2);
if(rev.size() == 0) {
%><b>No differences found!</b><%
} else {
int ln1 = 0;
int ln2 = 0;
String format = request.getParameter("format");
if(format == null || (!format.equals("o") && !format.equals("n") && !format.equals("u") && !format.equals("t")))
format = "s";
String pfull = request.getParameter("full");
boolean full = pfull != null && pfull.equals("1");
pfull = full ? "1" : "0";
%><div id="difftable"><div id="diffbar"><span class="tabsel">&nbsp;<span class="d"> Deleted </span>&nbsp;<span class="a">&nbsp;Added&nbsp;</span>&nbsp;</span> | <%
if(format.equals("s")) {
%><span class="tabsel"><b>sdiff</b></span> <%
} else {
%><span class="tab"><a href="<%=reqURI%>?r1=<%=r1%>&r2=<%=r2%>&format=s&full=<%=pfull%>">sdiff</a></span> <%
if(format.equals("u")) {
%><span class="tabsel"><b>udiff</b></span> <%
} else {
%><span class="tab"><a href="<%=reqURI%>?r1=<%=r1%>&r2=<%=r2%>&format=u&full=<%=pfull%>">udiff</a></span> <%
if(format.equals("t")) {
%><span class="tabsel"><b>text</b></span> <%
} else {
%><span class="tab"><a href="<%=reqURI%>?r1=<%=r1%>&r2=<%=r2%>&format=t&full=<%=pfull%>">text</a></span> <%
if(format.equals("o")) {
%><span class="tabsel"><b>old (<%=r1%>)</b></span> <%
} else {
%><span class="tab"><a href="<%=reqURI%>?r1=<%=r1%>&r2=<%=r2%>&format=o&full=<%=pfull%>">old (<%=r1%>)</a></span> <%
if(format.equals("n")) {
%><span class="tabsel"><b>new (<%=r2%>)</b></span>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<%
} else {
%><span class="tab"><a href="<%=reqURI%>?r1=<%=r1%>&r2=<%=r2%>&format=n&full=<%=pfull%>">new (<%=r2%>)</a></span>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<%
if(!full) {
%><span class="tab"><a href="<%=reqURI%>?r1=<%=r1%>&r2=<%=r2%>&format=<%=format%>&full=1">&nbsp; &nbsp; full &nbsp; &nbsp;</a></span> <span class="tabsel"><b>compact</b></span><%
} else {
%><span class="tabsel"><b>&nbsp; &nbsp; full &nbsp; &nbsp;</b> </span> <span class="tab"> <a href="<%=reqURI%>?r1=<%=r1%>&r2=<%=r2%>&format=<%=format%>&full=0">compact</a></span><%
if(format.equals("s") || format.equals("u")) {
%></div><pre wrap><table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" border="0" rules="cols"><%
if(format.equals("s")) {
%><tr><th><%=basename%> (<%=r1%>)</th><th><%=basename%> (<%=r2%>)</th></tr><%
} else {
%></div><pre wrap><%
for (int i=0; i < rev.size(); i++) {
Delta d = rev.getDelta(i);
if(format.equals("t")) {
} else {
Chunk c1 = d.getOriginal();
Chunk c2 = d.getRevised();
int cn1 = c1.first();
int cl1 = c1.last();
int cn2 = c2.first();
int cl2 = c2.last();
int i1 = cn1, i2 = cn2;
for (; i1 <= cl1 && i2 <= cl2; i1++, i2++) {
String[] ss = diffline(Util.Htmlize((String)file1[i1]), Util.Htmlize((String)file2[i2]));
file1[i1] = ss[0];
file2[i2] = ss[1];
if(i1 <= cl1) {
for(int h=i1; h<= cl1; h++) {
file1[h] = Util.Htmlize((String)file1[h]);
file1[i1] = "<span class=\"d\">" + file1[i1];
file1[cl1] = file1[cl1] + "</span>";
if(i2 <= cl2) {
for(int h=i2; h<= cl2; h++) {
file2[h] = Util.Htmlize((String)file2[h]);
file2[i2] = "<span class=\"a\">" + file2[i2];
file2[cl2] = file2[cl2] + "</span>";
if (format.equals("u")) {
if (cn1 > ln1 || cn2 > ln2) {
%><tr class="k"><td><%
if (full || (cn2 - ln2 < 20)) {
for (int j = ln2; j < cn2; j++) {
} else {
for (int j = ln2; j < ln2+8; j++) {
%><br/>--- <b><%=cn2 - ln2 - 16%> unchanged lines hidden</b> (<a href="<%=reqURI%>?r1=<%=r1%>&r2=<%=r2%>&format=<%=format%>&full=1#<%=ln2%>">view full</a>) --- <br/><br/><%
ln2 = cn2-8;
for (int j = cn2 - 8; j < cn2; j++) {
ln1 = cn1;
if(cn1 <= cl1) {
%><tr><td class="d"><%
for(int j = cn1; j <= cl1 ; j++) {
%><strike class="d"><%=readableLine(++ln1)%></strike><%=file1[j]%><br/><%
if(cn2 <= cl2) {
%><tr class="k"><td><%
for(int j = cn2; j < cl2; j++) {
%><i class="a"><%=readableLine(++ln2)%></i><%=file2[j]%><br/><%
%><i class="a"><%=readableLine(++ln2)%></i><%=file2[cl2]%><%
if(full) {
%><a name="<%=ln2%>" /><%
// SDIFF by default
} else if(format.equals("s")) {
if (cn1 > ln1 || cn2 > ln2) {
%><tr class="k"><td><%
if(full || cn2 - ln2 < 20) {
for(int j = ln1; j < cn1; j++) {
for(int j = ln2; j < cn2 ; j++) {
} else {
for(int j = ln1; j < ln1+8; j++) {
%><br/>--- <b><%=cn1 - ln1 - 16%> unchanged lines hidden</b> (<a href="<%=reqURI%>?r1=<%=r1%>&r2=<%=r2%>&format=<%=format%>&full=1#<%=ln2%>">view full</a>) --- <br/><br/><%
ln1 = cn1-8;
for (int j = cn1 - 8; j < cn1; j++) {
for (int j = ln2; j < ln2+8; j++) {
%><br/>--- <b><%=cn2 - ln2 - 16%> unchanged lines hidden</b> (<a href="<%=reqURI%>?r1=<%=r1%>&r2=<%=r2%>&format=<%=format%>&full=1#<%=ln2%>">view full</a>) --- <br/><br/><%
ln2 = cn2-8;
for (int j = cn2 - 8; j < cn2; j++) {
%><tr valign="top" class="k"><td><%
for(int j = cn1; j <= cl1; j++) {
for(int j = cn2; j <= cl2; j++) {
%><i><%=readableLine(++ln2)%></i><a name="<%=ln2%>" /></a><%=file2[j]%><br/><%
// OLD -----
} else if ( format.equals("o")) {
if (cn1 > ln1) {
if(full || cn1 - ln1 < 20) {
for(int j = ln1; j < cn1; j++) {
} else {
for(int j = ln1; j < ln1+8; j++) {
%><br/>--- <b><%=cn1 - ln1 - 16%> unchanged lines hidden</b> (<a href="<%=reqURI%>?r1=<%=r1%>&r2=<%=r2%>&format=<%=format%>&full=1#<%=ln1%>">view full</a>) --- <br/><br/><%
ln1 = cn1-8;
for (int j = cn1 - 8; j < cn1; j++) {
for(int j = cn1; j <= cl1 ; j++) {
if(full) {
%><a name="<%=ln1%>" ></a><%
// NEW -----------
} else if ( format.equals("n")) {
if (cn2 > ln2) {
if(full || cn2 - ln2 < 20) {
for(int j = ln2; j < cn2 ; j++) {
} else {
for (int j = ln2; j < ln2+8; j++) {
%><br/>--- <b><%=cn2 - ln2 - 16%> unchanged lines hidden</b> (<a href="<%=reqURI%>?r1=<%=r1%>&r2=<%=r2%>&format=<%=format%>&full=1#<%=ln2%>">view full</a>) --- <br/><br/><%
ln2 = cn2-8;
for (int j = cn2 - 8; j < cn2; j++) {
for(int j = cn2; j <= cl2 ; j++) {
if(full) {
%><a name="<%=ln2%>"></a><%
if (file1.length >= ln1) {
// dump the remaining
if (format.equals("s")) {
if (full || file1.length - ln1 < 20) {
for (int j = ln1; j < file1.length ; j++) {
for (int j = ln2; j < file2.length ; j++) {
} else {
for (int j = ln1; j < ln1 + 8 ; j++) {
%><br/> --- <b><%=file1.length - ln1 - 8%> unchanged lines hidden</b> --- </td><td><%
for (int j = ln2; j < ln2 + 8 ; j++) {
%><br/>--- <b><%=file1.length - ln1 - 8%> unchanged lines hidden</b> ---</td></tr></table><%
} else if (format.equals("u")) {
if (full || file2.length - ln2 < 20) {
for (int j = ln2; j < file2.length ; j++) {
} else {
for (int j = ln2; j < ln2 + 8 ; j++) {
%><br/>--- <b><%=file2.length - ln2 - 8%> unchanged lines hidden</b> ---</td></tr></table><%
} else if (format.equals("o")) {
if (full || file1.length - ln1 < 20) {
for (int j = ln1; j < file1.length ; j++) {
} else {
for (int j = ln1; j < ln1 + 8 ; j++) {
%><br/> --- <b><%=file1.length - ln1 - 8%> unchanged lines hidden</b> ---<br/><%
} else if (format.equals("n")) {
if (full || file2.length - ln2 < 20) {
for (int j = ln2; j < file2.length ; j++) {
} else {
for (int j = ln2; j < ln2 + 8 ; j++) {
%><br/> --- <b><%=file2.length - ln2 - 8%> unchanged lines hidden</b> ---<br/><%
//----DIFFS Done--------
} else {
%> <div id="src">Diffs for binary files cannot be displayed! Files are <a href="<%=context%>/raw<%=path%>?r=<%=r1%>"><%=basename%>(revision <%=r1%>)</a> and
<a href="<%=context%>/raw<%=path%>?r=<%=r2%>"><%=basename%>(revision <%=r2%>)</a>.
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
%><div class="src"><h3 class="error">Error Opening files! <%=Util.Htmlize(e.getMessage())%></h3></div><%
if(in1 != null)
if(in2 != null)
} else if (g == Genre.IMAGE) {
%> <div class="src">
<table rules="cols" cellpadding="5"><tr><th><%=basename%> (revision <%=r1%>)</th><th><%=basename%> (revision <%=r2%>)</th></tr>
<tr><td><img src="<%=context%>/raw<%=path%>?r=<%=r1%>"/></td><td><img src="<%=context%>/raw<%=path%>?r=<%=r2%>"/></td></tr></table></div><%
} else {
%> <div class="src">Diffs for binary files cannot be displayed. Files are <a href="<%=context%>/raw<%=path%>?r=<%=r1%>"><%=basename%>(revision <%=r1%>)</a> and
<a href="<%=context%>/raw<%=path%>?r=<%=r2%>"><%=basename%>(revision <%=r2%>)</a>.
%><%@include file="foot.jsp"%><%